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Comments for the week ending May 29, 2016

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Matthew: Naw, but I'll definitely add it my list (I'm notoriously bad with films -- no lie, I took two film classes in college just to catch up with some classics like Silence of the Lambs and Shakespeare in Love!)
"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Phoenician: Did you ever see They Live? That man definitely knows how to fight.
"Shall we their fond pageant see? Lord, what fools these mortals be!"-Puck

Cinestory Cover: Well now I'm thrilled that I pre-ordered my copy back in February! Man, if we're treated to such a delightful cover (created Young Justice/Gargoyles comic alumns Christopher Jones and Robby Bevard, no less) for a cinestory trade, then fingers crossed the same awesomeness is applied if-and-when we one day get an actual new comic series :)

Tangent: Caught The Nice Guys at the theatre the other day. I was pleasantly surprised to see Keith David as one of the film's villains, and was especially delighted to see that he had a couple of fight scenes, complete with some very familiar sounding impact grunts d:

"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Thanks for the link, Antony.
Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are really good finders

I approve this cover. Looks cool!
Neill - [neillgargoyle(a)gmail dot com]
watch my Demona AMV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNGrg5Wm12E

Anthony> 'Tis purdy!
"Tak does not require us to think of Him, only that we think." ~Grag Bashfull Bashfullson

Cover art for the first Cinestory looks great! ETA 7/12


Anthony Tini

Paul> Metaphoically, yes. Literally...I have almost no tolerance for spice, so I actually get a lot out of food that most other would likely find "bland" or "tasteless."
Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

Everything tastes more bland without Curry, doesn't it? :)
Paul - [nampahcfluap at yahoo dot com]

Well, that was an amusing visual component for again mentioning "a lack of Curry" below.
Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

Aldrius> You know, it was a Sierra-game fan forum that led to the joke about a consistent misspelling of my handle and my typical response of "For the last time, I am NOT obsessed with Kellogg's Raisin Bran!" It's rather amusing that once again talking about Sierra(-inspired) games has led to its return.

I do agree that Jane's games would probably go over well among the Gargoyles fanbase, presuming they're amenable to various forms of graphic adventure games (the three Gabriel Knight games are each done in a different style due to being made during a period of technological and stylistic flux in the industry). Gray Matter has thus far interested me (I'm about three-quarters through), I did like the 20th Anniversary Edition of Gabriel Knight more than you (again, despite the lack of Curry) but pretty much agree with you on Moebius: Empire Rising (though to be fair, I only played the demo and from that made the decision not to purchase).

Indeed, the blending of the real with the fantastical is usually done quite well; I've heard the term "metaphysical thriller" applied to a lot of Jane's work and it's not inaccurate. As to King's Quest, I do tend to find the sixth game, the one Jane worked on, to be the best of the series (though I know a few people who prefer V despite the horrible voice acting...and Cedric). I also agree that the fangame The Silver Lining (they were legally barred from calling it King's Quest IX) is not nearly as impressive as Phoenix Online Studios wanted it to be - mostly because they were clearly looking to make a Jane Jensen game, not a Roberta Williams one.

Anyways, I think a lot of the old Sierra and LucasArts games (among many others) would likely appeal to many members of this fanbase and forum. But for you directly, Aldrius...are you eagerly anticipating the final book of Dreamfall Chapters, Redux?

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

Braniac - I REALLY REALLY liked Grey Matter. I thought that was an excellent game with really cool motifs and the graphics were simplistic but gorgeous. The characters were excellent and the way the game played out was really nice. (I loved the sense memory stuff especially)

I was less enamored with the GK 20th year anniversary game and I really thought Moebius was kind of weak. I don't really like that development team very much they did that KQ9 fan-game which I thought was incredibly pretentious. All the graphics just looked like the Sims and nothing really had very much personality. Though incidentally one of the characters in Moebius was played by Launchpad McQuack.

Especially Gabriel Knight, the original game is SUCH a classic. With such a specific artistic mood and style, and in terms of follow ups I don't think any of them really managed to live up to that visually. Though the story of 2 was very strong and 3 was a fun romp. That 20 minute scene of John de Lancie and Tim Curry talking about grapes and wine is incredible.

The blending of real world history in Gabriel Knight is a lot of fun, and it's something Jane did really well in KQ6 with all the legends as well.

I've always wanted to bring up Jane Jensen's stuff because I thought it'd appeal to this group honestly.


Algernon: I did, along with the second issue of Joe's Book's Darkwing Duck :)

Unfortunately, it looks like this will be the end of Starbrand & Nightmask for now [SPOILER] (with classic a Greg Weisman send-off to boot) [/SPOILER], but I'm gonna try and submit a review to the queue sometime before the TPB comes out. While a short arc, all in all it was great, and that's from someone who never heard of the characters before the series was first announced last year.

Masterdramon: I am very much happy you managed to get the Steve Blum shout-out, man. Made my week d:

"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Masterdramon> Another victory for Equality!

In other news, issue six of Starbrand & Nightmask hit the shelves today. Anyone get a chance to check it out yet?

"Tak does not require us to think of Him, only that we think." ~Grag Bashfull Bashfullson

Masterdramon: Thanks!
B - [brownie2 at buffalo dot edu]

Looks like the Rain of the Ghosts video shout-outs/phone messages have begun to be released to backers.

I know because I just got mine. And it pretty much roxored my entire day. :D

Couldn't keep something so glorious from the rest of the world, so...


Enjoy! I know I did, LOL.

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Come on. Just say yes." - Jasper

...withOUT Tim Curry, I meant.

<looks over at avatar image>

I may have a slight problem.

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

Paul> Indeed, the closure of her Pinkerton Road forum saddened me, though I never took up a presence upon it. Still, I hope to one day enjoy Gray Matter 2 and, if the King's Quest reboot does extremely well, perhaps Gabriel Knight 4 is not beyond the pale (I did enjoy the 20th Anniversary edition of the original game, even with Tim Curry as the lead).

Speaking of games and Gargoyles...or rather Gargoyles' rights holder...


...please, Disney. Take his offer. What are you going to do with Monkey Island when you've got Pirates of the Caribbean?

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

Brainiac: I certainly enjoyed Gray Matter, and if my experience with adventure games is anything to go by, I probably will again.

But then, I like Jane Jensen's work in general: King's Quest VI, Gabriel Knight... I think it's unfortunate that she isn't planning to make more games, and that there doesn't seem to be much demand for games of a more intellectual type. More than any other games, hers inspire me to ask questions.

In that regard, I think Jane Jensen's work has quite a bit in common with Greg Weisman's.

Paul - [nampahcfluap at yahoo dot com]

Green Lantern's Nightlight: Oh, I remember that episode. I was thinking that too.
B - [brownie2 at buffalo dot edu]

B: Well, writers (like Eugene Son) get funny when you suggest things. But in that case they're giving entire story ideas, when the writers can't legally take them (it also burns their eyes upon seeing anything suggested).

Masterdramon: I know when Velma was giving the backstory on gargoyles, I was like, "Yeah, I know all about them." LOL.

Green Lantern's Nightlight

Masterdramon: It makes it weird to see gargoyles depicted as demons in Final Fantasy games and elsewhere.
B - [brownie2 at buffalo dot edu]

I dunno if this counts, but being a Gargoyles fan certainly made me do a double-take when I heard Jim Cummings read the following line in the most recent Scooby cartoon, Be Cool, Scooby-Doo!:

"Yes, it appears these Hollywood interlopers have incurred the wrath of the Gargoyles! What more do these heathens require to understand their raucus presence is not welcome here?! Muahahaha!"

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Come on. Just say yes." - Jasper

BRAINIAC - I'm not sure that this is an exact answer to your question, but the part in "Great Expectations" where Magwitch's fellow-convict turns out to be the guy who left Miss Havisham standing at the altar all those years ago feels to me a lot like those "everything's connected to everything else" moments in "Gargoyles" (especially the revelations in "Vendettas" that a) the motorcyclist from "Awakening Part Three", Cyberbiotics guard on board the airship in "Awakening Part Four", and security guard for Gen-U-Tech in "The Cage" were all the same guy and b) Wolf is Hakon's descendant).
Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are really good finders

I wouldn't want to interfere with his creative process; and rights are trickier for writers incorporating whole plot ideas.
B - [brownie2 at buffalo dot edu]

B: It's cool that you got Grace Park to include an idea you suggested. Something more people should do, like Greg Weisman. LOL.
Green Lantern's Nightlight

Green Lantern's Nightlight: Right, I didn't think you were.

Algernon84: And some who joined the New Olympian Clan probably came from at least North Africa.

B - [brownie2 at buffalo dot edu]

And I have asked general questions about Ask Greg that no one could be bothered to answer (except for anonymous person who was trying to be funny).
Green Lantern's Nightlight

I'm a he, and I wasn't insulting (you) B when saying "screwed up."

And to set the record straight anything I do bring up is more of an inquiry than a complaint. I mean, I did kinda complain about a few weeks back, but I think it was taken as me nagging when i was just questioning it because it seemed kinda meaningless in a lifeless room that wasn't making it any more livelier. I know questioning things (that probably don't need answering, especially for long time contributers, may be annoying), but it's what I do, y'know? If questions were bad, Ask Greg wouldn't even exist.

Green Lantern's Nightlight

B> Lack of surviving clans in Africa makes some sense when you consider it's the continent humanity's been on longest.
"Tak does not require us to think of Him, only that we think." ~Grag Bashfull Bashfullson

Please don't fight, guys. I didn't think Green Lantern's Nightlight attacking me or being serious when he/she used the term "screwed up" (at least, I hope not). Lots of places have a "first" tradition, but I didn't know about the countdown. Anyways, most mythology makes me wonder how it played out in the Gargoyles universe. I've read a lot of African-inspired fantasy and scifi recently, though, as I'm studying under Prof. Nnedi Okorafor, and it stands out for to me (as it already did) that there aren't any Africa-based gargoyle clans in the future Gargoyle Nation despite the size and diversity of the continent.
B - [brownie2 at buffalo dot edu]

That's why in the past nobody has posted anything of anything substanstial until the countdown (or count-up) is finished.
Green Lantern's Nightlight

Brainiac: My complaints (in this week's comments room) were never to get it removed, I just didn't know the full extent of the "rules". I thought post 3 had to have the "three" included somewhere, post 4 had to have "four" in somewhere (and, you must admit, it is just easier that way). Sorry for making a fuss, but I just was following what I had to follow, which turned out to not be as strict as I thought.

It's your guys fault. :P

Green Lantern's Nightlight

Brainiac> Weirdly enough, I do actually tend to subconsciously filter most mythology and public fiction through a lens of "What if this was set in the _Gargoyles_ universe?"

Most obvious culprit for me is probably Bram Stoker's _Dracula_. I know this surprises absolutely no one who knows me but something about the novel and its mythos really feels like it could slide into Greg's continuity seamlessly.

It has a great female heroine in the form of Mina Harker. It's also and early example of fiction playing with the interplay of science and sorcery in a metropolitan setting. Van Helsing and co. battle the Count with (at the time) cutting edge science like blood transfusions and phonographs as much as with garlic and crucifixes.

"Tak does not require us to think of Him, only that we think." ~Grag Bashfull Bashfullson

GLN> "Seeing as nobody cares what the heck is happening to the countdown..."

I do, and I'm not Odysseus trying to deceive a cyclops, thank you very much.

Matthew, Phoenician, and the rest did what typically happens (at least as far back as my experience around here goes) concerning the count, ignoring any repeat posters and continuing with the next number from there. In addition, B contributed as expected as well with the use of second in the first post made. I thought B was dead-on for an ostensible first-timer. The only one who accused B of screwing up the count...was you. And the only one who actually contributed an incorrect number...was you.

I get you don't like the count. I imagine most of us around here do by now. But I think you need to admit that you're most likely in the minority there. Even if it does drag at times, it's a classic bit of camaraderie in this space and I very much doubt it's going away any time soon.

Now then, how about something a touch more on-point? I've been playing a game from a few years ago recently, Gray Matter. Being set in Oxford, there are quite a few little nods to famous literary works like Alice in Wonderland, alongside the occasional mentions of London and, of course, actual gargoyles. As such, tidbits of Gargoyles pop up into my memory for reasons wholly unintended by the game's developers. It certainly adds another layer of enjoyment for me, but what about everyone else's experiences? Has another work ever reminded you of Gargoyles or another Weisman work in an unexpected or indirect fashion? Does that help or hinder said "another work" for you?

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Narasimha, Vamana, Parashurama, Rama, Krishna, Buddha and Kalki.

Nine? Hmmm...lesse...

Jack Slash, Bonesaw, Siberian, Crawler, Mannequin, Burnscar, Cherish, Shatterbird, and...well, they were down a member when they came to Brockton Bay, so I'll include Hookwolf too.

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Come on. Just say yes." - Jasper

Green Lantern's Nightlight: Thanks; someone on the old Syfy forum for Battlestar Galactica years ago posted names they'd dreamt up for a pop group made up of Number Eight Cylons and "Don't Eight Me" is the one I remember.

Speaking of, Grace Park actually responded to and incorporated my idea from a forum Q&A to have Athena sing the same lullaby to Hera that Boomer had to the Raider.

B - [brownie2 at buffalo dot edu]

Vinnie - [tpeano29 at hotmail dot com]

B: I like your use of eight. ;)
Green Lantern's Nightlight

Seeing as nobody cares what the heck is happening to the countdown, I'll just say it's okay B, I was only going along with it because it was how things are done. I remember when I was first in the comments room and I and someone else didn't do a number, only for someone else do both of the numbers we missed as well as his/her own. Apparently the same couldn't be done here, therefore ruining the flow.
Green Lantern's Nightlight

The Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn.
Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are really good finders

"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Sorry, I'm new and didn't realize there was a countdown. At least my making two posts kind of fits with two. Don't "eight" me; it won't happen again.
B - [brownie2 at buffalo dot edu]

B screwed up the countdown. I'm going with what it should be.

The 7D.

Unfortunately that show got cancelled recently.

Green Lantern's Nightlight

No doubt the Metal Slime from Dragon Quest would confuzzle Adventure Time's elemental system.
B - [brownie2 at buffalo dot edu]

Slime, Fire, Candy, Ice.
"Tak does not require us to think of Him, only that we think." ~Grag Bashfull Bashfullson

So since the last two posts are from the same person I guess that makes me Third.
"Shall we their fond pageant see? Lord, what fools these mortals be!"-Puck

I love the music in that My Little Pony video Vinnie posted in the last comment yesterday (which my keyboard/fingers wanted to call 'yeasterday' just now).
B - [brownie2 at buffalo dot edu]

Done. I waited for another poster to go before posting the second, so there'd be a gap in between. And I used the term "stole children" because technically the inhuman child is the changeling.
B - [brownie2 at buffalo dot edu]

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!