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Comments for the week ending July 14, 2019

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Last but not least!
Vinnie - [thomaspeano at yahoo dot com]
Deplorable and loving it!

In the latest episode, the most interesting thing to me about the characters based on/named after the [SPOILER] Newsboy Legion was that they clearly weren't just Scooby Doo expies, but specifically Scooby Doo! Mystery Incorporated expies. Hence the sheriff being a Patrick Warburton impression, Thomas Thompkins being the mayor, Tommi being the mayor's kid, and the general character designs of both the sheriff and mayor. Waaaaaay too on-the-nose to be a coincidence.

But considering the heavy involvement of Greg's old partner Vic Cook in that particular iteration of our favorite mystery-solving teens, it's no real surprise they'd get a fun nod. [/SPOILER]

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"If you have love in your life, then you must keep on living!" - Juvia Lockser

So here it is, my thoughts on Season 3 episode 17 "First Impression"
[SPOILER] Not much to this episode, but it is interesting to see Intergang up and running again, looks like those coma-inducing darts used by Sportsmaster wore off on Whisper and Ugly. Though for a second I was worried that the League set this up as a way to boost the young heroes in the eyes of the public, especially after we found out Kaldur purposefully threw the fight. Glad to know that wasn't the case.

So the new public team is going to be called the Outsiders, I didn't expect them to use the Titans title but I thought that they would use that for their covert team. As much as I admire Beast Boy's courage in the matter, there's something important that he's forgetting. It's hard work to build up a good reputation but super easy to tear it down. Hollywood's taught us that all it takes is one good scandal to permanently destroy someone's career, and our heroes have a lot to hide and even more to lose. Considering the series' recurring theme of secrets and lies, all it takes is one of those getting out and the Outsider's PR image is bound to plummet.

Cool that they have a brand new lair. Any bets on how long this one will last? Seriously though, I almost wonder if this used to be the HQ of the Doom Patrol.

Now I get why Halo, Terra and Forager would want to stay out of the spotlight. But I'm curious why 13 would also want to avoid it. Traci doesn't really have an issue with secret identities in the comics so I'm curious what the deal is here.

So we still know Terra's working with Deathstroke and feeding him information, to what end though? Well there's still been no hints, I think it has something to do with her decision to stay covert though. But going off of her interactions with Lian, I'm wondering if the seeds of doubt have been planted.

So final thoughts. Lagoon Boy seems to be working solely in Atlantis now, considering how poorly things went for him on the surface, can't say I blame him. I thought those girls seemed familiar, and not just because they're channeling the gang from Scooby Doo. Turns out they're a gender-swapped version of the Newsboy Legion. Troy Baker sounds like he was doing a Patrick Warburton impression as the sheriff. And seeing Joan in the hospital reminded me way too much of my Grandmother's death for comfort. [/SPOILER]

Insert Inspirational Quote Here:________


First rule of offensive magic...know your exact AOE range.
Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

That makes sense. It also explains why the Magus would use the "sleep until the castle rises" spell rather than the "stone by night until the sky burns" spell, even though both would have the same practical effect on the gargoyles; he didn't want any humans to be affected.
Paul - [nampahcfluap at yahoo dot com]

While "you need to see and hear magic for it to (directly) affect you" is a rule of sorcery in the Gargoyles Universe, that doesn't inherently mean that every spell will affect everyone who both sees and hears it.

After all, the spell from "City of Stone" actually included the words "All who see this, all who hear this..." in the incantation. Not sure why that'd be necessary if it's implied, simply by nature of being a spell.

In all likelihood, there are a number of spells which have requirements for selecting their "targets," on top of seeing and hearing the caster. For the Sleep Spell, the Magus seems to use gestures to create a circle of magic mist around the gargoyles, which is presumably "marking" what he chose to affect.

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"If you have love in your life, then you must keep on living!" - Juvia Lockser


I didn't see anything about this in the Ask Greg archives, so I'll ask it here.

When Tom saw and heard the Magus casting the sleeping spell in "Awakening, Part Two," why didn't he fall asleep too?

Paul - [nampahcfluap at yahoo dot com]

Perfect sixth, once again.
Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

(5th)Fifth Forever!!!!!
Vinnie - [thomaspeano at yahoo dot com]
Deplorable and loving it!

Matt - [Saint Charles, Missouri, USA]
"For SCIENCE, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward." - Sevarius



Thanks for the YJ reviews, Matthew. They make for interesting reading.

Business as usual

Instead of giving a count, I'm giving my thoughts on Season 3 episode 16 "Illusion of Control
[SPOILER] Thanksgiving again and this time Conner's actually present. Poor Virgil, he really needs a girlfriend.
Speaking of which, this is a really relationship heavy episode but it also heavily touches on loneliness. From Vic's loneliness (which I interpret as him starting to realize he won't get his old body and his old life back). Halo becoming increasingly distant due to Gabrielle's role in the assassination of Brion and Tara's parents. To Windfall's purposeful isolation after last episode's incident. Combating this loneliness is why I feel that Garfield is going to start taking himself and other meta-teens into the spotlight, maybe form this universe's Titans. Because with all the dark, covert goings-on people are really in need of some form of hope.

And then there's the case of what looks like Artemis and Will's relationship, or at least on the surface that is. They've been doing the "significant look" thing towards each other for a while now and now Paula herself is hinting that the two should be a couple. My take however? It wasn't too long ago that Cheshire told Will that she wasn't coming back and Wally's birthday wasn't too long ago either. Both things have got to be weighing in on their minds. If they do end up pursuing a relationship it wouldn't surprise me that in a moment of intimacy they both realize their using the other to try to fill some emptiness in their lives. Especially Artemis who sees the life she and Wally briefly had before she returned to heroics.

Which reminds me. Apparently Paula wasn't aware that Artemis is back in the gig. And I can understand why she isn't happy, putting aside the fact that she was legally dead and it undoubtedly took some time to fix that up. But her decision put a lot of people, including her own mother, through hell and that case of secrets and lies once again rearing its ugly head. Interesting that Paula knows and Barbara's paralysis though. Can't help but wonder if Paula might've helped her in that regard.

And finally, the battle with Onslaught was particularly clever. I knew something was off when the "vertigo ripples" weren't being shown when "Count Vertigo" used his powers. It was only on my second viewing that I realized they were using the telepathic power noise. It seems that Psimon has definitely improved his psychic game, and they villains don't level grind. The heroes fighting against the illusions really reminded me of Spidey's fight against Mysterio. [/SPOILER]

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