I wouldn't read too much into it. It's fun to extrapolate the events into real world science and such, but at the end of a day it's a TV show. The ultimate answer to "why wasn't this addressed in the series" is "because it wasn't interesting." If Greg and Co. had a story to tell about gargoyles being weakened during short days (maybe one set in polar regions), then they'd tell it, but they're not going to delve into such fine details just for the heck of it. Greg said in his "Grief" ramble that he'd let his desire to get the "gargoyles age half as fast as humans" detail into canon override story logic, and it kind of shows. The way it works into the story is kind of contrived.
Jurgan - [jurgan6 at yahoo dot com]
posted @ Sun, Jan 5, 2020 3:14:10 pm EST from