Hi folks me again!
Just to let you all know tomorrow I'll be getting my chance to meet Frank Welker at Liverpool Comic Con, as Darth Vader said himself "This will be a day long remembered". I also just won a Gargoyles graphic novel off eBay for only £4.50, not sure how much that is in US dollars. I believe this is the Marvel comics from the 90's all combined into one. I'm aware these are not canon, but it's a big deal for someone like me cause finding any Gargoyles merchandise in the UK is very limited. Who knows maybe I might get Clan Building and Bad Buys as well someday, if I look hard enough.
Anyway I'll keep this short, I don't want to hassle anyone's time here.
See you all soon,
Jamie Spilsbury - [jamiespilsbury117 at hotmail dot com]
posted @ Sat, Mar 7, 2020 2:29:26 pm EST from