Oh sure, sorry, I might've been unclear - the part I like is that, even though they are all definitely regressing like you say, I think it's notable that Artemis, even though she was pretty standoffish and determined to prove that she was tough and independent and all at first, still goes with M'gann when the group is splitting up rather than heading off on her own out of some belief that being capable is the same thing as being completely self-sufficient, not needing or wanting to work with anyone else. It makes the regression feel like it's there, without setting everyone all the way back to square 1.
Huh, interesting. You're right it doesn't feel like a Light plot - but then again, the impression I always got from the Light's network of villains is that 90% of them don't know they're in that kind of network. I mean to say, it always felt to me like there's the Light at the top, then their various subordinates like Sportsmaster, Psimon, Manta, who know the Light exist and work for them as a whole, then tiers of subordinates who either work for a specific member without knowing the rest of the Light exists (like the various Shadows and probably Onslaught) or who are independent villains who trade favors back and forth with villains in the know about the Light, who get involved because that guy Icicle Sr asked for a no-questions-asked bit of help on some scheme and they agreed so that he'll help them with their own thing later. So most of the villains consider themselves independent, come up with most of their plans independently, but can still be pulled in by a Light underling when it would help with a plan, without it seeming like a deviation from the normal quid-pro-quos villains usually do for each other. And while the Light are smart, they probably don't keep an especially close eye on every villain's every scheme - they've got stuff to do! - so Morrow-droid could've come up with the extinction event plan all on his own and gotten as far as he did without them cottoning on, if they thought it was just his average killer-robot plans. It's a theory, anyways.
Karrin Blue
posted @ Sun, Feb 7, 2021 10:45:50 pm EST from