Makes sense. That kind of money can match all the power of Olympus.
Ain't nothing crazy 'bout me but my brain!
posted @ Sun, Sep 25, 2022 1:07:30 pm EDT from
A Station Eight Fan Web Site
Makes sense. That kind of money can match all the power of Olympus.
Ain't nothing crazy 'bout me but my brain!
posted @ Sun, Sep 25, 2022 1:07:30 pm EDT from
Disney Standards and Practices.
Todd Jensen
posted @ Sun, Sep 25, 2022 8:17:24 am EDT from
I wonder what kind of "literary economy" was used to portray Zeus as a loving husband lol.
Ain't nothing crazy 'bout me but my brain!
posted @ Sat, Sep 24, 2022 11:11:28 pm EDT from
Fusing Fenris with Skoll could be justified as "literary economy" - and the "Hercules" movie had similarly fused the Titans with the Giants/Gigantes (not to mention the Fates with the Graiae, as Matthew pointed out).
Todd Jensen
posted @ Sat, Sep 24, 2022 8:59:49 pm EDT from
I think the first pitch is pretty similar to an episode of Hercules they did with an Aladdin crossover that they wound up doing. (Written by Bob Roth & Bill Motz -- who are two of my favourite animation writers)
Alex (or Aldrius)
Check out my anime podcast "Two Gays One Episode" on Spotify or YouTube!
posted @ Sat, Sep 24, 2022 6:36:20 pm EDT from
Of course in the Hercules setting the Fates are also modeled on the Graeae, so I guess they're doing triple duty.
Ain't nothing crazy 'bout me but my brain!
posted @ Sat, Sep 24, 2022 2:13:38 pm EDT from
"(you just know that, if that episode had been made, there'd have to have been a mention of Pompeii somewhere in it)."
The great god Vulcan must be enraged. It's so volcanic! ;)
"And the Greek Fates pulling double duty as the Norn."
As they do in Gargoyles, by Word of Weisman.
But seriously, they mixed up Fenris with Skoll? That would have stood out to me, too. My introduction to Norse mythology was a big book of it in the playroom in kindergarten.
posted @ Sat, Sep 24, 2022 10:20:25 am EDT from
I remember far more from Animaniacs than the Hercules series. I remember watching the Nativity skit they did, that along with the time they met Abraham Lincoln they traded their usual slapstick for more friendlier zaniness.
But I do remember that episode of Hercules when he visits the Norse pantheon, that might've been my introduction to that mythology. Funny the things that stick with you, like how they mixed up Fenris with Skoll. And the Greek Fates pulling double duty as the Norn.
Ain't nothing crazy 'bout me but my brain!
posted @ Sat, Sep 24, 2022 7:09:04 am EDT from
KARRIN BLUE - I enjoyed reading Greg's Hercules pitches as well. I wonder whether the first one, featuring Samson, was never made because of worries over the potential controversy of including Biblical characters, though I recall that "Pinky and the Brain" did an episode also featuring Samson, Delilah, and even the jawbone of an ass around the same time. ("Animaniacs" and its spin-offs might have felt more at home with such concepts; I also recall episodes featuring Adam and Eve, Noah, and even the Nativity, with the Warners playing the part of the shepherds and Little Drummer Boy combined.) It wouldn't have been the first such crossover, at least, given that they had Hercules encounter the Norse gods in one episode and a few Egyptian gods led by Ra in another (not to mention the "Aladdin" episode where Hades and Jafar teamed up). And we get the original Goliath, at that (who seems to have come a bit after Samson's time, in fact - but then, the "Hercules" series often engaged in that kind of anachronistic blends; I remember appearances from many figures from classical Greece, such as Pericles, Herodotus, and Alexander the Great, alongside the figures from Greek myth).
I found the pitch for the second episode fun as well, with Cassandra getting a Pollyanna-type sister, and Hephaestus almost bringing about a major volcanic eruption (you just know that, if that episode had been made, there'd have to have been a mention of Pompeii somewhere in it).
Todd Jensen
posted @ Fri, Sep 23, 2022 8:59:59 pm EDT from
It's also worth pointing out that Wally named his daughter after his aunt because of the close bond he had with her (closer than his actual mother). And Jai (and variations of that) are common names across Asia as well. So not only is he named after the "founder" of the Flash family, but it's also a connection to his Korean-American heritage from his mother's side.
Ain't nothing crazy 'bout me but my brain!
posted @ Fri, Sep 23, 2022 6:55:40 pm EDT from
That's not a Flash family trait, that's a general comics uncreativity trait and retconning. The two Wallys only happened in the first place because of the mess of trying to replace Wally with a new character then have both. And yes, there are certainly in character reasons why someone might name their kid after someone else in their family - but that doesn't mean that someone choosing not to name their kid Junior needs to be explained or is a plothole. People just do that! Maybe Don just liked the name Bartholomew, or wanted to name his kid something similar to his dad without being the exact same thing - or heck, maybe his wife wanted to name him in honor of someone she cared about. All those things happen, and it's entirely reasonable for an author to go with the name that was written on Barry's actual tombstone.
And yeah, people are probably more familiar with the Arrowverse, especially whoever keeps adding questions about how something is the case there, so why isn't it the case in YJ, but while it's annoying enough when people get confused that an adaptation didn't keep something from the source comics, I truly do not get people who get confused something wasn't kept from a completely different adaptation.
Also, I liked the Hercules pitch! It's a pity it never got made, but the synopsis sounds like it would've been fun.
Karrin Blue
posted @ Fri, Sep 23, 2022 1:22:12 pm EDT from
A lot of people are familiar with the Arrowverse Flash now, where his full first name is definitely Bartholomew.
posted @ Fri, Sep 23, 2022 10:59:26 am EDT from
Karrin & Matthew, believe me I understand where you both are coming from. But for this particular group (the Flash family), naming one's offspring seems to ALWAYS be like grabbing a name from the family tree and calling it a day. Wally named his kids in the comics after Jay Garrick and his aunt Iris, Wally and Wallace (the third Kid Flash) were retroactively named after a shared grandfather, and Bart was named after Barry.
(Notice how I didn't bring up Greg saying Jay wasn't short for something--because that would make Wally naming his son Jai a lot more sense, as opposed to some variation of "Jason".)
And even if you forgo all of that, on Earth-16, it does make a lot of sense for Bart to be named after Barry. Don and Dawn [SPOILER] grew up in a timeline where their father was killed by Neutron, so they never actually got the chance to know him. Just know ABOUT him. And if these two young speedsters were to grow up and become heroes themselves (not officially canon as far as we know, but it makes sense they would want to oppose the Reach), when it came time for Don to name Bart, why would he name him that if it WASN'T in Barry's memory? [/SPOILER].
Sorry for the weird naming rant, by the way! I'm a Flash Fam geek, obviously, so it just rubbed me the wrong way initially when Greg was asked about it. I get its honestly not that big of a deal.
TL,DR - Yes you both are right in the general sense but it does kinda make sense for the Flash fam because they've seemingly ALWAYS been doing this for naming.
posted @ Fri, Sep 23, 2022 7:01:09 am EDT from
And in some countries, it's fairly normal to have family members with variations of the same name.
Ain't nothing crazy 'bout me but my brain!
posted @ Thu, Sep 22, 2022 11:04:54 pm EDT from
Bart could just have his own name, though? A family can have a great-great-grandmother Mary and a kid named Marissa without Granny Mary having actually also been a Marissa. The comics fixation on making every next-gen character a Junior or a The Second has always been weird to me - that CAN be a good choice (like Mayday Parker) but often it just comes off as 'we didn't want to come up with another name and this is a quick shortcut to broadcast that a character is a legacy.'
Karrin Blue
posted @ Thu, Sep 22, 2022 7:34:11 pm EDT from
Karrin, I get what you mean, but I'll admit I did have a knee-jerk reaction to Greg saying Barry's name probably isn't short for anything because if thats the case, why was Bart nicknamed Bart if it wasn't short for Bartholomew? It's kind of like naming someone Bob and then having another family member named Robbie and only Robbie is short for Robert.
posted @ Thu, Sep 22, 2022 4:38:09 pm EDT from
It's always a bit funny to me that the writers at DC just kind of forgot that 'Barry' is a normal, complete first name, not a nickname. Just because when it got Anglicised it looked like a diminutive doesn't mean it actually is.
Karrin Blue
posted @ Thu, Sep 22, 2022 1:43:17 pm EDT from
As an addition to my post last week about Dark Matter, I should mention that there's a Shakespearean name in the mix as the "real name" of Two (the leader of the main characters) is Portia. And another literary reference in the first two episodes; an important background character is named Hrothgar, as in Beowulf.
posted @ Tue, Sep 20, 2022 10:28:40 pm EDT from
Petitions are all well and good but the sad fact is that signatures alone aren't going to get a show renewed. This is one of those cases where support through your wallets makes the biggest impact. And maybe if someone got the higher-ups at WB Discovery to treat their properties with more respect.
Ain't nothing crazy 'bout me but my brain!
posted @ Tue, Sep 20, 2022 6:03:29 pm EDT from
Save Young Justice
John Paul Gontor - [jrgontor at gmail dot com]
John Paul gontor
posted @ Mon, Sep 19, 2022 8:14:37 pm EDT from
Decided to take a look through the unanswered questions and see how close my own is to being answered.
Shouldn't have done that. There are so many ahead of mine. It'll probably be answered some time next year.
Ain't nothing crazy 'bout me but my brain!
posted @ Mon, Sep 19, 2022 7:01:22 pm EDT from
Thanks Todd for sharing the new page art last week (I've linked it again below in case anyone missed it).
Just thought it would be nice to post to welcome George Kambadais to working on 'Gargoyles'!
Before the announcement, there were so many talented people from the past who I had expected/hoped for based on their terrific work in the past - Christopher Jones, Karine, Greg Guler plus of course Robby on colours as he absolutely smashed Clan Building 2. I'll still cross my fingers to see any and all these brilliant people on spin-offs but it makes perfect sense for Dynamite to choose an artist they're comfortable with and perhaps someone who has cachet and a recent track record that will bring attention to the book.
On first impressions, it looks like they've done a great job. I'm so impressed by the energy on those preview pages, both from the lines and the colours - it's incredibly kinetic in a way that can be hard to pull off but works marvellously. The characters all feel faithful to the models although also sensibly streamlined in a way that hopefully will make it manageable to meet a monthly schedule. And although these pages don't give too much of an insight into the quieter, interpersonal scenes, the characters feel charismatic - Matt and Elisa are so Matt and Elisa in that scene and I love Broadway's expression. The art style is distinctive but not in a way that's distracting and the colours really get that the New York of 'Gargoyles' is a bright and vibrant city, not a gothic gloomfest.
All things considered, I'm surprised and relieved that it looks like we're going to be in really good hands with a very talented new artist indeed. It's early days, but it feels like we've really landed on our taloned feet.
On the off-chance George Kambadais ever visits S8 and even if he doesn't, a big welcome to 'Gargoyles'.
Can't wait for December.
posted @ Mon, Sep 19, 2022 3:51:01 am EDT from