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Comments for the week ending March 19, 2023

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Oh, the other thing I meant to mention was Terra's reverse betrayal of Slade by not telling him what's going on. She's a wild card at this point.

Metron being based on Spock makes sense on the level of appearance and affect, but they have very different roles in the story AFAIK. I'm not much of a Star Trek fan.

Jurgan - [jurgan6 at yahoo dot com]

Harper and Cullen Row appeared in the Wayne Family Adventures webcomic not too long ago, and are currently among the main characters of the new live-action Gotham Knights show on The CW that premiered last Wednesday. It'll be interesting to see where that show will take them.

"Quiet Conversations" might be the second best episode of the season after "Evolution" and even then it's still a bit of a toss up.

This is a pretty drama-packed episode. Kaldur is feeling the pressure of being part of the Anti-Light. M'gann is doing her best to get Harper to speak up so she and her brother can escape from an abusive household. Vic is finally free of the Father Box's influence and can at least part on amicable terms with his dad. And Violet comes forward to Madia and Samad; when I did my review on this episode I actually found a great quote from the Quran about reconciliation which is a big part of this episode. There's still some conundrum involving Violet and Gabrielle, but I'll some up mine and several chat members thoughts closer to the end of the season.

BTW, Jack Kirby based Metron after Spock from Star Trek.

Ain't nothing crazy 'bout me but my brain!

Huh, just thought of something. A lot of Jack Kirby's Fourth World concepts seemed to reflect his views on society and recent political history, I wonder if amoral scientist Metron was based on Werner von Braun?
Jurgan - [jurgan6 at yahoo dot com]

Clark rejected the idea of being Conner's father when Bruce et al expected him to take up the role, but after he stopped avoiding Conner starting at the end of the Season 1 finale, he was open to a fraternal relationship.

Jurgan> Wyynde's previous appearance was in the tie-in comic set during Season 1, rather than the show itself.

We first heard Superman refer to Superboy as "little brother" in Season 2, when he and the other League members who'd been controlled on Rimbor said their goodbyes as they departed to stand trial.


So, what's the next episode? "Quiet Conversations?" Sounds like a nice breather episode, something light and fluffy.

*22 minutes later*


Young Justice 3x20: Quiet Conversations

So, this is "the domestic violence episode," I suppose. We see Harper going through an intense therapy session with Megan. Harper is a realistically jaded teen who knows the rules and doesn't want to confess anything that will land them in the foster care system. Megan hits on the very real fear of "you are afraid you won't be able to protect him." Fortunately, she eventually gets through and takes them both in. At first, I was thinking that meant they would be living with a bunch of meta-teens, but then I remembered all of them moved to the... what is the Outsiders' base called? "The Premiere Building?" Don't remember hearing that, but I trust the wiki. And we end with a hotline for abused teens to call. Harper's subplot is one that could easily be excised as it has nothing to do with the main story, but it shows that this is a show about people, not just superheroics. It also shows that Harper's cheating was acting out from abuse rather than "bisexuals are promiscuous." BTW Harper kisses some guy the wiki says is called Wyynde. I don't remember him at all, but it says he was in previous seasons and will do more in the near future. (Rapidly closes wiki to avoid spoilers.)

We finally call a wrap on Vic's anger issues in this ep. Vic screaming at the top of his lungs every time he sees his father was getting old. We meet a bunch of New Genesis characters, including Beautiful Dreamer (just Dreamer in this show- they've cut out several of the gendered signifiers, like not having Barda traipse around in her underwear). And we meet Mr. "True Neutral," Metron. Science above all else, I know in the comics he dealt with Darkseid to get materials to build his Mobius Chair. Attacking him will have repercussions, I'm sure.

Conner asks Superman to be his best man, that's cute. He also refers to him as "brother," which I didn't realize. I know an early episode had Bruce and Clark discuss him as basically the equivalent of Robin, which is sort of a son/partner role.

Oh right, the other thing was Violet talking to Gabrielle's parents. It's rough, but at least her mom eventually accepts what she is told. Of course, I fully expect something to save Violet, perhaps the trick they did with Vic can be adapted to work on her as well.

Jurgan - [jurgan6 at yahoo dot com]

"Zatanna didn't exactly trap him, just transported the both of them into the Tower of Fate. It's easy to miss but the first time Klarion tries to teleport out he ends up at the Bell Tower which acts as an exit to the tower. He didn't realize the exit was literally behind him because focus and awareness isn't his forte."

It reads as him being trapped as he frantically searches for the exit- shades of Mace Malone. For some reason his teleportation power doesn't allow him to just blink back to where he left. Is it that you can only leave the Tower at a certain point, even if you have magic?

"One thing I would heavily encourage to those who want to adapt Batman in other media, don't make him as bad as he can be from the comics."

It's especially rough when he's a supporting character and we can't see his inner conflict. The Dark Knight trilogy had Batman get up to some seriously unethical behavior but we saw him deal with the implications so it was more sympathetic. He was also more at the street crime level rather than the global threats "General Batman" is dealing with. Batman is almost an antagonist in this show.

"I've found that hunting iconography and indeed all words associated with hunting generally have negative connotations in animated media. I blame this on Bambi."

If we go way back (pre-animation), the oldest counter-example is Cain the farmer killing Abel the hunter. I've heard it theorized that that was meant to represent agrarian societies supplanting hunter-gatherer groups.

And yes, Todd, that partridge scene is horrifying.

Jurgan - [jurgan6 at yahoo dot com]

MATTHEW - Yes, "Bambi" probably played a major role. (Before that, we had the Queen's Huntsman in "Snow White", but he's a good-hearted man who can't bring himself to kill Snow White and spares her life.) I might have mentioned this before, but while the death of Bambi's mother has gotten the big publicity, there's another scene in it that hasn't been mentioned as often, that has its own nightmarish quality. During the first hunt, when the animals are all hiding, a bird (a partridge, I recall) gets more and more panicky until she can't take it any longer, flies up out into the open, and is immediately shot.
Todd Jensen

Thanks Todd and B.

Todd> I've found that hunting iconography and indeed all words associated with hunting generally have negative connotations in animated media. I blame this on Bambi.

"Elder Wisdom" is a fascinating episode for a few reasons. For starters, this marks the first time Luthor's pride has gotten the best of him and his position is weaker because of it. The other part is the conflict between the younger heroes and their guardians. Both sides offer some good points both about the dangers involved and how necessary it is for today's youth to know someone's looking out for them.

The Anti-Light is now faking crises in order to prop up the Outsiders and screw over Luthor and yes, Batman is disturbingly manipulative here. One thing I would heavily encourage to those who want to adapt Batman in other media, don't make him as bad as he can be from the comics. The problem is that Wonder Woman really can't do anything about the situation except plead to the other conspirators about how far they've sunken.

As for Halo, Brion and Terra? Well that's something to be seen.

Oh, and Jurgan? The Tower of Fate is the abode of Doctor Fate. It's where our heroes first encountered Klarion and where Wally donned the Helmet (it's from the season 1 episode "Denial").

Ain't nothing crazy 'bout me but my brain!

Jurgan> The Tower of Fate is Doctor Fate's HQ and the former home of Kent and Inza Nelson. The Season 1 episode "Denial", where Kent Nelson passed away and we first met Klarion and Teekl, was set there.

"Greg issued a statement on Violet and Harper's inebriated kiss, apparently he was unaware that bisexuals being promiscuous was a common stereotype (I was unaware of that too.)"

Ooh, I didn't notice that, I was just thinking about what it meant for their characters. But I can see how the first (IIRC) explicit queer representation being two characters cheating on their SO's isn't the best. (Also, I don't know what the Tower of Fate is.)

"Your Owl House reviews and Jurgan's Young Justice reviews are highlights of this forum."

Aww, how nice! Have another.

Young Justice 3x19: Elder Wisdom

This episode was less about action and more about politics, which means I loved it. We open with Luthor buddying up to a general who is "leader in perpetuity," which is shorthand for autocrat. Not surprisingly, a resistance group appears to attack, and the Outsiders are awkwardly fighting to defend the tyrant. Then Luthor calls in The Flash and tries to criticize the Outsiders for being reckless. Throughout the episode, I could see that a powerful person attacking teens was only making them more popular, and Godfrey saw it too. There's a "mirror image" thing going here- Luthor staged an attack to discredit the Outsiders, while Batman and Co. have a fake kidnapping of a fake kid to build their reputation (and blow up a Luthor factory in the process). Batman is disturbingly manipulative at this point, and Wonder Woman calls him out. I don't know a huge amount about WW, but I know she's supposed to be the spirit of truth, so it makes sense that she'd object to this duplicity. Batman makes a Frank Miller-esque defense by saying they're in a "war." Not sure I like that, though it makes sense in the larger context he now operates in.

On the smaller scale, Halo confesses some secrets to Brion and Tara. All things considered, they take it all right. And there's a "generation gap" theme with the adults trying to stop their kids from adventuring. This show is all about youth and how they react to a world that seems unjust.

Jurgan - [jurgan6 at yahoo dot com]

Todd Jensen> Yes, indeed.

Matthew> Your Owl House reviews and Jurgan's Young Justice reviews are highlights of this forum. Excited for you to reach the end of the season.


Thanks for the new review, Matthew. King being a young Titan was a big surprise for me as well. I can't help thinking that the "Titan-slayer cult" must strike a chord with "Gargoyles"-watchers (that, alongside the use of "hunter" with Belos/Philip, both in his being a witch-hunter and naming the latest Grimwalker "Hunter").
Todd Jensen

Another day, another heartbreak.

Watched "Edge of the World" today which sees the conclusion (for now) about King's origins and the search for his dad. There's been a fair amount of mystery about King and who he is, neither Eda nor Lilith could explain what the deal was with the island he was found on and they're two of the smartest witches around. Hooty's own "experiments" didn't tell us anything except that King didn't fit into any of the three B's categories. And that fellow who delivered the letter to King didn't get any follow up on account of Hooty eating the letter. At least until now.

So King is in fact a Titan? Didn't see that one coming. Actually, now that I think about it, the island where King was found was much different than the Boiling Isles or Titan Trapper Island, which makes sense in a way. It's clear that these islands come from the remains of the Titan(s) so obviously whoever laid King's egg probably wasn't going to do it on the remains of one of their species or kin. But what does that mean for King? We know little about the Titans except their gargantuan size, I suppose King will reach something like that eventually. Do they live to eventually become homes for the other people of the Demon World once they pass on? Is the reason that there seems to be so few islands is because in their zealous haste the Titan Trappers kill them before they reach full size? And just what does it mean for King now that there's a whole group of people out hunting him?

So, I don't know if this is just cynicism or genre-savviness, but I've been undeniably conditioned to accept the fact that in real life or fiction (especially fiction) that if something seems to good to be true, it most certainly is. And that's all the more reason why this is so hard for King. For the longest time he's just wanted to know more about himself, play catch with his dad or some parental figure, and he almost had something close to it. Despite being in what's in essence a Titan-hunting cult, Tarak and the others really liked the little guy. Tarak seemed almost guilty that he had to slay King and the others seemed a little disconcerted when asked whether Titans are actually evil or not. But as I mentioned last episode with demagoguery and people used to one thing for so long, no one likes being told they've been following the wrong person their whole life.

Then there's the final bit with the Titan Trappers worshiping the Collector. There's still a bit of mystery going on with what the Collector is and what it wants. But apparently it needs or needed the power of a Titan to be released. We've only seen it interact with Belos through a shadowy form so it might not be at full power or able to take physical form...yet. Given it's nature and apparent desire for destruction, I can't help but feel like it's using the Titan Trappers as a means to an end, much like Belos is doing with the Covens.

Some Final Thoughts: One thing I noted about the poster in Bill's office is the phrase, "The Grand Huntsman cannot return to us until the Lost Son is found by someone worthy." Makes me wonder if Eda has something special about her considering she was the one to find him. Also, love the fact that Titans are identified by their voracious appetite and tendency to got "weh."

Favorite Lines:

Eda: What if something goes wrong?
Lilith: Hooty could accompany them. Their safety would be your responsibility, my dear, brave Hootsifer.
Hooty: I would protect these silly children with my life!

Tarak: But we can make no vows. For that you must beseech our elder, the wisest hunter of them all... Bill!
Luz: (Gasps) Is that short for something?
Tarak: Nope. Just Bill. He's so cool, he actually met our god, the Grant Huntsman! He's my best friend. Eh, it's no big deal.

Ain't nothing crazy 'bout me but my brain!

Got my copy of The Disney Afternoon Adventures hardcover (the first volume, from a couple years back, with Darkwing Duck on the cover). Shout out to Antiyonder for reminding me about this and inspiring me to look into it more. I heard about it when it came out, but I assumed it would be all material that I already have. (When I was a kid, I bought all the Disney Adventures issues, at least up to the point when they stopped publishing Disney Afternoon-related stuff, and also all the Gladstone and Disney Comics and Marvel issues of these shows…all that stuff is boxed up in my parents’ attic because I don’t have the storage space in my apartment, so I haven’t seen it in a long time, although I did make sure to pull the Disney Adventures issues with Gargoyles to have on hand.)

This volume has a somewhat odd selection of stories, although I don’t envy the editors having to choose, because there is really a lot of disparate material from Disney Adventures alone, and apparently way more that I wasn’t even aware of from international markets. Which makes the decision even more baffling to spend so much of the page count on adaptations of animated material. I’d have much preferred to have more original material, but I suppose they figured that “Just Us Justice Ducks” and A Goofy Movie might boost sales since they’re known stories.

The back cover drawing of the Gummi Bears is credited to legendary Disney artist Daan Jippes (known for his work on Donald Duck comics, where he has been hailed as arguably the best at imitating Carl Barks’s style in addition to having his own inimitable style; but also his work on feature films like Aladdin, where he worked as a character designer). I did some online sleuthing, and apparently this art was commissioned in the 1980s by Gladstone Comics, and intended as the cover of a collection of Gummi Bears stories from overseas making their US debut, but for some reason that book never came to fruition.

Darkwing Duck: “Just Us Justice Ducks” is of course a great story, one of my favorite episodes (well, two of my favorite episodes). This adaptation is pretty exact to the TV version. I do love John Blair Moore’s art on Darkwing, and wish he’d had the chance to do even more. Usually in this era Disney tended to go with artists who were very on-model, occasionally to the point of blandness. It’s nice to see this more stylized, looser approach which fits Darkwing really nicely. Moore did a lot of the Darkwing stories for Disney Adventures as I recall. This adaptation first appeared in Disney’s Colossal Comics Collection, a somewhat ironically-named monthly digest (I guess the “colossal” referred to the substantial page count and not the size of the pages themselves), which mostly reprinted Disney Adventures stories, but also had some original material such as this occasionally. I loved those digests, particularly because they always had fun covers with the various characters from different shows all interacting with each other. One last note on this one: those Disney TV Animation writers REALLY loved pie guns (echoes of “Vendetta”). (I do recall at least one other Darkwing story from Disney Adventures that prominently involved a pie gun, also drawn by John Blair Moore.)

Gummi Bears: “The Legend of Tummi, the Werebear.” I note that this one is written by Lee Nordling, who also was responsible for the Gargoyles Disney Adventures story that (very) loosely inspired the concept of “The Price” and earned him a story credit on the show. As I mentioned previously, this is apparently from a Brazilian publication, and was one of the main reasons I bought this volume, as I’ve only ever seen one Gummi Bears comic book story before. It’s a fun, breezy read. I enjoyed it, although it was over far too fast. There’s a cute reference to the Lon Chaney Jr./Universal film Wolfman. The art by the Jaime Diaz Studio (an Argentinian collective that did a lot of work for Disney Adventures as well as other Disney comics from the 1970s to the 1990s) is characteristically on-model and nice to look at, but lacking much pizzazz, in contrast to the John Blair Moore stuff in the preceding Darkwing story.

Goof Troop: “A Goofy Movie.” While I was never a huge Goof Troop fan, this movie was a favorite of mine. This adaptation is apparently from a French publication, newly translated in 2021 for the first time to English (there are two anachronistic-for-1995 uses of “BRB”). The comic again is very close to the animated version. The art, by someone named Oscar Martin, is on model and looks like the movie, expressive and fluid, albeit somewhat workmanlike. The whole thing definitely loses something by not being able to include the songs, which conveyed so much of the emotion in the film.

DuckTales: “A Beagle Badtime Story.” This is from Disney Adventures. Very short two-page comedic story.

Rescue Rangers: “New Kid on the Dock.” From an early issue of Disney Adventures. Written by regular Disney Adventures writer Bobbi JG Weiss, and drawn by famed Italian Disney artist Romano Scarpa, who wrote and/or drew many beloved Donald/Scrooge/Mickey stories from the 1950s through the 1990s. Pretty typical story, with a one-time villain never seen before or after, and some rather cloyingly tragic victimized characters who need the Rangers’ help, but it’s enjoyable enough. The art is obviously the highlight.

“Legend of the Chaos God.” This is the big one of course, written by the spousal team of Bobbi JG Weiss & David Cody Weiss, and drawn by Cosmé Quartieri (an employee of the aforementioned Jaime Diaz Studio), who always did solid work on these Disney Adventures stories. Not technically a crossover exactly until the final installment, but with a storyline that carries through five different Disney Afternoon series, the first time it’s confirmed that all these shows take place in the same universe. It’s a fun one, although the individual parts feel too short and seem to wrap up just as things are getting interesting. An inherent problem with the magazine/digest format, I suppose. Even though I’ve read these many times before, it is nice to see them printed in a larger format so the art can breathe more.

The print piece on “Legend of the Chaos God” by writer David Cody Weiss is unfortunately very slight, just a few paragraphs on a single page that don’t give much info that isn’t intuitive. Oh well.

Bonkers: “Raging Bull.” Really fun four-page Disney Adventures story written by David Cody Weiss with a great loose cartoony art style by Bill White, who animated on the original Ren & Stimpy.

DuckTales: “Mrs. Beakley’s Secret Love.” A fun closer to the volume. Another comedic Beagles Boys-themed story from Disney Adventures, with a never before or since seen Beagle named Baritone who cramps his cousins’ style in some interesting ways. Really good, funny art by acclaimed Italian Donald/Mickey artist Giorgio Cavazzano, whose work starting in the 1960s was much beloved and whose panache is on great display here.

The next volume has two Gummi Bears stories (both apparently originally published in Brazil, and both oddly mentioning bridges in the title), so perhaps I’ll give that one a purchase as well. It’s fun to revisit all these characters, and stories that I haven’t read for many many years, along with an occasional new one (well, new to me).


A happy Saint Patrick's Day to all.

"Early Warning" provides an interesting reversal, back in the day the Team covered the covert side of things and subsequently didn't get the big praise that the League did. Here, a member of the League (Zatanna) has to act covertly to not only save the kids of Project Rutabaga but the Outsiders as well, and it's the Outsiders who get the spotlight.

Zatanna didn't exactly trap him, just transported the both of them into the Tower of Fate. It's easy to miss but the first time Klarion tries to teleport out he ends up at the Bell Tower which acts as an exit to the tower. He didn't realize the exit was literally behind him because focus and awareness isn't his forte.

Greg issued a statement on Violet and Harper's inebriated kiss, apparently he was unaware that bisexuals being promiscuous was a common stereotype (I was unaware of that too.) Violet saying she isn't Muslim was also more than a little controversial, but I'll save that for a few episodes later.

Ain't nothing crazy 'bout me but my brain!

Young Justice 3x18: Early Warning

This episode was kind of a lot. First thoughts: Greg has said that he no longer does "previously on" clips because they confuse more than they help, and a well-written episode gives you all you need. Halo energetically recites her background, Klarion does something similar, Terra flashes back to training with Slade, and while it's kind of obvious it still works because it's all in-character.

Klarion is an absolute sadist and it's gross having to spend time with him. Thom does a great job walking the line between a cruel monster and a spoiled child. Beastboy gets teased for bad catch-phrases (personally, I think "Outsiders: Move In" would be good because of the floating opposites). They had a big battle that appeared to be an Akira homage, though I don't know if it was intentional (latest Voices from the Eyrie pod said that Vandal Savage having Hunter scars was in fact a coincidence, not a reference). Zatanna does a thing to trap Klarion, though she's arguably a bit overpowered. Or at least, her powers are somewhat vague. And there's some international drama with them operating on Cuban soil and trying to figure out what to do with these kids. Us old fogies (turned 40 yesterday) will hear some echoes of Elian Gonzales.

Of course, I'm sure what really set the internet on fire was the lesbian make-out session. Violet is feeling a lot of angst about dying soon and gets arrested for underage drinking and I guess reckless discharge of a weapon? The cop pulling a gun on the brown teenager was a lot more real than I was prepared for. As for Violet and Harper, it's sweet but probably not healthy. They both have boyfriends, this drama will get awkward. Also, Violet says "I'm not a Muslim," I think I remember hearing that her thoughts about wearing the hijab get discussed later.

P.S. Looking on wiki just revealed that the episode titles spell "Prepare the Anti-Life Equation." Neat.

Jurgan - [jurgan6 at yahoo dot com]

To you as well!

Happy St. Patrick's Day, everyone!
Todd Jensen

I remember that in my ninth grade English class, we were divided on whether Brutus really was a misguidedly noble figure or not - so divided that we wound up having an official debate on the subject as a school event.
Todd Jensen

"Julius Caesar" is my favorite of Shakespeare's tragedies, and a lot of that is the ambiguity on how the parts can be played.
I rather liked James Mason's take on Brutus. An honorable man who gets swept up in the extreme measures to counter Caesar's reign and only too late realizes he's fallen on the wrong side of things, but still feels honor-bound to see things through to the end.

Or Mark Antony as Marlon Brando played him, only using a surface level affection for Caesar to consolidate his own power.

Ain't nothing crazy 'bout me but my brain!

It's the Phoenix!

Beware the Ides of March.
Todd Jensen

Jurgan > I mentioned that in a prior comment! It amazes me that, of all the animation retakes Greg and Frank asked for, they never fixed that one. Odd.

If we're talking art errors, who can forget the legendary "two Hudsons and a Bronx" shot.
Jurgan - [jurgan6 at yahoo dot com]

[SPOILER] That reminds me of the error in Babylon 5: In Valen's Name #3 where Sinclair's message mentions Catherine as one of the people it's addressed to despite the end of the message being about how he's finally found Catherine a thousand years in the past. [/SPOILER]

Craig> Thanks.

So anyone else here interested in the Disney One Saturday Morning book? I mean Recess and Pepper Ann comics are definitely something I look forward to. Even Doug.


Antiyonder > The Disney Afternoon comics in Disney Adventures continued for several more years after that arc (including Gargoyles stories), albeit with less frequency for the older shows. There’s a full list of Disney Afternoon-adjacent stories from Disney Adventures here: https://the-disney-afternoon.fandom.com/wiki/Disney_Adventures

So not a swan song, just a fun crossover.


Waiting until April to do so, but one thing I was going to try at someone's request in the Graphic Novel "Cleopatra in Space". Also cause we have the Peacock streaming service, I'll be checking the animated adaptation before that.

Todd Jensen> Yeah [SPOILER] it's famous for reasons like that in tying 5 Disney Afternoon properties together in a single narrative (Albeit ignoring the regular humans from Rescue Rangers). Besides possibly a DuckTales story after, I believe Legend of the Chaos Gods was the last time Disney Adventures did the Disney Afternoon comics. So, an intended swan song [/SPOILER].


[SPOILER] And Scrooge McDuck is present in the same room with Darkwing, making it the first time they're shown working together - though not the last - withness the 2017 DuckTales, for example. [/SPOILER]
Todd Jensen

I remember that error! Reminds me of when artists would accidentally draw a fourth nephew into Donald Duck stories, who was named “Phooey” by the fans and even cameoed in the 2017 DuckTales. Also reminds me of that Gargoyles scene in “Kingdom” where Hudson is in the same shot twice and Bronx is there even though he shouldn’t be.

Craig> One notable thing in the first trade is that they actually fixed an error from the original printing which I took as I have the Disney Adventures magazine with the last part:


The error being that [SPOILER] Fenton shows up among the group despite being in his Gizmoduck suit [/SPOILER].


I would guess that if Disney assigned Dynamite the exclusive comic book rights to Gargoyles, that would preclude anyone else from publishing Gargoyles material in the US, even reprints. But intellectual property rights issues can get complex, so who knows?

I’m going to order the first volume of Disney Afternoon from Amazon. Mostly because I’m intrigued by the Gummi Bears story, as well as the essay on “Legend of the Chaos God” by one of the writers, which sounds like a “behind the scenes” kind of thing, which I’m a sucker for. Will share my thoughts when I get it.


Pretty cool. Either way, the material hasn't been reprinted often or at all even with the stuff in country.

So given the 3rd volume, I wonder if that means Fantagraphics would have the reprint rights over the Gargoyles stuff in DA over Dynamite.


For anyone interested, the Disney Afternoon wiki lists the contents of each volume along with the original appearance: https://the-disney-afternoon.fandom.com/wiki/The_Disney_Afternoon_Adventures

CRAIG - I remember that "Gummi Bears" strip - not very well, since I hadn't given it any thought for many years (not since it disappeared from the local newspaper) until you mentioned it. Which says a lot about it....
Todd Jensen

Antiyonder > Very interesting that Gummi Bears is mentioned in the contents. The only Gummi Bears comic book story ever published in the USA as far as I know was in a Disney Comics autumn-themed annual (although there was a fairly juvenile newspaper comic strip that I don't believe was well distributed and probably isn't worth reprinting...you can find examples of it online). Apparently the first issue of this Disney Afternoon Adventures reprinted a Gummi Bears story that had previously only appeared in Brazil. So they are going for some deep cuts.

Reposting as I said I would at the end of last week, but some Disney Animated Comic classics getting reprinted:

1. Disney Afternoon Adventures: TaleSpin - Flight of the Sky-Raker


And also as I have the story of interest, I think it indicates they will reprint Disney Comics stuff as well.

2. Disney Afternoon Adventures: Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers - The Count Roquefort Case


3. Disney One Saturday Morning Adventures


This having stories of Recess, Pepper Ann and Disney's Doug.


Thanks, and this was an incredibly emotional episode. Hunter learning that his relationship with his beloved "uncle" was a lie and Luz's desperate denial that Philip and Belos are one and the same. Because not only does that mean that the man she admired and relied on to try and find a way home turned out to be a tyrant but the fact that she unwittingly helped that tyrant in the first place.
Ain't nothing crazy 'bout me but my brain!

That was me. Sorry.
Todd Jensen

Oh, and one other bit in "Hollow Mind" I forgot to mention - the charming moment (and it stands out all the more in an episode with such dark revelations) where Hunter is talking to his Palisman Flapjack over Luz's walkie-talkies, showing how much he cares about the little bird - complete with an "Awww" from Eda and King.

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setmotorsports - [moneymachine828 at yahoo dot com]

Thanks for the latest review, Matthew. This was a really big episode of "The Owl House", and I was looking forward to your comments on it.

One neat element about Belos and Philip being the same is that it ties in with Greg Weisman's remark about the best villains being a twisted version of the hero. Belos/Philip, like Luz, is a human who's entered the Boiling Isles and learned magic through glyphs - but has a very different response to that world than she does. (I also noted that he uses the same line Luz used back in Season One in her argument with Boscha, "Can't reason with crazy.")

I also liked the irony; Belos, in his quest to wipe out witches, has himself become a witch-lord, guilty of the very thing he condemns - without apparently realizing it. Indeed, he's probably even closer to a 17th century Englishman's definition of a witch than the inhabitants of the Boiling Isles are: a human who's made a compact with the Devil (or in this case, the Collector)in return for unearthly powers, while the series has established earlier that the inhabitants of the Boiling Isles get their magic from "alien biology", i.e. an extra internal organ that humans don't have.

On a more light-hearted note, we get the scene where, as Raine's working out a way with Darius and Eberwolf to get past Hooty's defences, they're not certain just what Hooty is, and finally has to simply draw a picture of the guy labeled "Him!"

Todd Jensen


Yeah the usage of Grimwalkers do help greatly to showcase how messed up Belos is.

1. The creation of one requires well pursuing those like the endangered Selkidomus, the extinct Stonesleepers, plus lessening resources like Palistrom wood and Galderstones.

And in the end, he not only depleted such to recreate his "old friend", but just destroys them without hesitation.

2. So looking at Hunter as an example, he is create with such valuable resources and is tasked to help mine for more of said resources.

Yeah, Belos is all kinds of sick.


“Whoever believes that any creature can be changed for the better or the worse, or transformed into another kind or likeness, except by the Creator of all things, is worse than a pagan and a heretic. And so when they report such things are done by witches it is not Catholic, but plainly heretical, to maintain this opinion.”
-Malleus Maleficarum

And the twist is revealed. Watched "Hollow Minds" today which reveals the truth about about Philip Wittebane and Emperor Belos. This episode makes for an interesting parallel with "Understanding Willow" in that it's make plot is based around venturing into someone's memories and with an important revelation at the end. Unfortunately instead of growth and reconciliation we've got dark secrets revealed and a clear view of how monstrous Belos is.

When I first covered Belos and his claim about being the speaker for the Titan it made me think considering the kind of fanaticism he exuded generally comes from belief in a power higher than oneself. Well that power doesn't lie with the Titan, it comes from "You Shall Not Suffer A Witch to Live." And the crazy thing is that all the clues were right there. Philip's distaste towards witches and his obsession with getting home leading to his sociopathic attitude. I think one thing that really threw me off was Snapdragon's remark that the Emperor was looking forward to meeting Luz in "Follies at the Coven Day Parade" when he instead was referring to the first time they met chronologically in the very next episode.

Another big part of this episode is the focus on demagoguery, how Belos sowed mistrust and dissent until such time when he didn't need accomplices to sell the lie, fear took care of that the frightened masses became his flock. This is an unfortunate and all-too common occurrence in real life, fear of an other, even one that you've lived with your whole life, can push you into a fearful mindscape and draw you to anyone that offers a sense of peace, stability and normalcy. Eda and King weren't wrong about how no one likes rocking the boat of familiarity, Belos has been emperor for fifty years (I could've sworn it was longer than that) and this what people are used to. To Covens, to the dangers of wild magic, to the Conformitorium, to petrification. And for the average citizen, this sort of backtalk comes off as dangerous talk and for Hunter, he'll come up with as many excuses as he can think of before the big thing comes to change his mind. And destroy everything he ever believed in up to that point.

So the Grimwalker and the Golden Guard are one and the same, a long line of what I can only assume are copies of the other Wittebane brother or a close family relation. From the sound of things, things turned sour between the two siblings and that's continued on with every replication. Each one developing a conscious and "betraying" Belos. Man, this was a huge bit and I didn't see this coming, no wonder Hunter runs off in a panic; setting aside the fact that he's been gaslit his entire life, to find out that he comes from a long line of disposable underlings, that's just too much. And I have to give credit to Eda here, even though she only knows him as the Emperor's favorite stooge, she still sees a frightened kid in emotional distress and tries to help him out. He may have a lot to work out, but here's hoping that he decides to join up in the Eda's Dumb Kids Club. Because they do seem willing to help him out.

And finally we get our first look at the Collector and I'm getting some serious Dimentio from Super Paper Mario vibes. The theatrics, the jester-like themes, the sheer giddiness at promised annihilation. I don't know what it's deal is and what the importance over the nine hues of magic is all about. But what's become clear is the Day of Unity, a day when the "evils" of the Boiling Isles are purged .

Some final thoughts: So Flapjack huh? I kinda liked Little Rascal but that works too. There's a neat polar opposite thing going on with Eda and Belos and their inner beast. The Owl Beast is savage and feral but also a scared animal trapped in an unwilling host and Eda eventually comes to term and compromises with it. Meanwhile the amalgamated Palisman souls are horrifying but still remain true to their purpose as helpers. And Belos does as he has always done, dominate and exploit. The underground movement looks to have expanded and I was a bit surprised; the last episode hinted at Darius being involved but Eberwolf too? Wonder how long they've played at being awful minions just to get closer to undermining the Emperor. Interesting that Darius seems protective of Hunter considering his body language, guess his past interactions were more than just trying to expand the young man's perception.

Favorite Lines:

Luz: Well, what does he know?! Belos is a liar. He just wants power! And I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that he can't speak to the Titan!
(Gasps from the crowd)
Purple-haired witch: Do you think she's right?
Yellow demon with horns: Don't let the Titan hear you say that. Belos says he can read minds.
Purple-haired witch: What even is a doughnut?

Luz: I hate seeing people look at Eda that way. But how can I prove he's actually evil? It feels so obvious, but no one believes me! No one answers my letters! I don't know what to do!
King: No one wants to think they've wasted their life following the wrong person. You just gotta find something big to change their minds.

Inner Belos: I was really expecting him to last longer than the others.
Luz: (tearing up) I'm gonna tell everyone about the Day of Unity, that you've been lying about the Titan for years!
Inner Belos: Yes, this has gone on longer than I'd have liked. But... no one ever said being a witch hunter was easy.
Luz: Witch... hunter? So all this time, people have been mindlessly helping a witch hunter?! How could they be tricked so easily?!
Inner Belos: I wouldn't be so judgmental, if I were you.

Inner Belos: It does feel good to hear another human say that name. I had to change it when Philip was run out of too many towns. I told you once before, Luzura. Perhaps...
(Morphs into Philip)

Inner Philip: ...we were destined to meet.

Ain't nothing crazy 'bout me but my brain!


Thanks for those invites, Brainiac. Did you ever watch or hear of the show Dark Angel?