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Comment Room Archive

Comments for the week ending January 14, 2024

Index : Show Images

Kate: Whichever route you go, I'd urge you not to sleep on Volume 3. "Redemption" is a great story with some great twists, laughs and action along the way. It introduces some intriguing new characters and has some cracking art to boot.

ANTIYONDER - [SPOILER] Watched the finale episode on YouTube just a bit ago (I wasn't able to see it last night) - and, yes, it made a good series finale. I was really surprised at the revelation that Scratch wasn't really a ghost. [/SPOILER]
Todd Jensen

So anyone else catch the finale for The Ghost and Molly McGee. Hit very hard.

Todd > Yes, I believe that is what Ed was referring to.

I'm torn between a signed hardcover of Volume 2, or the set of 3 in paperback form.
The first I'd definitely appreciate more, but I worry this may be my only shot at getting any of these comics in a physical form for a reasonable price.


The "dropped gag" from #7 was the "bathroom break" line from the scene where Macbeth's waiting for Hudson and Lexington to awaken from stone sleep, right?
Todd Jensen


And the edit was made with the image there.

Still, that specific image is evidently Greg Guler’s.

On Ask Greg in Feb 08 (see link below) Greg mentioned that Hedgecock was due to pencil #10’s cover from his roughs. At that point, it seems like the image for #10 was already up on the wiki as Matt commented on it.

Why would Greg say the Hedgecock cover is still to be pencilled in February if the one on the wiki in January was by Hedgecock?

Clearly, for whatever reason (the fact that he’d already done roughs?), the expectation was that Hedgecock would do the #10 cover and this was the plan 16 months before release. Why this was necessary when a great Greg Guler cover was already circulating I can’t begin to guess - perhaps he just produced a generic Timedancery one which could be used for any of the last three covers and perhaps used to solicit #10 if Hedgecock remained as far behind as he clearly already was with #9 (given it ultimately didn't release in the following six months).

But I think it’s more likely that Greg’s edit was accurate to the plan at the time but now reflects a long-abandoned intention than that the final cover of #10 was a Hedgecock contribution.

At the very least, I hope they double-check before sorting out the Volume 2 credits!


Ed >

Re: Gargoyles #10 cover

I wholeheartedly agree. For awhile, I refused to believe the #10 cover was Hedgecock. But Greg Weisman personally made the edit on Gargwiki changing it to Hedgecock, on April 29 2008, with the tag "accuracy." You can see this in the revision history. So I assume he knows what he's talking about!


I’m not sure if the increased funding will have greater consequences. I had a look at some previous Dynamite Kickstarters and while one did go to stretch goals, most did not. My hunch is that, having done the work to put the books together, it would be low-hanging fruit to issue editions on wider release down the line. But it certainly is a great way to raise the profile of the series either way.

Thanks for explaining the ‘remastered’ aspect. The Carl Barks books are a good comparison - those are fantastic. (Although I was disappointed by the number of errors in the Don Rosa books - at least two books were shipped with multiple blocks of red text indicating a placeholder for future articles. The sections are so subtle that even a cursory glance at the proofs would have caught it and then for it to happen at least once more… frustrating). Hopefully the digital originals of the SLG books still exist somewhere so they're not reliant on scans.

I guess maybe something of the original “Reunion” might interest me in the Marvel volumes but what I’m hearing about them in the last few posts is moving me from indifference to distaste.

I’m not a fan of colourising as a rule and I often prefer B&W comics to their colourised versions (e.g. Bone, The Walking Dead). I also think B&W film is underrated and was thrilled by the effective use of it in ‘Better Call Saul’. However, to me, the B&W in ‘Bad Guys’ was always a compromise - the original vision of the spin-off was as bright and vibrant as everything else in this universe so I feel like colour would reflect a truer version.

Great list of print errors. That said, I find it astonishing if Hedgecock did the cover for #10. I note that it does say this on Gargwiki but… look at it! The shading, hatching and musculature, plus the more defined backgrounds and details like the staining on the rocks are so much more Guler.


It's so great to see the Kickstarter now having tripled its goal in under two days. I don't know exactly how this works, in terms of what the additional money goes towards, but hopefully this will increase the chances of the books being mass-produced and available in stores and on Amazon, as opposed to only to Kickstarter funders? At very least, it sends another clear message to Disney and to Dynamite that there's a strong market here.

I went with the deluxe editions. I waffled for about an hour on Thursday (realistically, trying to talk myself out of it). I ultimately decided that, as much as it's going to hurt right now financially, that will be long forgotten in ten years when I'm still enjoying the books. As Ed says, the oversize nature is the most attractive thing about them to me, although the entire presentation just looks incredible.

Ed > I noticed the "negative depictions" blurb as well. A bit disheartening to see that associated with Gargoyles, a franchise that has always striven to be progressive and inclusive (at least in the canon material). As Materdramon says, I immediately assumed it related to issue 9 of the Marvel comics, which prominently featured as villains a depiction of the Chinese Triad that was certainly rooted in stereotypes. I think if they were to place a warning regarding violence or language or anything else, it would not be the specific warning about negative depictions of cultures.

I think "remastered" means that they retouched/sharpened the line work, coloring, etc., much as when a movie print is remastered. The old comics (especially the 1990s ones) were printed with older technology than is available today, and simply scanning in the old pages wouldn't be a particularly pleasing effect. This is something you see a lot in reprints of much older material. For instance, with Fantagraphics reprinting the Carl Barks stories of the 1940s and 1950s, they are constantly searching for the best sources. The gold standard is the original artwork, but in many cases that no longer exists, so they have to reprint from what is available (the comic books themselves), which requires a lot of cleaning up. I imagine this is more an issue with the Marvel comics than that SLG ones, but I'm not a printing professional, so I don't know what challenges the SLG books may present, what sources have survived, etc. I personally don't anticipate the stories being changed or altered in any substantive way. I'm torn on the idea of colorizing Bad Guys, as I've grown very attached to the B&W atmosphere, but seeing it in color would certainly be fun as well.

It does seem like Dynamite is really favoring the Marvel material in their promotion of the reprints. I think part of that is that the 1990s comics perhaps have more of a perceived nostalgia factor, being from the era of the original show when most of us were kids, and also Amanda Conner is a bigger name than any of the SLG artists (except maybe Gordon Purcell).

I disliked the Marvel comics as a kid, although since it was Gargoyles, I still loyally bought each issue and reread them ten times. That very 1990s faux-"gritty" approach to the Gargoyles world was just unpleasant and unsettling to me as a kid, as was the gratuitous sexualization of the female characters. These days, I sort of like those comics, probably mostly out of nostalgia, but also because Amanda Conner's art has grown on me a lot. The last two issues published are actually legitimately good, dealing with Elisa having to confront a wrongful arrest (and conviction) in her past, a very real, complex and interesting scenario that wouldn't be at all out of place in the canon (although even those issues can't resist dressing Elisa as a scantily-clad undercover prostitute in the midst of the otherwise compelling story...sigh). I am happy to see those Marvel issues back in print, as a piece of Gargoyles history. It is somewhat annoying to have them listed as "Volume I," implying that they're somehow of a piece with the SLG books, but it's a minor gripe. Greg did loosely advise on the Marvel books, and there really isn't anything in there that DIRECTLY contradicts canon, even if there is some pretty stupid stuff, so it's not the end of the world.

I have to admit, I would be curious to know if any of the unpublished Marvel issues still exist in any form that might be included in these editions. The series ended on a cliffhanger, and I've always been passingly curious where that would have gone. And of course, it would be very cool to see the original version of "Reunion," which was supposed to be drawn by Marvel veteran Marie Severin. Unclear if she ever had an opportunity to actually draw it (and Greg might oppose releasing it in any event, since he wanted to preserve his "Twilight Zone stinger" for potential future use). But it would make for a fun extra if it does exist.

As to the printing errors in the SLG run: I believe Gargwiki lists them all in the trivia sections for the issues. I also have my own list that I kept. I believe the errors are:
- Issue 4 "Masque": original printing was missing the title; original printing also miscredited David Hedgecock as the artist, when it was actually Nir Paniry...but this may not be a problem depending on how they format the reprint, since the credits were on the inner cover, not part of the story itself
- #6 "Reunion": original printing was missing the title; the original printing of page 12 had the wrong artwork (mistakenly used the artwork from page 16, albeit with the correct page 12 text overlays); on page 23, the word SCARAB is written in rough text, which was corrected to a more stylized font in the reprinting
- Bad Guys #1: the cover on the original printing had a weird red square right in the center of the image
- #7 "The Rock": Shari refers to Eber Finn as Scota's "yougest"...this typo was never corrected, even in the TPB
- #9 "Rock of Ages": credits were missing from the TPB (the first and only printing of the story); on page 6, the chyron when Coldsteel shocks Hudson only lists the month (November) but omits the date (15); on page 19, when the Stone speaks to Arthur, the chyron says "1:06PM" but it should be "1:06AM" (these errors have never been corrected in print since the story only appeared in the TPB)
- #10: the cover was miscredited to Greg Guler in the TPB...it was actually David Hedgecock

I don't count the "missed gag" in #7 as a true error, just something that Greg wishes he'd done in retrospect.


Masterdramon: Ah, good shout - thanks.

Ed: The blurb may be referring to the Marvel Comics (which got a lot more showcase time in the trailer than SLG, art-wise), due to elements such as:


Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"If you run you gain one, but if you move forward you gain two." - Suletta Mercury

So… all this is, as people would say in the 90s, pretty rad.

Took me a while to even make a pledge as there were so many options to look through and although I’ve pledged for now I’ll likely tweak the blend as I'm still thinking it over.

Vol 1 doesn’t interest me but I suspect my brother would love the hardcovers and not having 1 would likely freak him out (which is presumably why they numbered them; I wonder if the Marvel issue they rereleased did markedly less well). At first, I was a bit sad that Marvel was labelled Volume 1 but then again it works as headcanon that Vol 1 is the 65 episodes (as per Brooklyn in “Hunter’s Moon”).

Vols 2 and 3 though… I love both softcover covers and the Guler Vol 2 hardcover. I wish they used the cover for #2 instead of the one for #8 for Vol 2 and I think it's a bit of a shame that there wasn't another piece of team art for the Redemption Squad as I don't know the Matrix captures the entirety of the book as well. (A little surprised they didn't go with #2 since it, at least, features a gargoyle).

One thing's for sure, the leatherbounds are way too pricey for me but the tempting part about them for me isn’t the leather or the gold or even the box but the fact that they’re oversize. Such a shame there isn't another oversize option.

Just a thought - does the fandom have a central list of all the goofs in the SLG printing? I feel sure there were a few - a missed gag in #7 for example and the odd typo plus obviously two versions of #6. I trust Greg but I don’t know hunting down 15-year-old typos is his top priority so it would be good if there was something accessible for Dynamite to consult.

A few random things that piqued my interest:

1. I notice Disney’s blurb around “negative depictions and mistreatment of people or cultures” with “harmful impact” which surprised me. At first I thought that must be a generic thing to cover themselves for re-releases. I thought it could relate to the use of the word “bastard” in “Bash” and some of the more violent elements of ‘Bad Guys’. Then I realised it may relate to matters we've already discussed such as Angela's costume change or even the Quarrymen hoods. Of course, if it is the hoods, I don’t know that TGC has this disclaimer on Disney+ (to be fair, I’ve never tried to watch it). Ultimately, I think “release but warn” is a far better solution than burying things so I’m grateful that they’ve come to that conclusion and hopefully means the rest of the comics will be unedited.

2. I assume “remastered” just means new covers and suchlike but I hope the various small errors are fixed. I recall there was a gag missed out of #7 and possibly one or two other things (hopefully there’s a list somewhere?). Of course, the gold standard remaster would be to colour ‘Bad Guys’. Not that I dislike B&W - I’m a big fan in certain circumstances - but while “Redemption” did work well, I still think this universe is built for colour. but I can’t imagine they wouldn’t have mentioned that if it were happening. It’s kind of odd that it’s not mentioned at all that this book is B&W and the video doesn’t show the insides at all. Maybe they’re saving it for a stretch goal or just think publicising this would hurt sales?

3. Yet more indications that they don’t have any interest in setting up a spin-off branding and would rather keep their comics tied to the parent book — there’s no indication that ‘Bad Guys’ is distinctive at all.

4. “Clan-Building” has been retitled “Clan Building” on the cover which I assume is a typo. Although actually I quite like it. Mind you, I still prefer “Trick or Treat” to the ostensibly ungrammatical “Trick-or-Treat”.

5. Hopefully opening the door to hardcover collections here increases the likelihood that there'll be hardcover versions of "Here in Manhattan" and "Alliance" as I really like the hardcover format (especially oversized).


Sorry for the double post, but:


Todd Jensen

CRAIG - Thanks for sharing with us that additional never-made "Gargoyles" comic for Marvel. It sounds like a foreshadowing of the Quarrymen (especially the title).
Todd Jensen

So excited to see the initial response for the Kickstarter! Those special editions are definitely tempting but not an expense I can really justify (especially with CONvergence less than 6 months away), so I went with the signed hardcovers.

Mahalo for sharing, Greg, and hope that you are well!

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"If you run you gain one, but if you move forward you gain two." - Suletta Mercury

Just ordered my three hardcovers, and also shared the link with my brother. His toddler is a fan of the show, maybe they can read the comics together.
Jurgan - [jurgan6 at yahoo dot com]

While I have the old Marvel comics on my mind, a note for those who edit the Gargwiki: the reddit poster who found solicitations for unpublished issues of the Marvel comic subsequently found one more which is not yet included on Gargwiki. #16: "Mort Todd/Amanda Conner/Alberto Saichann Gargoyles all over the city are being smashed into gravel! Will Goliath and crew get pounded in "Hammer of Fear?" (Shipping 3/26/96)"



Seeing the Kickstarter hit its goal in only a couple of hours is a pleasant sight! I'll have to hop on getting myself the three volumes before it ends. Though if I had the money to spare I'd definitely be backing some of the higher goals, that chest is beautiful!

New cover for Greg's upcoming Spectacular Spider-Men series plus a few words from the man himself.


Ain't nothing crazy 'bout me but my brain!

****Fireworks go off in the Room, eventually revealing Blaise in a final great explosion.****
Cause for celebration!

First, though:
MATTHEW AND CRAIG> Thank you for the sympathies. And Craig: you have mine regarding your grandmother.

MATT> Oh, I know some good narration can come from animal characters. Jim Butcher did some fun short stories in "The Dresden Files" series from the points of view of Mouse (a dog, albeit a magical one) and Mister (a cat). And, hey--what about Greg Weisman's own "Rain of the Ghosts" series?
I just felt like doing something silly.

Now the BIG news...
DYNAMITE GARGOYLES KICKSTARTER> This is fantastic! The only thing more fantastic was how quickly it was fully funded--even before I put any money in! I have to admit: I'm already in enough debt but I am *so* tempted by that $1500 set...

Not much I can add to the discussion on "Dark Ages" Issue 5 yet, so I'll sign off here for now. Just so happy the SLG comics (and the Marvel ones, too) are finally coming back out!
****Blaise jumps in the air and bursts back into fireworks.****

"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes."--The Doctor

What a joy to see that this Kickstarter campaign has already been funded 150% of its goal in less than a day's time!

Jurgan: Yes, Volume I is the Marvel run from the nineties, and Volume II and III are Gargoyles: "Clan-Building" and Bad Guys: "Redemption", respectfully.

Gus: "I always forget you're there." Hooty: "I forget I'm here toooooo."

It says something about "Gargoyles" fandom that the Kickstarter met its goal in just a few hours.
Todd Jensen

And I remember thinking, "Hey, after I get my next paycheck, I'll donate to the cause. Really show my support."
Looks like I got beat to the punch.

Ain't nothing crazy 'bout me but my brain!

So, TBC, "Volume 1" is the Marvel comics, "Volume 2" is issues 1-12 of the SLG comics, and "Volume 3" is Bad Guys 1-6?
Jurgan - [jurgan6 at yahoo dot com]

If I'm correctly understanding how this Kickstarter thing works, it looks like it just surpassed its goal within well under three hours of Greg's post!

Gargoyles 30th Anniversary Kickstarter

So, have you ever wanted to read the old `90s Marvel Gargoyles comics?

Ever wanted to read the old SLG run of 12 canon Gargoyles comics?

Ever wanted to read the old SLG run of our 6-issue canon Gargoyles: Bad Guys spin-off comics series?

Or, maybe, you've read them but don't want to pull individual issues or fragile old trades out of their bags?

This is your chance to have another chance at these stories!

These issues have long been out of print.

The Marvel stuff was never collected, and had some amazing creators on it, including some of Amanda Conner's earliest work.

Some of the SLG stuff (both Gargoyles and Bad Guys, all written by me and all of it canon to the television series and the current run of Dynamite Gargoyles comics) was never released as individual issues.

All of it is hard to find, and can cost thousands on ebay.

Now, Dynamite is offering a three-volume set (which can be purchased individually or together) collecting the Marvel Gargoyles run, the SLG Gargoyles run, and the SLG Gargoyles: Bad Guys run. You can get them in paperback trades, hardcovers or DELUXE hardcovers. And there are a bunch of other cool rewards to choose from, as well.

Check out the Kickstarter here:


Watch the video, and I'll tell you more about it all!

But remember, we NEED this Kickstarter to fund, cuz without it, it may be our last chance to republish these titles. So help us SPREAD THE WORD!!!!


Greg Weisman

Greg Weisman

PHOENICIAN - Thanks. Naming that "new" planet after George III could have averted a lot of crude jokes - though I doubt it'd have gone down well on this side of the Atlantic.

And, yep, "The Rape of the Lock" did make a few contributions to the names of Uranus's moons as well.

Todd Jensen

**Horshack voice** Oooh! Oooh!

Those moon names are actually a callback to the fact that Uranus was discovered by the British astronomer William Herschel. The initial name for the planet was tentatively designated with a name that referenced King George III until it was ultimately figured they stick to the classical Greek/Roman pantheon. But such sentiments weren't stressed for the Moons, which were largely named after characters from William Shakespeare and Alexander Pope.

Gus: "I always forget you're there." Hooty: "I forget I'm here toooooo."

Thanks for sharing that with us, Matthew. (I've sometimes wondered how it is that Uranus's moons are the only moons in the solar system named after Shakespearean characters rather than characters from classical mythology.)
Todd Jensen

I'd be remiss as a Midsummer Night's Dream fan, astronomy aficionado, and Gargoyles lover if I didn't mention that today marks the anniversary of the discovery of the moons of Oberon and Titania.
Ain't nothing crazy 'bout me but my brain!

Seems like the older comics have a kickstarter by Dynamite



MATTHEW - Thanks. [SPOILER] The description of that episode doesn't sound familiar, so I must have missed it. [/SPOILER]
Todd Jensen

Todd> [SPOILER] The short I was thinking of is "Bell Hoppy" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bell_Hoppy [/SPOILER]
Ain't nothing crazy 'bout me but my brain!

MATTHEW - [SPOILER] I'm trying to remember now if I saw that particular cartoon. I know I'd seen several as a kid about Sylvester mistaking a baby kangaroo for a giant mouse, but I can't recall if that was one of them. [/SPOILER]
Todd Jensen

[SPOILER] Is it strange that I more associate the second tale with the Looney Tunes short involving Sylvester trying to put a bell on a mouse (actually a baby kangaroo) than the original fable? [/SPOILER]
Ain't nothing crazy 'bout me but my brain!

I'm hoping that Vittorio is a human too - if so, thank you for your comments.

Another thought on "Dark Ages" #5, [SPOILER] namely the two fables we saw Angel reading. Both stood out to me in their own right.

THE SCORPION AND THE FROG: I've been collecting the hardcover reprints of "Prince Valiant" from Fantagraphics Books - the same company that's also been reprinting Carl Barks and Don Rosa's Donald Duck stories, and the Disney Adventures comics - and the latest volume, which came out last month, also contained this fable. And the same story which involved it also featured the terra-cotta warriors from Qin Shi Huangdi's tomb - whom Brooklyn's also encountered during his Timedancing, as we learned last year in #6.

WHO WILL BELL THE CAT?: This fable is connected to Scottish history, according to legend - though Scottish history a few centuries later. In the late fifteenth century, so the story goes, King James III had some favorites unpopular with his nobles, particularly a stonemason named Cochrane. The nobles met and planned to overthrow Cochrane and his fellows, but faced the challenge of who'd be bold enough to confront them, given that they'd supposedly become the "powers behind the throne". When one of the nobles retold that fable and asked who would bell the cat, the Earl of Angus spoke up, saying that he would, and was thereafter nicknamed "Bell-the-Cat Angus". He led the nobles to seize Cochrane and the other favorites, who were quickly put to death. (Many historians now think that the story exaggerated the villainy of Cochrane and the others, suggesting that they were really just people loyal to James III whom the nobles wanted to keep from protecting the king - they actually intended to seize him and control him. Apparently Cochrane had the misfortune, alongside Macbeth, of bad press - if not on the level of Shakespeare.) [/SPOILER]

Todd Jensen

Third... or second if that's a bot. They are getting so real these days. If not, my apologies, Vittoria.
"And, thus, given no choice, we waited..." - Alesand, "The Reach"

Hey Todd, I’ve been reading your reviews and s8 for decades! Thank you, they are amazing
Vittorio - [Vio14 at hi dot is]

Todd Jensen