Quest #2 comes out in one day!
Well, if we could spend the day on Avalon anyway...
"And, thus, given no choice, we waited..." - Alesand, "The Reach"
posted @ Sun, Apr 21, 2024 8:35:04 am EDT from
A Station Eight Fan Web Site
Quest #2 comes out in one day!
Well, if we could spend the day on Avalon anyway...
"And, thus, given no choice, we waited..." - Alesand, "The Reach"
posted @ Sun, Apr 21, 2024 8:35:04 am EDT from
Kate: Thank you for your welcome. About the preview, I think it's possible that Dynamite let us have it so early to reassure the fans that the second issue is not going to be delayed.
Ed: Thank you very much.
posted @ Sat, Apr 20, 2024 6:04:07 am EDT from
One other thing I love about "Quest" is simply that it really feels like we're now deep into the comic's own canon. "Clan-Building" jumped off the show and "Here in Manhattan" was reintroducing the universe but "Quest" now feels like we're in a new phase. In terms of canon material, and it's hard to measure precisely because it's a different medium, but we now surely have more material than even a Greg-run season 3 would have taken us - at 3 issues per episode, that's 12 episodes counting spin-offs but the extended Hallowe'en special and "Reunion" have to be worth a thirteenth. Still, whichever way you slice it, "Quest" will take the comic beyond. It's likely by the anniversary, 20% of 'Gargoyles' canon will be from comics.
CarumboZabumbo: Welcome to the room! Hadn't thought about the way [SPOILER] the new Keys link to the old ones [/SPOILER] but it's an intriguing point.
Phoenician: Interesting question about [SPOILER] the rookery light. [/SPOILER]
posted @ Sat, Apr 20, 2024 3:15:08 am EDT from
I’m going to be in DisneyWorld next week. Will be mostly focused on making sure that my niece and nephew have a great experience, but I will be keeping my eye out for anything Gargoyles-related!
posted @ Fri, Apr 19, 2024 11:13:17 pm EDT from
Carumbo> Welcome to posting on the Comment Room! I've only been around here since last year myself. Good review, too!
Matt, Todd> Glad to share it! I was surprised to that there was already a preview out.
posted @ Fri, Apr 19, 2024 11:01:42 pm EDT from
KATE - Thanks for the link. [SPOILER] It certainly raises some questions about the contents of the next issue - such as who the two men were lookin for the Hand (presumably Illuminati, since they were working with Shari). I liked the touch of Jade and Turquesa getting to speak with Coldstone and Coldfire while the rest of the clan's in stone sleep, and Goliath's conversation with Vinnie - apparently about some sort of deal with Taro, which may fulfill the Gargoyles Timeline's prediction for 1997. [/SPOILER]
Todd Jensen
posted @ Fri, Apr 19, 2024 9:39:52 am EDT from
Loving everyone's thoughts. Lots to ponder on, for sure!
And Kate! Wow! Thanks for sharing! That came unexpectedly early. Missing the title and not sequential, but those pages tell us a few things for sure. And open up some new mysteries!
"And, thus, given no choice, we waited..." - Alesand, "The Reach"
posted @ Fri, Apr 19, 2024 8:27:53 am EDT from
Hello to you all; I've been lurking here for quite some time and felt that the beginning of a new storyline was as good a time as any to actually start posting.
Let's start with some not-spoiler stuff: can we all agree that my compatriot Pasquale Qualano is currently the best artist the comics (both SLG and Dynamite) have had? Ok, a few characters get jaws of questionable length, but aside from that... Those angles, that use of lighting, those expressions, HOT DAMN!
Now for the spoiler stuff: [SPOILER] It's cool that we get to see bits and pieces of another World Tour (the same was true for Demona, Macbeth and Arthur back in the day) - the concept of it was never the problem, just its length and dubious quality of many episodes.
Gugnir is specifically called "Lance of Fate"; back in the second issue of Dark Ages, Valois had a spear called Hasta Fatum (again, "Lance of Fate") which was, wouldn't you know it, broken in two by the Archmage; it seems obvious they are the same artifact, but they look nothing like each other - maybe it's a magic thing, or maybe it's just a difference in Qualano's style compared to Drew Moss'; we shall see.
I was surprised we didn't get to see the fight, but it's fine - it's not like the result was ever in doubt. You think Doña Aguilar is still alive? I'll go with "probably yes" - flashbacks aside, Greg usually doesn't kill off a character so soon after introducing them. Also, I don't think we're going to see a flashback about these events next issue - IMO, the purpose of Jade and Turquesa will be to simply tell the Clan that Demona is up to something (there can't always be a convenient floppy disk lying around, after all).
Not a big fan of the Gathering of the Gargoyles Guild - it's a bit too on the nose as a tribute; MAYBE it could have worked as a thing that gets mentioned once in a while but is kept off-screen, but to actually see it, on the date of the first actual Gathering, with the woman who organized it in real life appearing in the comic in the same role... it's all a bit much. Also, it may be a bit early (in-universe) for this sort of stuff - it's only been two months since the trial, after all. Heck, it took much longer than this to organize the first actual Gathering, and that one was for a much less controversial topic than "Let's share the world with a completely new species!"
"I am quite certain I do not understand the purpose or value of a... signing." Uh, you're on thin ice, Mr. Weisman. Also, cool seing Antoinette not being drawn by Kambadais - not that he was bad at it, but I like the variation.
I agree that the scene in the rookery smelled a bit of "two days away from retirement", and it also looked a lot like that scene in the rookery between Hudson and Verity in the first issue of Dark Ages - and we know how that went. And before you tell me "but he's alive in the Halloween Special" - sure, but the final issues of Quest may be set after that, or he may die in the next maxiseries - or maybe not. Anyway, nice scene.
The scene about the Commitment Ceremony more or less confirms that we'll be seeing Avalon - or at least the Avalon Clan - again soon enough, which will be great; not sure what to think about Angela wanting to invite Demona (or at least letting her know) - I feel she should be more conflicted about her after the "Catch!" incident, but to be fair we didn't spend much time dwelling on her thoughts, so we'll see.
The Demona/Thailog scene is the best in the issue: nice to finally have some clarity on what's going on with Nightstone, and Demona mentions she's got lawyers (uh; you don't think Crest may be...?); cool to see Thailog sweat a bit for a change, and cool having Demona mock the Illuminati a bit with that "cat and mouse games" comment (for those of you who don't remember, Weisman said that the Illuminati see her as a "loose cannon"); cool to see her use Thailog's pride against him; cool cool cool.
Vinnie is back and he has an offer from his boss Taro, which is interesting: Taro was a villain in Bushido, sure, but his plan wasn't THAT horrifying, so an alliance of convenience between him and the Clan isn't unthinkable (at a guess, something like "I help you with your public relations and in exchange get merchandise rights" or something).
The obligatory action scene felt... obligatory.
The Hand of Valmont, uh? So we're getting a replay of THAT scene despite the stricter censorship rules of the current comics? Color me intrigued.
Two interesting things to note: 1)if we assume that Gugnir and the Hasta Fatum are one and the same, that means two of the new Keys are somehow connected with Valmont/Valois/Valdez/Duval, and 2)the new Keys are both somehow connected to the old ones - Gugnir is another Odin artifact, and the Hand gained its power from the Grimorum; I think my theory that the old Keys received some extra power when the old ones were lost is coming true.
Maybe we're getting closer to a reveal about Duval; also, can't wait to see what the "heir" of the Phoenix Gate will be, that was my favorite of the original Keys; is it too much to hope for that the third new Key will be something that the Brooklyn Family brought back from the Dance? Maybe Brook's sword got charged with temporal energies during those 40 years and it can now cut through the walls of time or something. It'd be a decent way of letting TimeDancer have some impact, IMO.
Cool cliffhanger - nothing too big, but appropriate enough for the first issue. [/SPOILER]
Final verdict: I'd say this is currently the best of the Dynamite issues - miles better than Here in Manhattan (which I didn't care for at all) and even better, at least by a bit, of Dark Ages. I think we're in for a good time.
posted @ Fri, Apr 19, 2024 7:13:18 am EDT from
Gargoyles Quest #2 preview:
posted @ Fri, Apr 19, 2024 3:26:20 am EDT from
Todd >
It is sort of amusing that Elisa's outfit is so well-known in-universe that people are cosplaying as her. And that Elisa, even when trying to be incognito, STILL wears the same outfit everywhere. With the series having moved from animation to comic books, there's no reason for her to not have more changes of clothes, but I guess at this point, the outfit is just too iconic to change things up.
posted @ Thu, Apr 18, 2024 10:34:40 pm EDT from
Oh, and a couple of other things.
[SPOILER] One of the attendees at the Gathering of the Gargoyles Guild was dressed in Elisa's familiar outfit (the red jacket, black shirt, and jeans) - with a gargoyle crest and wings attached. It makes sense, thanks to Elisa having gained celebrity status after the hearing.
I can make out a sort-of face on the skiff's head, if not on the same level as what we saw in the animated series. Maybe the absence of the full face was a drawing error? [/SPOILER]
Todd Jensen
posted @ Thu, Apr 18, 2024 10:22:28 pm EDT from
Thoughts on #1.
[SPOILER] I was amused by a "Gathering of the Gargoyles" event taking place in the Gargoyles Universe, complete with Goliath as a guest speaker - and the whole thing coming off a lot like a real-life fan convention (except maybe for the hatemongers crashing the event). we even saw a few humans wearing gargoyle wings in an attempt at cosplay (did the term yet exist in 1997?). It reminded me of speculations I'd seen here about some over-the-edge pro-gargoyle humans wanting to become gargoyles. And Vinnie shows up unexpectedly (though I didn't immediately recognize him; the character design looked a bit different).
Elisa confronts Antoinette over who she works for; if she only knew who Antoinette really answers to....
I really enjoyed the scene where Hudson's spending time with Egwardo, and reflecting on how the gargoyles now have a future - shades of "We're not the last. We're not alone" in "The Gathering Part One".
Angela's drawing up an invitation list for the commitment ceremony. My theory that she'd want to invite the Avalon clan (including Princess Katharine and Tom) has turned out to be correct, though we don't know yet if they'll get to come (and the logistics get acknowledged in the dialogue). And Angela considers letting Demona know, in the hopes of starting to get through to her - not that it's likely to happen.
Another highlight: Demona and Thailog's meeting, in which we find out that Demona knows about Thailog having joined the Illuminati - and has had some clashes with the Society over the centuries. (Which certainly doesn't surprise me.) Their negotiation was a delight to raad.
We also now know that the second new Key to Power is the Hand of Valmont (another element from the radio plays now become canon) - which ties in with my theory about the Three New Keys. I'd brought up that the first New Key introduced was Odin's spear Gugnir [sic], which means that both sets of Keys have an object linked to Odin in them. Valmont was holding the Grimorum Arcanorum in the hand that Brooklyn cut off so the Hand has a link to the Grimorum. We don't know what the third New Key is yet, but I suspect, in light of all this, that it has some connection to the Phoenix Gate.
A good beginning to the gargoyles' latest adventure; I look forward to seeing what comes next. [/SPOILER]
Todd Jensen
posted @ Thu, Apr 18, 2024 8:50:25 pm EDT from
Phoenician> [SPOILER] Whoops, forgot about the time stamp. Can't imagine what's going to happen once the story catches up to Castaway's arrest. [/SPOILER]
Ain't nothing crazy 'bout me but my brain!
posted @ Thu, Apr 18, 2024 6:12:36 pm EDT from
Not getting into specific speculation, but I don't want to take it for granted that any of these characters will die of old age or natural causes. They already live such violent lives and deal with some very dangerous enemies.
At present, here's what we know:
[SPOILER] * Broadway and Angela will produce three eggs.
* Goliath makes it until at least 2004.
* Lexington makes it until at least 2007.
* Thailog makes it until at least 2009.
* Obsidiana makes it until at least 2006.
* Demona, Macbeth, Owen, Alex, and Nokkar make it until at least 2198.
But this is still canon-in-training and isn't guaranteed. [/SPOILER]
We don't know what fates await these characters. Some might be lucky enough to live long lives and die of natural causes. But nothing is guaranteed.
Greg Bishansky
posted @ Thu, Apr 18, 2024 10:10:13 am EDT from
This is amazing, Thanks for sharing this with us and I hope you continue to share more of this in the future.
A1 fencing Townsville - [cuk70636 at vogco dot com]
posted @ Thu, Apr 18, 2024 8:19:52 am EDT from
Phoenician >
Ah, the guy on the car is Castaway! Duh. The white hair threw me.
Speaking of Coldfire, does she have something plugged into her back there? Is she recharging?
posted @ Thu, Apr 18, 2024 6:01:25 am EDT from
What a day -- I kid you not, a colleague showed up today with a banana cream pie to share with everyone!
And no, I did not forget Greg Weisman's other comic that came out today, the second issue of The Spectacular Spider-Men! Without getting into spoilers, the fun definitely continues -- As someone who isn't as well-versed in all-things Marvel (2008's SpecSpidey and the Marvel Cinematic Universe are really my only primers outside of what Greg Weisman's previously written: Starbrand & Nightmask and his Flash Thompson comic story), I am definitely surprised at just how big the Marvel sandbox he's currently playing in.
Anyways, onto Gargoyles: Quest!
[SPOILER] I've been fortunate to have the chance to travel to Mexico City the last couple years, and while there I dipped my toes into the local prevalence of the Nahuatl language. Granted, Guatemala is not Mexico, Aztec is not Maya, but after seeing Jade and Turquesa speaking in "Maya", I was curious to dive into that particular detail in at least a wikiwalk. I was happy to find this map (and the article associated with it), which did provide some insight, but it further piqued my interests to know just where in Guatemala is ChacIxChel:
But to be fair, I do appreciate the geographic ambiguity, especially after hearing Greg Weisman explain the creative choices behind setting the story of "Heritage" on the fictional Queen Florence Island on the latest Voices from the Eyrie.
Yes, the figurehead on the skiff always intrigued me too, and I do hope there is an in-universe reason for the change. Don't want to speculate without any other relevant bearings. (And Craig, the face on the barge does look like Brother Valdez d: )
Is Doña Aguilar's (pre-shattered) stained glass some foreshadowing at the return of Wyvern or his kin?
Odin really does need to keep better track of his various relics, doesn't he? Ragnarok and the events leading up to it was evidently a messy time for him in the Gargoyles Universe. Best that Odin's otherwise occupied on Avalon.
Don't envy Aguilar or her security's fate. No doubt they are as doomed as Thailog's casualties from "Double Jeopardy". I mean, can't have anyone knowing what Dominique Destine does during her evenings, right?
I do hope we'll hear about Demona's interactions with Jade and Turquesa in future issues, but I did enjoy their reaction to Demona defenestration. Definitely the "this is going to be a long night" variety, lol.
Matthew: To clarify, this fallout is only the result of the hearing; Castaway won't be arrested for another three months.
Wish I could better tell which of the officers were which. But if I had to stab a guess, its Morgan talking to Castaway on the car. His calm demeanor for awkward moments (like his encounter with Guardian in "Avalon" Part One) feels familiar.
I'll have to dig up the couple of shirts I grabbed at the 2009 Gathering to be sure, but I swear the font on the Gathering of the Gargoyles Guild banner is similar, if not identical.
Impressive tails and wings from the Guild attendees!
Really appreciated learning the multiple tributes behind new character Ruby-Mae Li on the GargWiki.
Elisa addressing Antoinette by her last name is a fun beat. Zero patience for Tony and his twin sister. And to think: what has Antoinette learned about Elisa from Demona?
Can't decide if Alex is building a giraffe or the Eyrie Building. Both are tall. Also, we can add puppies to his usual favorite word, doggies. How long before he and Owen learn to transform some poor sap into a dog?
Don't worry Gnash, Halloween is only a few months away.
Matt: "Hold the Fork" definitely reminds me of Hudson's confusion with hitting sacks and Broadways sitting dorks beat. Idioms are funny like that, but I'm sure the Old Soldier will figure out the correct words and context soon enough.
I have no idea what creates the eerie lighting in a rookery, but I love that its been maintained in the Manhattan rookery.
Hudson really has had some wonderful scenes since the first canonical comics were released. From revealing to Robbins that he was a gargoyle (and learning that Robbins already figured it out), to his discussion with Griff and an exhausted King Arthur that "All things are true; few things are accurate" to now this tender moment with Egwardo, which definitely brings to mind the superbly delivered lines of "We're not the last -- We're not alone" from "The Gathering" Part One.
And of course, I've no idea how long any of these characters are going to live in these stories, but considering the plans to continue the story into 22nd and 23rd Centuries, I figure we'll eventually lose the entire main cast. But I'll keep watching and reading (and watching?) so long as the stories keep coming.
Nice to see that, until the kid starts sharing his own preferences when he's older, that folks are calling him Michael Peter. Never know if those middle names will stick, lol.
First time the art has me wondering about Coldfire's metal hair, and how that moves about. Might need to revisit "Possession".
Almost surprised Demona and Thailog's meeting didn't occur at the Golden Cup Bakery. Thailog already prepared for a fight has him emulating his gargoyle father. The art here also has my fingers crossed that NECA work on an Armored Thailog figure in the near future.
How much of a coincidence is that Demona describes her "encounters" (to quote some old AskGreg Canon-in-training) with the background details that she learned to read with stories like "Belling the Cat"?
Is this the first time that Demona's ever described her condition as "Immortal"? It's not a nitpick, but knowing how she has previously explained her longevity with the more defiant "I always survive" from "Temptation", it's curiously clinical for her. Perhaps it does demonstrate how, as Matt pointed out, cool and collected Demona happens to be right now. Which should certainly an epic contrast when she does inevitably snap when this arc reaches its climax.
I too noticed Vinnie's new suit (and haircut? Can't tell by the angle if its a different style or how it was drawn).
I'm *totally* speculating, but the male bystander at the Guild who is clapping by the female cosplayer reminds me of the teenage son from the dysfunctional family that Demona shows Brooklyn in "Temptation". More so the color of his clothes than anything else. I mean, that's all anyone could possibly go by with that kind of reach, lol.
Can Goliath make the arrest? I imagine he doesn't carry handcuffs. Or enjoy the paperwork. Can't wait to see him in a room with the rest of the GTF.
After the Renard revelation proved to be relatively straightforward in the last arc, I'll try to avoid trying to anticipate Greg Weisman's zags when he zigs . . . but I do wonder if the Hand of Valmont proves to be minor red herring. Perhaps its merely a means to the next Key and isn't necessarily a Key in itself? Of course, we only have five issues here, so my official stance is yes, we've seen 1.5/3 new Keys to Power. :--)
I also wonder if the Illuminati currently possess the Hand (perhaps on the Eastcheap?), or if they just have the means of locating it.
I reeeally want to know how two gargbeasts left the Eyrie Building. were they dropped off by some of the other clan members, run down the insane amount of stairs, or climb straight down the side of the building just because they can? XD
Another page that has me convinced I'm overthinking. Did Jade and Turquesa arrive in Manhattan and are hearing Bronx, or is this another bait-and-switch and they really arrived somewhere else? Don't enable or entertain me, of course I'm overthinking. Blame my excitement for the myriad of ways this arc can play out in the next four issues! [/SPOILER]
Ed: I would not be opposed to a 1998 Halloween special, but I would really love a TimeDancer or Dark Ages themed one. I mean, if you're going to time-jump, you might as go whole-hog. [SPOILER] Good luck with that one, Hudson. [/SPOILER]
Gus: "I always forget you're there." Hooty: "I forget I'm here toooooo."
posted @ Thu, Apr 18, 2024 2:17:41 am EDT from
Okay, chain of thought review, without having read any of your comments yet:
[SPOILER] After all our conversation, turns out Demona's red eyes really were just because she was about to transform. Which is still a super neat way to open the story and really gets me revved up. Also it's always interesting to see Demona without her tiara. Half the time when she transformed in the series it would just... appear. I think the only time she's seen without it is Sanctuary. And even there it kinda looked like they drew her with her tiara and then just coloured it blue.
I gotta say, a bunch of comic book fans being the Gargoyles supporters is WAY more fun than TGC's take on them being PETA or whatever.
The way Goliath is framed on the tapestry that says "Gathering of the Gargoyles Guild" it looked like he was a picture on it initially. On that note... artistically, this is a VERY new take on Goliath to my eyes. He almost looks kinda like Allen from Invincible. Sort of... bulbous and comic. It's not a bad take, but it's definitely different.
Antoinette is suddenly so catty. This is a stronger characterization, though, I think. She was a bit soft in the Here in Manhattan arc, so getting to see her get a bit more edge here is a nice development as far as I'm concerned. Her exchange with Elise seems to be setting up a conflict, which is good, Elisa didn't really have *a ton* to do in Here in Manhattan either.
Owen's looking like trade in the corner there.
The art is a bit all over the place, it looks good overall, though.
This Hudson scene is nice, I don't THINK it needed to contextualize him being both... excited about the eggs here, but explaining why he said that "eggs didn't need to be fretted over" in Here in Manhattan. It's... not a contradiction really, and I think the dialogue's a BIT on the nose. Still a great moment.
I'm not sure how I feel about this Angela-Demona moment. And this is... kind of an issue with Hunter's Moon (and I guess City of Stone even), those stories push Demona SO FAR it doesn't even really matter if Angela believes her capable of change, or if she wants to have a relationship with her, in the context of these characters sitting around talking about it -- Demona is a MASS MURDERER, and had a plan for Genocide. It's just hard to reconcile that, but we move on from the scene pretty quickly and I do like getting at Angela's need for family I suppose. For me it's always been kind of a weak character beat, and I don't know if it's ever really worked as well as it should.
I think partly just because Angela... as she outlines here, already has a HUGE family. She already has parents really. She already has a clan. It's always just ended up feeling underdeveloped to me as a result, and I don't think there's time here to correct that (for me, to be specific). I think there's an aversion to making her TOO bubbly, or too innocent, but that's... really what this requires. She has to almost be like M'gann or something, where even the dark stuff in life doesn't stop her from wanting everyone she loves to just be together and to be part of one big happy family.
This Thailog-Demona scene is cool. I was wondering if Demona was a member of the Illuminati (maybe the one who introduced Thailog to them), but apparently she isn't. It's... sort of a double-edged sword that they're identified as "that little club" that Thailog's joined. It seems wise not to get into
"I'm immortal. Take all the time you need." is both a cool line and a kind of neat re-take on "what is time to an immortal". It's also... kind of showing some growth from Demona maybe? Using leverage to get something out of someone she hates, rather than just... hating them. And Thailog is practical enough to recognise that she's kind of got him by the wings if she wants to make trouble for him.
Demona almost seems... ascendant here. Greater than she's been in the past. I'm not sure if that's the more adult tone of the comic, or that's an intentional character beat of sorts.
I had it in my head that Vinnie went to work for Taro for some reason, but I'm kind of doubting myself on that now.
Again, some of the art is just *gorgeous* and then sometimes... it just looks so broad and cartoony. One page Thailog looks like a piece of fine art and then on the next, he... doesn't.
Okay, so we've got Nightstone Unlimited, and then Demona's Town House (which has always been a cool location, that I think we only saw in "The Mirror") Greg likes these parallel panels in the comic, and I think they work really well. Also Shari looks metal as hell here, kind of interesting Thailog is including her here. Not sure what to make of that, or if he can really trust her. Especially given that she's likely more important to the Illuminati than she's let on, given what we've learned in Dark Ages.
This was a great issue! Loved it. Love that we're able to get a lot more story and not waste so much time on exposition. Good setting up of the stakes and the major players. Also this story just *feels* big, in a really good way.
The pacing, I think is a bit fast, I would like to see some of these moments breath a little more. But I think there just isn't time for that in how the comic is set up unfortunately.
Very, very much looking forward to the next issue. [/SPOILER]
posted @ Thu, Apr 18, 2024 12:55:35 am EDT from
Kate > [SPOILER] On second thought, nope. Not with *that* look on his face in that scene. And it does occur to me that hope for the future would surely make Hudson (or any of them) fight that much harder to keep it. So, no, certainly not without a struggle. [/SPOILER]
morrand - [morrand276 at gmail dot com]
posted @ Wed, Apr 17, 2024 10:53:29 pm EDT from
Kate, morrand, Matt [SPOILER] We know he's still with us in the Halloween special. My money on anyone dying in Quest is Coldstone and or Coldfire. I HOPE you all are picking up on not-real foreshadowing. I saw that sequence as sweet and hopeful, but y'all could be right.If Hudson dies, (well,when, I don't think he will have Old Pogs longevity and I do think he will go out like a G) I assume, given hints in Future Tense, it will involve Xanatos. I also assume, given Pucks warped sense of humor, it will play out very differently. It will be a long night away tho, may we pray. [/SPOILER]
posted @ Wed, Apr 17, 2024 10:28:21 pm EDT from
Ftmb, morrand, Matt> [SPOILER] Now you've all got me worried! Hudson's not gonna go anytime soon, right?... At least we know he's gonna make it through Quest... [/SPOILER]
posted @ Wed, Apr 17, 2024 9:49:22 pm EDT from
Ftmb> [SPOILER] That's a fair point. Hudson isn't super old. More like just entering his old age and moving from father into grandfather in terms of gargoyle generations. Or to look at it another way, he's much younger than Old Pog. In fact, Hudson is the same age as Old Pog's second biological offspring (Old Pog could have a biological son that is Hudson's age).
That said, I seriously doubt that Hudson is going to live another 80 years (ala Old Pog). For one thing, he has not lived the life Old Pog has. Almost all of his life was spent in the dark ages. Not exactly a time known for health and long life. Also, there have been a fair amount of story that seems to hint Hudson's death is inching closer, not the least of which is the Hudson's scene in "Questions". So... we'll see. [/SPOILER]
"And, thus, given no choice, we waited..." - Alesand, "The Reach"
posted @ Wed, Apr 17, 2024 8:47:08 pm EDT from
I am delighted to be able to read "Quest" #1 on its actual honest publication date. Off we go.
The "A" cover already sets up for a big story: a really nice rendering of everyone competing for...something important. Broadway's and Lexington's faces are especially striking somehow. I notice, glancing in the inside back, that there does not seem to be quite as much variety in the covers this time around. Maybe I am wrong about that, but I don't feel like comparing between this and "Manhattan" on that point. It's good art.
The cover on my copy is about a millimeter too short, front and back. I don't actually care much about that, but it's another oddity.
[SPOILER] Turquesa and Jade are back! I got some studying to do, I think, to get reacquainted with them; it's been a long while.
Aguilar's bodyguards look like a boy band.
Interesting window at Aguilar's house, isn't it? I guess it doesn't last long, but perhaps some intriguing symbolism there, maybe.
I confess that I would not have expected to see the Gathering make a substantial guest appearance. That's awesome, except that it makes me even more sorry to have missed them IRL. I don't know who Ruby-Mae Li is (should I?) but she seems decent enough and seems to have some chemistry with Goliath. I wonder where that will go.
I see a badge on Goliath's chest. I'm going to go ahead and assume that ties in to "Manhattan" #12 which I (annoyingly) still have not gotten, and I'm intensely curious to see if I am right about that. (I'm going to feel really silly if it turns out to be his con badge.)
Back to the castle with a lot of babysitting going on. Lex and Gnash are getting along well, again, if a bit bored--I would think by now they know better than to tempt fate, but they seem safe for the moment and I assume Owen would lend a hand--erm, would jump in to help defend all of them if needed. So things are calm.
Hudson with Egwardo is giving me feelings. Here he is, an old man at last, holding out hope for the future of his family. I don't blame Katana and Brooklyn for beaming a bit over this, but I worry a little about him in this storyline. It feels almost as good as him announcing that he's six days from retirement right before going out on a mission. I hope I'm mistaken about that.
And meanwhile, upstairs, the wedding plans go on. I am impressed at the number of people the young lovers have on their guest list and it's nice to see they seem to know so many people on good terms. (This is a huge cast of characters, did you know that?) And one on bad terms. I cannot help but think that the issue of whether to invite Mom to the wedding is going to be quite relatable to a fair number of readers, as is the issue of whether she can reform.
Coldstone looks epically cross in the last panel on this page, and for some reason he also looks a little to me like David Bowie.
So now we get to see Demona hauling Thailog around by the tail, metaphorically. I am somewhat curious about Demona's "other sources of income," although I guess it figures she would have some. I do like how Demona is rather dismissive of the "club" to which Thailog belongs. You would think that, between that and Demona suggesting that her plans could never derail his, would be enough to get Thailog to beat it rather than agreeing to anything. He really is not as bright as he thinks he is.
Back to the con, where Goliath is making a fairly anodyne speech to great acclaim--good for him to have gained such enthusiastic fans. And look who else is back, and looking fine too: Vinnie Grigori has apparently got a haircut and a good suit. I'll be looking forward to hearing more about what he has been up to.
A sudden attack by a redheaded kid with a snappy bow tie interrupts things briefly. Really, he never had a chance, did he? But we get to see Elisa making a..."citizen's arrest"? (More "Manhattan" #12 developments, I suppose.)
I'm intrigued by what inspired the running "hugs" gag coming from the crowd.
I am not excited to see Coldstone alongside Demona, suddenly. I'm hoping there is a very good reason for that. But I do see a staff in front of her, and without more it seems plausible that Demona had Gugnir's haft this whole time, though I'm not seeing anything to prove that so far.
And then we get to see the beasts out on the town, and bringing us back to where we started. I can't tell whether Bronx is howling because Turquesa and Jade are approaching or over something else, but I suppose we will find out in a few weeks. I will assume here that next issue will involve some number of the Manhattan Clan going to Avalon--Turquesa and Jade showing up in the skiff sure sets that up.
Kicking off an intricate story here, one that I am very interested to see fit into five issues. It feels like there are enough moving parts even just in this first issue that it'll be a sprint to resolve them all by issue #5. On the other hand, this has never been a series to resolve all its story lines on a schedule, so there's probably no reason to resolve any of them (except the headline story) just because we get to issue #5.
morrand - [morrand276 at gmail dot com]
posted @ Wed, Apr 17, 2024 8:45:50 pm EDT from
MATTHEW - Yes, happy Bat Appreciation Day! I remember your mentioning it here a year ago. Feels appropriate to say here, given the shape of many gargoyle wings. (I suspect there'd be some here who'd think of a certain super-hero whom Goliath unwittingly quoted....)
Todd Jensen
posted @ Wed, Apr 17, 2024 8:27:42 pm EDT from
[SPOILER] gotta say, I'm a little concerned by people speculating Hudson may not live to witness "Egwardo's" hatching. Dude is only 60ish in human years, do y'all know something I don't? [/SPOILER]
posted @ Wed, Apr 17, 2024 7:59:13 pm EDT from
Craig> [SPOILER] I caught the "hold the fork" too and meant to comment on it. I also waas not sure if it was a lettering error or a Hudson error. If the latter, it reminds me of the "hit the sack" moment in "High Noon" a bit. But regardless, an amazing scene. Truly. It's so good that it has me seriously worried that Hudson might not survive for Egwardo's hatching. Though we know he survives until Halloween at least. He says he'll feel the clan will be alright as long as the egg hatches and Broadway and Angela's ceremony occurs. I wouldn't want him to pass without those things happening. [/SPOILER]
"And, thus, given no choice, we waited..." - Alesand, "The Reach"
posted @ Wed, Apr 17, 2024 6:47:19 pm EDT from
Just got done reading the new issue. Some brief thoughts below:
- I've just gotta say off the bat that I really loved the art for this issue! The coloring's good, too. Demona I feel especially got to shine with this style, good stuff!
- The Gathering of the Gargoyles getting acknowledged as an in-universe group was really fun to see. If any fandom deserves a nod for their dedication it's this one. I'm sure there's a lot of references here that I'm not getting, as I wouldn't have really been around to attend.
- I struggle to really word how much I like Hudson's moment with Egwardo. It might even be my favorite of this new run of comics thus far. I can't fathom how devastating it must've been for him to see his own kind put on the edge of extinction in his later years. Egwardo and Gnash entering the clan's life must've reinvigorated everyone's spritis, but I'd imagine for Hudson especially so.
I wish I had more that I could think of to say, but man I really liked this. What a great start to a new series!
posted @ Wed, Apr 17, 2024 6:40:44 pm EDT from
A couple of other quick thoughts:
Love Matt's observation about how Demona casually threw away the Hand of Valmont all those centuries ago. Goes to prove the old phrase: "Waste not, want not." Another little irony is that, at the current moment, Goliath is a member of the NYPD (well, sort of...I guess he's a deputy of sorts?), while Elisa temporarily is not. I guess that's not so much irony as role reversal, but still fun.
Oh, and a potential lettering error I forgot to mention: Hudson saying he'll "hold the fork." Is this (A) a typo for "hold the fort"; (B) some phrase I'm unaware of; or, (C) an intentional joke on Greg's part about Hudson misunderstanding a common piece of lingo? I don't recall Hudson ever having this kind of malapropism before in his dialogue, but it would make some sense, as someone who primarily experiences popular cultural through audiovisual means (TV) and is perhaps prone to mishearing things. I actually sort of like this phrase, as bizarre as it is.
posted @ Wed, Apr 17, 2024 4:20:55 pm EDT from
On a completely unrelated note, Happy Bat Appreciation Day!
Ain't nothing crazy 'bout me but my brain!
posted @ Wed, Apr 17, 2024 2:10:10 pm EDT from
Good morning, friends. I'm here with my thoughts on "Gargoyles: Quest #1". As usual, I have not talked with anyone about this story yet, so my thoughts are pretty raw. That said, I have read through it a few times. I'm excited to hear your thoughts and see anything I might've missed. Anyway, here we go:
[SPOILER] - I've already discussed my thoughts about seeing the Mayan Clan again and there was not too much more to add about them beyond what I said last week based on the preview. Suffice to say that I'm beyond thrilled to have them back into the fold after 28 years! Looking forward to seeing what happens with them. And really hopeful to tie up that Sun Amulet loose thread after all this time. I'm sure Broadway did his best to keep the thing safe, but it needs to be returned to Chac Ix Chel. We will see. I was surprised that after Jade and Turquesa spot Demona that we jump ahead a month. By the end, we know that the two travelers have continued their journey, so I'm very curious what happened with them in Argentina. I hope we flash back to that soon.
- So, Demona acquires the first of the three New Keys of Power. Or at least part of it. I assume the lancehead is the same one we saw Valois use in Dark Ages. Last we saw, it was just laying on the ground. But it found its way into the hands of an Argentinian collector. And now into Demona's hands. Another item in the collection looks like a dragon skull! Wonder if we'll ever get around to its tale. Lots of questions, which, appropriately enough, is the title of this chapter. A quick glance through the chapter makes me notice how many characters are asking questions. And not many are not getting solid answers. We know the feeling! Also, I wonder if the first letters of the chapters will spell out QUEST.
- July 19, 1997 in Manhattan. A date which has some significance in the fandom. The date/place of the first Gathering of the Gargoyles convention. And, in universe, a parallel Gathering is occurring as well! A lot of poignant and fun nods or easter eggs towards the convention here. Goliath and Vinnie are there (as Keith David and Greg Weisman were), the whole event is run by Ruby-Mae Li (as Mae Li was), and it came together due to fans of gargoyles finding each other on the internet and wanting to share their interest in person (just as fans of Gargoyles came together the same way). I'm really glad Mae Li is getting this sort of recognition since she played a foundational role in this fandom. Great stuff!
- Antoinette vs. Elisa is a fun angle. I don't have much to say about it, but I like it. I get the sense that Elisa has had issues with Tony for many years and perhaps that is the case with Toni as well. I like to imagine she had her first run-ins with Tony and Toni as a beat cop while Peter Maza was dealing with Anthony Sr. We shall see. I guess Elisa and Antoinette can't know each other too well since Elisa is getting intel about her from Broadway.
- The scenes at the Eyrie are my favorite of the chapter. Good to see Lex hanging with Alex again. Thought Owen lingering nearby was ominous, but maybe he's just keeping an eye on Alex. And Gnash is certainly starting to come off as a bratty kid. Not that his complaints are far off. I like that he goes to Lex to complain and tries the whole "just because we are small" angle. Lex doesn't seem to be bothered. Then we have Hudson making a visit to the rookery and relieving Bronx and Fu of their duty. I LOVE this scene. It really builds off of a lot of Hudson moments. "We're not the last..." from "The Gathering" and his pleased smile in "Phoenix" and "Cold Comfort". I love the value he sees in Gnash and Egwardo and what they mean to the clan. And that he's looking forward to the commitment ceremony as well. A future. Hope. It's really lovely. We know he's built a relationship with Nashville and he seems to want a relationship with Egwardo as well (despite his claims about leaving the eggs to themselves). My favorite scene in this chapter. Brook and Katana seem pleased with this too. I look forward to the hatching of Egwardo and I hope Hudson is there to see it. Then we have Broadway and Angela planning the ceremony. Sounds like the guest list is ballooning! Typical wedding planning. I suspect it'll end up as a small affair, but we'll see. Might be a great opportunity for Mary and Tom to reunite! That's another thread I'd like to see get addressed. And then there's Demona. I'm glad Angela wants her to at least be aware. Angela has hope. Broadway is skeptical. Coldstone is... quiet. Boy his face says a lot and nothing at all here. Very interesting.
- Demona meets with Thailog. I like this scene a lot too. For one thing they finally address the Nightstone issue. And I appreciate that, after a half of a year to cool down, they can at least have a conversation without trying to kill each other. And their coy talk about the Illuminati is fun. Demona makes a deal and is off. As long as she isn't pissed off, she's quite a schemer. It's when you make her angry that her plans tend to fall apart. We'll see if the Clan uses that to their advantage. They're going to need it since she's got a lot of pieces in play: Thailog and the Illuminati, Antoinette and organized crime, Coldstone as a secret spy, and a spell that lets her see all sorts of unknowns. Pretty dangerous. Looks like the second New Key is the Hand of Valmont. Something she tossed aside 100 years ago. Fun stuff.
- Lastly, I thought it was fun that bronx and Fu just are enjoying a "night off" on their own. Roaming the town barking and howling. Fun. Then Bronx smells something and howls. This is heard by a newly arrived Jade and Turquesa who recognize the howl. Reminds me a bit of Bronx's howl being recognized in "Hound of Ulster".
All in all, a good start. Really looking forward to the next chapter in 27.5 days (but who is counting?). Quick note that I'm enjoying the art a lot too. Good stuff. [/SPOILER]
That's my ramble. Where's yours?
"And, thus, given no choice, we waited..." - Alesand, "The Reach"
posted @ Wed, Apr 17, 2024 12:09:33 pm EDT from
New series, new artist, new chapter ahead...
[SPOILER] While it's not quote what I predicted, we are seeing some fallout of both the hearing and Castaway's arrest, namely that this has galvanized the more bigoted of Manhattan's population into open protest and now attempted murder. I can't quite remember if gun-wielding Not! Jimmy Olsen has appeared before (sorry but the red hair and bow-tie only brought one comparison to mind) or whether he's a newcomer into the story just like Ruby-Mae.
I like that we've gotten the antagonistic forces stirring the pot this issue, Demona of course is seeking the New Keys to Power and she's making use of Thailog to get it. Plus, she already has her sights set on the Spear of Fate and the Hand of Valmont, another new element added here. Considering that the Spear of Fate is acting as both the Lance of Longinus and Gungnir, I'm wondering if the Hand of Valmont is also working like a Hand of Glory within the universe of the story, I still have a theory involving the Vals but I'm waiting to see where and how this story plays out. I have a sneaking suspicion that Demona's ambitions and manipulations are going to run smack dab into the Illuminati's own machinations and that could make for some fascinating conflicts.
But we've got reps from the Mayan Clan! It's been too long. Now what their quest is I'm not sure but I do have a guess. Between Vinnie's arrival (and the sure hints that Taro is soon to follow), Angela's desire for the Avalon Clan to appear at the ceremony, and Broadway's desire for the Labyrinth Clan, I think we might be setting the stage for the beginning of the Gargoyle Nation. There's too many different groups from different parts of the world (or parallel to it with Avalon) converging to be a coincidence. At least that's my hope. [/SPOILER]
Anyway, that's all for now. I'll be back with more thoughts, more speculation and more praise. Glad for the next part!
Ain't nothing crazy 'bout me but my brain!
posted @ Wed, Apr 17, 2024 6:43:16 am EDT from
A few Quest #1 thoughts:
Just gorgeous stuff. Writing-wise, art-wise. It's a fool's errand for me to try to compare or rank the various Dynamite artists, because they've all been phenomenal. But I will say, Pasquale Qualano's art feels the closest to the TV series while still also having its own distinctive style, and I really appreciated that. And hey, those colors! Giovanna La Pietra and Valeria Verdi did excellent work on "Here in Manhattan," but they've somehow upped their game even more here! The use of mist and lighting and all sorts of really incredible atmospheric elements really adds to the epic flavor of this thing.
As I previously mentioned when the preview pages were released, I'm curious about the skiff not having the face on the figurehead. I was always intrigued by that face ever since I first saw the series as a kid, so I wonder what the thinking was behind dropping it, and if there's some story behind it that will eventually be told...
Very intrigued by those artifacts in Ms. Aguilar's collection. Is that a gargoyle beast's skull? Or a baby dragon? I also wonder who this late husband was. I imagine that with enough stories, we'll meet him (at least in a flashback, if he is truly dead).
We've known this for awhile due to the solicits, but very cool to have Gugnir as canon, as well as having it called the "Lance of Fate"--probably as close as we'll get to having it confirmed as being one and the same as the Spear of Longinus, but it's good enough for me. (Todd has pointed out that Odin's spear is traditionally spelled Gungnir; I wonder if the alternative spelling is intentional.)
A bit disappointed that the (presumed) confrontation between Demona and the Mayans was skipped over, but I'd bet we'll see it in flashback next issue. In any event, what a great slam-bang way to start a story!
I assume those are cameos by Cedric Harris, Phil Travanti and Tri Chung. (BTW, as I'm rewatching Hill Street Blues, it occurs to me that Travanti's last name is almost certainly a tribute to Daniel Travanti, who played Frank Furillo on that series.) Do we know who the white-haired protestor on the squad car is? He looks a bit like Dominic Dracon, but I'm assuming that's not him.
Since I never had the pleasure of attending a Gathering, I'll refrain from commenting on the meta aspect of the material, which others are much more qualified to appreciate. I'll only say that I typically dislike this sort of self-referentiality, but it worked very well here since it is a natural extension of the reality of the situation, and a great setpiece to demonstrate the "new rules" in Manhattan.
Pleasure to see Antoinette again so soon (complete with stylishly mismatched earrings, continuing her intriguing fashion choices). Also very cool to see her squaring off with Elisa (also looking very cool in her hat and ponytail, and shades indoors...presumably trying futilely to keep a low profile). Hope to see more of these two together.
Owen continues his habit in the Dynamite comics of lurking in the background (or in this case, the foreground). I wonder if all these little lurking cameos are a hint at some future development, or just a way of keeping him in play when he doesn't really have much to do currently.
All the art in this issue is great, but special mention goes to that rookery scene. Hudson looks especially awesome in the panel where he reaches down talk to "Egwardo." The facial expression, the body language, the gorgeous lighting. One of my favorite panels yet in the Dynamite comics. And the anatomy of Bronx and Fu-Dog as they walk up the stairs is just so great. And of course Brooklyn and Katana's adorable eavesdropping smiles. Wonderful.
Trouble in paradise for poor Angela and Broadway. Although it's not clear if Broadway is truly opposed to following Angela's wishes, or if he's just tired of hearing about it. It's a moot point, though, even if the couple doesn't yet realize it, since that shot of Coldstone indicates that Angela needn't worry about getting word to Mom...
Always great to see Demona and Thailog together (it's really amazing how much stuff is packed into this issue). There's just something fun about two characters who are completely open about being totally untrustworthy, but still can be pragmatic about mutually benefiting each other. Thailog's "It never hurts to try..." is hilarious. Also a very intriguing tease that Demona has been playing cat and mouse with the Illuminati for centuries. Not at all unexpected, but fun to have it acknowledged aloud.
Although we don't PRECISELY see Goliath making a bargain, we have a pretty good idea what that will be...and so we've reached the first of the timeline teases Greg gave us all those years ago.
I have to admit, I found the action on page 20 a bit difficult to follow. That would be my one and only art quibble with this issue. (Also, is Elisa still carrying handcuffs with her everywhere during her suspension? I guess old habits die hard.)
Very excited to see the Hand of Valmont as canon as well, endlessly intrigued as I am by all things relating to the Illuminati and its upper echelons.
OK, I do have ONE other art quibble. I wish Pasquale Qualano had been given the opportunity to draw covers for these issues! On the one hand, my bank account is very happy to have less covers to buy. But given the quality of Qualano's interior art, I can't imagine how gorgeous his covers would be. (Especially since Covers A and D in the cover gallery appear to be identical, unless I'm missing something.)
Once again, great work by all involved. As much as I enjoyed a lot of "Here in Manhattan" (especially the courtroom stuff in 9 and 10), this really feels like the story kicking into another gear entirely...and I'll admit, I do not miss the narration :). I'm very excited to see where things go with all these characters in play.
posted @ Wed, Apr 17, 2024 2:45:36 am EDT from
[SPOILER] It's fantastic that 'Quest' is finally here. We've been expecting it for, what, 7 months?
General points: the art is terrific. Pasquale Qualano has a brilliant grasp of Hudson, Broadway, Bronx and Coldstone especially.
- It's been years since I've watched "The Green" so I may have to revisit it but it's great to see Jade and Turquesa.
- Greg doesn't really do one-shot characters so even a character literally there to be taken out by Demona is intriguing and with a backstory I expect, given enough issues, to see someday - it would be particularly interesting to meet her husband. Although I guess that story will now always have a rather sad ending.
- The Gathering of the Gargoyles Guild stuff is great. I can count several obvious in-references but I dare say not all (for one thing, who was in 9A in the actual event?). I'll leave it for the seasoned Gatherers to deep-dive the references.
- That Hudson scene is beautiful in every sense of the word.
- Love Broadway noting Matt. As much as I'm keen to see the commitment ceremony, I really want to see Tom and Mary reunited.
- A lot of set-up of characters we've met recently. Thailog, the reference to Michael Peter. Plus Owen's there, the eggs are reintroduced and Antoinette is still a major player of course - up to the end of #12 I thought she and the Five Families plot might disappear. Then there's Shari, Brentwood, Vinnie and Valmont building on their appearances in SLG... great to see so many of the pieces that have been on the board recently are now in play.
- The hint at Taro's inclusion makes me wonder if we could see Yama in this story. It would be particularly opportune as the 'Bad Guys' book will be out around the time 'Quest' is hopefully be wrapping up.
- The Demona/Thailog encounter is beautiful. Amazing angles. Great scripting too. 1% is significant inducement for Thailog to prioritise this (and another mirror of Goliath's controlling interest in Cyberbiotics) but she's not giving up her interest entirely - probably banking that Thailog will either be profitable to her or dead. Meanwhile, it's nice to see Thailog a little on the back foot for once. I love the line, "I'm immortal. Take all the time you need."
- Elisa making a citizens' arrest! I wonder though if we'll see the bow-tie bandit again.
- 24 pages for the first story again. Was this just so Nate could get his Bronx spread? Either way, I approve.
Great story. Pasquale Qualano is a brilliant find. The colours are also superb and give that consistency with "Here in Manhattan" that is much appreciated.
Incidentally, the latest VftE on "Kingdom" was terrific - another great guest and great discussion.
Todd: I wondered that about the six issues too. Although Dynamite does publish books in runs of 4 and 5 so they may not be so wedded to the 6-to-a-trade format, it does make sense.
Personally, I wonder what's going to happen next Hallowe'en. Will Greg go forward to 1998 as I kind of assumed he might? Or could we see a different Hallowe'en - or just a 'spooky' story not linked to Hallowe'en at all? Or a spin-off story - a timedance or, what I think would be really intriguing, a 'Dark Ages' Samhain story?
posted @ Wed, Apr 17, 2024 1:37:35 am EDT from
I wonder if they made it five so that it and the Halloween special could share a single book collecting six issues.
[SPOILER] We now know that "Gargoyle Quest" takes place - or at least, starts - in June, before the events of the Halloween special. Which tells us that the bulk of the Manhattan clan will survive it. We didn't see Coldstone and Coldfire in that special, however - which, combined with the revelation at the end of "Here in Manhattan", and the description of the "ur-Othello" play in "Dark Ages", might strike an ominous note.... [/SPOILER]
Todd Jensen
posted @ Tue, Apr 16, 2024 9:51:23 am EDT from
Alex, to answer your question, there will be five issues of Quest, rather than six this time.
posted @ Tue, Apr 16, 2024 9:45:37 am EDT from
I've been avoiding all spoilers and previews, just waiting for the new series to drop. Want to go in completely fresh this time around.
Ain't nothing crazy 'bout me but my brain!
posted @ Mon, Apr 15, 2024 3:27:21 pm EDT from
Sorry for the double post, but an additional similarity is [SPOILER] in both stories, the spear is broken in half [/SPOILER],
Todd Jensen
posted @ Mon, Apr 15, 2024 9:24:45 am EDT from
I've been thinking over the similarities and differences between "Gargoyle Quest" and [SPOILER] the "Religious Studies 101" radio play. So far, we know they have the following things in common:
1. Demona is after a group of magical objects that will give her control over the human race - allowing her to wipe it out.
2. The first object is an ancient spear.
3. Goliath and his clan seek to stop her.
4. The Mayan gargoyles are involved.
The differences are:
1. It's a different set of objects (presumably without the links to the Crucifixion) - and there are three objects here, where in the radio play, there were two (the Spear of Longinus and the Crown of Thorns).
2. The radio play was set in Manhattan while "Gargoyle Quest" will be a globetrotting adventure.
3. It's a different pair of Mayan gargoyles (Zafiro and Obsidiana in the radio play, Jade and Turquesa in "Gargoyle Quest").
4. Obviously, a certain web-slinger and his friends and enemies won't be appearing.
There's one element in the radio play that I'm hoping will have a counterpart in "Gargoyle Quest" - the moment when Goliath, in his big confrontation with Demona, points out her own links to the human race, addressing her as "Dominique". I think it's a neat little touch that the gargoyle who hates the human race and is bent on destroying it is the one who regularly changes into a human. [/SPOILER]
Todd Jensen
posted @ Mon, Apr 15, 2024 8:57:56 am EDT from
First. Sort of. Those bots were quick on the trigger this week.
Looking forward to Quest #1 this week! 40 hours to go (but who's counting!?). Yesterday, I watched "Kingdom" (as a follow up to Voices) and I watched [SPOILER] "The Green" [/SPOILER] in preparation for the new chapter tomorrow! Excited.
"And, thus, given no choice, we waited..." - Alesand, "The Reach"
posted @ Mon, Apr 15, 2024 8:18:41 am EDT from
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posted @ Mon, Apr 15, 2024 7:35:23 am EDT from
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posted @ Mon, Apr 15, 2024 7:27:43 am EDT from