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Comment Room Archive

Comments for the week ending April 28, 2024

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BILL> You raise some good points and, as Craig brought up, that has been raised before and we've since made an effort to correct that. More recent shows have contained warnings in the episode descriptions for spoilers.

That said, you're not wrong. I will make the time this week to go back into our older episode descriptions where "First Impressions" take place and add time codes where there are none.

Thank you.

Greg Bishansky

On the one hand, Voices from the Eyrie has always kept the comic spoilers specific to the "Nightwatch" segment, which is clearly marked at the beginning by the signature Travis Marshall soundbyte. So it's not like they're springing spoilers completely out the blue in the middle of an episode discussion. That being said, I can understand the position that a time stamp communicating at what point the spoilers end could easily be included in the description and would have value to those who are behind on the comics. In fact, I thought they were already doing that (but maybe I'm thinking of specific instances where someone asked on Twitter for a timestamp and Bishansky responded).

"The only way I'd see this being an somewhat of an issue, is if they went into spoiler discussions hot off of a recent comics' release, but provided no spoiler warning."

That's exactly what they do.

"can't you just skip ahead of the segments you don't want to hear about?"

How? They don't give timestamps. And that very notion only proves my point. If I tune in to listen to an episode review, why should I have to skip over unrelated comics rambles that SPOIL stuff like [SPOILER] Verity's death [/SPOILER]?? And how many times do I need to hit the 15 sec skip button until I get to the review? This is amateurish at best.


Bill> Most podcasts bring up information relevant to the time they're recorded, do they not? I'd find it quite monotonous to watch if they stayed robotically on topic, and didn't mention any of the happenings currently going on with the series. I need to watch more episodes myself, but I don't think they've ever gotten distractedly off-topic yet. The only way I'd see this being an somewhat of an issue, is if they went into spoiler discussions hot off of a recent comics' release, but provided no spoiler warning. Assuming they haven't done that; can't you just skip ahead of the segments you don't want to hear about? I don't see how this is a worthy thing to complain about.

I don't see how my post could be interpreted as trolling. I simply voiced an opinion. Just because you disagree with it, that doesn't mean it lacks merit. It seems that you labeled it as trolling simply because it contradicts your own viewpoint.

Your statement, "i think the majority of listeners probably enjoy the first impressions segments," holds as much weight as my assertion to the contrary. There's no verifiable data to support either claim. That's why I shared my opinion. And I stand by it: it's pretty moronic for the hosts to delve into unrelated issues during the initial segment of the podcast. It forces listeners who haven't read those comics yet to blindly skip forward until the hosts get to the main topic of the episode. Why not save those discussions for the end of the episode? It's self-indulgent and inconsiderate.


CARUMBOZABUMBO - [SPOILER] I'd been speculating that the man with the long white beard was Prospero himself, and certainly find the notion of he and Caliban showing up in "Gargoyles" a very appealing thought. As I've thought for many years, a series that makes use of the witches from "Macbeth" and the fairies from "A Midsummer Night's Dream" has to bring in the cast from "The Tempest" at some point. [/SPOILER]
Todd Jensen

Matt > Obviously you're not alone on that. It was getting me low enough on Friday that I wound up reaching back to "Slaughterhouse-Five" for a balm. This was actually more successful than I’d expected.

I hope this is not too much of a spoiler. I don't think it is. It shouldn’t be.

The idea of a life being a "bug trapped in amber," being a fixed unit with a start and an end and a lot of stuff in the middle, works well here. Hudson's life is trapped in amber: it has a start, and it has an end, and it has a lot of activity in the middle. So is Goliath's, so is Elisa's, so are Brooklyn's and Lexington's and Demona's, and on and on. So are yours and mine, too, I suppose. Demona's is probably an extremely large piece of amber. But I digress.

In the end, we're left with those pieces of amber to examine and admire. It’s a privilege to be shown them, and to be admitted to watch them and to have the lens focused on a certain part of the amber to see how the lives interact with one another. Our study of the amber may reach a point where any of those lives end. It is a loss: that life will not exist alongside the others any more. But it has not vanished, it remains as it was, where and when it was. The amber is there, will be there, will remain there, fixing all of these lives in place. Hudson will die, Hudson will be hatched, Hudson will take a mate and the leadership of a clan, all these things remain. I take comfort in that. And of course there is more to come, as you point out.

Billy Pilgrim, lest we forget, was also dancing around in time, albeit within tighter boundaries, so there's that connection too, which is kind of cool.

morrand - [morrand276 at gmail dot com]

Todd: Don't quote me on that, but I have a feeling [SPOILER] those two are Prospero and Caliban. [/SPOILER]

Matt: Yes, the scenario you describe will indeed happen one day. But the real question is, would it be a good idea to actually get to that point (either quickly or slowly) and make that the Main Series' new status quo? Or would it be better to only use it as flashback material for 2198 and/or a TimeDancer adventure once in a while?

Frankly, the latter option sounds much more sensible and likely to me.

Noi siamo le creature della notte! Noi siamo... i Gargoyles!

Indeed! I'm in no hurry to jump far ahead, but I love the idea that one day our human cast would primarily be Michael and Alex and Goliath/Elisa's kid. And they would interact with a clan where Broadway and Angela are middle aged, Gnash is a young adult, and Goliath is our elder. And lots of hatchlings running around!

Hope, everyone, we've got real hope! That Hudson scene is really getting to me these days.

"And, thus, given no choice, we waited..." - Alesand, "The Reach"

Matt> And Elisa and Goliath's adopted kid will probably have been around for a while by 2024.

ED - [SPOILER] The preview for #2 definitely made it clear Shari would be involved, given the page where the two men (presumably members of the Illuminati) are about to ask her a question when they notice she isn't with them - and they were calling her by her original name. Which suggests they're well-acquainted with her. I wonder who they are, by the way, and look forward to finding out more about them. Of course, based on Greg's writing style, we'll probably get only hints in #2 - and maybe even the issues following. [/SPOILER]
Todd Jensen

Anonymous/Bill> I'm not sure if you're a troll or not. If you are, I apologize to everyone else for responding to this, if you are not a troll, I apologize for thinking you might be. The negative tone of your post with the Anonymous name is what made me think you might be disingenuous. Anyway, just wanted to say that i think the majority of listeners probably enjoy the first impressions segments. They certainly don't go over their thoughts before the release date so most folks listening have read the latest stories. And those who have not, including you perhaps, can fairly easy skip over this section (or wait to listen to the whole podcast until after they are up to date). Just my two cents.

CarumboZabumbo> Gargoyles isn't a status quo sort of franchise. Never The End! Characters are going to change and that includes aging. Assuming characters don't somehow die before their time, we can expect them to grow old. Greg Weisman has said that the Gargoyles series would end where 2198 begins. So, if we got to see the next two hundred years we'd see new characters be born/hatched and grow up will older characters grow older and die off. By 2024, I expect a lot of the clan would still be around, but some will have died one way or another. Egwardo will have hatched and be something of a teenager while Broadway and Angela's first biological child will be a little rookling. Michael Peter Maza and Alex Xanatos will be in their late 20s, and many of our current human cast will, as you said, be getting up there in years. This will happen. This isn't The Simpsons. The only question is how quickly does Greg Weisman catch us up to the current age (assuming he cares to at all). I suspect that time jumps will happen here and there, but Weisman will not sacrifice story for the sake of moving things along. There are even some advantages to working in the past. And since the story is already established there, there's no need to hurry it along.

Ed> I also thought Here In Manhattan was going to end in the Commitment Ceremony and I thought it was going to be possible since I also thought a gargoyle wedding would be a smaller affair than a human one. In hindsight, I had no good reason for thinking either of those things and I'm happy to let it happen when it happens. We shall see!

"And, thus, given no choice, we waited..." - Alesand, "The Reach"

Speaking of the Voices, here's a crazy idea to whomever runs the podcast: how about you stick to the episode review and stop spoiling issues that had just recently come out and listeners haven't had a chance to catch up to yet?

Okay, I’m excited about the new Voices and I’ll get to that in a moment but I’m BEYOND PSYCHED to see a new Greg ramble. Even if he never gets back to questions again, I love his rambles.

And this may be one of my favourite rambles ever because I’m often thinking about this. And I know, I know - different medium, different rules, different ball game entirely. But this is the stuff I just adore.

I have to say though, the conclusions surprised me. Obviously allowing stories to be expanded gives a lot more flexibility so it’s not a surprise, say, to see “Reunion” as its own episode (after all, that would have been the case if it had been written for Season 2 and actually I think that episode would have really benefitted from expansion).

Still, I was surprised by a few of them. I had always assumed that ‘Bad Guys’ would have had the flash-forwards incorporated into the second episode and then the bulk of #1-4 would be in episode 1 - only because I’m sure at one point Greg said Fang would join at the end of the first episode and this makes sense. On the other hand, it makes complete sense for “Redemption” to be a 4-part pilot like the classic era.

I’m also surprised that “Alliance” #3 would get an issue on its own. Again, a fantastic development but it always seemed to me that the perfect half-way point divide in “Alliance” could have been a relic of an older conception of what episodes 1 and 2 of ‘Dark Ages’ would be - the clan-building story and the battle story.

It’s also massively intriguing that Quest #4 and #5 each are their own “episodes”.

That said, I really now don’t want to see these comics adapted for television. I mean, the stories are great and it’s not that I wouldn’t love to hear the voice actors back, but I want to see new material. Also, in some cases they really do suit the medium of comics - how do you do Clan-Building #7-9 on screen? The mind boggles. Of course, if ‘Gargoyles 97’ was what was on the table, it would still be fantastic but my hopes for animation are now are 2198 shaped. (And even better, while we’re in fantasy land, if we had the 40-minute format of “Invincible”).

Anyway, speaking of all things Weismaniacal…

An unexpected surprise to get “Monsters” so soon but another terrific “Voices” episode.

I particularly enjoyed having the first impressions section back and in particular the deep dive on the Gathering scene. I’m kind of curious about those Easter Eggs and I’d love to hear about them when we eventually get to the Quest podcast. (It also feels like the Gatherings could be their own podcasts).

Interesting to hear about the negative feedback Greg noted about Wyvern and the commitment ceremony. Greg B is right that the cover made it seem like the commitment ceremony would be sooner but also I’m not I really thought gargoyle ceremonies would be as big as weddings. Personally, I was very relieved the commitment ceremony wasn’t squeezed into #12 as one of my anxieties coming out of #11 was that there was so much to resolve.

As for Wyvern, it didn’t occur to me that this was a problem. For one thing, Wyvern was only a factor at all for the prior issue and a bit so it wasn’t some kind of apocalyptic stand-off. For another, it’s far more interesting having an extant antagonist than a one-and-done battle.

Interesting that Greg teased more Shari soon. Quest definitely feels like it’s crossing the bridge between the Clan-Building cast and the Here in Manhattan cast.

The “Monsters” chat is good and it’s great to have Jamie back. Looking forward to "Golem" next - one of my favourite of the World Tour stories.


Matt: By "real world date", do you mean 2024? Because, while I think Gargoyles will be getting a proper years-long timeskip in the near future (maybe as soon as the next maxiseries), I doubt we'll ever get THAT far in the Main Series. I mean, Elisa - if still alive - would be 56! Xanatos would be close to his seventies! It just doesn't sound likely.
Noi siamo le creature della notte! Noi siamo... i Gargoyles!

Todd> Bishansky asked for name clarification for various new characters where we had no last name or no name at all in order for us to add them to the Wiki. In this case, Weisman provided those names.

I wonder if there is any effort with these time jumps to slowly catch us up to the current real world date. Of course, with the pace that the comics are coming out, we are probably just staying even at this point.

"And, thus, given no choice, we waited..." - Alesand, "The Reach"

Alex> Interesting story, I'm curious to see it continue.
Ain't nothing crazy 'bout me but my brain!

BISHANSKY - Thanks. I thought that was it. When did that happen?
Todd Jensen

TODD> Greg Weisman was kind enough to provide the name.
Greg Bishansky

Oh, one other question. The GargWiki has [SPOILER] provided a name - if canon-in-training - for the guy who crashed the Gathering of the Gargoyles Guild and attacked the attendees until Goliath and Elisa stepped in: Solomon Hawke. How did the GargWiki staff find out his name? [/SPOILER]
Todd Jensen

BISHANSKY - [SPOILER] Ah, yes. Thanks for reminding me. [/SPOILER]
Todd Jensen

TODD> [SPOILER] As far as time skips within episodes go, don't forget "The Reckoning". [/SPOILER]
Greg Bishansky

[SPOILER] A further thought I had about "Gargoyle Quest" based on Greg's recent revelation. If issues #4 and #5 are set after the Halloween special, that means they're taking place in November at the earliest - four months after the bulk of the events in #1 (and presumably much of #2; some of the preview scenes, such as Goliath speaking with Vinnie and Jade and Turquesa meeting the Manhattan clan, would have to be taking place almost immediately after the July events of #1, but the scene with the two men - presumably Illuminati operatives - out searching for something - presumably the Hand of Valmont - might be taking place a while later). In other words, a major time skip would be taking place between #3 and #4. That would certainly be close to a first in "Gargoyles", though there've been one or two time skips before in individual episodes - such as "Upgrade", where a few weeks go by between the opening battle with the Pack and the upgraded Pack's fight with the clan. [/SPOILER]
Todd Jensen

CarumboZarumbo > Yes, that is me.

As an aside, has anyone who ordered the signed hardcover of Here in Manhattan Vol. 1 received it yet? Mine still hasn't shipped, and I'm wondering if it's an issue with my distributor.


Matt: [SPOILER] Ok, you got me - I don't 100% know for certain; I just find it very likely, considering that scene from Quest 1. [/SPOILER]

Craig: out of curiosity, are you Mister_reindeer from the Gargoyles subreddit? Your writing styles feel similar to me.

Noi siamo le creature della notte! Noi siamo... i Gargoyles!

EDIT: Jefrey Lewis was an ASSISTANT District Attorney. Important distinction.

Alex > "Fruits of the Poisonous Tree" is the first Hill Street episode written by Jeffrey Lewis, who was a former district attorney in Manhattan, and that definitely shows in the writing. There are a lot of good details in there, both in terms of the accuracy of the legal issues as well as just the day-to-day stuff, that ring true. And yes, Belker is clearly a character the writers fell in love with. Potentially a very silly and cartoony character, but the writers and of course the performance by Bruce Weitz infuse him with such a wounded, sensitive side in addition to the terrific comedy beats.

Complementing my Hill Street rewatch, I also watched the first episode of Gummi Bears last night (the other big influence on Gargoyles). One moment that stood out to me is Cavin bopping an ogre on the head with a giant leg of mutton (a moment that also played every week in the main title sequence). I wonder if that was an influence on the very similar moment in "Awakening" when Broadway bops a viking with some kind of meat on a bone. (I also noted that the Quick Tunnels--the Gummis' method of transportation--was VERY clearly meant to set up a rollercoaster at Disney World that obviously never came to be.)

Interesting to see the way Greg is tentatively breaking down those comics into episodes. "Reunion" definitely feels lean for a 22-minute episode. The Stone of Destiny arc would require a lot of reconfiguring to work on TV (I imagine it would be told in much more linear fashion). "Tale Old as Time" also feels kind of lean (truthfully, pretty much any 22-page comic issue is difficult to imagine as a full episode...a lot would need to be added).

It's interesting that Greg inserts Dark Ages in between issues 6 and 7 of the main series. I wonder about the logic of that. Even as the ending of Volume 1 of the collected edition, #6 doesn't feel like a very satisfying stopping point for me. It literally ends on a bunch of cliffhangers. "Reunion" on the SLG run felt like a much more natural midway break in the "Clan-Building" arc. I think it would be weird to end on Lex and Broadway in jeopardy, then suddenly jump into three episodes of flashback.


Todd Jensen> Third part.


I wonder if it will continue into the weekend...

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

Brent Spiner shows up in Hill Street Blues later. (Also as a... very smug character) And CCH Pounder too.

I love season 2 of Hill Street, though. "Fruits of the Poisonous Tree" (episode 5) is great. Hill Street Blues is one of the few cop shows where I think they're actually concerned with victim's rights, and exploring why the system works the way it does, and how it's not just to make cop's jobs harder to catch criminals. Also the way they take this super procedural thing and make it super exciting, and how Joyce is just like the cat that ate the canary as she lures Frank into a trap.

And then the silly bit where Belker is dressed as a Rabbi and he kinda befriends an ATM because it plays a recorded "have a nice day" every time he uses it. (The Belker C plots are always the best, when he has to wear a silly costume).

Greg's list of episodes is kind of interesting (and it's super fun to read, super glad he did this), I think SOME of the comics don't really adapt well into the animated format necessarily and some story changes might be necessary. (SLG 3-5 would be such a weird episode the way the comic structures it, 6 would definitely need to be beefed up a fair bit). and then after episode 4 we just suddenly have this anthology about an entirely different cast for 4 episodes which never comes back or is relevant to the main plot. Young Justice kinda did that sometimes, though, so I think it'd be fun and could work regardless.

And then there's stories where I think they'd benefit a lot from some expansion. Particularly the Phoenix storyline from SLG, which I think too much is co-opted by the real world political stuff (which is *also* good, but more room allows for more Demona-Brooklyn stuff).

Matthew> I dunno if you saw, but I posted the first part of the... series I guess (I dunno what to call this, it's a *series* of short stories) either last week or the week before. Todd, I know you showed an interest before as well if you didn't see (but obviously no one is obligated to read).


It's an adaptation of a script series I was working on, so it's kind of interesting adapting it into a short story format.


Phoenician > Ah, thanks! I knew it was something obvious. :) Very cool.

BTW, in my Hill Street Blues rewatch, I got to the Season 2 episode where Jonathan Frakes has a featured role as a drug dealer. Not a huge role, but he is charming/smug in his classic Frakes way.


Craig: Check out Greg Weisman's latest ramble on this site :--)
Gus: "I always forget you're there." Hooty: "I forget I'm here toooooo."

Sorry if I'm missing something obvious, but where did the information come from that [SPOILER] Quest will end after the Halloween Special? [/SPOILER]

CarumboZabumbo> [SPOILER] What makes you so sure Quest will end in March '98? We only know it'll likely come after Halloween '97. That said, I do fear for Hudson in particular... [/SPOILER]
"And, thus, given no choice, we waited..." - Alesand, "The Reach"

Todd: [SPOILER] Oh boy. Hudson - or maybe Brooklyn - is dead, people. Someone is so dead that it's not even funny. The final issue will be set in March '98 and will be about a Clan-member's death and Tachi's birth happening at the same time or closely together - you ever heard of the Birth-Death Juxtaposition trope? https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BirthDeathJuxtaposition [/SPOILER]
Noi siamo le creature della notte! Noi siamo... i Gargoyles!

[SPOILER] We now know that the last couple of issues of "Gargoyle Quest" are set after the Halloween special. The clan may not be quite so safe from the outcome of Demona's big scheme....

Also, I was rereading the start of "Here in Manhattan" today, and when Elisa talked about "Love on a parapet", I thought it seemed familiar. I re-checked my copy of "Gargoyle Quest" #1, and Antoinette uses the same phrase while talking to her at the Gathering. [/SPOILER]

"Voices From the Eyrie" just came out with a piece on "Monsters" (plus the most recent three issues of the comics) - complete with a lot of fun imitating Tim Curry's performance as Sevarius.

Todd Jensen

Blaise > Hope I didn't snipe you there. As far as [SPOILER] why the contact type is a gun and the long-distance type isn't, it's either because the latter came later, or because the latter is already a Rifle (according to the common explanation of why it's called a Taser), [/SPOILER] or it is just one of those things that's a setup for lame standup comedy, like driving on parkways and such.

Todd > Going back a few posts, but they had a terrific production of "Twelfth Night" at the Chicago Shakespeare Theater a few months ago with Paul Oakley Stovall as a brilliant and boisterous Malvolio.

Speaking of Chicago, I am there. If anyone else is there, too, or nearby, I'm going to be wandering around C2E2 this weekend and wouldn't mind grabbing a bite and beverage. (Yes, Convergence too, but why wait?)

morrand - [morrand276 at gmail dot com]

Yeah, I laughed at the image since I see it all of the time. It was from the VHS cover for when "Thrill" and "Temptation" were released.

Glad to see the comic took a more clearly positive direction! Not sure how many people read this comic, but if it brings in some more viewers, that's awesome. I watch episodes all of the time. I really want Disney to take note.

"And, thus, given no choice, we waited..." - Alesand, "The Reach"

Todd: Yes :--)
Gus: "I always forget you're there." Hooty: "I forget I'm here toooooo."

Incidentally, [SPOILER] to those who have Disney Plus - does the "Gargoyles" page really have a picture of Brooklyn in motorcycle gear from "Temptation"? [/SPOILER]
Todd Jensen

Todd Jensen> Now that's more like it! Thanks for posting.

Here's the follow-up:


Todd Jensen

Todd> Thanks for sharing. Always good to get some press... don't love that Gargoyles not being considered interesting is the basis for the humor, but whatever.
"And, thus, given no choice, we waited..." - Alesand, "The Reach"

Todd> Some of those comments are pretty on the nose.

Alex> I'm curious on your short story, be sure to keep us notified.

Ain't nothing crazy 'bout me but my brain!

Take a look at this link:


Todd Jensen

Re: X-Men [SPOILER] Josh Keaton also played Captain America in What If. [/SPOILER]

I'm almost done part 2 of my short story series. It's really great to be writing long form prose again. I have a lot of trouble with paralyzing perfectionism.


Antiyonder > Your ENTIRE post is a spoiler, you inconsiderate kunt!

Antiyonder> [SPOILER] I was pretty surprised by that. It's quite different from Josh's usual tone. I'd love to hear more from him as the good Captain. [/SPOILER]
Ain't nothing crazy 'bout me but my brain!

So Josh Keaton did a brief guest role in the recent X-Men '97 episode Bright Eyes as [SPOILER] Captain America [/SPOILER].

****Blaise dashes into the Room while brushing his teeth.****
Trying to get some responses in before bed!

CRAIG> [SPOILER] RE: Jade and Turquesa stopping on Avalon in between World Tour stops. I admit, I hadn't considered that. Makes sense though.
And yeah, morrand pretty much said it for me: she had one of those "touch range" stun guns. Though why the non-projectile version seems to be called a stun GUN and the projectile version ISN'T I don't know. [/SPOILER]

CARUMBOZABUMBO> Regarding why there aren't any solicitations for post-Quest content yet: could be anything, really. It may be that announcement of the next series is being saved for a large event (CONvergence, perhaps) or maybe Greg might need a break after working on multiple projects simultaneously, or any number of things.
I'm not going to rule out Greg having something big planned (I try to rule out very little), but the next run might also be a bunch of smaller, more self-contained stories like the Halloween special, too. A time-skip? Again, I can't rule that out either--checking the Timeline on the GargWiki shows that we've hit (or are about to) all the 1997 events Greg has previously teased, but that doesn't mean he might not think of something else to add in the latter half of that year. And I doubt we'd go much further than March of 1998 (when I believe Egwardo is supposed to hatch).
But I do know that I don't know and I have nothing beyond pure speculation, which can drive a mind mad. So, I'm just going to take a "wait and see" approach and focus on enjoying "Quest" now.

GOLIATH AND ELISA> Just to be safe... [SPOILER] As mentioned above I referenced the Timeline on GargWiki, and it says:
"1999. By this point, Goliath and Elisa have had their own kind of Commitment Ceremony."
However, that is still Canon-in-Training and could change. I don't think it's going to happen *this year* (in- or out-of-universe) for a number of reasons (let Broadway and Angela have their spotlight, we still haven't seen the full breadth of the Maza family's reactions to the relationship yet and I can imagine Elisa wanting to resolve any issues there first, etc.), but maybe next year.... [/SPOILER]

OK, I've got to turn in now. G'night!
****Blaise turns into air and vanishes.****

"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes."--The Doctor

Todd> Fun Fact, Queen Perdita actually first appeared in the DC Showcase: Green Arrow written by Greg, the events of the film were later adapted into the comic Young Justice: Targets and make up the flashback scenes.

Presumably he wanted revisit the character and do a little bit more emphasis on the inspiration when they did the episode "Coldhearted."

Ain't nothing crazy 'bout me but my brain!

A little under fifteen years ago, I posted here my thoughts on Shakespeare's plays - all of them - in a "Gargoyles" context. (You can find those musings here: https://www.s8.org/gargoyles/comment/archive/index.php?archive_date=2009-12-28)

A little over a year after the Dynamite comics began, I thought I'd post an update on Shakespeare in "Gargoyles".

We got one new play brought in - "Twelfth Night", through Malvolio in "Dark Ages: Alliance". (Having played Malvolio a couple of time - for amateur productions at school - I've got a bit of a soft spot for the fellow, and am glad to welcome him - or his namesake - into the Gargoyles Universe.) We also got an indication that Shari was the Dark Lady from Shakespeare's sonnets (something that hadn't occurred to me until we got that revelation - but now feels so right that it's amazing I never considered that possibility earlier).

For the plays that got mentioned in "Gargoyles" earlier (both its animated version and the Slave Labor Graphics version):

ROMEO AND JULIET: Rosario and Peter got compared to this couple (not the first time that Romeo and Juliet were re-imagined in a "gangs of New York" setting, of course), and Renard quoted the play's prologue on his deathbed in talking about Owen and Preston Vogel.

HAMLET: Peredur and Blanchefleur's "Player King" and "Player QUeen" aliases felt like an allusion to this play.

MACBETH: Culen's thanes were all named after thanes from this play. Appropriately, the thane among them with the most prominent Shakespearean namesake (Cawdor) had the biggest role, as the man who slew Verity.

OTHELLO: The ur-Othello play performed by Peredur and Blanchefleur's Players (and the description of it [SPOILER] may offer a foreshadowing of what awaits the ColdDuo [/SPOILER]).

HENRY V: "Dark Ages: Alliance" included a take-off on "God for England, Harry, and St. George!"

Of course, there are a few Shakespeare plays that haven't gotten a mention in "Gargoyles" (yet) but have appeared in Greg's other works. Among them:

THE TEMPEST: Featured in "Rain of the Ghosts".

MEASURE FOR MEASURE and RICHARD III: Were among the plays quoted in the auditions scene in "The Spectacular Spiderman".

THE WINTER'S TALE: Perdita in "Young Justice" was presumably named after the Perdita of this play (particularly since the episode which she first appeared in, with its continent-wide artificial snowstorm, was definitely a "winter's tale").

I wonder if there'll be more new Shakespeare in "Gargoyles" by this time next year. We'll have to wait and see.

Todd Jensen

CarumboZabumbo> I don't agree with a lot of your points and that is fine. However, I DO agree that [SPOILER] Goliath and Elisa will probably have their Ceremony in 1998 or 1999 [/SPOILER].
"And, thus, given no choice, we waited..." - Alesand, "The Reach"

Besides being the Bard's day, it's also World Book Day. Which brings to mind a little reoccurrence I've noticed about Greg's work and the importance of reading. Instead of just doing the traditional "reading is cool" lesson most tv series have done (which always feels a little off considering if that lesson sunk in that would mean less viewership), he instead goes for more subtle approaches. Broadway and Hudson both have to deal with their illiteracy in different ways and Goliath is often seen catching up on a thousand years by reading. Spider-Man of course engages in Greg's love of Shakespeare as a subplot is dedicated to the school's production of A Midsummer Night's Dream and student auditions reference other of Shakespeare's works. And of course Artemis' own arc is dedicated to various pieces of literature that not only connect to the titles and themes of the episodes but also her varied tastes and interests.
Ain't nothing crazy 'bout me but my brain!

Goliath & Elisa: [SPOILER] I don't think it's very relevant to say that it took 65 episodes for them to kiss (technically 63, they didn't know each other in the first two, but whatever), because that happened on account of very specific circumstances:
1)Early on, Goliath had just barely "divorced" from Demona and, up until Vows, was still hoping they could get back together.
2)Goliath didn't properly figure out he was in love with Elisa up until The Mirror.
3)Afterwards, they both agreed to let the matter stand because they thought it was impossible and yadda yadda yadda.

With all of these reasons, it makes sense that it took them 63 episodes to kiss - but after the Halloween Double Date arc, none of those factors are still at play. None. Zero Zilch. After that one, the biggest hurdle was making the relationship public, and that's been dealt with, even rather quickly - only 22 issues from the kiss to the revelation (granted, there was a looooong out-of-universe gap in-between the 12th and the 13th issues).

As for having the eyes of the world on them (which Broadway and Angela have to, albeit to a lesser degree - they all were at that Halloween party in Trick-or-Treat, after all), I feel those are kinda irrelevant? I mean, it's unlikely that either the people who are ok with Elisa being a monster-banger or those that aren't ok with it are going to change their minds, one way or another, because of the Ceremony, so I don't think it's that big of a factor. IMO, their CC should happen in 1999 AT MOST, and frankly 1998 shouldn't be out of the question.

The adoption issue, on the other hand... ok, that one can wait a few more years. [/SPOILER]

Noi siamo le creature della notte! Noi siamo... i Gargoyles!

Goliath and Elisa> [SPOILER] I also think that a Commitment Ceremony is years off. Things are a lot simpler and more traditional for Broadway and Angela. They don't have their feet in two different worlds and they don't have the eyes of the world on them. Admitting to each other their feelings was a big step that took years. Admitting to the world their feelings took another year and only came about because circumstances forced it a bit. I think both Goliath and Elisa want to be together, but making that public acknowledgement is likely to take some time. [/SPOILER]
"And, thus, given no choice, we waited..." - Alesand, "The Reach"

A happy Bard's Day to everyone! The big ol' 460 today.

Blaise:[SPOILER] Had to look again at Brooklyn's horn. Eagle eyes, you. [/SPOILER]

Goliath and Elisa: [SPOILER] When it comes to their own Commitment Ceremony, even if they are already committed to one another in the practical sense, I don't think it unreasonable to think that it'll take time for them to reach that particular step in their relationship. It took 65 episodes for Elisa even to kiss Goliath. But hey, who knows who will be catching the proverbial bouquet at Angela and Broadway's. [/SPOILER]

Todd: [SPOILER] Castaway and Demona unintentionally agreeing on anything is bound to make them hate each other even more, I reckon d: [/SPOILER]

Gus: "I always forget you're there." Hooty: "I forget I'm here toooooo."

It's already been two months since we've gotten the solicitation for the last issue of Quest, but we still have nothing about the 12-issues series that Weisman confirmed is to follow, not even the title; I have two theories about why that might be:
1)Dynamite decided to space things out a bit in-between their Gargoyles series, so we'll have to wait a few months before the next run begins.
2)Something big is going to happen in the next run (time-skip?) that Weisman doesn't want to be spoiled yet, so he asked Dynamite to refrain from writing solicitations for now.

Noi siamo le creature della notte! Noi siamo... i Gargoyles!

Craig > [SPOILER] You're right about how Tasers work, but that, I think, is not a Taser but an old-school stun gun, which doesn't have darts. And which therefore is typically more permissible for civilian use.

I agree that this doesn't help with the disjointedness: it is even more unclear what exactly is supposed to "hoit", or more specifically whether Elisa or Goliath got to Evil Archie first. Maybe it doesn't matter that much, but even a bit of a "crackle" sound effect from off-frame during Vinnie's line would clear things up. Oh well. [/SPOILER]

The more I think of it, the more I think of things (or one thing, specifically) that didn't work for me with the latest issue. But I want to digest "Manhattan" #12 before I dive into that, 'cause I need to get caught up and it may set that right.

morrand - [morrand276 at gmail dot com]

Blaise > Great thoughts on the issue as always. A few quick responses to your thoughts, live from here in fabulous Walt Disney World (where I have seen neither hide nor hair of a Gargoyle, unfortunately...)

Under the assumption that Jade and Turquesa have had multiple stops on their World Tour, I simply took their dialogue about the amulets to mean that they had spent some time on Avalon on their most recent stop. So, resuming use of the amulets again will be a bit like having "jet lag," adjusting to a new biological pattern again (or, more accurately, an old biological pattern). I figured they've maybe gone through this process a few times, going back and forth to Avalon.

One of the reasons the action on Page 20 confused me was that tasers involve firing two darts connected by copper wires to the taser itself. There is no evidence that Elisa ever actually fired her taser, perhaps simply because (as you say) they weren't allowed to show it, but it leaves the action rather disjointed, and with the appearance that Elisa charged up her taser and never actually fired it.

I agree with you and others that Goliath and Thailog looked a bit odd in panels, especially the chin. This would be my one and only other quibble with the art (other than the disjointedness of Page 20, although I now think that was more a script/censorship problem, not an art one). Everything else was exceptional, and I honestly don't mind Qualano taking a slightly more stylized approach to Goliath, even if it looks a bit unusual. I quite liked the use of Ben Day dots occasionally to indicate shading, which gave a bit of an old-school comic book style to the art that I enjoyed.


CARUMBOZABUMBO - [SPOILER] I agree with you that Goliath and Elisa don't have any in-story reason to delay their commitment ceremony for long, but from a pacing perspective, I think it would be a good idea to have a few issues between Broadway and Angela's commitment ceremony and theirs. And I also think that it would make a good 30th anniversary event. [/SPOILER]

The trade paperback of "Gargoyles: Here in Manhattan Volume One" arrived in my mailbox today; I've only glanced through it so far (focusing on the new material, such as the "making of pages" at the back, but I've liked what I've seen so far.

Todd Jensen

Blaise - Thank you very much.

Todd - [SPOILER] Realistically, how long would it make sense for Goliath and Elisa to wait before they get their own CC? I agree that Greg will let some time pass from Broadway and Angela's (unless he decides to go full romantic comedy and have them marry on the spot, but that's unlikely), but by this point G&E have accepted that they are each other's One & Only and their relationship is known to the public, so it wouldn't make a lot of sense for them to wait overmuch, IMO.

You know, it just occurred to me that Goliath and Elisa's Commitment Ceremony might make for a fitting 30th Anniversary Special... [/SPOILER]

Noi siamo le creature della notte! Noi siamo... i Gargoyles!

Fifth! Great thoughts, Blaise. Love the "Next Time on Gargoyles" reference!
"And, thus, given no choice, we waited..." - Alesand, "The Reach"

BLAISE - Thanks for your review.

[SPOILER] Your comment on Goliath's grand voice reminded me of how, a few days ago, I'd watched a set of spring-themed Mickey Mouse cartoons on the Disney Channel whose narrator had sounded familiar; I checked the ending credits, and yes, it was Keith David.

Incidentally, I'm now wondering what Goliath and Elisa's commitment ceremony (when its time comes - probably not for a while, in order to space it out from Broadway and Angela's commitment ceremony) will be like, now that their relationship is public knowledge. I can just imagine the media trying to cover it in full "media circus" style - not to mention what the response of Castaway and his fellow gargoyle-haters would be. (I remember, many years ago, somebody conjuring up the image here of Castaway and Demona both bursting in from opposite doors to protest - followed by their complete astonishment at actually agreeing on something.) [/SPOILER]

Todd Jensen

Third, again, and good morning to the room. And what a fine morning it is, because I've just been informed that, at long last, "Here in Manhattan" #12 should be landing in my mailbox later today. I look forward to being able to see, finally, what everyone thought of it, assuming it does not get eaten by a chupacabra or something (which would figure, given how hard it's been to get the thing sent).

Speaking of which--what people thought, not chupacabras--nice write-up, Blaise, as always.

morrand - [morrand276 at gmail dot com]

****A stained-glass window appears in mid-air, hanging there for just a couple of seconds before Blaise comes flying through, shattering it. He very quickly falls to the floor, however, with bits of glass on and *in* him. He slowly stands up, making very pained noises as he does so.****
WHY do people keep going through windows in fiction?! It is always more painful than it looks!

Oh well--SECOND!

CARUMBOZABUMBO> Hello and welcome to the Comment Room!

And now the new comic...
QUEST: QUESTIONS> [SPOILER] We’re dropped into the new story with Jade and Turquesa on their own sort of “Avalon World Tour.” One of the advantages of the comic over the animated series, I feel, is that we can more easily have characters speaking in non-English languages--no need to find multi-lingual actors and worry that subtitles will turn people off (though with sound mixes these days, subtitles are becoming the default...), just make the text italic, put it in angle brackets and add a little note saying “translated from [language].”
(That said, I love it when animated series *do* go the extra mile and do that stuff!)
There is a mention of not being able to take the pendants onto Avalon, so I guess they did leave them on the barge at the “gates of Avalon” (we know non-Avalonian items can go that far, at least). From their dialogue it sounds like this is the first time they’ve been able to make use of their pendants, but Turquesa almost makes it sound like they’ve been trying to get back home for a while. If the latter is the case, I find myself wondering if their first time or two trying to get back home they either couldn’t get their pendants for some reason or even forgot they no longer had them (like forgetting your watch or something when leaving home). Or maybe all their previous adventures just took place at night.

Either way, Avalon sends them to witness the arrival of one Dominique Destine at a mansion in Buenos Aires. She is there to meet Dona Anapaula Aguilar, an older woman with a collection of antiquities (inherited from her late husband, something I feel could be another story seed), and four very serious looking MiB-type servants/bodyguards/henchmen. Seriously, though, I can’t tell them apart—are these guys related or clones? ;-)
There is a lot in the collection (including a cryptid skull and an apparent Viking ship) but Dominque is most interested in something we’ve seen before: the head of the Lance of Fate, here officially named Gugnir. And wouldn’t you know it? That’s the one piece of the collection that’s not for sale. Of course, Dominique knew this and specifically timed her visit for sunset...

As Jade and Turquesa talk about how their reason for arriving in this specific place will soon be revealed (good, they’ve been briefed on how this works), Demona bursts through the stained-glass window (quite a loss that, especially with the lovely dragon imagery) with the spear in her hand! A wonderful two-page title spread! Obviously, Demona getting this thing spells bad luck for pretty much everyone...funny, then, that all this took place on the day *before* a Friday the 13th.

But we jump ahead to July 19, and to a different continent as we go to New York City and an anti-Gargoyle demonstration being led by John Castaway himself (standing on top of a police squad car, no less) just outside the Park Manor hotel. Naturally, even after the win (however bought) in court, the clan does not instantly have the entirety of public opinion on their side. This is something I’ve been wanting to see for a while, actually: Greg Weisman’s take on this sort of thing. We saw what “The Goliath Chronicles” did with this concept, but I wanted to see more of what Greg would do. I like that we don’t see any “suited-up” Quarrymen here, but we see Castaway as the leader of the mob still. This helps keep the physical threat of the Quarrymen confined to their appearances in uniform while highlighting their greater ideological threat to our heroes. Doubtless there are other Quarrymen than Castaway there, but I don’t think they are the only people making up that rather sizable crowd.
I feel sorry for the poor cop (most likely Morgan) trying to politely talk Castaway down off the squad car, though....

Of course, this isn’t just a random anti-gargoyle protest, but a demonstration against the event going on inside the Park Manor Hotel: The Gathering of the Gargoyles Guild. One of the better plot elements that TGC tried out was a pro-Gargoyle group, one to counteract the Quarrymen and show that not all humans would be against our heroes. I had some quibbles with the execution--wasn’t as fond of the name "People for Interspecies Tolerance" or “PIT crew,” felt they were a little broadly characterized, and (most frustrating of all) they were only in *one episode*--but the concept was right. So here we see a bit of Greg’s take on it, however it is mixed with a bit of a love letter to us fans. It’s no mistake that this is taking place on Saturday, July 19, 1997, as that was the first day (according to GargWiki) of the first ever Gathering of the Gargoyles! And just as one Mae Li was the one to put that all together, this event was spearheaded in the Gargoyles Universe by one Ruby-Mae Li (immortalized!). I do not mind this sort of nod to the fans, and in fact even love and appreciate it: it’s combining a need in the universe (a pro-gargoyle group) with an acknowledgement of the people who kept the show alive after its end. Also, I guess the group here is called the “Gargoyles Guild.” Well, I think it’s fun and gives an alliterative pair of initials (GG).
Ruby-Mae says that it was from watching Goliath’s trial on television that she started finding people on the internet that wanted to come together for the gargoyles, but it wouldn’t surprise me if some of the people who lived in Manhattan were already talking to each other about all the sightings and encounters, too.
This event does bear more of a resemblance to a fan convention right from the off, though, with folks in costume (hopefully the gargoyles view that as flattering) and speeches and signings in different rooms/halls. Heck, even the protesters outside accusing the attendees of godless demon-worship is accurate to some conventions these days (WonderCon this year didn’t have a huge crowd that I could see, just 4 or 5, but they were there...). It seems even Tobe Crest is getting some attention at this event (though we won’t see him in this issue). Goliath is still a little unsure of everything around this event, and I can only imagine what this must be like for him. He had some measure of acceptance from humans in the past, but this is the closest he’s probably come to being celebrated by them. He does agree with Ruby-Mae that this is a good move in bridging the gap between their species, though.

Off to the side watching stands Antoinette Dracon. And off even further to the side is Elisa Maza, semi-incognito with a black ballcap and sunglasses (but the exact same outfit as always!), who accosts Antoinette and wonders why Ms. Dracon is even here. Of course, this being the Park Manor hotel, the Dracons *live* here, but that does nothing to ease tensions between these two, nor does Antoinette’s attempt at a joke. We’ve never seen these two interact before, and we’ve mostly seen Antoinette interact with people she either has rank over (Pal Joey), family (the Dracons), people she needs something from (the Gargoyles) or someone she must defer to (Demona), so the somewhat adversarial relationship presented here is quite interesting. We’ll see where it goes, but this (along with Antoinette working with Demona) I feel puts paid to any thought I had of Antoinette being Elisa’s CI for what was going on with Dino.

Back at the castle, Lex is (finally) getting some more quality time with Alexander. And a baby, too! OK, that’s a bit needlessly mean to Gnash: yeah, he’s complaining the whole time about not getting to go to the Gathering of the Gargoyles...Guild, and conveniently forgetting that *only* Goliath went, but this is a kid whose entire life up to this point has been a time traveling adventure. I don’t know what’s the longest he’s been stuck in one place and time, but the current situation is a new one for him. He also seems to believe that his uncle Lex is in the same boat as he is, “just cuz we’re small the clan treats us like we belong in the Rookery” but I’m pretty sure he’s just projecting. Still, this scene leaves me wondering if this kid will wind up having an important part to play in this particular Quest.
Oh, and Owen’s also there, stone fist/forearm and all, looking on.

Speaking of the Rookery, though, Hudson pops down for a visit and gives the beasts a break from their guard duty. I love his crack about how they’re “making certain this egg nae rolls away on its own,” and his malapropism with “hold the fork.” Unlike his confusion at “hit the sack,” though, I can imagine someone telling him the correct phrase here and him going, “Oh, that makes *much* more sense.” But we then get a nice scene of him talking to Egwardo, and the hope that both this egg and Nashville have brought to the clan as a whole and him in particular. And Brooklyn and Katana, eavesdropping, share a happy look of their own. (I didn’t even notice one of Brooklyn’s horns was miscolored the first time...oh well, it’s not like that never happened in the series.)
A little digression on Hudson’s fate: I’m not going to borrow trouble on this. Whatever happens will happen. I will say that you can bring up the “two days to retirement” cliché but it’s getting to the point where subversions of that are pretty common, too. And even then, that’s not the vibe I got from this scene: this is checking in on where all the clan is at the start of this arc and for Hudson that is a moment of him really sitting down with the first egg in a Rookery since over 1000 years ago. Honestly, current canon-in-training indicates to me a violent death for Goliath, so I feel like it would make more sense for Hudson to have something different. I say let the “old soldier” get the end he probably never thought he would: go out peacefully as a proper “grandfather” in the clan. Still, like I said, I’m not going to borrow trouble on this. Okay, digression over.

Hudson also mentions Broadway and Angela’s commitment ceremony, and we cut to them making those plans. Specifically, the guest list: in addition to the entire Manhattan clan (as it currently is), Broadway immediately adds Matt (in the latest “Voices From the Eyrie” Greg Weisman mentioned he saw Broadway and Matt developing a close friendship over detective stories and the like, and it’s nice to see that get a chance to play out). Then, after some thought, he adds the Mazas...which ends up including the “entire Labyrinth clan” (funny how these guest lists can balloon, isn’t it big guy?). For her part, Angela would love it if her entire Avalon clan, including Katharine and Tom, could be there, which as Coldfire points out brings all kinds of logistical issues with it. But what’s really bothering Angela is Demona (and I love Broadway’s resigned “Here we go...”). Angela’s not demanding she be invited, just that she be told about the ceremony, and yeah, I kind of figured Angela would want that much at least. I don’t think this is naive yet (I’m reserving any judgement on that until I actually see Demona and Angela’s next interaction), just Angela not yet having written her mother off entirely. Angela’s basically a Disney princess, so hope springs eternal with her. I’m looking forward to seeing how this will play out. But oh, the dramatic irony as Angela wishes for a way to get word to Demona in front of Coldstone...

And we catch up to Demona now as she meets with Thailog (who has not come unprepared for violence). It’s nice to see Thailog take the stage again and to see these two interact after “The Reckoning.” Of course, with time and distance (and proper motivation) Demona can be quite civil. And she shows cunning as she plays to Thailog’s desires (controlling interest in Nightstone) and ego (with her “Could my little plans ever hope to derail yours?”), but I think Thailog is not completely unaware of this (there may be some hubris in his response to her of “No, they could not” but I think there’s also an honest determination there, too). And the fun discussion of Thailog’s “club” and Demona’s own awareness and relationship with them is a gem. And, of course, Demona’s great parting line when Thailog says getting what she wants may take some time: “I’m immortal. Take all the time you need.”

We return to Goliath finishing up his speech to the Gargoyles Guild. Some of the fan dialogue is pretty silly (“Empathy rocks!” and the running gag of the hug person), but I forgive it because I find it fun. Antoinette comments that the words of Goliath’s speech may have been “fairly standard stuff” but she apparently loves his voice. A sentiment Elisa unwittingly shares before catching herself and redirecting back to the words again. I don’t think Antoinette is fooled, but she has to be somewhere else right now, so she leaves and Elisa finally gets some time with Goliath.
(To be fair, I think there are a LOT of people who feel that way about Goliath's voice....)

Apparently, Elisa advised Goliath to speak to the crowd as if he was speaking only to her (I’m sure he had to go through his speech and remove certain comments about kissing and hair-stroking and other things). Elisa’s appearance hasn’t gone unnoticed as the folks around them comment on her being there (hey, I guess the hat and sunglasses actually worked for a bit!). But it seems Goliath has another visitor: Vinnie! He’s cleaned up a bit (some of that’s just the new art style I’m sure), but is still the same old schnook (dude, lead with the “saving life” thing instead of the “hit you with a pie” thing). At least this time Goliath learns his name. Vinnie’s not here completely for personal reasons, though, as his boss apparently sent him with a proposition for both Goliath and Elisa (oh, Taro, what do you have planned?). But all of that will have to wait because there is a would-be assassin in the crowd. Some redhead with a natty bowtie pulls out two high-tech handguns to attack...the attendees. This is something that I think can be missed: he’s not going after Goliath (not now anyway) but instead the “demon-worshippers.” Speaking of things easy to miss: on page 8, the top panel where Castaway is rabble rousing, there’s a guy in a suit with a bowtie standing just to the right of Castaway’s position (where the front of the car would be) with his hands out of sight apparently on his hips. Could this be the Bowtie Assailant? If so, then dang that’s a subtle early appearance.

Thankfully, Elisa is able to taze the guy--although we are apparently not allowed to see that directly, so we have to infer it from the appearance of the taser, Vinnie’s reaction, and the “AH-AH-AH...” word bubble--and Goliath is able to crush the guns before they can do any damage. Elisa places Bowtie under arrest, or *citizen’s* arrest, rather (old habits die hard, right down to carrying cuffs--kinky, detective!), and he feebly tries to justify himself by saying he wanted to “make an example” of the attendees “before the whole world follows their example.”
[ala the Toymaker from Doctor Who: “WELL, THAT’S ALL RIGHT THEN!”]
As for the attendees...there is a beat panel. Maybe it’s because of their brush with death, maybe it’s just them making sure this guy is no longer a threat, or maybe it’s because they saw Goliath with glowing eyes for the first time, but everyone has to stop for a moment. And then “everybody claps.” It’s a nice moment, and Goliath is certainly happy about it (great contrast to Bowtie's expression in the final panel). Some more silly, fun fan banter with a “huzzah” and one more call for hugs.
[“Who keeps saying that?”]

But we now cut to our villainous villains in parallel panels as Thailog’s crew at Nightstone (including Shari and Brentwood) make plans to acquire the Hand of Valmont (canon at last!) and Demona’s group (including Antoinette and Coldstone) focus on acquiring all three new Keys to Power. The parallel panels is something I’ve always enjoyed and these do a good job of concisely showing where our bad guys are now and what they’re gearing up to do. Of course, this means including Coldstone among the villains, but that’s where his loyalties seem to lie for this story, no matter how much he might try to justify it, and he confirms he is keeping the rest of the clan in the dark. I’ve no doubt he will be in for a very rude awakening later.

However, we don’t close out the issue there. Instead, we catch up with the two beasts on their constitutional among the city’s rooftops. How they got down there from the Eyrie, I don’t know (hopefully they didn’t just take a flying leap), but they’re there now. Bronx smells something, though, and lets out a howl. A howl that is heard by the two gargoyles we opened this issue with. Jade and Turquesa have arrived in Manhattan, and Jade recognizes Bronx's howl! I love how Turquesa’s line at the beginning mentioned “one step closer in our quest to return home” and Jade’s line at the end mentions “one step closer in our quest.” I’m wondering if this slight difference in dialogue indicates they’ve put the “return home” on hold for the moment due to something else.

Overall, loving this issue and looking forward to the remaining four. And I mean I want to read them all now!

The new artist, Pasquale Qualano, turns in some great work here. The lighting and dynamic angles are all quite good. There *are* some aspects of the style that strike me as odd:
*The chins on Goliath, Thailog, and Jade seem a bit larger than normal, and in the case of Goliath and Thailog there sometimes seems to be more upper lip in between nose and mouth. This doesn’t happen all the time, though (Thailog at the top of page 15 looks pretty darn perfect).
*Sometimes when characters or objects are in the foreground (like Coldfire in panel 1 on page 13 or Demona in panel 2 on page 14) they have a sort of dot overlay/outline of some kind, maybe to indicate shadow(?) and almost look like they’re cut-outs to me.
*Maybe it’s the angle, but on page 18 Goliath looks positively HUGE compared to Ruby-Mae.
Still, these are mostly minor things and the good is in far more abundance. I particularly like Demona’s escape from the mansion in the beginning, Hudson with Egwardo, and the two panels of Demona’s eyes versus Thailog’s eyes on page 16. [/SPOILER]

I am so here for this.

PREVIEW FOR ISSUE 2> No spoilers here, just saying that I'm surprised this came out so early. It's also not the first five pages, apparently, unless I'm missing something. This feels a bit like the "Next time on "Gargoyles" previews that the "Awakening" 5-parter had. Of course, this just makes the wait that much harder!

****Blaise makes the remnants of the window vanish with a wave of his hand and shuffles his way out of the Room.****

"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes."--The Doctor

Jurgan - [jurgan6 at yahoo dot com]