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Comment Room Archive

Comments for the week ending June 5, 2022

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Hey, we can call this troll Proteus!

I loved when Lor-Zod escapes in the Time-Sphere Rocket got from Metron in the finale.
'Nuff said

FRIENDLY CIA SPOOK - Yes, I remember your mentioning watching Arthurian films on Pentecost. (I was amused by your mentioning "Excalibur" among them, since I was just watching "Classical Rewind" on PBS, and one of the pieces they played was "O Fortuna" from "Carmen Burana".)
Todd Jensen

Come to think of it, my favorite Arthurian adaptation must be the 1998 Merlin miniseries with Sam Neill.

Just don't go to Monty Python and the Holy Grail, it is a silly place. ;)

Happy Pentecost, celebrants

I'm off to watch Camelot, 2004's King Arthur, and John Boorman's Excalibur.

Friendly CIA Spook
Pay no attention to the astigmatism behind the sunglasses

You know if the trolls are going to impersonate someone, you'd think they'd put some effort into selling the illusion.

Algae> Thanks, as soon as the new user probation time lapses I'll PM you (it will be under StellarCoyote, my other online nom de guerre) and we'll work something out.

When you return to your unobservable but empirically determined dimension of origin--tell them CARL SAGAN sent you.

Do you think it could be... EGON PAX!!!!
Kevin - [kevin dot nuckols at yahoo dot com]
Kevin Nuckols

Yeah I was surprised to see that I posted some trolling comments:-(

Ursa escapes to Daxamite and Klarion teleports every single Phantom Zone prisoner into the War World.

The spoilers were OUTSIDE the tags. lmao dumb retards.


'Twould seem the trolls have escalated to trying to impersonate actual CR regulars. Don't believe everything you read folks.
'Nuff said

Is someone impersonating Antiyonder? They didn't post spoilers outside tags before.

Ursa escapes but all the kryptonians are captured in the war world in [SPOILER] according to the leaks [/SPOILER].

lmao, whiny bitch

get a proper fucking forum, dumb muthafackas


KEVIN> Thanks for being so understanding, and sorry to hear about your surgery. Hope you start feeling better soon.

I think the uptick in malicious trolls lately is putting me on edge. I might take a break from the CR until Phantoms has finished airing.

'Nuff said

I'm relieved that's all good now.

Another super-related show on Disney Channel, which premiered last night: The Villains of Valley View. Like the concept and characters so far. My favorite is Jake and how he serves as a foil to the rest of the family. And Patricia Belcher is playing a similar character to the one she played in Good Luck Charlie (Mrs Dabney). Would be nice if others have seen it so we can discuss it here.


No worries in context I had major surgery and am still recovering from it so I may have been more emotional volatile then I would be and just to point out I agree with you about posting spoilers without some form of tags it just bad banners.
Kevin - [kevin dot nuckols at yahoo dot com]
Kevin Nuckols

KEVIN> I profusely apologize for any incorrect assumptions I made. Admittedly, I was overly pissed by the earlier spoilers in the room. I make a point of staying offline every Thursday until I've had a chance to catch up on YJ, so having spoilers for eps that haven't even officially aired yet genuinely irk me.

MATTHEW> I'd be down for that. You can PM me on my FF.net account if you like?


'Nuff said

Some time ago (I don't remember exactly when) I posted that I wanted to write a fanfic of my own about the children of various heroes in the DC universe.
Well I actually managed to write up the first chapter. I'm going to try and make some serious headway on the second chapter (and put more work on the outline of where I want to take this story) before I consider putting this on Fanfiction or Archive. But before I do that, I'd like to maybe get a bit of feedback.

Synopsis: "DC Legacies" is a Next-Gen fic about the children of various heroes and villains in the DC Universe. Drawing inspiration from various adaptations such as games, animated series, films and decades of comics, it details the lives and adventures of a new generation of heroes.

If interested, please let me know and we can set something up.

When you return to your unobservable but empirically determined dimension of origin--tell them CARL SAGAN sent you.

Yeah, it's all down to personal preference. I haven't seen any clips (I think I've trained Youtube's recommend algorithm to not show me YJ stuff - it's let me down before, though, so fingers crossed), just the stuff in the ask queue and our rude guest earlier, and I want to keep it that way. On the other hand, I looked through the Wikipedia synopses for Our Flag Means Death just to see what was up, and there's plenty of comics or games or books I've gotten into because I saw quotes or clips of a cool climactic (and utterly spoilery) moment and wanted to see how it happened. It just comes down to what your preference is, and someone assuming that yours is going to be like theirs, or that yours doesn't matter, sucks no matter what. Of course accidents happen, but part of being polite is trying to minimize them. Even if you don't get why someone has a boundary, you still respect it as best you can.
Karrin Blue

It's a difference of degree (to a big degree) but not of kind. The point is someone said they don't want something. (I'm not saying you specifically posted spoilers.)

Wait what?! That was a leak! I only knew about uh... certain characters appearing so wow I actually made a prediction that came true. And that was based on Gargoyles time travel mechanics that I know the creator likes not the free for all chronatotions YJ has.

Oh and please do not imply I am trying to "sneak spoilers" when I used a spoiler tag and was just speculating based on you know the character and items associated with said characters like you know how every other mystery has been solved through the show history.

And if you really think being spoiled about story events for an animated series is associated with serious issues like consent you should go to a debate club, especially when you are on a forum which is designed to talk about similar shows. My "oddly specific speculation" followed the guidelines the website sets out to avoid said spoilers for people who didn't want to see them. Please in the future do not interpret others intentions in the worst light I really have better things to then to tell leaked plot points about cartoons to random strangers on the internet.

Kevin - [kevin dot nuckols at yahoo dot com]
Kevin Nuckols

For me, leaks and spoilers and whether I engage them is primarily based on how invested I am in the property. I don't want to be spoiled on Young Justice because I'm still pretty invested in how the story will turn out.

Contrawise, when leaks for the The Rise of Skywalker came out I was so disinterested in the Sequel Trilogy that I went ahead and read them (my expectations remained roughly the same).

I think Algae's got the right idea on spoilers and to deal with them.

When you return to your unobservable but empirically determined dimension of origin--tell them CARL SAGAN sent you.

To my mind, spoilers are like sex and alcohol. If someone says they don't want any, that should be the end of the conversation. Those might seem like extreme analogies, but the underlining principle of respecting people's consent remains the same even on a pretty no-stakes level.

Anyone who wants to go look up leaked clips from unreleased episodes on YouTube or wherever can find them easy enough with a little digging. Those who'd rather not have that stuff shoved in their faces, shouldn't have to intellectually justify themselves like they're at debate club.

Oh, trying to sneak leaked spoilers through under the guise of oddly specific "speculation" is not clever.

'Nuff said

That is possibly the most mature and well reasoned argument I heard against spoilers. Don't get me wrong I wouldn't intentionally spoiler something but the way people act about plot points can be childish at times, like does knowing which Kryptonian is which in the Phantom Zone, or when Jason Todd became Robin really spoilers?

[SPOILER] And re Rocket and her reappearance I am betting it has to do with Metron and time shenanigans like Lor Zod being the one who died on Mars I thought it was Connor but since we discovered it was his own albeit bruised body who could be the one on Mars?. And Greg Weisman loves time and fate not being cheated in his shows. [/SPOILER]

Kevin - [kevin dot nuckols at yahoo dot com]
Kevin Nuckols

Oh also, I remembered some idle thoughts from before I forgot to put into my initial post (Well, it's hard not to get distracted by that ending.)

[SPOILER] Lor is so incredibly desperate for his parents' approval and love, it's honestly kind of sad. And sadder still because Ursa and Dru do seem to love him in their way - Ursa recognizing his eyes, all that. And yet I think he got used to following his own iniative, and now being expected to fall in line might be starting to bother him. But things like Ursa shouting at him for doubting, and how he keeps wanting to kill Conner... I think he's worrying his place isn't quite as secure as he thought it would be. His own father doesn't seem to really think of him as a son, but keeps focusing on Superboy... that has to sting, and I wonder where that sting is going to take him.

And, I really liked the bits of the Team all being on the same wavelength, chatting back and forth as they fight. Heckling Nightwing for his Gandalf reference (which might have been him jinxing himself for later, considering), or Kaldur, Artemis, and Dick geeking out over Thermopylae (I love them being the tactical brains of the group together - not that the others are slouches in that way, but I've wanted more of those three talking strategy as a trio since the deep cover mission, it's one of my favorite little dynamics in the Team.) It was also nice that Kaldur settled right back into the command of them as a group, last episode and now. I'm hoping we'll get more of that as the League, Outsiders, and Team rally up - and maybe some of Artemis commanding the Team too? [/SPOILER]

Karrin Blue

[SPOILER] Basically, it's that Zod says that anything Zone-colored is real. Not that a hallucination can be true-color or Zone-colored depending on what you subconsciously expect. Of course, he could be wrong - he and everyone else knew they were being sent to the Zone, not dying, so none of them would have expected to see people they knew were dead like that - but it's conservation of detail. And, well... look, it just still strikes me as weird that Wally started going translucent and intangible because he was getting zapped by the Reach device.

There's also how it fits into how I think Rocket is going to be used narratively. Under the assumption that she's not dead (because, logistically, they're not going to kill off the entire cast, and if they bring back nearly everyone then it'd be weird to have her be the only one that sticks), she will probably reappear by the end. If she got sidelined by being lost between dimensions and got fished out of the space-between-spaces once everything calmed down, that would be anticlimactic. So the way I see it, there's two factors, which I imagine looking like a Punnett square: whether she gets back to reality on her own or with help, and whether she reappears close enough to the fight to help beat Zod or far away. Reappearing far away - and giving her something to do far away that matters to the action - could be a way of making her vanishing feel like it adds to the plot instead of being a brief inconvenience to the cast; however, it means spending time on setting up what she's doing and why it matters in a finale episode that already has a lot to resolve. Whether that's her briefly travelling through time to set up failsafes or resolving some problem that ripple-effects out, she's got to do something. In this case it's fine if she does it on her own or gets help, and really anyone could give her that help - Phantom Stranger, Metron, whoever. On the other hand, if she reappears near the action, that means they don't have to have a mini-subplot for her, but does mean that they have to add some kind of consequence to keep it from being "Oh no Rocket is gone! - oh wait never mind". "Wally still exists somewhere" could be the classic good news/bad news - and it'd be nice for Wally to, in a sense, give an assist for three finales in a row. That's not the only thing it could be, but the more new information or the more distantly related the resolution is from the main cast, the harder a sell it'll be, I think. Like, if the Lords of Order help Rocket out, I'd buy that, but then I'd expect there to be an expectation of repayment later, and the more details have to be packed in the less time we have for everything else.

Though, of course, none of that is conclusive, and this is all built on a lot of ground assumptions that could be unfounded - there's third and fourth options galore, depending on how things shake out with the other plots. And Wally basically being this ghost haunting the cast (metaphorically) is also interesting, and a good reason to keep him dead. But in the end, I just like speculating between episodes, and following out lines of logic as far as they'll go, even with no expectation that more than 30% at most might be right. I don't need to have guessed accurately, I just like being able to take a lot of puzzle pieces and construct an idea of how it might go that holds together, then compare it to what actually does; like one of those art challenges where everyone has the same starting blocks and has to see how many ways they can be used. Which is another reason spoilers being posted out of context is rude - it's one thing to see them as part of a story being told, with buildup and payoff, where they're coming together to make a picture, but just getting the answer handed to you early when you're still thinking over theories takes some of the fun out of it. Not all, but some. [/SPOILER]

Karrin Blue

[SPOILER] I don't have HBO Max and have to watch it all via Youtube anyway, so seeing the leaks early made no difference to me personally. [/SPOILER]

[SPOILER] I'm not sure how that's a counterpoint, Karrin. The connection between the color palette and their reality only reinforces that Conner saw Wally like that because he expected to, since he thought he himself was dead and that was what he himself looked like. [/SPOILER]

Well, some of the information in the leaks is completely new. But even then - it's just fun to watch something when you don't know for sure what's going to happen next. Even if you have a pretty good idea, you still don't know for certain, and you can either feel vindicated by being correct or surprised by what actually happens. And then on rewatches, you can compare your memories of what you noticed the first time to what you notice now, or to what other people noticed on their first watches. Knowing all the spoilers ahead of time doesn't mean it won't still be an enjoyable story, but you lose that bit of fun, of trying to put the puzzle together in real time and talking to other people who are also putting it together.
Karrin Blue

Regarding the "leaks" if you could call it that hasn't that been telegraphed really obviously? I don't think that if I suddenly stated it your entire viewing experience would be shattered because I don't think shows should be based on reveals but on the story and character development that lead to said reveal.
Kevin - [kevin dot nuckols at yahoo dot com]
Kevin Nuckols

[SPOILER] I... wish the episode had honestly just leaked in it's entirety. YouTube clip titles already spoiled a bunch of stuff, and of course because I'm a stupid I watched to check the veracity of it. Sigh. Oh well.

I dunno... what's gonna happen in the next episode honestly. I stand by that I don't think anyone's dead. It's all too erratic and Greg DOES usually play fair. A character death doesn't need to be meaningful, but it should probably be impactful somehow. I dunno... how everything is coming together here, though, unless the bioship group WAS playing possum somehow.

One thing Beast Wars used to do, is it would kill off, or I guess fake kill off all the villains at the end of a season. Then next season, depending on what toys Hasbro had decided to continue, that'd decide who's deaths were permanent. That's not really relevant, but everyone kind of dying in this episode made me think of that.

It is insane to me, though, that, as insane as this episode is, it does kind of just boil down to Zod compelling Connor to murder Clark. Like that's what the emotional stakes are at the end of the day, and that story has *REALLY* worked. Beyond my feelings about everything else. [/SPOILER]

Alex (or Aldrius)
Check out my anime podcast "Two Gays One Episode" on Spotify or YouTube!

[SPOILER] See, that's what I thought it was when I first watched the episode, then Zod drew that connection between, well, he didn't say their color palettes but that's what it is, and whether they're real or not. And while Greg doesn't usually lie, he does sometimes mislead and use exact wording... and, really, narratively I don't think Rocket is staying dead or missing, and while possibly Danny or Halo or Cyborg or all of them working together could fish her out of wherever she is, I don't think she'll be sidelined for the whole fight. So she's got to find her way back to Earth somehow, which probably will mean getting directions from someone, and Wally would be a pretty good option. Though certainly not the only one; I could also see Phantom Stranger showing up, probably. Though in that case - or if she doesn't get any help - I'd expect her to have landed far away, not in the heat of the action but somewhere to get some information or turn a tide that ripple-effects back to defeating Zod.

Heck, maybe if those were real deaths, she got sent back in time and sets up some contingencies to save the day.

Also, M'gann is collapsed over the ship's steerint controls! She doesn't move, which could speak to it being an illusion. [/SPOILER]

Karrin Blue

[SPOILER] Greg mentioned on his twitter that Wally is Zone-colored like Conner because Conner thought he was dead when he started hallucinating and since he believes Wally to be dead, he would be Zone-colored too.

By the way, hadn't even considered the possibility of M'gann switching places with Supes in order to get close to Conner, they've done that trick before. I'll have to rewatch the episode to see where she was in the wreckage of Bioship. [/SPOILER]

When you return to your unobservable but empirically determined dimension of origin--tell them CARL SAGAN sent you.

I think Lian and Amistad will make a great couple in the future.

True... [SPOILER] OK, how's this: Dick fakes his apparent death through the aforementioned Bat-methods or by taking that Friar Lawrence potion Artemis used to slow her heart in S2. I'm leaning towards the latter because it'd be a callback rather than a sudden 'oh yeah he can do this', and the collapsing ice sculpture kicked up enough snow he could take the pill quickly.

Then... OK, maybe M'gann and Imra did make an illusion. If that's the case, I'm betting that's not Superman - it's M'gann shapeshifted so that she can get close enough to Conner to restore his mind. She's probably a good enough telepath to hide her presence from M'comm if he's not looking closely at Superman.

And Rocket... hm. I'm gonna say... she's alive, and she gets bounced back to reality by Wally somehow. Because unless him being zone-colored was a very unfortunate coloring error, he's bouncing around realities - if he's not stably 'in' the Zone, that could explain why he vanished after Conner jumped, and maybe he could send Rocket back on her way to Earth from wherever he is. And then we could get a surprise reveal at the end of his survival in some form.

Also... man it's unfortunate the spoilers are already in the ask queue. At least it seems to be limited to the Fury roster updates? Small mercies, I guess. [/SPOILER]

Karrin Blue

[SPOILER] I'd be surprised if Dick didn't know how to slow down his breathing or heartbeat like Matthew said. That's a classic Batman move. [/SPOILER]

Well, uh... shit.

[SPOILER] So that happened. I'm just gonna say, right off the bat, I don't think anyone's staying dead. Nightwing getting killed so quickly would be one thing, but him and Rocket and the entire crew onboard Bioship, no way. Even putting aside that Targets happens post-S4 and that some of these guys are definitely in the promo pages, and that this is the time travel season - no way we kill off that many in the core cast that quickly.

That being said, it's still a good issue! Really intense action, and the little conversations onboard Bioship were great. I feel really bad for Faora - in my post before I'd seen the episode, I was going to have an aside about how awful it'd be to be in the Zone for a 1 year sentence, then be stuck there forever, but couldn't get it to flow well - well, of course it came up in the episode. However the gang gets out of this one, they'd better follow through on saving the others from the Zone. Frankly that Krypton used that at all is prettt nightmarish.

What else... Hm, I think the only thing I'm worried about is how we'll save everyone without making the events so far feel cheapened. In our last kill-em-all, Failsafe, the repercussions of everyone 'living' through a no win scenario lingered - to the next episode, obviously, but even after that you can see how everyone's behavior shifted. Most notably, Dick almost completely stopped taking leadership positions without being backed into them, something that continued to now. So... if those deaths happened, and then are undone with time travel, I wonder how they'll keep them feeling meaningful. I always liked that YJ rarely used fakeout deaths, since the comics norm of almost no deaths being 'real' can weaken the stakes a lot (unless a writer knows how to grapple with how it'd feel for some people to get to return, over and over, but not everyone - you can tell good stories in that vein, it's just tricky and needs a certain kind of overarching tone) and even in the best cases can lead to an escalation that just gets exhausting, so I'm not sure about this turn of events, but... well, nothing to do but see where it goes! [/SPOILER]

Karrin Blue

Sorry; I accidentally pushed the wrong bracket key.
Todd Jensen

[SPOILER} "his big speech to the world" - though I haven't seen this episode, I can guess what three words of it were. (I'm no DC Comics expert, but that line has become so famous or infamous that you don't need to be an expert to have heard of it. [/SPOILER]
Todd Jensen

[SPOILER] Wow, I completely missed that with the eye. And I recognized it the minute it flew out of his pocket, EE is basically the only Legion villain I know anything about.

Oh, also, it seems Mother Thrall actually WAS kind enough to realize Zod couldn't speak English, and gave him a quick primer at the very beginning of the episode just there, where his son's greeting was two languages overlapping. Neat! Good for Dru, otherwise his big speech to the world would be a bit undercut. [/SPOILER]

Friendly CIA Spook
Secretes secrets

[SPOILER] Oh I'm fully expecting Dick to know the technique that allows one to slow their heartbeat to the point where it seems like they're dead.

And Lor pocketed the Emerald Eye while he, M'comm and Mantis were searching Metron's vault. It happened pretty quickly and Lor obviously didn't want elaborate on anything to his two shaky allies. [/SPOILER]

When you return to your unobservable but empirically determined dimension of origin--tell them CARL SAGAN sent you.

[SPOILER] "I'm Emerald Empress now." Oh... okay. Why did Lor have that eye in his pocket? Did I miss that?

I feel like Superman turning green is a reference to something but I don't know what.

Also if Nightwing explains away his nonexistent heartbeat as some kind of martial arts thing Batman taught him then I swear before God... [/SPOILER]

Friendly CIA Spook
Secretes secrets

Supergirl and Black Mary are Furies [SPOILER] in episode 26 [/SPOILER].
YJ Discord

Supergirl and Black Mary are Furies [SPOILER] in episode 26 [/SPOILER].
YJ Discord

[SPOILER] This episode was *A LOT*. I think maybe too much. when they pulled out the eye I was just kinda done. Like why not just have Darkseid and the Apokalips fleet show up at this point. Throw in Klarion and Vandal too. I'm joking, but wow.

Also the fate of like 4 heroes is up in the air after this episode, and it's just so much going on at once it's honestly harder to care about it emotionally. When they teased Nightwing might be dead I kinda... like there's almost no way they're killing Nightwing. Especially at this point. And between Rocket, Superman, Superboy and this, I just don't have the emotional bandwidth to care about all of it. It's so excessive.

Like unfortunately I don't even know what else to say about the episode. It was so plot heavy there was almost no room for anything else. It was obviously a good episode, I care about everything that's happening still, just wow. [/SPOILER]

Alex (or Aldrius)
Check out my anime podcast "Two Gays One Episode" on Spotify or YouTube!

I haven't seen the episode yet, but two thoughts occurred to me about last week's, and might as well mention them before I forget:

1) Of course the reason the other Leaguers trust Superman to keep something clearly relevant secret from them is that he's the big blue boy scout, they've known him for ages, and they trust him, but there's also recent precedent: Black Canary would have, just a few months ago, revealed that she's been giving therapy to the bus kids for ten years, and that they gave her information about the future to prove that their story was real that she kept secret from everyone else.

2) While Zod is clearly a terrible person (his coup on Krypton not even being because of their government corruption, but because they were in talks with New Genesis and he's a xenophobe), I really hope that the Team follows through on that probationary-court thing with the other prisoners and frees them and helps them acclimate to life on Earth; of course it's the right thing to do, for all kinds of reasons, it'd be cool if there was - still small, but bigger than one family Kryptonian community on Earth. Maybe they could move into Geranium City or something.

Karrin Blue

Well, everything's gone to hell...again.
Some quick thoughts on episode 25 "Over and Out"

[SPOILER] Not a lot to talk about here since it's mostly action, good action to be sure but still action. I thought the fight between the Team and the Cult of Zod in the Phantom Zone was unique but the fight in the Phantom Zone the material world and inside of a Boom Tube was even more wild. It's a shame that our heroes are getting bodied so hard. And jeez, poor Bioship. She's been there since the beginning and I don't think she's recovering from this.

Dang, I knew that kryptonite would come back to haunt them. In fact both Chekov's guns have shot our heroes; I was curious about how the Emerald Eye was going to show up. And it's given another dangerous villain even more dangerous power. Crap baskets.

Then there's what happened with Rocket, I'm not cynical enough to write her off as dead just yet. But I can't imagine things are good for her. Is she in Limbo? The Source? Another dimension? Another reality? A kind of hypothetical state of possibly non-existence but maybe existing like so many claim Wally's going through? I don't know, but it's going to take a lot of work to put an upbeat ending to all of this.
By the way, convenient that Zod decided to go for a public display of power and crush the wills of the people rather than getting the rest of his forces out of the Zone. [/SPOILER]

See you in the finale!

When you return to your unobservable but empirically determined dimension of origin--tell them CARL SAGAN sent you.

There's a new board game called "Disney Sorcerer's Arena: Epic Aloliances", pitting various Disney characters against each other, and one of them is Demona. (The others are more "mainstream" Disney figures, including Mickey Mouse in his Sorcerer's Apprentice role, Maleficient, Ariel, and Gaston from "Beauty and the Beast".)

I wonder if this is the first time a "Gargoyles" character has appeared in such a product (crossing over characters from different Disney properties).

Todd Jensen

B> I tend to feel like trying to wrest control of a planet destroying doomsday weapon is the kinda thing you'd only attempt if you a)have a foolproof plan or b)are totally desperate like Our Heroes were when Mongul first came calling.

Since old Vandy seems content just to use the WarWorld to play guard dog for the Sol System, the League are probably just hoping for the right opportunity to present itself.

'Nuff said

Let's have a moment of silence for this miracle.

Joe Quesada GETS GONE from Marvel Comics!

And than celebrate!

Vinnie - [thomaspeano at yahoo dot com]
Deplorable and loving it!

One) Well, Nabu and Traci at least know. Traci probably can't do anything with that, but who knows? And Nabu could probably find it again even if Vandal moved it after Nabu/Traci dropped in. But that would depend on him being cooperative, which would probably depend on having a really good plan, assuming he has nothing against taking such an advantage away from Savage on principle.

Two) Of course. Still, it's a powerful weapon, so it should cross their minds at some point, unless they think it would provoke the Light too much in general to be worth attempting.


B> I figured that one: They need to know where it is first. And two: Figure a way to seize a moon-sized space station from an immortal that obviously isn't going to make the same mistakes that Mongul did.
When you return to your unobservable but empirically determined dimension of origin--tell them CARL SAGAN sent you.

@Gontor - I take it you mean the first autistic superhero in Young Justice (that we know of), 'cause there have been other autistic superheros in comics and TV/film, like one of the twins who form Marvel's M, or the reboot version of Billy the Blue Ranger.

@Matthew - On the subject of the League not escalating things too much, I was thinking recently about how they haven't tried to take the Warworld back out of Savage's hands yet.


One more thing I thought of in my speculations on Goliath reading Homer. I can picture him, when he reached the Catalogue of Ships, definitely having a moment of "Humans really *do* insist on naming everything."

(And as if that's not enough, there are many hero-tales where practically all the weapons and other equipment the hero have bear names as well. In one of the early Welsh stories about King Arthur, "Culhwch and Olwen", not only Arthur's sword has a name (Caledfwlch - the future Excalibur), but also his spear, shield, and dagger; Layamon's Brut, a very Beowulfish Anglo-Saxon poem about Arthur, even gives names to his armor and helmet. Looks like Vinnie was tapping into time-honored tradition when he insisted on naming his pie cannon.)

Todd Jensen

Also as far as TOH and YJ goes, so a particular detail wasn't lost on me when learning what goes into creating a Grimwalker, but sunk into me more after reading this: https://sepublic.tumblr.com/post/685808305652793344/so-can-we-talk-about

So with say Thailog and his creations, Ben Reilly from Spider-Man or a certain YJ character, clones who are characters in their own right rather than one time enemies, there is the matter of them being created with less than savory intent and no regard about just creating life.

But mostly it's just taking a stab at getting DNA samples.

But sometimes there will be the feeling like they don't deserve life as much as the originals if at all at some point, but Hunter's guilt arguably is just as much how he shouldn't exist.

Namely cause it's not enough to merely take pieces of the original, but said person has to more often than not be dead.

Plus the other ingredients require harming a lot of creatures, and decreasing resources for twisted purposes.

Only one who should feel guilt is Belos, but yeah Hunter likely feels that besides being a copy, a lot of harm was done to make him.

Doesn't help that some of his tasks were to help hunt Selkidomus and further decreasing the Palismen and Palistrom Wood.

Hope Belos' life leads him to the actual bad place.>:-(


ALGAE - I didn't immediately realize it was a troll (maybe because the post came with a name and avatar; trolls usually are anonymous), though on another look, the tone definitely suggested a troll.

ANTIYONDER - For me the price was immaterial; I checked the DVDs out from the local library.

Todd Jensen

The Nuclear Option is an interesting topic in the DC universe because it's been touched upon but rarely explored in the mutually assured destruction sort of way.

The Justice Lords arc and the entirety of the Injustice series are based around the idea of the villains taking things to a personal level and the heroes snapping and becoming tyrants (with the exception of Batman because I'm favoritism is a part of that).

But what I like about Young Justice is that it infers that if the League escalates then the villains will have to do the same, and that will continue until both sides, and a good chunk of the Earth, will be utterly decimated in the wake of the conflict.

Vandal is aware that resources lost in a conflict that could be avoided means less resources when dealing with intergalactic conquerors, terrors from beyond or Old and New Gods.

When you return to your unobservable but empirically determined dimension of origin--tell them CARL SAGAN sent you.

This isn't Ask Greg, but the nuclear option is killing the Leaguers' unpowered spouses and children, or threatening to. It would definitely hurt them, and could possibly be used to blackmail them, but that sort of thing would definitely cause the League to escalate in turn. That's why it's called the nuclear option - mutually assured destruction, where they both escalate and there's no survivors on either side.
Karrin Blue

in Young Justice Outsiders' Home fires, what is the nuclear option that lady shiva and ocean master talking about?
Prince Ritji - [jrgontor at gmail dot com]

We have gotten a fair amount of trolls as of late.
Makes one nostalgic for the odd business spam.

When you return to your unobservable but empirically determined dimension of origin--tell them CARL SAGAN sent you.

Todd> Well the 3rd Season at any rate on DVD is $16.26.

DVD was how I saw it and surprisingly I resisted the urge to look at spoilers, whereas in contrast with TOH episodes, not so much:-O.

Got that and the more recent release of the Hey Arnold Series Set were my first Pandemic binges. Didn't even get them for that purpose, just that I ordered them just before and got them just after.


TODD> You don't owe trolls any explanation for anything.

I've seen the first two seasons of "Young Justice" on DVD, but haven't gotten around to seeing Seasons Three or Four. (I have access to Disney Channel, but not HBO Max.)
Todd Jensen

Todd, you've never watched YJ but you watch The Owl House? YJ too complicated for your brain?

An autistic super-hero? BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!! OMFG!!!! Are you for real?? Amistad can't barely function and you think he's gonna fly off in underoos punching criminals and shit? lmao!!!!!! He can't barely make a coherent sentence. Holy shit the lack of common sense on you retards LOLZ... a special needs super-hero rotflmfao!!!!!

I do hope he won't be first, becoming a hero someday is one thing but (assuming there won't be a ten-year time skip to S5) if the show doesn't introduce any autistic heroes before then that'd be very disappointing.
Karrin Blue

I think you've made your point.

I think in the future Amistad will pick the mantle of Rocket and become a superhero like his mother or the first black autistic superhero.
Mysterious DC fan

I think in the future Amistad will pick the mantle of Rocket and become a superhero like his mother or the first black autistic superhero.


It would be nice to an equivalent of Justice League Dark form and the Sentinels do more besides being rotating hosts for Doctor Fate.

I also meant to agree that I'd like to see Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld now that Child has shown up.


I think in the future he will pick the mantle of Rocket and become a superhero like his mother or the first black autistic superhero.

Something I've thought of raising for a while is Goliath's response to various literary classics after he awakened - since we know he was making much use of both the castle library and the public library next to the clock tower, and that he seemed to lean towards the classics (we know he'd read both Shakespeare and Dostoyevsky - not to mention a book on werewolves in "Eye of the Beholder", and he was aware that the public library had several books on Merlin). Greg Weisman once gave a list of major writers at "Ask Greg": Homer, Shakespeare, Cervantes, Jane Austen, Dickens, Thomas Hardy, Faulkner, and Hemingway, and I thought I'd take a look at Goliath's likely encounter with each one of these (with the caveat that I'm more familiar with some than others - I've read a lot of Homer and Shakespeare, but not as mcuh of Hemingway, for example). I'll start with Homer.

Homer's the only writer on Greg's list who lived before the Wyvern Massacre, yet even he'd have most likely been new to Goliath. His writings weren't available in western Europe during medieval times; if Goliath had found anything on the Trojan War in Castle Wyvern during the "Dark Ages" period, it would most likely have been Virgil's "Aeneid" (or, just possibly, two "eyewitness" accounts of the Trojan War, supposedly written by Dares and Dictys Cretensis, which supplanted Homer for a while - but are now known only to specialists on the Trojan War, while you can find Homer's epics in any good bookstore or library).

While Greece and Troy are a long way from Scotland, Goliath probably would have felt fairly at home with the overall atmosphere of Homer's poems; their setting, like that of Scotland, had a general "heroic age/warrior culture" atmosphere, even if the details were different. I suspect, while reading the Iliad, that Goliath would have felt more sympathy for the Trojans, who're defending their city from the Greeks - a protector like Goliath would identify more with the defenders, while probably seeing the Greeks in much the same light as, say, Hakon's Vikings. (If with the challenge that the Trojan War came about because of Paris running off with Helen of Troy, placing the Trojans partly in the wrong and indicating that the issues of the war are definitely grey.) At the same time, I suspect he'd have felt something all too familiar about Achilles' vengeance, having succumbed to that temptation a few times himself. (The "Iliad" ends before the Trojan Horse, so Goliath would have had to find out about that elsewhere. I wonder whether he'd have found something all too familiar about it - the city or fortress falling through a trick that negates its defenses from within, though in a different manner than the Wyvern Massacre.)

As for the "Odyssey", I find it tempting to wonder whether Goliath might have initially had some obstacles to siding with Odysseus, given that he's a trickster - and a Greek trickster at that. After the Avalon World Tour, of course, he'd have been able to empathize with Odysseus' struggle to return home (and at least he made it back to Manhattan with everyone who'd left Avalon with him, while Odysseus lost his entire crew).

(And some will probably be wondering what the New Olympians would have had to say about Homer - or the other major writers on Greek mythology, for that matter.)

Todd Jensen

Todd Jensen> So I wasn't sure when [SPOILER] Luz or anyone of her friends would go to the Human Realm for the series, but now I'm definitely half expecting Vee's friends to help out. Maybe even getting to know that she is a Basilisk if not finding that out between eps. [/SPOILER]

I could see Zatanna's Sentinels being adapted as such to act as this universe's Justice League Dark. Maybe have Shining Knight and Blue Devil act as the meatshields for the sorcerers.
When you return to your unobservable but empirically determined dimension of origin--tell them CARL SAGAN sent you.

I'd kinda like to see the Morrison/New 52 incarnation of Shining Knight. I've always had a soft spot for Sir Ystin and they'd make an interesting addition to the Team or Outsiders, particularly if YJ keeps their history with fellow Demon Knight Vandal intact.

Beyond that, I've no particular favorites

'Nuff said

It would be nice if Starfire and Raven showed up to complete the Teen Titans set, and the latter might get involved with Beast Boy if he and Perdita stay broken up. I expect Supergirl to show up eventually, since her existence was mentioned by Ursa.

Obscure characters: Lilith Clay. She's never been adapted anywhere. I didn't even know about her until I read a DC Rebirth issue from Free Comic Book Day recently.


Happy Memorial Day to everyone here.

DAWSON - Sorry, but this isn't "Ask Greg" (though you're far from being the first person to make that mistake). You'll find the link to "Ask Greg" near the top of the page.

One or two more thoughts on future directions for "The Owl House" in the third season.

[SPOILER] I wonder whether the piece of goo left over from Philip will seek out the conspiracy-nut historian who locked Vee up. They share a distrust of the magical world and willingness to do everything they can to take it down - with the indication that their motives for doing so aren't as noble as they believe, or dupe themselves into believing.

The "frog world" news story on Camile's computer screen offers the creativity demon - though I doubt we'd have seen it happen, even if we'd gotten the full third season - of Luz on the phone with Anne, asking for advice on: a) hiding people from a strange magical world on Earth (with the problem that there'd be very different ways of doing that when the people in question are talking frogs rather than humanoids with pointed ears and b) how to get back into that other world when the magic that sent you between it is currently unavailable (and, of course, the lab that Anne and the Plantars used is at the other end of the country). Of course, certain speculations about an Earth Ex of Eda's also opens the possibility of finding said ex's brother and asking him for advice on travel between worlds. [/SPOILER]

Todd Jensen

Dear Greg, We have never seen what Dick Grayson and Clark Kent's relationship was like during the 4 seasons of YJ I would've like to see if Superman viewed Robin as an annoying sidekick or cheerful nephew and we rarely see how Dick would choose the Nightwing mantle outside of comics because in the DCAU he never even met Superman. I wish we can explore that sometime in the future and if their relationship was as strong as the comics.
Dawson - [kidsacomicguy at aol dot com]

Been keeping up with The Owl House since The FIRST Day, i.e Luz enrolling in Hexside and Amity's feelings for Luz became more impossible to deny as friendship. You know, talking to herself (or so she thought) about how Luz going to the same school doesn't change anything.

[SPOILER] Expecting some fumbles like calling Camila "Luz's Noceda" and/or "Mrs. Mom" and going to gay panic mode when/if she wears one of Luz's spares.

I'm wondering if part of the reason for Gus getting that tool for his illusions was setting up a means for the four of them to blend in while in the Human Realm as I'm not sure they have concealment stones.

Hunter incidentally I just think ever good parent we've seen will just take a share of custody over him. Won the trust of more than I'd expect.

But yeah definitely expecting Camila to get an idea of how close Luz is to her friends and be somewhat more open to her returning to the Isles. And as an aside I always felt like some fans due to being a vet that after getting use to the weirdness, she'd probably be another unlikely friend and penpal to Hooty:-D. [/SPOILER]

But yeah, since The First Day, I kept up with all episodes regularly. Especially cause I can watch them just hours ahead of the premiere via Charter On-Demand.
