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Weisman, Greg

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Robbie Bishop writes...

Wow! Max Steel ruined your career for several years!! How?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNK5Fli0JAE it says so on youtube but the camera guy keeps laughing and I can't hear you!

Greg responds...

Man, I've got to remember that anything I say these days can wind up on You Tube.

And, yeah, it did. I believe, and I have had many more objective people than I confirm it, that I was both scapegoated and blackballed for the perceived failures of that series, the main irony being that the show was a minor hit -- not a failure at all.

Response recorded on June 11, 2007

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Charisma82 writes...

Hey! I was wondering about the way you named the 2 new detectives in the 3rd comic book. I heard that you named them after your college roommates. What I want to know is did you give them a heads up that their names would be in the comic book? Or did you just hope they'd find out on their own? In fact, do you even know if they read the comic book? If they haven't, and if you never told them, will you ever let them know that their names were used for your 2 new characters? I'm curious because if I had my name in a comic book (or any kind of writing) because someone I knew wrote it, I'd like to know about it.

Thanks for your time and all that you do.


Greg responds...

I'm not in touch with either any more, sad to say.

Response recorded on May 24, 2007

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Shannon 'Shan' Muir writes...

Greg, you mentioned in a recent post that the writings of Stephen J. Gould may have influenced you on GARGOYLES? How did you come to be exposed to his writings? For me, they were required reading in my Advanced Stats class for my MA in Communications (prof was a Gould fan). Thanks.

Greg responds...

I was teaching Freshman Composition at U.S.C. and some of his stuff was in the textbook.

Response recorded on April 13, 2007

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Charisma82 writes...

I read somewhere that you've been to Disneyland many times. What is your favorite ride there?

Thank you in advance for your answer and for your time.


Greg responds...

I'm not sure I have one favorite. (Today's questions don't seem to be provoking much in the way of definitive response.) I enjoy a bunch of rides, including but not limited to Pirates, Matterhorn, Haunted Mansion, Peter Pan, Small World (yeah, you heard me!), Space Mountain. There are rides that are gone now that I used to love, like that Innerspace one where they shrunk you down into a snowflake, etc. I'm probably forgetting some...

Response recorded on April 13, 2007

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Ylm writes...

Aside from your gargoyles related comics work such as the new Gargoyles sequel and the upcoming Bad Guys mini, will we be seeing any more comics written by you?

Greg responds...

I hope so. Tell your favorite comic company to contact me.

Response recorded on April 06, 2007

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Twiggess writes...

Just wondering (cause you make them sound so-well, they'll be at least pre-teens by the time you read this, so for their sake I'll refrain from using the word "adorable") if there were any pictures of your kids posted on any websites in those Fox/David Gathering outfits? Or any pics at all, for that matter? I understand if not, if I had kids I wouldn't want any photos of them on the internet either, just thought I'd ask.

Greg responds...

I'm not aware of any.

Response recorded on March 09, 2007

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Twiggess writes...

So if the Canmore's are named after your sibblings, does that mean that Elisa's sister Beth is named after your wife? Or is that just a coinsidence? (Like there's such a thing as coinscidence on "Gargoyles"....

Greg responds...

It's not a coincidence.

Response recorded on February 15, 2007

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Charisma82 writes...


First off, I was looking through questions and comments that you've answered on this website last night and I noticed that a few people mentioned that you don't like to get questions about different subjects all in one writing, but to post them seperately. When I read through the rules on the first page, I didn't see this mentioned, but if you did say something about this in the rules and I'm missing it somewhere, I appologize for my last journals that I wrote. They had different subjects asked about in them, and I didn't know that you prefer not to get them that way. I hope that it didn't complicate your answering questions, I certainly didn't want to do that. Again, I'm sorry. I won't do it again, and I'll understand if you don't answer some of my questions on those posts.

Today is Monday so I had school again. It's half way over, so I'm glad. Today in class, one of the other students (one of the louder ones I might add) kept going on about how she got to go to the premier for the Pirates of the Carribbean 2 movie at Disneyland. She had pictures and autographs for anyone who would pay attention to see. It's funny, she said she waited 11 hours on Main Street to see the stars of the movie. I was thinking how cool it would be to go to the one for the 3rd movie, but then I realized that they had this last movie the same weekend as the gathering this year. I really hope that they don't have it at the same time as 2007's gathering, because I'd really love to go to both.

Since I'm talking about Disneyland, and you work for disney and all, I think I'll end this journal with questions about Disney for you (because I don't want to detour to other topics and make it longer than it needs to be). Have you been to Disneyland? It's a great place, I think. My family and I have obtained family passes for the place a couple of times in the past. I'm Disneyland sick right now because we haven't been in a year or so (I know it sounds stupid that I should complain about this, because other people only get to go once in their lives). One memory I like best of Disneyland was the year they were building California Adventure next door to it. We had season passes that year, so we got to see California Adventure being built from the ground up as we went to Disneyland over the year. I've heard from people before who work at Disneyland and they say they hate it. One must wonder why? I guess you'll never know unless you work there. Is it the same for people who don't work at Disneyland, but still work for Disney? I mean, do you ever get tired of working for Disney? I think that is why the others hate the place now, they had too much of what is supposed to be a good thing.

I also want to say that I saw your name at the end of the WITCH credits tonight. My sister saw it and pointed it out and said that I over react to seeing names that I am familiar with. I always get excited when I see a name or hear a voice that had to do with gargoyles. You all did a great job with that show, and I hope you continue your ideas on through this new show (and into other new gargoyle developments).

Well, I guess this is it. The Gathering of the Gargoyles is officially over with today. No more me rambling on and on about.... well, nothing really. I did enjoy taking the time out to put up these posts. I hope that next year I get to put up posts of what happened at the 2007 gathering and not what is happening in my normal life.

I hope you and everyone else had a great time at the gathering and has a safe trip back to your homes. Thank you for listening (actually reading), and letting me, and everyone else who puts up posts, take up some of your time. It is appreciated.

It has been a pleasure and a privelege to write to you.


Greg responds...

I do not work for Disney right now. Used to. But not at the moment. I have been to Disneyland. I'm a born and bred Angelino, so I've been going there since I was a kid.

Response recorded on January 23, 2007

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Susan Leonard writes...

I am a longtime collector of original production art cells. I have a room in my home that contains cells of favorite moments from both the Batman and Superman animated series highlighting the romantic moments between Superman and Lois Lane as well as Batman and Catwoman and favorite villains like The Joker and Lex Luthor. I am a huge fan of Gargoyles as well and would like to purchase some original production from the series if it is at all possible. I am particularly interested in moments between Goliath and Elisa. Please let me know if this can be done, and how I can go about it. Thank you for your time Greg!

Greg responds...

Hey Susan,

I'm guessing you posted this before we met and before you attended your first Gathering.

I'm thinking that by now you've had the opportunity to get some cells. I feel like they were on sale in Las Vegas in 2005. E-bay's another possibility, or contact the fans via Station Eight.

But I'm afraid that I'm not a resource for finding or purchasing Garg cells.

I own four cells myself (which I have no intention of ever selling):

1. Goliath in the castle corridor from "Awakening, Part One"

2. Goliath holding what he believes to be Demona's remains from "Awakening, Part One"

3. Goliath, Elisa, Lexington, Broadway, Brooklyn, Hudson, Bronx watching t.v. from "The Edge".

4. Goliath and La Belle Elisa dancing from "Eye of the Beholder".

Response recorded on November 15, 2006

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Bob writes...

Hey Greg,

I was wondering could you please tell us more about these prosed animated projects,
Steven Spielberg's Cliffhangers, Sword of the Shogun, The Avenger, Blackhawk, Madison & MON-Ro, Rain of the Ghosts, Tai-Fu The Series, Treasure Hunters, Inc., & Small Soldiers: The Animated Series?

Greg responds...

Avenger is based on the old pulp character.
Blackhawk on the DC Comics property.

Both were proposed for Cliffhanger's which was Steven's idea to run a different five-episode action miniseries (with each ep ending in a cliffhanger) every week. We were never able to sell a network on Cliffhangers, so neither Avenger nor Blackhawk ended up being optioned.

Tai-Fu was going to be a video game that DreamWorks Interactive was working on. Don't know if they ever made it.

Small Soldiers was based on the movie of the same name.

Sword of the Shogun, Madison & MON-Ro, Rain of the Ghosts and Treasure Hunters, Inc. were all original ideas that I proposed and developed.

Sword of the Shogun was also going to be in Cliffhangers.

Garg fans who came to the 1997 Gathering saw the Rain of the Ghosts pilot as a radio play. That's the one that got the furthest. Nick optioned it, but passed ultimately.

Nick also optioned Madison, but Steven killed it.

Response recorded on October 01, 2006

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