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Anonymous writes...

Hey, Greg. I just wanted to start out by saying that I loved Gargoyles.
Still do. Unfortunately, I'm not in your target age range. But there's at
least one college student who raves about the show regularly. I especially
enjoy the mythology you've weaved into the series. I haven't seen all the
episodes yet, but I plan to eventually.
Now. On to the questions.

1) Here's my stab at the Arthurian survivors. Seven, right? 1) Arthur 2)
Merlin 3) Fisher King 4) Lady of the Lake 5) Morgan le Fay 6) Nimue 7)

2) a:You've mentioned that you've tried to get Gargoyles in other media.
I'm curious. If you had the option of using any medium, TV live, film live,
books, comic books, TV animation, film animation, which would you pick?
I'm aware that in real-world terms, you take what you can. But if you had the
choice, which would best fit your story? b: Along similar lines, do you
see parts of the master plan changing depending on which medium you get? I
read a novelization of Batman's Knightfall thread, that said that it changed
some stuff because the different media required different pacing and other
stuff.... Any similar changes for you that you can see? If there are, care
to elaborate on those?

3) Have you even seen all the episodes of TGC? I haven't, myself. Though I
found out I have one on tape.

4) Would Disney allow you to do Gargoyles on another medium anyway? I
thought they owned everything related to Gargoyles...? Do you think they
would have a reason to not let you write a Gargoyles book or something if
you got the opportunity?

Greg responds...

1. Nope.
2a. Given my imaginary and otherwise-non-existent druthers, I'd
like to go right back to TV Animation, though I'd rather be in prime time
with one hour episodes. After that, I think comics would be fun, but I
might prefer to just go the novel route.
2b. I don't see the basic plan changing, but what I chose to depict
would definitely be effected by the medium.
3. Not counting "The Journey", which I've seen a few times, I've
seen the other 12 each exactly once.
4. I would think that Disney would let me do anything that didn't
damage the property and which generated some income for them. They're not
going to let me do anything without being compensated. And I don't blame

(GDW / 7-22-98)

Response recorded on July 22, 1998

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