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Anonymous writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman.

First off, thank you soooooo much for that magnificent series of
yours, Gargoyles. (Ho-kay, that's out of my system.) :)
Only two questions for you, sir. I am a newbie at this (using
substandard equipment that crashes when it tries to process anything from the Web
larger than 150k), so if these have been asked before, I apologize for being

1) A lot of people have asked about breaking into animation as an
artist/animator. How would one go about breaking in as a writer (the
more important part of the equation, if you ask me.)?

2) I don't mean to get you into any trouble with this question, but
here goes: Looking back on what's happened with your creation, do you
think it would have had a longer/shorter life had it been done with a different
studio (i.e. Warner Brothers, who seems to do superheroics much better
than Disney)?

3) Do you have any current *live action* writings in development
(movies, TV series, music videos)?

Greg responds...

1. I don't think one is more important than the other. I have
answered this in more detail in the archive. Read and Write. Get good.
Write spec scripts. Read. Proofread. Read Aloud. Write. Write.
Write. Make phone calls. Network.

2. This has been asked before too. It's SO HYPOTHETICAL as to
border on the incomprehensible, like asking me whether the series would
have lasted longer if I were over six feet tall. I don't know how to
speculate on this. So let me just reiterate that Disney created the
environment that allowed me to create this show. I don't think that
environment would have existed ANYWHERE else. Disney's far from
perfect, but I get a little tired of people implying that they suck. I
worked there for almost seven years. I was an executive for five of
those years. Part (a small part) of the Disney establishment, even. I
saw a lot of goofy decisions get made, but I saw a lot of good stuff get
made too. How would being at Warners have helped? I doubt we'd ever
even have developed the show. Sorry for the tirade, but I think
occasionally we all need to take a reality check and put things in

3. No.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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