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Hi Greg! Thanks in advance:
1) Do gargoyle beasts give birth in litters or singly?
2) Are all the female gargoyles in a clan on the same 20 year
fertility cycle? It was implied that all the eggs on Avalon hatched around the
same time.
3) Are the males also only fertile every 20 years?
4) How many gargoyle beasts were there in the Wyvern clan before the
5) I realize you didn't write that episode, but could you please
explain why the clones turned to stone when they died?
6) Is Demona's 2nd clan (the one supposedly killed by Canmore's men)
really dead?
1. Singly.
2. Yes and Yes.
3. Fertile? Is that the right word? I think male and female
gargoyles have sex more often than once every twenty years, if that's
what you're trying to get at in a round about way.
4. I don't know the exact number. A handful.
5. No, because I not only didn't write the episode, I was more
or less appalled by it. Why would you ask me that?
6. Yep.
(GDW / 4-28-98)