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Anonymous writes...

I have a few questions I would like to ask:

1) We know that Demona and the Captain of the Guard worked together to
betray the Castle to the Vikings, but who came up with the idea in the
first place?

2) On a related note, we saw in City of Stone that Demona had the
opportunity to warn some of the clan about the Vikings- so why didn't
she? Surely she didn't really believe that one person (the Captain) would
be able to stop the entire Viking horde from destroying the clan. It seems to
me that she could have made up some story about overhearing the Captain
conspiring with another guard, adn warned the others to leave. After
all, gargoyles may protect, but I would think the gargoyles would have
realized that, with the Vikings attacking at dawn, there would be nothing the
clan could do to help and that it was necessary for them to flee.

3)We know that gargoyles do not formally acknowledge individual
parentage, but do they have some informal methods of keeping track of these
things? I ask this because it seems to me that, depending on the number of times
a female becomes fertile in her lifetime and the approximate age at
which the cycle begins, there could be the possibility of inbreeding among
gargoyles(I worked it out assuming that the cycle starts at the biological age of
20 and lasted for three breeding cycles, and found that there appeared to be
the possibility of uncles/aunts mating with their nieces/nephews, as well
as the chance for 1st cousins to breed).

Greg responds...

1. The captain.

2. She was a coward. Emotionally, she still is.

3. It's possible, but unlikely. It's also possible that
pheremones and a gargoyle sense of smell would reduce the likelihood of
biological incest.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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