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Anonymous writes...

I have a few questions. 1. Do Robyn and Jason know what their eloquent younger brother has been doing (John Castaway, the Quarrymen)? 2. What is John Castaway's driving force, hate or guilt? Thanks.

Greg responds...

1. Is this a Post-Journey CHRONICLES question? I had plans that they'd find out. I don't know whether the CHRONICLES staff even thought about it.
2. Guilt, then hate.

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Anonymous writes...

Greg, what can I give you in turn for what you've given me through Gargoyles? A kidney I guess. Anyway, I've always thought that for a gargoyle to sleep for a thousand years (or even just a day) without the ability to wake oneself up , could lead to intriguing dreams and nightmares. Recently, you acknowledged that the gargoyles can dream during their stone sleep. Did you ever have plans to include gargoyle dreams in any of your stories?

Greg responds...

I have already, usually as a way of relating flashbacks, but "Future Tense" was one big Gargoyle nightmare -- even if it was inserted by Puck, and I had a few other thoughts as well.

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Anonymous writes...

most people want to know what Demona did during WW II, I'd rather know what Macbeth did during this time and also during WW I. please answer my little question, by the way I thank u greg for answering the questions of fans.
Bryan Ken nedy A.K.A. CoyotexQ

Greg responds...

It's not a little question, Bryan. This isn't the format for telling a novel- length story. Nice try though. (Feignt right, go left, see if he takes the bait.)

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Anonymous writes...

Greeting oh exalted one. Again, a thousand "thank you's" for allowing us the opportunity to ask questions. I only have one question but my mindset does need some explaining. On the surface, Demona hates all humanity and wants to erra dicate it. But, beneath it all, how strong is this conviction? Her hatred of humanity allows her to conveniently overlook her own role in the Castle Wyvern Massacre. Once, the humans are gone, who does she have left to assign blame to? Without this s rvival mechanism to shore up her unstable psyche, Demona is probably finished. During Hunter's Moon she practically tells Goliath that smashing the Praying Gargoyle will stop her plan cold and gives him a clear shot at it. True, this is probably yet an ther instance of the villain being unable to resist filling everyone in on her plan. Still, what security measures did Demona take to assure the fullfilment of a plan she spent 500 years developing. All Demona had with her at the cathedral was just one gun, yet given her past sucess rate and the hunter's still out there, you'd expect a lot more security from someone as paranoid as Demona. Okay, I'm probably over analyzing this but it does seem possible that Demona might be subconciously sabatoging her own efforts. What all of this really boils down to is: Does Demona really have it in her to annihilate 5 billion plus lives?

Greg responds...

Damn good question. I think a lot of what you wrote above makes a lot of sense. But I also think that Demona is capable of extinguishing 5 billion lives and only then turning around and realizing that she's destroyed herself. In other words, she's still very dangerous.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Wiesman, if we [the fans] could do one thing to bring back gargoyles, what should we do? Also, I know sometimes a canceled show will be produced on vidio tapes to be sold, would Disney ever do this? Thank you!

Greg responds...

On-going letter writing campaigns wouldn't hurt, but the biggest thing would be to get more and more people to watch the show. Get cable. Watch Gargoyle reruns on USA. Get everyone you know to do the same. If the ratings on the reruns are ridiculously high, then maybe that would give someone the idea to take another pass at new episodes. Do you know any Nielsen Families?

Disney already put some of the episodes out on video.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Wiesman, I just thought of this. I'm sorry I'm askiing you so much at once. Is there any way to obtain a GARGOYLE script? Also, I LOVE the soundtrack! Would Disney ever sell a copy of it? Thanks Again! Lestat

Greg responds...

Disney would probably sell anything they thought they could make money on, enough money to justify the cost of production. At the moment, I doubt they think they could make enough money by selling scripts or soundtracks.

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Anonymous writes...

Hello. You may have already answered this but I want to be extra sure and precise.Since a gargoyle turns to stone if touched by sunlight why dont they stone up if you shine a bright light on them? (may have in cyberspace Future te nse but not in some others) Also on a related topic if a gargoyle avoids sun wont they stay awake for a while? thanks for reading :) :) -Dak Phoenix

Greg responds...

Gargoyles have internal biological clocks. Sunlight acts as a psychological trigger, but it's really the internal clock that makes the change. A bright light doesn't affect the clock, nor does it act as a trigger. Avoiding the sun, for example by being indoors at sunrise, might have a slight delaying effect but not more than a few minutes, because the clock triggers the change, not the sun. The clock is simply "set" by the sun.

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Anonymous writes...

Greg Hi, You said Brooklyn's mate is Katana. Did you kindy get this of of MORTAL KOMBAT, because in the movie anyways, the princess's name is Kitana???? When was the last time you read letters from MAY? Oh, and to you and eve ryone hoe reads this- AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO HAS SEEN THE FIFTH ELEMENT? IT"S THE BEST MOVIE I"VE EVER SEEN! SO SEE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Little Demon, Guess what I have a new web page!?*$&#

Greg responds...

No. I saw Mortal Kombat, but not 'til after I had come up with the Katana character. What letters from May?

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Anonymous writes...

Greg here are a couple questions and comments on Gargoyles for you: 1. What happened to Wolf at the end of "Vendettas"? Is he dead? if not what did you have planned for him? 2a. Did the entire Redemption Squad(?) in "Bad Guys" only cons ist of Fang, Robyn, Yama, Dingo and the Matrix? If not who else would be part of the team? 2b. How did Yama and Dingo meet up with the rest of the group? How did Fang get out of the Labrynth? 2c. Did you know the real identity of the Director? if so who was he besides Duval's nemesis? 3. One of my favorite episodes was probably "Future Tense". It had a really dark feel to it and revealed a lot about the true nature of most of the main characters. Even though it was just a dream it seemed like a lot of the a pects of it could have come true. Besides the things that have already come true in the actual show (like the clock tower and the clone wars) what other aspects of Puck's dream would have become a reality? Do you think Lexington would ever have become e il? 4a.Last question: could you please tell me a little about the New Olympian spin-off that you had planned.
What would the two new characters be like? 4b. Did you think Boreas would have had a role? he was one of my favorite Olympians. 4c. Would the New Ol pians bring Gargoyles with them on their trip? 4d. Would they meet the entire Manhattan clan? 4e.Would the spin-off be called New Olympians or did you have another name for it? 4f. How close did this spin-off become to being made? 4g. Would Taurus have been the main character? 4h. Would the island of New Olympus have been revealed to the humans? 4i. Where did the New Olympians get their high-tech technology? Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions.

Greg responds...

1. He's not dead. Ultimately, I planned for him to join the Ultra-Pack.
2a. That was pretty much the team. I'm not saying others might not have come and/or gone, but that's the core.
2b. They were all recruited by the Hunter. The details of the story are my secret for now.
2c. I had a pretty good idea.
3. Heh, heh, heh.
4a. Romeo and Juliet. Sort of.
4b. Yes. Though he wasn't going to be a lead, he was to be a major supporting character.
4c. Which trip?
4d. Uh... maybe?
4f. Not close at all. BAD GUYS came the closest.
4g. Taurus would have been one of four leads.
4h. Yes.
4i. They developed it over the centuries.
GENERAL REQUEST: I appreciate that you numbered your questions, but then you proceeded to ask multiple questions under each number. I added the letters for clarity. In the future, if you have multiple questions, please number every question. THANKS.

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Anonymous writes...

Just one this time: Why were Oberon's Children banished? Who's "fault" was it, or was Oberon just having a bad day?

Greg responds...

Arrogance. His and theirs. (That's the third time I've given the exact same answer to this question.) As to "fault", the immediate blame went to Titania, though what she did was simply the straw that broke Oberon's not-to- impressive patience.

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