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Anonymous writes...

Hello. You may have already answered this but I want to be extra sure and precise.Since a gargoyle turns to stone if touched by sunlight why dont they stone up if you shine a bright light on them? (may have in cyberspace Future te nse but not in some others) Also on a related topic if a gargoyle avoids sun wont they stay awake for a while? thanks for reading :) :) -Dak Phoenix

Greg responds...

Gargoyles have internal biological clocks. Sunlight acts as a psychological trigger, but it's really the internal clock that makes the change. A bright light doesn't affect the clock, nor does it act as a trigger. Avoiding the sun, for example by being indoors at sunrise, might have a slight delaying effect but not more than a few minutes, because the clock triggers the change, not the sun. The clock is simply "set" by the sun.