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Anonymous writes...

Assuming that the Gargoyles are not revived (Heaven help us), what loose-end would you regret most for not having tied up (character development, planned episodes, new characters, new clans, etc.)? Likewise, if you had the chance to do one final episode or any other indefinite amount of time to finalize the Gargoyles, what would be your personal priority on tying up loose-ends? Please give us your point of view.

Greg responds...

"Hunter's Moon, Part Three" was designed to be a final episode OR a turning point, depending on whether we got a renewal. (The same had been true for "Reawakening" a year earlier.) When I realized that they were going to do 13 more, but that I'd only be involved in one of those 13, I made an effort to create yet a third episode of open-ended closure. A chance to say goodbye to the fans and most of the lead characters, before I journied off to other adventures. So I wrote, "The Journey". Vinnie's voyage to Japan was written to parallel my voyage to DreamWorks (although at the time I didn't know where I'd wind up working). I intentionally created new elements to the series. Mr. Duval. The Quarrymen. Etc. I pushed relationships forward. I wanted to be true to the series even in my final farewell, so I felt it was important to keep it evolving right up through the end. But it was written as a goodbye.

Which doesn't seem like an answer to your question. But it's really the best answer I could give without more information from you. There are tons of loose ends that I wish I were able to tie up or at least continue working on. I've got story ideas into the 22nd century (and back as far as the first century), so I wasn't short on material. But I wouldn't want to rush things unnaturally, just cause I was only going to get one more chance at bat. That's a great way to strike out, I figure. In this hypothetical scenario, how many episodes would I have in my new last chance? If it was only one, I'm not sure what I'd do. There's so much in Goliath Chronicles that I didn't like, I'd have to spend sometime putting band-aids on the series to get it back to a place I was comfortable moving forward from. A lot would also depend on the when. I'd like the series to continue (as it has so far) in more-or-less real time.
If my next shot at writing this was in the year 1999 I'd probably be telling different stories than if my next shot was in 2007.

How's that for a preamble? Basically, I regret not having done the last 12 Goliath Chronicles, not because I missed out telling any one specific story, but because I missed out telling 12 more stories, missed out weaving 12 more naratives into the Gargoyle Tapestry. 66 isn't bad. But 78 would have been better.

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Anonymous writes...

1. Could Demona ever get sick, or does the immortality spell make her immune system invincible? 2. I have a feeling that I'm going to get the generic "I like them all" answer for this, but here it goes anyway. Who is your favorite villian? Thanks.

Greg responds...

1. She could definitely get sick. But the condition wouldn't be fatal. Of course, Gargoyles have a fairly substantial immune system of their own. Most sicknesses don't last past sunrise. A lot of the fun of Demona's present condition (a gargoyle with TWO magical spells that have a physical effect on her) is that these are all unanswered questions UNTIL we do the story that demonstrates the answer. Even Demona doesn't know for sure how her body will react.

2. I like them all. But it's hard to top the top two. Xanatos & Demona. I immodestly believe that in these two we created two of the most original, well-thought out and complex antagonists you'll ever see anywhere. I'm also quite fond of Macbeth and various other antagonists who aren't always villainous. Owen/Puck is a lot of fun. The Archmage was great fun for me.

Sevarius wound up being a hoot, etc. And Thailog, well, what can I say?

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Anonymous writes...

Did Xanatos know that Owen was Puck before the episode the Gathering?
You've said that Demona knew that he was Puck so I'm assuming it was Xanatos who would have told her but its all still a bit unclear as to whether he knew or not. Also I wanted to know if you had plans for the Labyrinth Clan(Delilah, Malibu, Brentwood, etc.)

Greg responds...

Xanatos knew Owen was Puck. Years before, Puck had offered Xanatos a choice, remember? Xanatos did not tell Demona about Puck's secret identity. Yes, I had plans for the Labyrinth Clan.

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Anonymous writes...

I've been mulling over the hints you gave about other clans. You said the rain forest clan was due for a resurgence- do they have a rookery about to hatch or have other members somehow survived and are going to return?
Speaking of returning- did the two that went to plant on Avalon return to South America? -thanks

Greg responds...

By now, Jade and Turquesa have indeed returned to Guatemala. And yes, I was talking about the Mayan Clan's rookery, where their eggs should be hatching sometime next year.

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Anonymous writes...

(1) Why did Xanatos mutate Talon, Maggie, Fang, and Claw? (Hope I got the
names right. :) (2) What is the history of Oberon and Titania? (3) What
were your plans for Matt Bluestone? (4) Are all of the mythological beings
(i.e. all of thegods and magical creatures that all of the races believed in
once) Oberon's children? Or is there a sort of family tree, with the cousins,
aunt,uncles, grandparents, and former roommates of Oberon? (5) How old are
the children of Oberon? (6) Did you ever plan to involve in the series the
characters of Greek mythology? (7) What is the signifigance of Halcyon
Reynard's name? I read that Halcyon means 'forever remembered' or something
like that. Sorry for asking so many q's. I think Gargoyles is da bomb. :)

Greg responds...

Note, as usual, I've added numbers to your questions. GENERAL REQUEST: If you're going to ask multiple questions in one post, please NUMBER THEM for me.

1. Xanatos wanted to create his own brand of Gargoyles.

2. Too long to relate here.

3. What weren't?

4. It depends what you mean. They aren't all literally his biological children. In fact, most of them aren't. They are his children in the sense that he is their lord and protector.

5. Individually?

6. Most of the characters that you know from Greek Mythology were the ancestors of the New Olympians.

7. Significance?

Sorry, if my answers aren't that helpful, but you've asked a unique combo of vague questions (#4, 5, 6, 7) and HUGE questions (#2, 3, 5). If the question is too big, I'm not likely to answer it in this format. If the question is less than clear, then I'm not always sure HOW to answer it.

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Anonymous writes...

(1)How did the gargoyles adapt so well to the twentieth century? (2)Why didn't
the gargoyles go to live in Avalon? Especially after Angela told them about
her 15 rookery sisters? (3)Do any other animation companies have any interest
in the show? I mean Disney did something incredibly unexpected when they
released gargoyles. They did not have the reputation for that kind of thing.
(4)Is Duval the knight that left the round table in the movie First Knight?

Greg responds...

1. They had no choice. Also, the trio were pretty young, making adaptation less difficult.

2. Goliath felt that at least some Gargoyles would have to continue to live in the real world if humans and Gargoyles were ever going to learn to live in peace. The trio could have chosen to leave, especially after hearing about Angela's sisters, but they all three had lives in Manhattan, and weren't that eager to depart, especially so soon after being reunited with Goliath, Elisa and Bronx (and Angela).

3. I doubt any company is entertaining any serious interest in the show, because they KNOW that Disney would never sell it to them.

4. It's been a while since I saw FIRST KNIGHT. I don't remember who you're talking about. Still, the answer's almost definitely no.

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Anonymous writes...

(1) Hey Greg, Do you know what happened to Griff and Arthur after Pendragon
and if they ever find Merlin. (2) Could you also tell me whether there are
anymore Gargoyles in London (besides Leo, Griff and Una.)

Greg responds...

1. Yes, I know.

2. There's a whole clan of Gargoyles living on a secluded country estate just outside of London proper. Leo and Una are the only two that actually live in the city.

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Anonymous writes...

OK, Greg, here's one for you. Before Demona summoned Puck in "The Mirror",
she was immortal but still turned to stone every day, right? So how would
she survive if by day one of the Hunters found where she slept and smashed
her to pieces?

Greg responds...

She wouldn't, I suppose. But that's a HUGE "if". HUGE.

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Anonymous writes...

Okay, I do have one more question: How are any of the Gargoyles being brought
to life in the LA-Movie? Rumor is that a combo of prosthetics/Models are
being considered, but let me ask you this: After what they have done with
"Jurrasic Park" and "DragonHeart", don't you think Computer Generated Image
models would be better? (Personally, if you're just going to have one
Gargoyle - Goliath - I think this would be feasable, both technically and
money-wise.) What is your opinion on this?

Greg responds...

At least some of the effects will be CGI. Other options are being "considered", but no decisions have been made. (The movie doesn't even have a director yet.)

My opinion on what method would be better would be uninformed, particularly with regard to cost.

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Anonymous writes...

Whatever happened to the Mayan Sun Amulet? The last we see of it is when
Broadway is holding it while he's stone in The Green. Did they return it to
the museum or have it stored in the back of the clocktower or what? If the
latter, what happened to it in Hunter's Moon when the clocktower was blown up?

Greg responds...

It was in the Clock Tower, when the Tower was destroyed. In my mind, Broadway or Elisa later went back to successfully retrieve it.

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