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Anonymous writes...

It occured to me one day that alot more people like your show than I
thought. Have you ever thought about releasing your stories in a book. You
could fit virtually a whole season in what, 200, 300 pages?? Have you ever
thought about this type of media to put out more stories. You could put
out multiple volumes, of the different seasons and different spin-offs. THis
would let you get alot more indepth. You've probably though about this
before but I was bored and thought I'd post this. Would the money hungry
Communist a.k.a Disney let you do this?? Thank in advance

Greg responds...

Disney's hardly communistic. Quite the reverse. I'm sure they'd
let me do it if they thought they could make money off of it. But there
aren't any publishers banging down my door to ask for this stuff. If there
was, I'd gladly start working. Do you know anyone?

(GDW / 7-14-98)

Response recorded on July 14, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Please answer these few questions, I try to keep it short and brief. I
haven't had the chance to watch Gargoyles lately, due to work and all, so
please excuse my wording, for I forget the episode's names.

1.) When Goliath, Angela, Elisa, and Bronx end up meeting Odin, the
gargoyles seem to be fine in the freezing weather, while poor Elisa and
freezing her butt off. Then in "The Price" (I remembered, one of my favs),
Brooklyn complains about the cold weather. I am sure the Norse country was
much colder than New York, so was that just an exageration on Brooklyn's
part? (It's not an important question, just crossed my mind)

2.) Bronx is like a "dog-oyle" so to speak, were there any plans for a

3.)Goliath knew about Demona and Macbeth, but when Demona and Thailog fell
to their "deaths", he thought Demona was dead, but knew that she can only
die by Macbeth's hand. Was that a mistake that slipped by, or do I have my
episodes mixed up?

4.) Was there any more plans for Elisa to become a gargoyle again?

5.) Whatever happened to Vinny after he "creamed" Goliath?

6.) Why doesn't Talon seem to want to be human again? Thank you!

Greg responds...

1. Anyone can complain about something. That doesn't mean they are
really suffering.
2. Bronx has much in common with a dog obviously, but he's a
gargoyle beast, not a dog-goyle. There are only two "gargate" species.
Gargoyles and Gargoyle Beasts. There's a lot of variation in there, but no
equivalents for every animal on the planet.
3. Sigh. I've answered this before. Goliath doesn't know the
extent of Demona and Macbeth's link. It's hard to operate with certainty
about it. Besides, he wasn't indicating that she was dead. Just that he
couldn't be sure.
4. No.
5. He briefly joined the Quarrymen. Then he moved to Japan.
6. He does. He's simply resigned to the idea that it isn't likely
to happen.

(GDW / 7-14-98)

Response recorded on July 14, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Will you be at the 1998 Gathering of the Gargoyles

Greg responds...

I hope to be, and it's looking good. I just got my plane tickets
TODAY. As soon as the hotel's confirmed, I'll make an official

(GDW / 7-14-98)

Response recorded on July 14, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Where on the evoltionary path do humans and gargoyles differ? Meaning when
did they go in different directions.

Greg responds...

I'd say they diverged before homo sapiens existed as a distinct
race. Perhaps back at the dawn of mammals. But I won't be held to that

(GDW / 7-14-98)

Response recorded on July 14, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, Mr. Weisman. :)

1) Are you ever going to tell who created the artifacts ASIDE from the
writers and artists who created them in OUR world? <:)

2) Who turned Odin's lost eye into the Eye of Odin artifact?

3) Did you plan to include any Hindu legends or figures in Gargoyles?

3a) Did you plan to include Babylonian, Pacific Islander, or any other
mythologies in Gargoyles?

4) Did you plan to have more gods or mythological figures of various
mythologies already seen in the show (ie Ancient Egyptian, Nordic,
Ashante) appear?

5) Are Puck, Anansi, Coyote, and Raven the only tricksters among the
Third Race? If there are others, could you name a few?

6) Would Brooklyn have traveled to any more contemporary eras (ie the
1950s, the Summer of Love, the 1980s) in TimeDancer?

6a) Would he have gone to Russia, China, or India?

7) Do the Illuminati know about Nokkar?

8) Would any other famous classics of literature's characters or
situations appear? (from Victor Hugo's, HG Wells, HP Lovecraft, Sir Arthur Conan
Doyle, Jules Verne, etc.)

Greg responds...

1. Ever is a long time.

2. A story for another day.

3. Eventually.

3a. Ditto.

4. Ditto.

5. There are others, but you can look 'em up as easy as me.

6. Maybe.

7. Heh, heh, heh.

8. Yep.

(GDW / 4-29-98)

Response recorded on April 29, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

First, I just want to say YOU are the MAN!

1) Is the Couldren of Life the same one that the Wyrd sisters were
"double double toil and trouble"-ing in the City of Stone flashback?

2) Where did you guys come up with a great idea like the Illuminati?
Your not like, part of them or anything... right?

Greg responds...

1. Hmmm. Maybe it was.

2. Michael Reaves suggested adding it to the mix, as I recall.
And come to think of it, I have seen him in possesion of a one dollar
bill. Hmmmm.

Lots of Hmmmmms in this one.

(GDW / 4-29-98)

Response recorded on April 29, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

1.) This isn't exactly a question, but it's really, realy interesting,
not to mention slightly terrifying. Check out this website:

2. Is Demona's changing to human in the daytime just a spell placed
on her, or is it part of her genetic structure? (i.e., if Demona has a kid,
would they change, too, to whatever extent they would, depending on what
species she hypothetically had kids with?) AACK! Run-on sentence! Sorry!

3. What kid of big cat genes *were* used to mutate Fang, anyways?
There are no big cats in nature that are that color of dark, UNIFORM brown.

4.Yeah, it's already been asked 40-50 times, but I might as well try-
What did Titania whisper in Fox's ear?

Oh, darnit, I had all sorts of great wquestoins, but I forgot them
when I came in here. :( Thanks for your time, oh great Garg creator! AHA!
OH, YEAH! 5. Can Fae and gargoyles interbreed? If so, can Fae/gargs interbreed
w/ humans? Can Fae/human interbreed w/gargs?

Greg responds...

1. I've seen it. As comment, let me say this. When we first
were naming the Xanatos' company we chose the name XANACORP. We ran it
by our business affairs department (i.e. legal). But a Xanacorp already
existed, so we couldn't use it. So then we chose XANATOS ENTERPRISES.
We ran that one by legal too. They gave it a clean bill of health,
meaning no company existed with that name at that time (late '93, early

2. I think I've answered the kid question before. Check the

3. I've answered this before too.

4. :)

5. A changeling is a shapeshifter. If you change into a
compatible shape, you can breed with anything compatible to that shape.
Witness Titania breeding with Halcyon. So yes, a fae could breed with a
gargoyle by changing into a gargoyle first. All the other questions
depend on the abilities of the result of these mixed-race unions.

(GDW / 4-29-98)

Response recorded on April 29, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman! First off let me say that I think you and your
team vastly improved the world by creating Gargoyles! Also, I appologize
in advance if any of these questions have been asked before (I have been
unable to view the full archive).

1)If a gargoyle is killed at night, what happens to the body? Does it
turn to stone one last time, or just stay flesh?

2a)Since Angela and the other "eggs" were raised on Avalon by two
medieval humans, does this mean that they have been raised as Christians (even
very generally)?

2b) If so, what does Angela think about the more undefined "religion"
the other Gargoyles follow?

3a) Since Hudson has facial hair, but not the others, does this mean
they shave? ;)

3b) (kinda silly but...) Could female gargs have facial hair (beards
and sideburns and such)?

4) Approximately how many gargoyles (including clans we never saw
during the show) were there alive during the course of the show?

Greg responds...

1. Stays flesh, as long as flesh stays flesh.

2a. Sort of. Certainly, with a sense of Christian values.
But neither the Princess, the Magus or Tom were particularly devout.

2b. I think (or at least I like to think) that the Magus taught
them a bit of that. He had time to research Gargoyle society between
the Massacre and the death of King Kevin. And he knew the eggs would
hatch eventually. He'd have wanted to do right by Goliath's children.
So I think they were raised with a sense of their own true faith. It's
sort of a Christianized version, with a healthy pagan influence, but I
doubt that the fairly non-intrusive religion of the Manhattan Gargoyles
would have been shocking. Interesting questions.

3a. It might. It's also possible that facial hair doesn't
exist on certain gargoyles and that on others it doesn't start to grow
in until the gargoyle is much older.

3b. I doubt it. Throughout the animal kingdom, males have a
plumage thing going. But, you never know.

4. I've never counted.

(GDW / 4-29-98)

Response recorded on April 29, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg -- this may have been asked before, in various forms, but I
don't recall seeing it answered, so I thought I'd add you to the list of
screenwriters I've bugged.

I have wanted to write cartoons since I was about nine or ten and have
been writing assorted fiction two or three hours a day, ever day, since
sixth grade (I'm 22.) What specific advice would you have for somebody ready
and willing to produce a sample script?

I've been told to:

1.) Submit a correctly formatted sample script to agents -- which
leads to two questions -- A) What does a correctly formatted cartoon screenplay
LOOK like? I've taken a VERY unhelpful college screenwriting class -- got
an "B", learned the three act structure, and got a blank look and a "that's an
interesting career goal" when I asked the professor about cartoon
screenplays. And B) How does one find an agent knowledgeable in the
field? I have friends with "agents", and have heard enough horror stories to be

2.) I've also been told to move to LA -- which isn't going to happen
for health reasons (I have significant asthma and other serious health
problems -- smog can and has put me in the hospital) but *shrug* it's
only about seven hours from my house to Los Angeles. HOW important is it to
actually live in California? (I'm in Phoenix and have no intention of
leaving the perfectly good and interesting job I have now for a pipe
dream in Hollywood, at least not yet.)

3.) I've also been told to break into other writing fields first --
which is something I'm working on, without much luck so far. Do I have ANY hope
of getting a foot in a door without a resume of previously published

4.) Finally, are there any books or other materials specifically aimed
at writing animated screenplays? One of my big questions is how much of
the action do I describe -- I know describing action in a live action
screenplay is a big No-No, but cartoons are a bit differant ... and nobody I've
been able to talk to knows the answer to this one. (I could cheerfully
follow the accepted protocols, if only I knew what they were!)

Greg responds...

1A. Get one. Write to a cartoon company for a show you're
interested in writing a spec script for and ask them to mail you copies
of a script. Some will say no, but if you send a polite letter complete
with a self-addressed stamped envelope, someone with a little free time
will eventually make a xerox for you and send it out.

1B. Get a job in animation, and you'll hear about agents. If
you get successful, the agent may even come to you. But agents rarely
get a new writer his or her first job.

2. It's extremely important. A well-known writer can live
anywhere. But even a well-known writer risks losing out on interesting
opportunities due to "out-of-sight-out-of-mind." Cary Bates doesn't
live in L.A., but I use him. But keep in mind that I've known him for
years. He and I were writing partners for years. He was one of the
groomsmen at my wedding. That is, he's an exception. He lives in
Northern California and can fly in at the drop of a hat. But people
forget about him. He knows it. It's a risk he runs cause he hates L.A.
(Me, I was born here, and I love this town.) Now, you. You are a new
writer. I don't know how the hell you break in while living in Phoenix.
You can't network, etc. I'm not saying it's impossible, but I don't
want to kid you either. You'd have to write a killer script (not just a
good one), fly in here often and still overcome the prejudice that you
don't live in town.

3. I don't think this matters as much. God knows a full resume
doesn't hurt. My comic book and teaching experience definitely helped
me get my first couple of jobs in animation. But there are other ways.
A lot of writers at Disney started out as comedians at the GROUNDLINGS
or the IMPROV, for example.

4. I teach a course on this subject. I'm teaching it again in
the fall of '98 (here in L.A.). It takes me ten weeks. So I'll never
be able to condense all that here for you now. So if you want to be
self-taught, get a lot of animation scripts. Then read and study them.

(GDW / 4-29-98)

Response recorded on April 29, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

It's cool that you take the time to answer our questions. :) I have
one; what are the real names of the various members of the Pack, aside from

Greg responds...

1. Dingo is Harry Monmouth. I haven't named Wolf, Jackal or
Hyena yet. Though I'd probably give Wolf a last name that was
reminscient of Hakon.

(GDW / 4-29-98)

Response recorded on April 29, 1998

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