A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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1.) This isn't exactly a question, but it's really, realy interesting,
not to mention slightly terrifying. Check out this website:
2. Is Demona's changing to human in the daytime just a spell placed
on her, or is it part of her genetic structure? (i.e., if Demona has a kid,
would they change, too, to whatever extent they would, depending on what
species she hypothetically had kids with?) AACK! Run-on sentence! Sorry!
3. What kid of big cat genes *were* used to mutate Fang, anyways?
There are no big cats in nature that are that color of dark, UNIFORM brown.
4.Yeah, it's already been asked 40-50 times, but I might as well try-
What did Titania whisper in Fox's ear?
Oh, darnit, I had all sorts of great wquestoins, but I forgot them
when I came in here. :( Thanks for your time, oh great Garg creator! AHA!
OH, YEAH! 5. Can Fae and gargoyles interbreed? If so, can Fae/gargs interbreed
w/ humans? Can Fae/human interbreed w/gargs?
1. I've seen it. As comment, let me say this. When we first
were naming the Xanatos' company we chose the name XANACORP. We ran it
by our business affairs department (i.e. legal). But a Xanacorp already
existed, so we couldn't use it. So then we chose XANATOS ENTERPRISES.
We ran that one by legal too. They gave it a clean bill of health,
meaning no company existed with that name at that time (late '93, early
2. I think I've answered the kid question before. Check the
3. I've answered this before too.
4. :)
5. A changeling is a shapeshifter. If you change into a
compatible shape, you can breed with anything compatible to that shape.
Witness Titania breeding with Halcyon. So yes, a fae could breed with a
gargoyle by changing into a gargoyle first. All the other questions
depend on the abilities of the result of these mixed-race unions.
(GDW / 4-29-98)