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RESPONSES 2001-6 (June)

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Andrea L. Marbry writes...

Dear Greg,

I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings, but remember when you said that when Max Steel went off the air, you'd reveal YOUR plans for the show? You might want to start to get your notes together. Even though WB has announced that they've committed to a third season, the fact that Max Steel IS NOT on the WB Fall 2001 schedule, coupled with the fact that they ran the last episode of the second season, "Breakout", BEFORE the May 2001 Sweeps, signifies bad news. If the fat lady isn't singing airas, she's definitely warming up....

Greg responds...

The third season will be on Cartoon Network, or so I'm told.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Who exactly is Fiona?

Greg responds...

A Canmore.

(And I'm only revealing this because someone ALREADY let the cat out of the bag. Naughty, naughty and you know who you are.)

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

You've mentioned before that most humans in the Gargoyles Universe don't realize that the gargoyles are sentient beings, but see them merely as animals. Was the term "Hunter" for the various individuals from Gillecomgain down to the Canmores who were deliberately seeking out and destroying the gargoyles a reflection of this? As in, the gargoyles being perceived of as merely wild animals, like the everyday targets of hunters?

Greg responds...

Yes. Very much so. (But admit it, you knew that.)

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Andrea L. Marbry writes...

Dear Greg,

Glad to hear that a SECOND Roughnecks video is coming out. Please let us know the release date as soon as possible. If you guys didn't win the Emmy (I don't know WHO did), keep on working. You'll soon get at least one.

Greg responds...

Thanks. No we didn't win the emmy. Batman Beyond did.

I think the Tesca arc is coming out on September 18th.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Lexy writes...

Hey Greg!:)

When Savarius caught Angela he noticed, after looking over some DNA samples, that she was related to Goliath. Hudson and Broadway were also cloned later on in the series, but no body seemed to notice a correlation. Why is that?

Greg responds...

No one mentioned it on screen.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Alex "Cyclonus" Bishansky writes...

Ok, a rather stupid question.

Xanatos, Republican or Democrat?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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matt writes...

in "Awakening" we see Bronx playing with the trio. was Bronx more often with the trio then other gargs or was he just playing with them that night? what i mean is, was Bronx more a pet to the trio or had more of a connection with them than other members of the clan?

Greg responds...

Yes, generally.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

Does the illuminati know every single detail of a person's life on earth? For example does the Illuminati know when Matt (not the cartoon Matt but the Matt on this question server) take a shower, eat, sleep, etc?

Greg responds...

I doubt anyone in OUR universe is that organized.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Phil writes...

Here's a math question based on the list of characters' ages you posted a while back:

The Wyvern eggs were scheduled to hatch in 998, but they were taken to Avalon in 996. The two years remaining would stretch into 48 years, so the eggs should hatch around 1044.

Angela and the Avalon clan are listed as being 917 years old in 1995, meaning they hatched in 1078. That's a 34 year difference.

Even if their hatching was naturally delayed to coincide with the outside world, it seems that 1058 would be the closest year.

Could you explain where my logic or my math is off? I don't doubt what you've said; I just don't understand it. Thanks.

Greg responds...

Good question.

Here's where you got off. The eggs were taken to Avalon on September 28th, 995. Not 996.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

In "Macbeth" when Elisa, Broadway and Lexington tried to get the Grimorum Akrimnorum (I think I spelled that wrong)
and Owen tries to stop them Elisa just gos ahead and takes Xanatose's property along with Broadway and Lex so if she's a police officer then doesn't she have to follow the law like everyone else?

Thanks Alot

Greg responds...

Arcanorum. And it's highly debatable who's property it was -- at least in Elisa's mind.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

In "High Noon", why did the Weird Sisters get Othello to seize back control of Coldstone from Iago? That rather puzzles me, seeing that the result of Coldstone's "shift in loyalties" saved Elisa and the clan, and consequently allowed Elisa, Goliath, and Bronx to help the Avalon clan against the Archmage and the Weird Sisters - almost a case of the Sisters shooting themselves in the foot, in fact.

Greg responds...

Yeah, seems that way doesn't it.

But... first off, the Weird Sisters represent three opposing forces battling for ascendency without ever acknowledging or even being aware of the conflict. So more was going on then you saw.

Second, they were concerned with the Archmage's short term goals. They didn't want a prolonged battle. They wanted Demona and Macbeth to get away with the Gate, the Eye and the Grimorum. And they wanted the Manhattan Clan to be unaware of the theft. Helping Othello aided that cause.

Finally, it's asking a lot for them to predict what would happen on Avalon. Or is it?

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Puck writes...

You know in the eposode "Metaphors" I think it is when Dr.Zervarious turns Derek Maza into a gargoyle and tries to fake a deth in front of Derek or Talon he gets electocuted how did he servive the peronas.
And if possible can you cantact me at bbaleja@hotmail.com thanks.

Greg responds...

No, I'm sorry. We have this forum for a reason. I don't personally contact people with answers. We want to share the info with everyone.


"Metamorphosis" not "Metaphors".

Sevarius not Zervarious.

Derek's turned into a Mutate not a gargoyle.

death not deth.

electrocuted not electocuted.

survive not servive.

piranhas not peronas.

And they were electric eels not piranhas.

contact not cantact.

(Sorry, to pick on you, Puck, but I'm a former English Teacher and Editor. At some point the quantity of typos and errors in such a short post overwhelms me. I'm not saying I never have them. But a little proof-reading would be nice.)

Anyway, it was all pre-arranged. The eels probably didn't have enough charge to kill anyone. (Frankly, it's a detail I'm not that interested in.)

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Siren writes...

I looked and looked for these questions, figuring they were asked already but didn't find them. I apologize if they was asked before...

1.)When the sun rises, do the gargoyle embryoes/fetuses turn to stone as well? Is it something right from the beginning or do they develop it in the egg through the years before hatching?
2.) Do the hatchlings use their hands or do they have an egg tooth as many birds and reptile species do? I'm sure the adults help them as well.
3.) Is the shell of gargoyle's egg hard like a birds or leathery like a reptile?
4.) Do gargoyles die in labor as humans do? Or is labor easier for them, as it is a little more round and they are usually larger.

Greg responds...

1. Yes, to store energy.

2. Hands, wings, claws, feet.

3. After the first day, it is hard like stone.

4. Labor is marginally easier. But death from laying the egg is not unheard of.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Jacob writes...

Sorry, my fault.
I asked you: "What happens to a gargoyle if he is at the north pole during the long night in the winter? does he sleep like humans?".
You answered: "Over time, he or she would adapt.".
What I really was meaning with the "long night" was the polarnight(hope it is called that in English) when it is dark for a few months.

Greg responds...

I get it. I got it.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

Was there ever any gargoyle creatures like gargoyle cats, birds, besides gargoyle beasts and humanoid gargoyles

Greg responds...

No. Assuming I understand the question. Which isn't necessarily a safe assumption.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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matt writes...

how many eggs can a female garg beast usually lay in its lifetime?

Greg responds...

More than three.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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matt writes...

what is more rare among gargoyles, a gargoyle giving birth to twins or a female gargoyle being able to lay more than 3 eggs in a lifetime?

Greg responds...

Both are extremely rare. EXTREMELY.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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matt writes...

besides the gargoyles and the garg beast had you thought of any other gargates that once existed or perhaps still exist? like what they looked like and stuff...

Greg responds...


Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Jessica writes...

How would you compare Desdemona's love towards Othello, to shakespear's sonnet # 116, Let Me Not the Marriage of true Minds

Greg responds...

I'm sorry, but I don't have my copy of the sonnets with me -- and I don't have them memorized.

You feel like typing it out?

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Vashkoda writes...

Fey magic and metals: I've noticed that most of the magical items forged by fey magic (the Eye, the Gate, and Puck's flute) are made of gold. Iron, of course, seems to have a disruptive effect on fey magic. Is there a particular reason why the fey chose to forge their talismans out of gold and not some other metal (except iron, obviously).

Greg responds...

It's shiny.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Duncan Devlin writes...

WQhen Oberon's children spent the millenium among the humans, how did those who took human form avoid the "...cannot directly interfere in human affairs" ruling.
By marrying Halcyon Renard, Titania severely altered his life, and anyone who gets married will need records, which will cause some form of interference.
In fact, what constitutes inteterferance, since Banshee had been screwing around with the locals for years (if I remember correctly).

Greg responds...

What they feel they can get away with, generally.

Take your Titania example. Oberon ORDERED her (and the others) to learn about mortals. Taking a mortal form (and artificially producing whatever necessary records are required) was fulfilling that order. She could justify marrying Halcyon as part of her "course work". Etc.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Why are the fay the youngest race? In almost all mythologies the gods/fay are the first to appear?

Greg responds...

That's what they'd like us to think.

As to the why... Just is.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

How big of a story arc would Queen Mab get?
Would it be bigger than that of the archmage story?
How many episodes did you plan for it?
What others characters were to appear besides our regulars
and Oberon and Titania?

Greg responds...

This wasn't planned out in detail while the series was still in production, so I didn't sit down and say this is a Five parter or anything like that. It's a big story that we would have built to, if that helps.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

(Laughing at Sapphire's comment to matt.) Well, buddy, it looks like you and I both get ourselves in deep water sometimes...Let the Almighty and Honorable Greg Weisman be the judge, for this is his courtroom. (Laughs)

Anyways...(turning to Greg)

Do members of the Third Race exist outside of Earth? Because, we all know that from what Broadway said, there are three Earth races: Humans, Gargoyles, and Oberon's children. But....
Should your Space Spawn series go through...there would undoubtedly be a fourth race, maybe not Earth-originated, but yet another race. So eventually that leads me to believe that could there be be other races in the universe that exist like Oberon's children?

I've always sort thought of Oberon's children like the "Q" on Star Trek...And the Space Spawn spinoff sort of clashes two worlds together, as if Babylon 5 and Hercules got together, if you know what I mean...

Greg responds...

I don't think I do know what you mean.

If you're asking if there are other magic-based races out there in the cosmos, then I'd be a fool to say NO absolutely. Big cosmos, you see. But if you're asking if those races are directly related to Oberon's Children, then the answer is no.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Siren writes...

On the eye color thing...
What biological and creative reason is it that females have red glowing eyes and males white?
I found this is a strange, but really cool thing on the show.

Greg responds...

Well, behind the scenes, I think it was a result of Demona having glowing red eyes in the pilot and everyone else (i.e. the guys) all having glowing white eyes. I'm not sure I remember us planning it then. It just happened. Then we strove to be consistent.

Biologically, I dunno... hormones?

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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