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Spore-chan writes...

Ok, I've got a question on gargoyle suicide, and I can't find the answer in the archives, but feel free to give me a smart-ass response if I have missed it. Let's say a gargoyle slshes their wrists, and does not bleed to death before sunrise. Would the fact that they do not want to be healed have any effect on the sun healing them? And how would a clan regard suicide anyways? As a crime? A cry for help? Something else?

Greg responds...

I don't feel right about being a smart-ass when the topic is suicide.

A simple cut on the wrist would heel over the course of a day. Mindset might effect a more devastating injury. Of course the scary thing is how easy it is for a less-than-devastating injury to have devastating results.

I think garg suicide is fairly rare. Gargoyles are a primal race in many ways, and the will to live is VERY PRIMAL. But I suppose it's not unheard of. Most gargs would regard it as a MASSIVE cry for help. And they would certainly attempt to prevent their clanmate from taking his or her own life.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Oberon writes...

Out of Gargoyles and humans, which is the first race, and which is the second.

Greg responds...

To my thinking, Gargoyles.

Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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matt writes...

when garg clans were all over the world did the clans ever have "clan protectorate" boundry lines the way we have national borders? i'm mainly refering to the clans of the British isles since there seemed to be more clans there and they are closer to each other, like the Wyvern, break-off Wyvern, Loch Ness, and London clans, and i'm sure there were once many more, so did they ever have boundries between their protectorates?

Greg responds...

More like vague territories.

Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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Justin writes...

Here we go again...
1) Will Goliath and Elisa ever have kids?
2) Will Brooklyn and Katana have kids in the 2008 rookery?
3) Will Lexington?


Greg responds...

1, 2, and 3. They will be parents to all the children of the clan.

Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

In gargoyle society we see how males and females are considered equal like in Goliath's clan but is there
a gargoyle clan in which males are dominant?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 26, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

In the gargoyles universe with the exception of Elisa's and Goliath's relationship has there ever been another love relationship between a human and a gargoyle

Greg responds...

Ever's a long time. But it is FAR from common.

Response recorded on February 26, 2001

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matt writes...

by "Ill met by Midnight" are Gabriel and Opheila allready chosen mates or do they decide that later? seeing as how Tom and Katherine are human and raised the gargs as brothers and sisters in a human fashion what is T and K's reaction to the coupling of the eggs? if i am wrong in how they were raised than correct me, please, but neither Tom nor Katherine was very knowledgable in garg customs, were they? did they raise the gargs in a garg way as best they could or just as they would human children and garg instincts took over for the rest?

Greg responds...

Moonlight, not midnight.

You're mostly wrong. I think Tom and Katharine and the Magus realized that these eggs represented an entire generation, not just a bunch of siblings. Relationships developed. Some fraternal, others romantic. The humans attempted to mimic gargoyle customs, which the Magus had some information on.

And Gabe and Ophelia were certainly romantically involved by Ill Met.

Response recorded on February 26, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

What is Demona's view on homosexuality?

Greg responds...

Why do I sense I'm about to get a whole set of questions in this mode, one per character?

I don't think it's a big issue for her.

Response recorded on February 26, 2001

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Angel of the Night writes...

Hello, Greg...

Anyway this one questioning has been tugging me at sometime. and I just needed to know the answer to it. So, here it goes:

"Do gargoyles believe in Religon?"

I know it sounds strange.But, I have heard them at times....I think it was Hudson who said."By, the Dragon". Does that mean that the gargoyles DO believe in a higher power. Or if not..would they believe in
human religons' or something like that?

Thanks for your time.


Greg responds...

Try checking out the "Gargoyles Customs" archive for a more complete answer.

The gargoyles have a religion of sorts. It's also slimly possible that some individuals might have in the past or the future believe in a human religion here or there.

ANd I think it was Iago who said, "By the Dragon."

Response recorded on February 15, 2001

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Cassandra writes...

Since stroking hair is gargoyle equilvant to a kiss, all the times Goliath touched Elisa's hair was a kiss? And how long would it take him to get used to kissing with lips?

Just feeling a trifle silly with that thought. But I seem to remember Goliath touching her hair fondly before they noticed or decided to act on the feelings they have for each other.


Greg responds...

Kissing is special, particularly romantic kissing. I'm not sure one wants to "get used to it" ever. It will always be special to Goliath.

And yes, everytime he touched her hair in any intimate way (as opposed to by accident or incidentally) it was the basic equivalent of a kiss. But by the way, it wasn't often.

Response recorded on February 15, 2001

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Aris Katsaris writes...

A question about rookery generations...

1. If the Wyvern massacre had not happened, would the Trio normally have been considered rookery parents to the eggs that would have hatched in 998? Or was the generation of the first rookery parents the one immediately older than them? (Goliath, Demona, ColdTrio, etc)

In short are rookery parents 40 or 60 years older than their first rookery children?

2. What if one of the gargoyles had mated really young (teen pregnancy) and contributed an egg by the time she was biologically 15? Ten years later would she *not* be considered a rookery mother even though she had biologically contributed an egg? Or would she be treated as an exception among her generation?

3. For that matter would Iago be considered a rookery father to the eggs simply because of his generation, even though he was mateless and hadn't contributed an egg himself? Or not?

Greg responds...

1. 60.

2. Gargoyle females aren't generally fertile by age 30 (biological age 15). This decision, frankly, was probably S&P driven originally, but I'll stick with it now. Garg females generally lay three eggs in a lifetime at age 50, 70 and 90 (biological age 25, 35 and 45). This further separates them from human biology, which I kinda like. And keep in mind, sex drive isn't limited to fertile cycles.

3. First off, did I ever say Iago was mateless? But to answer your question, Iago would likely have been viewed as a Rookery Father (or at least Rookery Uncle -- though there would be no such terminology) UNLESS he made a personal point of not accepting that responsibility.

Response recorded on February 07, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

How advanced were gargoyles living during the pre-historical age? For example, when cavemen started controlling fire and figuring out that round wheels were better than square ones; what was the evolutionary stage of typical gargoyles living anywhere on the planet at that time?

Greg responds...

Did cavemen ever really use square wheels?

Gargoyles may not have used fire and tools as much because they had less use for those things.

Response recorded on February 07, 2001

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matt writes...

i'd just like to make a comment about gargoyles kissing. i think that stroking the brow ridges or hair is an extremely intelligent and important things in the garg series. first of all, it gives them some culture very different from humans and second, given that many gargs have beaks kissing becomes kinda hard to do. i'm surprised that Broadway and Angela kiss but i understand Greg's explanation that this is because of human influences on these two. good job, Greg, these subtle differences between humans and gargs really gives depth to the show!

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 07, 2001

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matt writes...

i have a question about gargoyle customs. you've said that Opheila is Gabriel's second in command and for a time, Demona was Goliath's second, is it common among gargs to choose their mate as second? if so, isn't that unfair to the other gargs hoping to become second, or am i thinking too much like a human?

Greg responds...

You're generally thinking too much like a human.

The bigger issue over time is age. A second should be in a position to be groomed to take over for his leader, either in case of an emergency (as when Brooklyn took over for Goliath during the World Tour) or in the case of succession, as when the older Hudson stepped down in favor of the younger Goliath.

Had things gone differently at Wyvern, eventually either Demona would have stepped down to allow a new second to be chosen from the younger generation (most likely Brooklyn) OR Goliath would have stepped aside to allow Demona to lead and chose a new younger Second (again, most likely Brooklyn).

It's largely a meritocracy otherwise. Hudson chose Goliath as his second based on a myriad of positive qualities but primarily integrity, intelligence, natural leadership abilities and a genuine ferocity in battle.

Goliath in turn selected Demona for the same qualities. *He was just mistaken about the integrity.*

As for Avalon, the situation is a bit different, as all the gargs there are of the same generation. Originally Gabriel was chosen as leader and one of his many rookery-siblings Angela was chosen as his second. When Angela left, Gabriel did select his mate as his second, at least for the time being. But you can bet Ophelia was qualified -- look how she performed even when wounded in Avalon Part Three -- or he would not have chosen her. Does nepotism play a part. Possibly. But I'd think that the qualities necessary would have to be even more obvious to avoid charges of nepotism.

In London, Una is the leader of the clan. Her second, whom we have not yet met, is of a younger generation and generally runs things at their more rural (or at least suburban) estate.

In Japan, Kai was the leader. Yama, of a younger generation, was his second. After Yama's banishment, Yama's mate Sora was probably chosen as Second (though don't hold me to that). Again Sora's chosen for her attributes and (relative) youth. Someday -- short of a catastrophe taking place -- she will lead the clan in Kai's place.

In Guatemala, Zafiro is the leader. His second is not his mate Obsidiana, but Turquesa, Jade's mate. They are all of the same generation, but they are also the only gargs alive down there at the moment. (Not counting the eggs.)

Response recorded on February 07, 2001

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Yadira - xena_lawless@hotmail.com writes...


Shutting off the broadcast, did not make me think that would work in breaking the spell and I thought it foolish of Xanatos to be so sure that it would work. I thought I was going to see a bit of hesitation and uncertainty in Xanatos right before he shuts off the broadcast. It seemed too simple a solution. In many experiences, it's easier to start something, but a bit more complicated to end it.

I did pick up on the fact that Demona recognized and knew the true identity of the person behind the mask when they felt each other's pain, an incident which I found rather interesting and wanted to learn more about it.

I do like Xanatos' line "You want vengeance or a solution." Something a true businessman would say. Put all your personal feelings aside and let's get right down to business , this needs to be fixed right away. That line is totally Xanatos.

Then at the end when Xanatos and Goliath shook hands...I didn't like it. I thought Goliath too forgiving....I mean shaking the hands of a man who's attacked you, paid people to attack you, manipulated you, and evicted you from the only home you've ever known....to shake hands with that man after only one situation where they had to work together and call a truce....for me...it was too soon. I think they should have just nodded to each other
when they parted...letting the other know that they appreciated the other's help, but I still don't trust you. Sometimes I don't blame Demona for being so upset at Goliath and calling him a fool....because sometimes he's too trusting and forgiving....but then again that's why I love him.

Thanks again, Greg, for helping to create a fascinating
series which I will continue to watch on tape and adore.

Greg responds...

You're welcome.

But shaking hands is literally a symbol of truce in medieval times. Goliath's time. It shows that you're not carrying weapons. Notice they didn't grasp forearms, which is how Goliath greets his friends. They shook hands. A symbol of their deal. A display of non-aggression.

Whether or not you think Goliath's too trusting and forgiving, I don't see this as an example of that.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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gedoena writes...


[ Gargoyle Science Question: ]

This probably looks a little silly, but I was just rereading my last posting and decided to reverse my thoughts on the matter.

Because gargoyles mate for life, it is probably very important to them to have someone fill that role in their lives. In an isolated clan with an unequal number of each sex for one generation, there would be very little hope of finding a mate for some of the clan members. With no possibility of mating with the equivalent of a widow, this would doom the "left-over" clan members to a lonely life, with a great gap to fill. Would this feeling cause them to bond to one-another?

This explaination is probably much less romantic then the one you would give, but I feel that there must be something in the biology and culture of a species that will at least allow for any given behavior to exist (just as you said that you did not think gargoyles would be found with a particular pashion or talent for architecture, as this was not an area where their talents were likely to be useful).

I guess this was much more of a ramble then a question. But again I would be very interested in hearing your response.



Greg responds...

Did I say that about architecture? Is that an exact quote?

See my previous response for my explanation.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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Gedoena writes...


[ Gargoyle Science Question: ]

I have been reading through the archives lately, and was surprised to see that you believe that there would be homosexual relationships between gargoyles. This is not because of any personal moral problems; I was just wondering about the background of it within this species.

According to your other posts, gargoyles mate for life, and are driven by biological urges tied to certain scents peculiar to their mates. I would assume that even though each gargoyle has a particular scent, females' scents would be much more similar to eachother then to the scent of any male (and vice-versa). Therefore, I don't understand how two members of the same gender would become attracted to one another.

Furthermore, gargoyles only mate once every 20 years, and only lay one egg at a time. Being a warrior race, there is a probably a fair likelihood that at least one of the parents has died before more then one or two eggs have been laid, making it hard to keep up a sustainable population. It would seem that it would be of great import to the clan to have as many mated pairs as possible.

I guess this was more of a comment then a question, but I would very much like to hear your response to these thoughts.



Greg responds...

I think your logic is flawed. Not that I'm a biologist. But taking humans as an example, it seems to me that there are plenty of people who are biologically geared to being homosexual (scents and all). In the nature/nurture argument, I think nurture has very little to do with it, save adding a sense of repression, generally.

I mean if it ain't biology, it's reincarnation or something.

So if that's the case with humans, why wouldn't it be the case with gargoyles. I've even read about homosexual ducks.

As to your "Furthermore", keep in mind that gargoyle mates have sexual relations as often as they are in the mood. Females are only fertile every twenty years. That doesn't define their sex drives. Or the males'. And yes, I do think there would be a cultural imperative toward mating pairs. But maybe the cultural imperative to find a soulmate for life would be even stronger.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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Laura 'ad astra' Ackerman writes...

A recent comment on the final scene in Hunter's Moon III brought a question to mind. Being typically human I had not realized Goliath putting Elisa's hair behind her hair was an equivilent to kissing- I just saw it as an intimate gesture. Is Elisa conscious of the meaning of stroking hair to to gargoyles?

Greg responds...

Not fully, but she did read it as an intimate gesture, as you did.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

When Elisa dies, would Goliath and his clan be likely to give her a Wind Ceremony for her funeral? Although she's human, she is a member of the clan.

(This is something that I've been wondering for some time, actually, but I hesitated for a long while for submitting it in case it appeared as an idea. I certainly didn't intend it to be one, at any rate - more just wondering about the bearing that a gargoyle custom you'd recently described might have on Elisa's membership in the clan).

Greg responds...

Yes. The clan would definitely give Elisa a wind ceremony. I'm not saying who would still be around by the time she dies, but whoever is, they would.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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(The Guppi) writes...

Given gargoyle customs of demonstrating affection, what are their attitudes about baldness?

Greg responds...

Stroking horns, bumps and ridges work the same as hair for demonstrating intimacy and affection.

Baldness is not socially stigmatized. Though I suppose individual gargs might have personal preferences for or against.

Response recorded on January 17, 2001

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Vilija writes...

Hi Greg! Happy Christmas! My question this time's on Christmas presents.

What does Goliath want for Chirtmas this year?
(Does he celebrate Christmas? If not, what does he and other gargs celebrate? Winter Solistce?)

How about Demona? (Santa knows she's been naughty, though.)

What'd Elisa like this year?

Thank you, .... Wait! Today's winter solistce! Have a good one. (and a good holiday.)

P.S. What're you wishing for this year?

Greg responds...

I'd lean more toward Solstice than Christmas. And I don't think Goliath is very interested in material possessions.

Demona wants the same old thing. A human-free earth, and all the power, with no guilt.

Elisa -- I think she'd like a quiet night at home with Goliath.

And me? Well, I wanted the video to Ferris Bueller's Day Off. And I got it. YEAH!

Response recorded on January 17, 2001

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The Sojourner writes...

Why did you make it so that gargoyles do not traditionally name?

Greg responds...

A. We thought it was kinda cool. It made them more culturally unique.

B. It gave us an excuse to have the fun NYC names for most of the characters, which set Goliath and Demona apart more.

Response recorded on January 11, 2001

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zakhur writes...

When gargoyles have a rookery, do they have always someone protecting them, or are they just left in a hiden place and left alone?

Greg responds...

Generally, they try not to be laissez-faire about that anymore.

Response recorded on January 11, 2001

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Demona Taina writes...

Dear Greg:

If the gargoyles' equivalent of kissing is stroking each other's hair, then was Goliath "kissing" Elisa when he tucked her hair behind her ear in "Hunter's Moon III"?

It appears to be so, judging by the look on his face and the soft tone of his voice. He seemed to be expressing his love to her, I suppose, by caressing her hair and lightly touching her cheek. Then Elisa, being a human, jumped and kissed him instead, being the humans' way to express love for someone else.

Well, is this true, or am I totally off? :P

Thank you for your time. :)

Greg responds...

You are right on the money.

Response recorded on January 03, 2001

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Lawrence Stone writes...

Hey greg I was the one awhile back that asked if clans would accept homosxual garoyles with open arms. Anyway sense I posted that a few months ago I saw a few other people posted quistions about homosexual gargoyes as well and you said said that there are Gay/Lesbian gargoyles, but I have not seen it labled in the already answerd archives. Why is that?

Greg responds...


I'm not sure what you mean.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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DrFaust writes...

Since the naming custom was taken up, are gargoyles given names, or do they choose their own?

Greg responds...

case by case

Response recorded on December 21, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

This question (or one similar to it) was also asked in that adult Gargoyles chat of a couple months ago but I notice it was overlooked...

Do you feel that clothes is yet another custom (like names) that the Gargoyles species adopted from humans? (and probably for the sake of humans) With both their tougher skins and their better resistance against temperature extremes, gargoyles would seem to have less actual need for clothes. And the tidbit you've given us about Caesar Augustus seems to imply that it's again the humans who have a greater sense of "decency" related to clothes and nudity.

So... did gargoyles wear clothing before they started interacting with humanity?

If no, at what period of time do you feel the Wyvern clan started wearing clothes? 971? Decades before 971? Centuries before? Prehistorical times? etc...

Greg responds...

They might have. For example, modesty aside, I'm generally more comfortable wearing underwear (briefs) unless I'm asleep. I know my wife prefers to wear a bra if she's doing anything active.

If the above seems cryptic, I'm trying to be discreet, but it's an issue of, shall we say, "swingage".

Having said that, I'm sure modesty and humanity played a roll. Codified things, etc.

I certainly think humans have more uptight rules about this kind of stuff than gargs generally do.

Response recorded on December 21, 2000

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matt writes...

i was a bit surprised that every clan that goliath and co met had started using names. have these clans abandoned other garg customs to such as the rookery children thing?

Greg responds...

No. Names are addictive, however.

Response recorded on November 21, 2000

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warrioress writes...

Can Gargoyles be vegetarians? In the Dark Ages did the Gargs hunt their own food or depend on humans to supply it?

Greg responds...

Mostly hunted their own.

As for vegetarianism, anything's possible.

Response recorded on November 21, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

At what age do you feel that gargoyles learn to glide?

Will Tachi (aged six) know how to glide when she timedances into the present, or will it be something she'll learn during the course of the series?

Greg responds...

She'll have started learning. I don't know that she'd have mastered it under all conditions. But she'd be doing a bit of it.

Response recorded on November 17, 2000

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matt writes...

in "turf" elisa tells angela that the boys haven't been around an attractive female garg in a thousand years. how does elisa know that angela is attractive by gargoyle standards? is demona also considered an attractive garg? is opheila?

Greg responds...

How do I know? How do you?

But yes, I'd say everyone you named is attractive by garg standards.

Response recorded on November 14, 2000

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Wingedbeast writes...

Do the gargoyles have any kind of religion in their own culture?

If so, can you tell anything about their religion without giving anything about future plans away?

Greg responds...

Check the Gargoyle Customs Archive here at ASK GREG. And if you've got further questions after reading that, come back and ask.

Response recorded on November 14, 2000

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Sapphire writes...

Would any Gargoyles and New Olympians take up human vices in the future like smoking and drinking?

Greg responds...

It's possible.

Response recorded on November 13, 2000

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LSZ writes...

Have gargoyles ever converted to human religions in the past?

Greg responds...

Maybe, once or twice.

Response recorded on November 02, 2000

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Siren writes...

I had asked whether gargoyles voted before...To be more specific.
Say a gargoyle leader chooses a second-in-command, the leader dies and the new leader is corrupt and so on. And the clan despises him. Could they knock him down a few blocks so to say? Could they be like a pride of lions where as someone comes forward to fight for leadership? Or would it be more like impeachment or banishment when the whole clan votes to kick him/her out and/or vote for a new leader?

Greg responds...

I suppose they'd boot him if it was necessary. But this doesn't sound likely.

Response recorded on November 01, 2000

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Osboy writes...

If Gargoyles traditionally do not give themselves names, (as Goliath's Clan made clear in The first five episodes) how is it that all of the other isolated clans around the world have names, when Goliath stumbles upon them in the world tour?

Greg responds...

A lot of time has passed.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Skylar writes...

1) Please tell us how to practice a Wind Ceremony (didn´t find a detailed description what it is about in the archives)
If your first answer doesn´t contain it:
1a) What does a Gargoyle do the moment or the first minutes after a fellow died? Is there a special rite?
1b) What do they do with the dead body? Burying? Burning?
1c) At wich point of time starts the so called "Wind Ceremony"?

2) Are there any other special gargoyle rites or ceremonys you would tell us about?

Greg responds...

1. Then you weren't looking very hard. Did you check "Gargoyle Customs". That's as detailed a description as I can give right now.

1a. Nothing immediate. Nothing Klingon.

1b. Depends. Check out the archives.

1c. Huh?

2. Sure.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Sapphire writes...

Do Gargoyles like being called animals?

Greg responds...

Do you?

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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KW Keller writes...

Gargoyle questions:

1. About what point in time did the London clan start using names?
2. About what point in time did the Ishimura clan start using names?
3. Do all the clans still in existance use names now?

Greg responds...

1. Don't know yet.

2. Don't know yet, but they had them by the time Brooklyn LEFT.

3. No.

Response recorded on October 19, 2000

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SEM writes...

The 2198 contest, plus some posts I've read recently, leads me to try and ask the following question about names: since gargoyles were not initially named, and seem to have let humans name them or be involved in the naming process, will this be the case with future hatchlings?

Any more detail on this question and I fear it'll look like an idea, so I hope it is clear. Since it is a future-looking question, I also respect if you choose to pass on it.

Greg responds...

Gargoyles will be more involved in their names and naming from this point on. But each case is case specific, so it's hard to generalize.

Response recorded on October 19, 2000

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Siren writes...

Do gargoyles celebrate birthdays? Christmas? And I know they did in Eye of the Beholder, but before then, Halloween?

Greg responds...

Hatchdays are big and communal. Christmas isn't. Halloween is now fun for them.

Response recorded on October 05, 2000

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Siren writes...

Can gargoyles vote? If so, who do you think they'd choose?

Greg responds...

You mean for Gargoyle Leader?

Response recorded on October 05, 2000

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Skylar writes...

Hi Greg!

Again it´s September the 28th, and I´m glad to see that you really answered all the questions that had waited, so that you can read it at the right time now *g* :

CONGRATULATIONS! Happy Birthday :))

- Cause there´s now a short waiting time, I´ll ask the Questionblock I have still waiting from the ones I ever wanted to send: The one about names.

I have allways been interested in the naming of Gargoyles during the Show.
In Scottland in the Dark Ages the Gargoyles didn´t have any names at all except of Goliath, who was named by a human after an historical figur and Demona, who was later named Demona by another human (McBeth).
When the Gargoyles who had survived came into the 20th Century, they gave names to each other like Citys and things like this.
In the 20th Century all Gargoyles seem to have names: The "Eggs" from the bible (given by humans), the Guatemala-Gargoyles by their precious stones, the Japan-Gargoyles seem to have normal japan names and the English Gargoyles.. - well, later to them..

So here my questions:

1a) Is it a kind of tradition that Gargoyles don´t have (or had) names, so that some older Gargoyles could be annoyed to hear that a gargoyle wants to give himself a name and break the tradition?
1b) Or was giving names in the Gargoyle culture just not known or not usual, but they all have no problems at all with taking a name that a human gives to them?
2) In the 20th Century all (or most) Gargoyles seem to have names, so is this "tradition" (although it might be not a traditon in this sense) something that got lost during the centurys, or has it allways just existed in Scotland?
2b)Do really all gargoyles have names in the 20th Century or not all of them?
2d)In with way do they get their names? By humans? By the clan? By a kind of rite? By themself? Just by coincidence? Or is there no strikt rule? (Or maybe regional differences??)
3) We are shown three english Gargoyles - Una (unicorn), Griff (griffon) and so on. So have all english Gargoyles a name that sounds similar to their looking? (I guess the variation possibilities of names that sound like "lion", "unicorn" or "griffon" are very rare), or is it an exeption and the other english gargoyles have other kind of names?
3a)If so, what kind of names do they have? Quite normal names like "Jim" or "Bob" or something like that? Or do they prefer very odd and unusal names you would rare find at a human? Or perhaps never find at a human? Or names in a completely different way?

- Maybe the questions may sound a bit strange.. - Of course there are no strikt rules in giving names (and of course not one for all over the world and time), but maybe you can give me a few hints of what´s going on.

Greg responds...

1a. It's a fairly dated and old-fashioned tradition. Goliath is surprised (briefly) that Angela, et al. have been named, but he's really a tenth century gargoyle. Few modern gargoyles maintain that tradition.

b. Names are addictive.

2. Yes.

2b. I don't know about ALL.

2c. Why what?

2d. There's no strict rule.

3. We'll just half to see. But at this point some of these names may be a tradition in and of themselves.

3a. I tried to avoid giving them "normal" names.

Response recorded on October 05, 2000

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J.K. writes...

Hi Greg!

Here's my questions: how do gargs behave during the female's season? You did suggest in the archives that the female gives off a scent, so does this scent affect a male, and if so, how? (needn't get too detailed, heh.)Is there aggression on the part of either gender? I somehow doubt clan males would fight, but maybe some generic shoulder shoving and bullying type behavior? Is there a ritual of sorts? Fanfic authors have some often alarming ideas of season behavior, and I wanted to know the real deal:)

Greg responds...

No shoving. Keep in mind, gargoyles mate for life. By the time a female is fertile, she's generally already chosen a mate. And the scents are VERY specific.

Response recorded on September 26, 2000

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Danielle writes...

How do the gargoyles take care of the clans children.

Greg responds...


What do you mean?

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Punchinello writes...

As long as I'm up and asking questions...

Do the Gargoyles have an architecture that is particular to their culture?

I realize that question may appear to be a bit odd. I'm also sure that no one else would possibly care, but I am preoccupied with architectural ideas.

I know that we never observed any of them manufacturing barrel vaults or drawing plans, but we do knowt hat their culture contained it's own artifacts. They wore clothing. Occasionally we would see a strange shoulder gaurd or some piece of jewlery. Who made them?

I am entertaining images gargoyles who were the blacksmiths of their clan, forging swords and mace. Might the wyvern clan have contained a master builder who constructed catapults? Maybe who aided in designing the castle, lending a gargoyles more sophisticated sensibility for defense to the design of it's walls?

Did the clan have it's own artists? Musicians? Mathematicians? astronomers?

I'd be perfectly satisfied with an answer to the architect part.


Greg responds...

Lex demonstrates that Gargoyles can have special talents. But I don't see architecture as a major function of anyone in the Wyvern Clan. However, that doesn't mean Hudson might not have made some common sense suggestions, when the castle was being designed.

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Lawrence writes...

Greg, I'm the one who asked if a Clan would treat a Homosexual Gargoyle good and with open arm's. Anyway thanks for answering my qusiton!
But just one more thing about it and the last one I promise, Sense by 2158 or what ever the new year my be you said that Gargoyles would be consider a Minority, but a Homosexual Garrolye would be a minoriy with in a minority group, That would be hard on that gargoyle seeing people see their spices like trash and some people looking down at them cause of there sexuailty.
The reason I ask this is cause I'm Gay myself.

Greg responds...

I think it's very difficult. ("species" not "spices", right?)

I'm not Gay, so I don't know what it's like exactly, and I won't say the cliched, "Some of my best friends are gay." thing.

Rather, let me say that almost ALL of my closest friends (and a few relatives) are gay or lesbian. Don't know why. Just worked out that way.

Anytime someone is a minority within a minority it is incredibly difficult for that person. That much is obvious with clear-sighted observation. It's a damn shame, but it's true.

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Someone asked me whether or not gargoyles would accept a homosexual gargoyle into the clan with open arms.

My response:

"The world isn't perfect. I think generally they would be tolerant. (Tolerant, in my book, is unsatisfactory.) But generalities do not
define individual reactions to individual revelations. Open arms would exist in many cases. "

My brother read that and wrote:

"I think writing "Tolerant is unsatisfactory"could be interpreted as you saying that they should not be tolerant, that you are against
tolerance rather than tolerance being insufficient."

So, just to be clear, I was saying that I find tolerance insufficient. Certainly, tolerance is better than hostility or neutrality, but I'd prefer acceptance.

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Lawrence writes...

How would a Clan treat a Gay/Lesbain Garoyle? Hopefully with open arms

Greg responds...

The world isn't perfect. I think generally they would be tolerant. (Tolerant, in my book, is unsatisfactory.) But generalities do not define individual reactions to individual revelations. Open arms would exist in many cases.

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Gabriel writes...

Dear Greg,
When a gargoyle died in the dark ages, what sort of funeral ceremony was contucted, if any? I doubt they kept the dead statues, but I could be wrong. Anyways, I need to know for a fanfic that I am writing; I would not like to get it wrong.

Greg responds...


Did you try looking under "Gargoyle Customs" in the ASK GREG Archive?

(I'm guessing no.)

If you check there, you'll find a couple posts on "The Wind Ceremony". If you still have questions after reading those posts, come on back and I'll try to answer them.

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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