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Aaron writes...


Friday we were supposed to get up early and go with Hudson over to WalMart and buy more of those nifty guns. Can you spot the flaw in this plan? It's those three little words: "get up early." I don't like mornings as a general rule, and after a long day like the previous one... Nothing short of kicking in the door and throwing a bucket of water on me would have gotten me moving before noon.

So we finally get dressed, and head downstairs, picking up our badges and GXB in the process. Hudson turned up with many more guns, (but still not enough to go around) and told us they'd bought out the WalMart. After checking out the dealer's room and hanging Mara's stuff in the art room, hunger called, so the five of us, myself, Mara, Lynati, Revel, and GXB all climbed into the car and went in search of food.

Revel directed us to an IHOP where he'd been shortly before, with another group. The food was standard IHOP, passable but over-priced. We'd passed a Big K on the way, so we stopped and bought a bunch of stuff, including those huge blue Nerf guns we carried for pretty much the rest of the con.

So we returned, and after, I swear, something on the order of an hour trying to get the Nerf guns out of the packaging, we went our separate ways to get ready for opening ceremonies. Lynati went off to work on her wings some more, and we agreed to meet GXB back at our room in about an hour. This was a mistake on my part. One, it left us with very little time to do much of a final polish on our presentation, (which was only finished Monday before the con) and me with far too much time to freak out about the presentation. I've been terrified of public speaking for as long as I can remember, and this was no exception. How would we be received? Would I freak and babble nonsense? How would OtherCon go over? Ad infinitum. So I just laid on the bed and went quietly insane while Mara made fun of me in the guise of cheering me up. ;)

Then I channeled my freaking out into trying (futilely) to iron my vampire shirt. (The big, poofy, black thing with the ruffled front and cuffs I was wearing at opening ceremonies) A hopeless task, (and pointless, since the whole thing was hidden under my coat anyway) but it passed the time. Passed it too well in fact, since then I started panicking about being late. (Yes, it takes me twice as long as Mara to get ready to go anywhere)

So Greg B. shows up, and we have a mini-review of the presentation, before heading downstairs. We thought there might be seats reserved for us, but (thankfully) didn't want to take the chance. There weren't, so we got some about 2/3s of the way to the back of the room. Surprisingly, there was still a good view from there.

So, Siryn talks for a while. Poor girl. (Heh. Girl. I think she's a couple years older then me) Anyway, she talks, and the stress of the last year is just visible. My heart goes out to her. (My head, meanwhile, is still busy freaking out, so I have only a vague impression of what she actually said) Sapphire read a poem about the fandom, which Mara summed up by paraphrasing Stitch. "We're large. And broken. But still good. Yeah, still good."

And then it was our turn...

Our place toward the back made for a long walk up to where Si was standing, and I think we milked it a little. It was one of those moments I wish I could watch from the outside, to see the audience reaction. The three of us, GXB, Mara, and me, all in black from head to toe, including our trenchcoats, Mara and I carrying our Nerf dartguns at port arms, flanking Greg. The people who know us probably weren't phased, but I wonder what all those con virgins were thinking. I did catch the phrase, "only in New York" from somebody.

And so we pimped the con. We talked. And we talked. And we talked some more. I talked entirely too much. I got punchy and started threatening the audience with my dart gun. Talked about the hotel, location, rates, dates, etc.

(It has been pointed out to me by various people, that some of the things we said were somewhat derogatory to some of the previous staffs. I apologize for that. It was never out intent)

And we talked some more. We introduced the "Name the con" contest, and the mascot, Madison, or Maddie for short.

And then we introduced Death. The Other Mascot. He caused a bit of a stir. (Mara drew up these really great, really *big* pics of the mascots, and we showed them off)

And then we dropped the bomb, so to speak: OtherCon. Which took like half the presentation, introducing it and then answering some questions about it.

And then finally, we were done, and we got to sit back down.

And then Greg (W) got up to talk. He did a hand count, and the number of con virgins was unbelievable. Like, a third of the room. Amazing. He also had considerably bigger bombs to drop.

First up, Toon Disney gave us a bunch of free shirts, and hats, almost completely gratis. Reading a one paragraph Toon Disney advert was a tiny price to pay for all our bounty.

And then, the bunkerbuster: Gargs on DVD. In 2003. With Greg's commentary. Life is good.

Then he did the "litany" presentations, the ones we know so well we can recite along with Greg. And, as a bonus, there was a promo narrated by Jonathan Frakes, which I'd never seen before. Frakes described Gargoyles as "The next generation of Disney animation." Which I thought sounded really appropriate and cool for about ten seconds before I realized it's also a terrible pun.

And then, he showed the Bad Guys leica reel. Which totally freaked me out, because he forgot to do the "don't film this" disclaimer, and there were at least two people in the audience with digital camcorders...

And then we left, minus GXB, plus Lynati and Revel, to search for dinner. This is harder then it sounds. As so many people have already pointed out: What was with all those pancake houses?!? Are pancakes like, the state dish of Virginia or something?

We were really surprised to find a sushi place. So surprised, in fact, that to confirm that this was not a mirage created by our sleep-starved brains, we had to stop and consume large amounts of raw fish, rice, soy sauce, and wasabi.

The food was good but the service was slow, and we had to make another run to K-Mart for some things we forgot the first time, so we got back later then we intended.

We managed to make at least part of Hudson's Rantfest. Hudson had a really nifty-sounding announcement about starting an art archive that works like the fic archive does. It sounded pretty cool and I hope it happens.

After that, he just kind of rambled. Even if you're totally untechnical, like I am, just the way Hudson tells the story makes it funny.

That broke up just in time to make it to Rocky. Kind of a smaller audience then I'd expected, but people were probably tired by that point. And after that, we dragged ourselves to bed.

Greg responds...

What was with all the pancake houses? Of course, I love pancakes. And I'll tell you a year later in NYC, that night after Coney Island, I would have killed for an open IHOP or Dennys.

Response recorded on July 13, 2004

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Aaron writes...


Got up, entirely too early, and started calling rental places. Maybe we should have gone with Rent-A-Wreck. (Next time, national chain) Don't rent from New York Rental. So, we rent a Chrysler Seebring convertible, which has a few dings in it. Or rather, in the dim light of the parking garage, it looked like a few dings. Out in full sunlight, it was a different story altogether.

It also had a tape deck. Ordinarily, I would love that. I love cassettes, and hate CDs. Ninety percent of my music collection is cassettes. But, I didn't think anybody still rented cars with tape decks, so we brought CDs for traveling music. Oops.

(Side note to all you car owners: Do you feel like you have a bond with your car? I mean, to the point where it's like a pet or something? That it knows you and you know it, and you compliment each other? Just curious)

And we're off. Six hundred miles by map through unfamiliar territory with an unbonded vehicle. What could go wrong? Oh, and our main route, I-95, apparently has a bad rep about road rage. I felt right at home.

So we drove. From New York, though New Jersey, (Where we stopped for lunch and bought 64 oz mugs for the rest of the trip. Oh, and the pseudo-leather thing that's supposed to cover the top when it's down blew off somewhere on the Jersey Turnpike. Recovery was not an option) Delaware, Maryland, Washington D.C., back into Maryland, (where we got royally lost), and finally into Virginia, to pick up Lynati at Dulles airport.

So, happy reunion there, car reloaded, (for such a big car, the Seebring has *no* trunk space) and we're off again... Back to Maryland, for Chinese dinner, and so Lyn can do laundry and pick up her wings.

On the way back from dinner, it starts *pouring*. Now, I've never driven a convertible before, and we drove all the way up to this point with the top down, (The source of the sunburn Mara and especially I was sporting the whole con) *and* I'm a spaz. So we can't figure out how to lock the convertible closed. So the roof's leaking, and most of it's dripping right on the door panel where the window controls are... And *something* happens, and my window goes down and STAYS down.

This, in a word, sucks.

Much swearing and meddling with a pair of needle-nosed pliers fails to fix the problem, but fortunately for us, that was the last rain of the trip. (It did eventually fix itself, kind of) Fortified by a newly-bought Pat Benetar tape, we set off again, through the wilds of Virginia, completing a "four hour" road trip in two and a half hours.

Some general observations before I go on:

1. Eastern states have no idea how to build highways. Of every place we went, only Pennsylvania seemed to get it right. In Texas, highways actually go *through* places. None of this "here's an exit, some undetermined distance down which there *might* be a town" stuff. Virginia was particularly bad about this. Back home, on the side of the highway, there're fast food places, 24-hour diners, roadside attractions, evil small-town cops with radar guns, and, most importantly, *gas stations.* In Virginia, the side of the highway is... trees. Nothing but trees for miles. On the sides and in the median. Trees, and big "No Stopping" signs.

2. Toll roads are EVIL. It's a tax on people's ability to move freely. Just the idea makes me feel oogy.

3. "Speed limit enforced by aircraft." WTH does that mean? If you go too fast, they chase you with choppers? If so, then, (A) What were all those VA state patrol cars we passed for?, and (B) Why didn't they come after me?

Back to the ramble...

So, we finally get to Williamsburg, and, after a stop at 7-11, find our way into the hotel. It's like, 1 a.m. by this time. We get inside, and run into WinterWolf and Dreamie, Kyt, and some other people hanging out in the lobby. Wolfie showed us his rental, (his Seebring was in much better condition then ours) and we unloaded all our junk. During that lengthy process, Jen, Patrick, and Kathy arrived. More roadtrip survivors! Mara gave Jen her art gift, and the elevator opened to reveal Gregs W. & B., and a woman I later realized was Carol.

(I wish we'd figured that out sooner. We really didn't get to hang out with her, except a little after the auction, and by then it was too late to have much of a staff meeting)

Eventually, after most of the other people decamped for a late dinner at Denny's, we ran into Hudson, who showed off the first of many nifty black dart guns to be found at a nearby WalMart.

We just sort of hung out for a couple of hours, talking of projects, and cons, and the fandom in general. Unable to interest anyone else in food, I was forced to eat the leftover pizza from Jersey. Such hardship. ;)

And then suddenly it was like 4 a.m. Ack! Bedtime.

Greg responds...

Now it's all starting to come back to me...

So Bishansky wasn't in the car with you? Cuz that would explain a lot. ;) (Sorry, Greg, couldn't resist.)

Response recorded on July 13, 2004

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Aaron writes...

And, my much belated Gathering Diary...

Okay, this was BlurCon for me, so apologies in advance if I leave anything out. Or put anything in that didn't happen. I was so sleepy it was hard to tell sometimes.


Actually, this starts on Tuesday, since I wasn't packed until the last minute, and our flight was so early we decided to just stay up all night and then sleep on the plane.

So, I ran around and packing like a madman while Mara watched the first half of The Ten Commandments. (Dang, Vincent Price was actually young once?!?)

So, we leave, my mom drops us off at the airport, and we get to stand in line. For a looooong time. Next time, e-tickets.

We go through security, and I get stopped for a "random" check. This old lady empties everything out of my backpack, looks at it, (Including my disposable razor, which I know you're not supposed to carry on) and then puts it all back in, all of it the wrong way 'round, and then wonders why it won't close.

So we fly to Dallas. I lose my sunglasses somewhere on the plane, which irks me to no end. After I notice that, I also notice we forgot something a little more important: Lynati's feet.

"Did we tell my mom to mail that package?" "Um..."

So, a frantic phonecall home later, that's taken care of, and I buy a replacement pair of sunglasses. Which lasted about two weeks. They're broken now. Rassem frassem shoddy merchandise...

So, off to Laguardia. I slept the whole way, and didn't wake up until about ten seconds before we touched down.

"Hey, it's raining-" (Loud, bouncy landing) "Oh, we're here."

So, we drop our stuff at Mara's mom's place, and bum around New York a bit. I insist on a stop at MidTown Comics, because it's Wednesday, and even on vacation, I have to pick up my comics.

Dinner, and then bed until bright and early on...

Greg responds...

Wasn't the 2002 convention in Virginia? Did you just Phoenix Gate your way to 2003 in NYC?

Response recorded on July 12, 2004

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Forliya writes...

Hey, greg sorry I couldnt come to the gathering this year but theres been something going on in my neborhood in virginia! I keep hearing sounds like the gargoyals make when they are mad. please tell me what you think? oh and I'm still in love with goliath, and i'm writing a book called "The Run-Away's Hunter"!!!!


Greg responds...

You lived in Virginia in 2002 and you didn't attend the Gathering in Williamsburg that summer?

For SHAME!!!!!!!! ;)

Response recorded on July 02, 2004

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kEVO writes...

alright,i'd like to begin by saying how much i truly, deeply love Gargoyles. it is the most incredible show i have ever seen. but i'll save higher efforts of ego inflation for later.

my question is about the Gatherings. i've noticed that when people have asked you about Team Atlantis or, in one case, who created the Praying Gargoyle statue, you told them the answer would be revealed at G2002. i was unable to attend this Gathering, cuz of the whole "no money" thing so will these answers be brought up in 2003 or here on Station 8 or will i just never be able to find them out? i'm gonna try to go to G2003, because it's very close to where i live.

which brings me to my next question. am i allowed to attend The Gathering even if i'm not staying at the hotel there? i know i should probably try to find these answers online before asking you but i figured since i was already here.

thanks for your time, sir!


Greg responds...

I hope you attended G2003 and are planning to come to G2004 this month in Manhattan. You do NOT have to stay at the hotel, though I recommend it. For more info, check out:


Anyway, info on the Praying Gargoyle is available at every Gathering, starting in 2002. The short answer, however, is that the statuette was created by the Atlanteans.

Response recorded on June 01, 2004

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Todd Jensen writes...

I've been reading your Gathering rambles, and found them interesting, especially the part about the never-made Team Atlantis episode involving Demona. Pity that I didn't go this year and thus missed it (you don't suppose that you'll be able to play the "original radio cast" performance again at next year's Gathering?).

Although seeing Demona referred to as "the Gorlois" did feel a bit odd, since I'm more apt to associate that name with the Duke of Cornwall whom Uther Pendragon fought with over Igraine than with any gargoyles. Then again, come to think of it, you did once mention that Castle Wyvern was modelled on Tintagel, which was Duke Gorlois's chief stronghold.

Greg responds...

I now play the original cast performance (audio track) at EVERY Gathering. So if you want to hear it, you have to show up.

I didn't choose the name Gorlois (as the Atlantean word for Gargoyle) accidentally.

Response recorded on May 25, 2004

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Another Angel writes...

If the gargoyles were not to know who their parents were... how did they prevent inbreeding?
Oh, and the Gathering was so much fun this year- can't wait for 2003!

Greg responds...

I've answered this before. Sense of smell helps. Also most (though not all) gargoyles breed among their generation, procluding a mating with any biological siblings.

Hope you enjoyed 2003. I'm looking forward to 2004.

Response recorded on May 24, 2004

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Jim R. writes...

Hi Greg. Haven't posted anything in your queue for a while. At the Gathering 2002, I shook your hand and I believe I saw you in the parking lot carrying out Gargoyles backpacks. By the time you read this, you'll probably have forgotten, but anyway here's the link to my Gathering 2002 journal. It should still be there whenever you get around to seeing this.

Copy and paste --> http://www.dialwforwarp.com/gargoyles/journal.html

Greg responds...

As a rule, I don't follow links posted here. Better to cut and paste your Gathering Journals here. (One never knows how long links will last anyway.) But I made an exception.

Jim, I've gotta say, I doubt the guy you saw in the parking lot was me. I don't remember any gargoyle backpacks... and I didn't have a car.

But I'm glad you had a good time. Hope to see you in Montreal.

Response recorded on May 13, 2004

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kathy writes...

Gathering Journal Part 2

Saturday - Sleep is for Wimps

Unfortunately, it's also necessary for cognitive processes. I'm sort of blurry on the day part of Saturday. I know I talked to a bunch of people and had a good time doing it. I also know that I went poolside long enough to read for a little while until the game of koosh catch turned into a cannon ball contest and I got all soggy. (Remember this, it turns into a running gag on Monday).

Eventually it was time for the Radio Play. Greg's players did an excellent job and we got to "see" an episode of Team Atlantis that had a strangely coincidental tie in to Gargoyles. As an extra bonus, since this episode had been voice acted by the professional cast we got to hear their version too.

Lunch was a Mickey Dee's run. Then we tracked down an ATM at a 7/11. Hey, sometimes a little mundane is a good thing. But I wished we had been tipped that the banquet menu was hotdogs and hamburgers, I might have had something else for lunch. C'EST la vie. (or something) And hey! Karine explained what Sacre Blu! means.

After the banquet and a great Q and A with Greg and Greg, it was time to get ready for the Masquerade. I sat out this year. I actually thought about a costume for five or six minutes, but I opted for minimal baggage instead. That's okay. I put on a length of batique fabric and my sunglasses and went as "Lilo and Stitch extra # 37 which, since it included bare feet, meant I was comfy as we wore out another night with pizza and a marathon gabfest. Unfortunately, this meant that I was engaging in yet another Gathering Tradition: the loss of my voice.

Sunday or This May Be the Home Stretch for the Convention, but I've Got Two More Days

Yes, we did actually get to bed before dawn, but not by much. Saturday became Sunday while we talked and laughed and generally got silly. I was smart enough to put my stuff out before going out for the evening, so getting to bed was a minimal hassle. Again, it was a good thing my roomies are heavy sleepers because this was definitely a night owl weekend.

I was late for the Starship Troopers panel - I'm not sure why. I spaced and lost about half an hour during breakfast. It was a good discussion though, and there was some interesting insight into the mind of Sony execs and their marketing staff. I hope they release everything they have stuck in the vaults, because the videos have been really good so. Afterward was the post mortem on Team Atlantis which will be coming to video after a fashion to a retailer near you. Buy that too and show Disney that they've been shortsighted.

I was definitely starting to feel the last couple of days so though I popped in briefly for the Voice Acting Workshop (Suggestion to next year's staff - schedule that before tryouts - Please?) I mostly concentrated on setting up our next after-hours event - A dinner at a restaurant that didn't serve pancakes or waffles and a trip to the Yorktown Ghostwalk.

I slept through Closing Ceremonies so somebody else will have to report on that, but did wake up in time to round up all of our party of ten and head out of the convention.

The hotel recommended the restaurant whose name I think was the Whaling Company ( I was still having a godawful time hanging on to details by that point). The food was good, the company excellent and we made it out of the restaurant in time to make our bus at the Yorktown Visitor Center. Btw, this was my only blind panic moment of the evening, I was sure for several seconds that I'd misunderstood the guy on the phone and taken ten people to the wrong place. I was more than a little relieved when the person I asked for information turned out to be our tour coordinator.

The cruise was dorky. I didn't realize they were just going around in a big circle otherwise I would have hauled everybody above decks. But it was a chance for some of our party to catch a quick nap. By the time the boat landed and we were segregated out for another bus ride we had gained some more Gathering folk. We ended up a party of fourteen and when our tour guide Rita asked if we were some kind of a fraternity having an initiation ritual (Not sure but I'm sure it had to do with Kyt on a leash that was sending her thoughts that direction) I replied no we were all part of a family reunion, which really wasn't too far from the truth.

It was a pleasant night. The company was fine and the fireflies were pretty. We lost part of our group on the walk back to the car because they were gawking at the twinkly lights.

We got back to the hotel in time to catch a portion of the Dead Dog Party, but the conversation wasn't really in keeping with the mellow evening we'd already enjoyed so it was back to my room for more conversation and later after the party broke up, girly time with Jen and Mandi. So ended Sunday or rather Monday morning.

Monday - Or Look! Kathy's All Wet!

The official after Gathering event was a trip to Busch Gardens. We assembled in the lobby and jockeyed for car space and soon we were underway. Hats off and Happy Birthday to Jubilee for organizing so many people. We all made it to the park and remembered where we parked. (Germany 2) bought tickets and went inside.

The core of our group was Lanny and Derek, Greg, Jubilee and me. Kellie Fay, Torrey, Sapphire, Winterwolf and Dreamie made periodic appearances as did Denis, Scott, Mandi and others who I'm afraid I can't recall anymore (I'm sorry!)

Greg and I rode the Loch Ness Monster. Kellie became the official keeper of stuff for the first part of the day, since she both caught some kind of funky cold from the hotels ventilation system (Honestly, nice people, really nice people (did I mention how great they were?) but they need to change the filters and clean their AC system.) We couldn't help notice the number of ads that popped up during the day for Chiropractic Services. It seemed to be some kind of omen, though thankfully, it was meant for someone else!

Anyway, since Greg's quote of the day was 'Sure, whatever' and mine was "I'm in". We made the rounds stopping at roller coasters and water rides along the way. It was my day to be soggy. Pompeii, this odd ride that involved live flame and water was my first soaking. Not bad, kind of nice after the inferno that was the first part of the trip, but I got doused pretty good, which resulted in Lanny complementing me on my new spiky 'do and a wet tank top.

The pleasant sogginess was soon to be a thing of the past. Shortly thereafter most of us got on the white water ride. Huge fun. But, this time I didn't get a little wet, I got completely soaked. Wet denim does not equal comfy. So I squished my way out of the company of my friends for a few minutes to buy a pair of shorts and change clothes. Now I was "sporty" and only semi soggy. A vast improvement for as long as it lasted.

I avoided a couple of rides that seemed like a sure fire trip to vertigo land, but Greg and I rode nearly all the Deathcoasters except for Alpinefest, fright, whatever. I took one look at that and said "A big no." despite multiple promptings from Jubilee.

We saw the Irish dance show. The dancers stomped their feet off, but may I just say, Damn you, Michael Flatley? I much preferred the Swing show that provided our dinner entertainment and Imaginique that closed the evening and I still can't believe Greg slept through nearly all of it. I gawked totally awed. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

We still had to ride the Flume. (A word that Greg was strangely enamored with.) And to no one's surprise, I was all soggy again by the time it was over even though Greg obligingly acted as human shield.

There were bumper cars and the Autobahn and an amazingly entertaining interlude at the German area when Derek graciously paid so that we could all flip frogs. I will express some relief that he didn't win the giant stuffed flamingo, but I like the little walrus that became mine by the end of the night. (Thank you!)

Oh! And Busch Gardens is known for its critters! I got to play with the Lorikeets and see wolves and bald eagles and of course, the famous Clydesdales.

We closed the park, stopping for ice cream along the way. Well, some of us had ice cream. Greg, "Did I mention I like to eat?" Weisman had this absurd banana split in a waffle cone. He entertained us thoroughly as he tried to eat this thing while maintaining his dignity. A perfect final act to a great day.

But all good things eventually end. We drove back to the hotel and said many goodbyes. And so ended Gathering 2002.


Greg responds...

I don't just like to eat. I'm damn good at it.

Of course, the disadvantage of reading these things two years after the fact is that it doesn't create any opportunity for dialogue...

But the ADvantage is that it's fun to be reminded and relive all these great memories. 'Sgetting me 'Syched for Montreal!

Response recorded on May 11, 2004

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kathy writes...

Hey Greg, I had a great time at the Gathering. And since you got me motivated, here's my Gathering Journal.

Thursday or If It's 1AM it must be Denny's

Another year has rolled on past and it's Gathering time again. I'm on the same flight as the Gregs (that's Guler and Weisman) from Atlanta to Newport News and we all get stuck at Hartsfield for an extra hour and a half as a typical summer thunderstorm rolls its way through. Eventually, it passes by and we're on our way only to be treated to another light show and a strange burnt umber moon in mid-flight.

We arrived in Newport News and there's Carol. She's been waiting for us for what probably seemed to her forever. We did try and call - honest! It's just everybody with a cell phone was having trouble that night.

Hotel yea! It's 1:00 in the morning and the lobby is packed with people checking in similarly delayed by weather. Fortunately, I knew I was getting in much later than my roommates Mandi and Christi so I asked them to leave a key for me at the desk. We're saved from making a big production practical joke out of Jen's surprise arrival when Greg sees her standing in the lobby chatting up a gaggle of other folks.

Stuff stashed, it's off to Denny's and what is becoming a late night tradition, driving some hapless waitress nuts while she attempts to deal with a table full of people most of whom haven't seen each other for a year.

Friday or Wait a Minute, Didn't You Plan This?

Friday after breakfast (nice people, honestly probably the nicest waitstaff I've ever run across, even if they were a bit dazed and confused) the day begins. I snag my badge early and chat a bit with Siryn and the others. Then I indulge in what is becoming another tradition, banging on Greg W's. door for an early (for him) morning wake up call. This year I'm on legitimate business, I'm delivering his convention badge and making sure he's awake and ready for his first Mug a Guest. A Mug, for anybody who's wondering, is an opportunity for a small group of people (usually less than ten) to chat up a guest on any subject they care to broach.

That duty accomplished, it's back downstairs to help out in the Art Room with set up, catch up with folks and try and attend a Writers Workshop. Kudos to Kellie Faye for an interesting exercise involving canon characters and a trigold set emerald. I did get a little twitchy, I'll admit. One of the downsides of staying up late is a certain amount of continual motion is necessary to stay alert. So I snuck next door to audition for the Radio Play. It was an interesting experience. I'm not sure why I got so bloody nervous, maybe because the last thing I ever acted in was "Sorry Wrong Number" (hey, I had the lead!) but that was in the 8th grade. Anyway, back to the workshop to hear everyone's writing sample and guess which characters they'd been assigned. I must have done something right, because nearly everybody guessed I'd been assigned Goliath.

After the seminar it was time for more chatting. I apologize to everyone for not naming names, but frankly, all the specifics have run together in a massive blur. I will say that I enjoyed myself thoroughly, that I was really glad to see where all some of you have taken yourselves, especially those younger folk who I've known for several years now and watched grow up. Also I've rarely laughed so long and so hard in all my life. Whoever tagged me "Betty", my ribs still hurt, thank you very much!

Opening Ceremonies - Wow look at all the fresh meat! Seriously, it was neat to see all the new faces at opening ceremonies. I hope you guys had a great time and will be back again next year. Greg brought out his stories - (Greg - you might want to have those tapes transferred to DVD so they don't get trashed) and the New York Crew made their opening pitch for next year. It sounds like an awesome amount of planning has already gone into 2003, which should translate into a terrific time for all. Go you New York Clannies!

But back to this year, and Si and her crew who did a bang up job. Free swag for all from Toon Disney! And all they had to do is read a short advertisement. And best of all Gargoyles DVD's coming soon (well, in a year or so) to a retailer near you! And because the excitement never stops, the announcement to run, not walk to your nearest Disney Store to buy Gargoyles lapel pins (only $5.00) new to stores now. Let's show those marketing people there's a consumer base for Gargoyles. If we buy the little stuff now, they may reward us later.

And finally, it's 8:00 and I'm supposed to be on a Fanfiction Panel. My fellow cohorts were to be Patrick Toman (because we write together as Madame Destine for the 3 people not in on that secret), Moon Cat, Spacebaby and Mara. Somewhere along the line we were supposed to get together and come up with a presentation but that didn't quite happen.

Oh well, what do you do when you have no formal presentation, but want to engage an audience? Go fishing!! Which is what I did. We started with slash since it seemed that some of our audience were slash writers (a nibble, but no real bite). Moved on to the whys of pen names (can't do much with that one).

Greg thought he was making us nervous so he bailed. Which was his loss because then we started in on deconstructing a character to figure out how to place him in an unusual situation (because not all adult oriented fic is about chains and whipped cream) and the conversation really started to fly.

We ended up deconstructing Anton Sevarius, coming up with a really strange back story for the guy and having a great time. I'm afraid I got a little manic, which is what I do when I'm nervous, so to my co-presenters Mea Culpa.

We finally wrapped things up and now I'm a little blurry. Oh right, we went to the Con Suite and enjoyed an excellent Chinese dinner courtesy of Lexy and Kai. (A long and happy life to you both.) And, as always when a bunch of people get together, we ended up talking until all hours of the morning. Greg was bogarting the bottled water so I swiped one just on general principals. Because, you know, sometimes you just gotta.

Eventually, I snuck back to my room, (my roommates were long out of it) and caught a couple of hours of shuteye.


Greg responds...

One of my favorite things about the Gatherings are the late, late night chats with fans-who-are-now-my-friends. (BUT STAY AWAY FROM MY WATER!)

Response recorded on May 11, 2004

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JEB writes...

Day 3 - Sunday, June 30, 2002

Woke up at 9:50 AM or so. Dad went out to get us breakfast, so we waited around a bit until he returned. As soon as we
were done and a time of 2 PM was set for meeting and heading home, I headed down to see the Atlantis Q & A panel. I waited a bit while the Roughnecks Q & A ended, but eventually just went on in when it went into overtime.

The Atlantis Q & A, when it started, was interesting; Greg described it as a panel on the "death of a show." The discussion, headed by the two Gregs, went into all sorts of tangents. The show was around halfway complete when it was axed, leading some in the entertainment industry to describe such a previously unheard-of circumstance as "Atlantis-ing a show." Basically, Atlantis: The Lost Empire did well enough when considering international revenues, but it was a failure in the U.S., and
internationally when compared to corporate expectations; so rather than create a series that made the movie more likable, such as the case was with the Disney's Hercules series (my opinion, I'll grant), they dropped the show entire. Greg also commented (regarding the film) that it felt like a film-by-committee and that certain parts (such as the over-long fireside discussion of the characters' backgrounds) seemed to indicate that the creators really wanted to do a musical. (On that note, he said that Lilo
and Stitch probably worked better because they weren't trying to make a musical.) The direct-to-video Team Atlantis movie will contain the three episodes nearest to completion (they'd been sent on to animators when the show was canned). The entire main cast from the film, save Michael J. Fox and the late Jim Varney, were involved in the show. Mike Mignola did conceptual designs for many creatures for the show, which (as he put it) he would combine into a combined "Frankenstein" whole. Many
elements (such as explosions) were considered too violent (quite a increase in the S&P since Gargoyles' era...), and were toned down; for example, the bit in "The Last" where Vinnie tossed a bomb into an animated gargoyle's hands and blew it up was reduced to Kida doing a loop-de-loop in the autogyro to throw the creature off. Basically, it seemed that Disney was doing what it and a lot of Hollywood, sadly, prefer to do anymore- aim lower. Unlike the early and mid-1990s, when Disney created kids' entertainment with appeal for the whole family, Disney now creates only stuff that can appeal to their vision of children's likes and dislikes. I was rather disappointed when I heard Team Atlantis was canned, not simply for the fact that Gargoyles would make a sort-of comeback during its run, but because it sounded like a promising show (heck, I felt like the
film was a pilot for an ongoing series more than a standalone film; how right my instincts were, eh?).

After Greg Guler left and the panel shifted to voice acting, I headed to the art show, browsed a bit more, and corrected the person watching the room on how to say my net-name (Jeb, not J E B, if you're curious) when she asked. Then I went to the video room and watched the first few episodes of Cowboy Bebop. (For some reason, I expected I'd dislike that show; now it's a favorite.) Halfway through episode three, the auction crowd gathered; figuring I might as well give it a shot, I signed up to bid. Many fine items appeared, including the radio play script, Greg's version of the script, and the recording of the actual VA's
material; original art from Roy Sato of the Gargoyles cast, some of which shot up as high as $510 in the bidding; a poster of CrzyDemona's Demona fanart signed by Marina Sirtis (which Greg B. won) and a Star Trek: Insurrection DVD, box signed by Jonathan Frakes; and Greg Guler's original sketch of a stone Goliath. I left a few times when the auction lasted past 2 PM; but my family showed up late, so I got some extra time. I negotiated to stay until 3 PM, and did so; tried to bid on a Castle Wyvern playset, but it got too rich for my blood (in other words, it topped $20). After it ended, I said good-bye to Greg B., browsed the art room one more time, said good-bye again to Greg B. as I passed him (and he said I'd better update MOA or he'd kill me), and walked upstairs. After my family unsettled themselves from where they sat amidst Abram Wintersmith and the Clan Olympians' rules-talk, we headed on home.

While lower-key than some prior Gatherings (I missed G2K1, but I suspect it was much less grand than that con), G2K2 was still a fun con. In a way, the lower-key approach helped, as it emphasized fan interaction more than activities. My thanks to Siryn and all the other con staff and volunteers for running such a smooth operation and making this con so good!

Greg responds...

Every Gathering has it's own flavor. But so far I've liked them all.

Response recorded on May 10, 2004

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JEB writes...

Day 2 - Saturday, June 29, 2002

Woke up around 8:50 AM or so. Since our room still smelled, Mom pointed out the problem to the front desk, but they chose to do nothing despite a promise to at least air out the room. My family and I decided to go eat breakfast at the pancake place next door, but it was heavily crowded with two busloads of tourists. We decided to eat elsewhere, and after about a half-hour of looking, we finally decided to go to McDonald's. (I might note that the McDonald's Chicken Biscuit breakfast meal is rather good.)

After that was done with, we headed back to the hotel; Mom & Dad went touristing, while Jack and I went to the con. Our
first stop was the Dealer's Room; I'm guessing the supply of Gargoyles merchandise still extant is shrinking, since there seemed to be much less to choose from this time. (There was plenty of non-Gargoyles stuff to choose from, but that wasn't what I wanted...) Even so, I was happy to acquire a Xanatos Roadster (with the non-armored Xanatos figure), and my brother bought a second Steel Clan figure. We then browsed the art room (some nice stuff!). Then Jack and I took our new toys back to Mom & Dad's room (our base while our room was supposedly aired out), and waited there a bit until the Gargoyles Top Ten was due to start.

When the time came, we headed down and started watching. They were aired in reverse order (10 to 1), and we saw the first four choices (#10 - "The Gathering" Part II, #9 - "Deadly Force", #8 - "Kingdom", and #7 - "Temptation") and the first bit of #6 ("Vows") before we went to the Radio Play. I took copious notes, though I'm sure I'm forbidden to post them in full online; however, suffice to say that the play was definitely worth attending!

After the Radio Play ended, Jack and I headed back to the video room and watched the Top 3 of the Top 10 (#3 - "Hunter's Moon" Part II, #2 - "Hunter's Moon" Part III, #1 - "The Mirror"). (The guy in charge thought "The Mirror" was #2, but that turned out to be a mistake.) The other two, #5 and #4, were "Future Tense" and "Hunter's Moon" Part I, respectively. Thus, the Gathering 2002's Gargoyles Top Ten were:

#1 - "The Mirror"
#2, 3, 4 - "Hunter's Moon" Trilogy
#5 - "Future Tense"
#6 - "Vows"
#7 - "Temptation"
#8 - "Kingdom"
#9 - "Deadly Force"
#10 - "The Gathering" Part II

Personally, I thought "Kingdom" was a rather surprising choice- perhaps the Brooklyn factor made it popular?

Just before the Top Ten ended, it was announced (a reminder for us) that anyone paying for a full registration was entitled to a free banquet. (A first for Gatherings, I believe, and a much-appreciated one.) Jack was getting rather hungry and had a headache, so we headed up to the room during the break between Top 10 and banquet, but Mom & Dad weren't back. We waited a bit- they finally arrived, but only with their own dinner and no snacks. Jack managed to get some of Mom's meal, and waited in the room to deal wioth his growing headache. (I waited for the main meal- Jack, unfortunately, doesn't really have that option considering his blood sugar.) As I wandered a bit, I encountered A Fan, who didn't know I was attending (and gave me quite the bear-hug; as in, ouch). I also chatted briefly with a Magic: The Gathering fan, who I tried to barter with over the Gargoyles comic I brought with me. Then, I headed back to the room to retrieve Jack, and we went to the banquet.

The banquet was interesting. I was sure the little area, adjacent to the swimming pool, would be far too small for the Gathering crowd; but it comfortably seated the bunch of us. Me and Jack had two open seats, so the Gregs sat at our table. Neither of us were quite prepared for that eventuality, so we were rather disappointing conversationalists. Over the hamburger, hot dog, and
macaroni & cheese meal the hotel provided, they did mention their late-comer-ness towards CDs and DVDs (Greg W. still
doesn't have a DVD player of his own; Greg G. also came in rather late with laserdiscs), a perhaps-failing they shared with us; and Greg mentioned his one-hamburger-a-day rule over his _second_ burger of the day. For some reason, we found it was much easier to talk to them individually; when Greg W. stepped away for a bit, we briefly discussed the fun of being at a con with Greg G., and when Greg G. stepped away, Jack randomly asked Greg W. about video games (he hasn't played them much since Pong). Greg W. also took a look at my notes on the Top 10 (and the Team Atlantis ep, though that wasn't what he wanted to see). He was also somewhat surprised to see "Kingdom" in the Top 10, as well as "Temptation" (which we agreed might be due to the Brooklyn factor). He did agree with "The Mirror" as a good candidate for stand-alone episodes in the #1 slot. Also mentioned the recording of the "Bad Guys" leica reel by some parties, which he said he noticed and planned to talk

After Greg G. returned, the Gregs held the Q & A. Greg W. first mentioned that he wanted anyone who recorded "Bad Guys" to please destroy their tapes or give them to him, because he couldn't risk "Bad Guys" getting into the public domain. The rest of the session included many oft-asked questions, but with nicely witty responses. (Especially when Greg W. passed some off to Greg G., whose answer was always "Absolutely.") Greg G. discussed the upcoming Lilo and Stitch regular series, which will involve Stitch's fellow-experiments arriving on Earth. Sgt. Goliath also noted in one of his questions that many of the 20,000
soldiers on his former military post watched Gargoyles (to which Greg W. responded by asking him to get them all to sign something and send it to Disney). I also found out his personal Timeline of the Gargoyles universe is along the lines of 200 pages in length! (Man, I want to see that Gargoyles Encyclopedia book now... I wonder if maybe he'd have a shot with Mad Norwegian Press, who recently published guides for the Doctor Who novels and Transformers?)

With the banquet ended, me and Jack decided to hit Mom and Dad's room (where I snagged a package of delicious
toffee-covered peanuts; dinner didn't quite fill me), and then wait for the Masquerade in the video room. We watched a few eps of Trigun, a series new to us that proved very entertaining. As the Masquerade crowd gathered up, I signed my name to one of the three frames for the upcoming group photo, then headed in, but Jack stayed to watch Transformers the Movie.

The masquerade costumes included many unfamiliar characters, and even more cross-dressing (including CrzyDemona as David Xanatos and Patrick Toman as Fox). After the costume displaying was done, I went back to the video room, watched a bit of TFTM, then took Jack back for the group photo. Then, after chatting briefly with A Fan and Winterwolf, I took Jack back to the room at his request, and went down to watch the rest of TFTM. Along the way, I sold my extra copy of Gargoyles #1 to a collector in the elevator. Greg B. stopped by for a bit and did some good-natured MST3K'ing of the movie; Jack returned just as the movie ended. Between TFTM and the next movie, I signed my name to the other two photo-frames, took peeks into the masquerade, and talked with Duncan and Guandalug over plans for the new Gargoyles Fan Registry. Jack and I both stayed to watch Army of Darkness. (It was interesting to see a film with a crowd of people who knew it well enough to speak the lines along with the actors.) We didn't get to see the alternate ending (due to the person in charge not being informed of such), and we listened as Hudson and company made plans for a dart-gun war a la Quake.

As the quiet hour began, Hudson and his friends snagged half the masquerade room and began playing, with Jack watching; I stayed in the other half and listened to the late night conversations with other fans and Greg W. Eventually, around 1 AM, I tried to get Jack to go back to the room, but he stayed a bit more; after I informed Dad that we'd be back by 2 AM, Jack came back. I headed back down, listened until the crowd headed to Denny's, then went back to my room. After watching good eps of Superman: TAS (the first Bizarro ep) and Batman: TAS (the Clock King ep), I went to sleep.

Greg responds...

I knew I remembered that dinner. I do have a DVD player now. (A gift from my in-laws.) Still don't have a CD player that I can use conveniently, i.e. in my car. Still don't have cable.

Response recorded on May 10, 2004

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JEB writes...

Since Greg B. suggested I do so, posting my Gathering 2002 journal here. :)

Day 1 - Friday, June 28, 2002

After a four-hour road trip, we arrived at the Gathering around 4:30 PM. We'd planned ahead, purchasing two adjacent
rooms- Mom and Dad would have one, and would tourist around Williamsburg, while me and Jack would have the other,
allowing us a greater degree of freedom at the Gathering than at the last one the family shared (G98). However, our room was not yet ready, so we kept our stuff in the parents' room. Me and Jack went downstairs and registered, then headed back up and waited for Opening Ceremonies. Our room was also ready, so we moved in, but it was badly cooled and a tad malodorous. (It never really improved from that state. We suspect it was used by a pet owner previously, and the cleaning crew did a poor job of cleaning it up.)

We headed down to Opening Ceremonies (Jack's first!). I saw Mandolin as I waited in line, as Jack asked me a pile of
questions to cover his nervousness. After we arrived, Siryn tried to entertain us while things were getting ready with items like the Top 10 questions asked at a Gathering (including the now-famous "Mommy, what's a con virgin?"). We had two guests this time- Greg Weisman (thereafter referred to as "Greg W.") and Greg Guler (thereafter referred to as "Greg G."). After the opening began, Greg W. gave a speech about the show and the fandom, and how it's still vital (with many people making this their first Gathering) and how the people who'd attended all six Gatherings are our heroes, people who all Gargoyles fans owe a debt for their devotion. He also announced two surprising bits. Firstly, Toon Disney sent a bunch of stuff- Gargoyles baseball caps and sweatshirts, along with an advertisement that they wanted read- but it was all free! Then, Greg W. dropped the major bombshell- Gargoyles is getting on DVD! Our requests over the years have been heard, and this is also a significant event for one simple reason- Disney, on a hey-we-can-make-money-off-these-people level, realizes our fandom exists. And that is a GOOD thing for the show.

We also heard about G2K3, which will return to Manhattan (of course, I knew about it already, what with my loose
association with the Con Staff- that said, I kinda hid when I realized there was a risk of being dragged on-stage). Then, Greg W. went into his presentation. It was the same as since G99, but it was still as entertaining as ever- and Jack was seeing it for the first time, which made it cooler. After the presentation ended, everyone lined up with their tickets (handed to them at registration) to get either a cap or a sweatshift (I got the former, Jack the latter). I met with Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky briefly (thereafter referred to as Greg B.), then headed back to the room with our stuff. Jack stayed there, and we got dinner (Ledo's Pizza); after finishing, I left and wandered... about 30 seconds, before I ran into Greg B. again. I'd brought the Blockbuster-exclusive Gargoyles video he won in one of my eBay auctions, followed him back to his room (trying to sell him my extra copy of Gargoyles #1 along the way), and got him to finally pay for it. We also chatted about G2K, Lord of the Rings and other random topics.

He wanted to hit the adult fanfic panel, but I didn't, so I went into the Video Room and watched Tenchi Muyo! movie #2,
"Daughter of Darkness." Entertaining enough, if a little disturbing in parts. After that ended, I waited to go into the Fandom Address/Hudson's Rant; as the attendees gathered (though some preferred the MST3K session next door), I met with Zaius (under some new alias- Kaelynn, I think?) and Greg B. Hudson (and Chris Rogers) had a lot to say about server troubles, and also laid out their plans for the fandom- to remake Gargoyles-Fans into a site more akin to "Planet Quake" (or the late "Planet Namek"), regularly updated by a crew of people and including a wide variety of topics. The two Gregs stopped by for a bit and listened in. Hudson went on to mention my Gargoyles Fan Registry as one thing he wanted to pull in- I was very gratified when he recognized the work I did on the rather sizable site, and rightly pointed out that automating the process would make things much easier. When Hudson mentioned a rather crude scenario involving Bill Gates and the Manhattan clan, the Gregs high-tailed it out- whether it was coincidence, offense, or a need to avoid fanfic ideas (as the conversation was moving in that direction). Hudson's Rant, following the illustration of his and Chris' plans, was very funny; Hudson could make a good living as a stand-up comedian. Eventually, however, the show ended, and we all left; before I went back to my room, Hudson gave me his e-mail (after my cumbersome address caught him off-guard) to contact him later. I headed upstairs, and quickly went to sleep.

Greg responds...

JEB - I seem to recall that Greg G. and I ate dinner with you and Jack one night at that con? Maybe that's coming in a later entry.

Hope to see you in Montreal.

Response recorded on May 07, 2004

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Spacebabie writes...

Gathering Journal part II

I woke up early and decided to find some breakfast. The hotel had a little resteraunt that sold breakfast. So in wa way we were all at a bed and breakfast.
After breakfast I just lounged around chatting until reg opened.

Reg opened. Recieved my badge and our manilla pack that contained a lot of stuff. I checked the schedual. The Badges were nice. They were on lanyards instead of on pins, and the lanyards were decorated with alien heads. The Lanyard fit with my Screen Name.

First thing I did was the Mug a guest with You. You paused for a pic((Wich the camera ate ::weep::)) and weintroduced Ourselves. Yes this was my officially second gathering.
Went to the dealers room and scoped out the merchandise, Bought an Ice Storm Brooklyn. I went to put it away when I stopped to chat with Leo and a few others in the hall. Mara and Aaron woke up. She gave me a picture that she made just for me. IT RULZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tried out for the Radio play and was at the Fanfic panel. Ate something and chatted with Greg B, Aaron((saw his tatoo)), Dreamie and Winterwolf.

Opeing Ceremonis was great, despite the fact that I was in the back. Saw the original panels as well as the panels for some of the spin offs. After I got a free shirt.

Afterwords I goofed off a bit and then went down for the adult fiction workshop. Both You and Greg G were there, but you guys left before we really got into a good discussion. Kathy brought u some interesting ideas on what to do with Severius.
Next was the MGK3000. Both eps wee from the Goliath Chronicles so they both deserved to be Msted.

Went to the 11:00 thing With you. It was fun, spent a lot of time just yacking. I stayed until 1:00 Then Sleepy time.

Tommorow part III.

Greg responds...

These gathering journals are such a time warp. A fun time warp, but a time warp none the less.

I'm pretty focused on Gathering 2004 in Montreal, and my memory immediately wants to go to G2003 in Manhattan. I've got to really stop and think to push back farther to G2002 in Virginia.

Of course given how far behind I am here at Ask Greg, I suppose we're lucky we're not going through G1999 journals.

I remember that Adult fiction workshop. Greg & I left because BOTH of us had the distinct impression that our presence was inhibiting people. Otherwise, I'm always open to a good adult discussion among adults.

Response recorded on May 06, 2004

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Spacebabie writes...

Not really a question, more of a gathering journal.
Upon arriving at the airport we noticed the line for Airtran was too long. Dad figured my large suitcase could fit overhead. We said farewell at the Scanner. After I went through they checked me out with the wand. Damn Underwire!
I got checked out again before I got on my flight. Went through my suitcase, bags and shoes. (Thank You Mr Reed)

The Flight was allright. Pretzels and diet soda for a snack. Got off and met Leo and his brother, Ed. We chatted while waiting for Revel.
After getting our room keys we bumped into more gathering members in the Lobby. Some remember me from 2000. Leo, Edward, Revel and I had dinner.

Walking back from the resteraunt it started to rain, so we sped up. We decided to lounge in the lobby and talked with the people there. The people behind the desk asked us to either be quiet or go to the pool.

I went to the pool, the water wa freezing. Mostly talked in the water with other gathering member. Afterwords I redressed bought a soda and talked some more. Went outside and heard some good stories. Mostly involving Walmat and Red necks.
Then I went to bed. Mooncat did not show up that night.

Okay I do have a question. How was your flight?

Greg responds...

Who remembers?

Actually, I think I had a nice set of flights to Virginia, passing through Atlanta and hooking up with Kathy Pogge. We got in very late, as I recall.

Response recorded on May 04, 2004

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matt writes...

about to leave for the Gathering 2002!!! woohooo!!!

1. to the best of your knowledge, would any of Broadway and Angela's three offspring have skin or hair coloring that their parents don't have? like perhaps a grandparents coloring or something?

2. will the Eyrie Building be epuipped with a rookery or was the original Wyvern Rookery transplanted with the castle?

3. how many eggs will be laid in the Manhatten Clan's rookery in 2008? will it just be Broadway and Angela's first egg or will there be others? will there be any beast eggs?

Greg responds...

Just a few short months until the Gathering 2004!!! woohooo!!!

1. I'm intentionally not nailing that down in my imagination so that I can feel comfortable giving the artist free reign. But it's certainly possible.

2. Both.

3. I don't care to reveal all that now.

Response recorded on April 29, 2004

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For those of you who missed the controversy over the following set of questions... You're lucky.

These questions waited a long time in the queue, but were deleted...

What follows is a bit difficult to read, so here's a primer.

<Lynati lists topics -- or perhaps they are old questions -- inside these carrots.>

[She then quotes ASK GREG inside brackets.]

Then she asks new numbered and lettered questions inside parens, e.g. 1a).


From Lynati:

I'm in a Canmore mood this evening. Err, morning.

<Of Fiona's relationship to Robyn and her siblings, posted at two different times>

[Fiona is the twin sister of Jason, Robyn and Jon's grandfather. That is, she's their great aunt.]


[But I'm pretty sure that Jackson is Fiona's twin brother. That Jackson was the father of Aron who was the father of Charles
who was the father of Jason, Robyn & Jon. And I know Fiona's great-grandfather was Angus.]

This second list would make her their great-great-aunt. When you have a chance, will you look it up in your Canmore-bloodline list and clarify for us:

(1a)Is she Jackson's twin brother, or Aron's?


(1b)How many "great"'s properly belong in front of her name in relation to Robyn?






<At the time of 'Hunter's moon' were Jason, Jon and Robyn Canmore the only descendents of Canmore? Do they have any other family out there that they are unaware of?>

[There are probably a lot of Canmore descendants. They probably know some and don't know others, just like anyone. But they were the three who had carried on the tradition of the Hunter.]

(2a)Were Robyn and her siblings chosen to continue the Hunter tradition, or did they get a choice?


(2b)As they were trained by the "Canmore clan", does that mean that a large part of the family knows about "the Demon" and
the pledge to hunt her down, or is it kept a secret from anyone not pledged on the Hunter path?


(2c)Were any of Robyn's cousins (and second cousins, etc.) offered the choice to become Hunters, and if not, did they receive similar training anyway?


(2d)Was Fiona Robyn, Jason, and Jon's primary teacher and trainer?


[But I've charted so many Canmores that I get confused sometimes, and I don't have that chart with me. I can't remember for
sure. Ask me again later. ]

[She [Demona] was hunted (a) because she was the only one left (as far as they knew) and (b) because of a little mishap with
Canmore and one of his sons that I haven't told you about yet.]

(3a)Will you tell us about all of the Canmore's you have charted at 2002 (or whichever con is "next" by the time this post gets
through), including the above-mentioned "incident" that you have not previously told us about?


(3b)If not, will you tell us about most of them?


Hmm...maybe you should just sell copies of the Canmore family list at the Gathering.


<So what happened in Paris, 1920 that was so significant to the Atlantis and Gargoyles universes? >

[Come to G2002 and find out.]

<origination of the word "Gargoyle".>

[The etimology of the word gargoyle goes back a long way. It evolved at least in part from an Atlantean word. That's all I want
to say at this time. But hold tight. More will be revealed at the Gathering 2002 in Virginia Beach.]

<Who created the Praying Gargoyle? >
[If you come to G2002, you'll find out.]

<How powerful is its magic?>
[Potentially, very powerful.]

(4a)So, was the Praying Gargoyle created on Atlantis?


(4b)Did the first gargoyles develop on Atlantis?


(4c) What did you have for lunch today?


(4d)In 1920, were Fiona Canmore and Demona fighting over the possession of the Praying gargoyle?


(4e)If yes, and the Praying Gargoyle was hidden this year, was there any particular reason that Demona had to wait 60
years to reclaim it, or did she just figure it was too good a hiding place to leave the statue in until she needed it?


And, while I'm here...

(5a)...Does Demona really "know every remaining gargoyle" as she claims in "the reckoning", or was this just another one of her "I am right about everything (and therefore there can be no more gargoyles than I know of)" delusions?


(5b)Which clans is she actually aware of at the time she makes that proclamation?


(5c)As Angela learned about Demona's immortality in "Sanctuary", why was she crying after Demona's "death" in the reckoning?


(5d)Did Angela and Goliath honestly believe that Demona was permanently killed by the roller coster collapse/fire, even
knowing that Demona is only able to truly die at Macbeth's hands?


(5e) Was Angela not aware of that stipulation?


(5f)Since Goliath knew, did he deliberately keep the knowledge that Demona would survive from Angela?


(5g)Have I forgotten something that makes a flaw in my reasoning here?


Yes, I plan to attend the Gathering in 2002.

The last question is, will you have read this post by then?


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The Cat writes...

Replying to Sep 12/Feb 14 Q&A.

Hey Greg,

As usual I'm stressed about college, since it is my first semester and all. Otherwise I'm well.

I'm glad Thom is okay. I haven't heard from Jeff in a while either. The last time was after Christmas, he sent me a card.

I'm not sure if ya'll be seeing me at the Gathering. It might happen it might not.

It is that whole question of: Can I kidnap my best friend, throw her into the trunk of the car and race head long to Virginia, while avoiding getting into a wreck and the cops? My answer to this question: I don't think so. Puck(don't ask me why she calls herself Puck, I haven't a clue.) is bigger than me and weighs more. Also, I don't trust myself behind the wheel of a car I just started learning how to drive.

It is also a question of: How well have I saved up money to go and whether or not I can sneak out of the house to go because much as I love my mom and tollerate my little brother, I'd like to go by myself or with just a friend.

So, I'll see what I can do. You'll know if I'm there I'll probably bug you the first day I get there.

Bye, The Cat

P.S. I know that you've said that we should make different posts for different topics and I guess this would be a multiple topic thing, but I'm replying to your reply so I figured just to post them all in the same area.


Greg responds...

Hey Cat,

This was all so long ago...

I can't remember what my reply was or whether I saw you in Virginia or not.


Maybe Montreal?

Response recorded on October 24, 2003

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Wolfram Bane (wolfram_bane@hotmail.com) writes...


In Arthurian lore, Arthur Pendragon is generally born because his biological father, Uther Pendragon, took on the form of Gorlois, the Duke of Cornwall and the first husband of Igraine, Arthur's biological mother. Uther was transformed through the magic of Merlin to appear as Gorlois, and essentially sexually assaulted Igraine by tricking her into taking him into her bed.

Given the moral focus that often is found in animated series, how would you have handled the situation surrounding the birth of Arthur Pendragon and Merlin's part in the events.

Greg responds...

I'm not revealing this at this time, though if you attended Gathering 2002 or 2003 you may have noticed a VERY indirect clue.

(The above is in itself a HUGE clue).

Response recorded on October 10, 2003

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Jimmy_Q writes...

You know, one of these days I would actually like to attend a Gathering. However, I've found that the past Gatherings have been around the coasts, Virginia, Florida, and the next one is to take place in LA? Here's my problem: I live smack in the middle of the country (Nebraska). With college and a part-time job, not only do I lack the time for a lengthy trip, but I'm not exactly swimming in money, either. I may be a wee bit hopeful, but what are the chances of a Gathering taking place in or around Nebraska in the near-future (within the next 5 years or so)?

Greg responds...

Well, here's the (abridged) history of the Gathering...

1997 - Fans got together and organized the first New York Gathering. Most of the work was done by Mae Li, who should be hailed by fandom as the woman who gave birth to our cons.

1998 - Out of the fist Gathering, a group of fans got together and organized the second New York Gathering.

1999 - Having completely exhausted the New York fandom, another group of fans got together and organized the Dallas Gathering.

2000 - Still another group of fans got together and organized the Orlando Gathering.

2001 - Survivors of the Dallas Gathering got together (with some fresh fan blood) and organized the Los Angeles Gathering.

2002 - Survivors of the Orlando Gathering got together (with some fresh fan blood) and organized the Williamsburg Gathering.

2003 - A new group of fans got together (with a few familiar faces) to organize this year's new New York Gathering. For info, check out http://gathering.gargoyles-fans.org .

2004 - A group of Canadian fans have gotten together and are already organizing next year's Gathering in Montreal.

2005 - Is up for grabs. As you can see from this history, there's no magic to it. Dedicated fans just decide to make it happen. In fact, it's a lot of hard work. But if you want a Gathering in Nebraska, organize a group of fans and put together a bid. You've got at least six to eight months to get your act together before next year's bidding process begins. Go for it.

As for attending before then... it's not necessarily as expensive and time-consuming as you may think. Look into cheap fares or ride sharing and/or room sharing. Just LOOK into it, before deciding it isn't possible. Give it a try. I guarantee you won't be sorry.

Response recorded on May 13, 2003

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Sasmoe writes...

Hi, Greg! I'm a rather new Garg fan. Well, I've actually been obsessed with Gargoyles for at least two years now...but I have seen very few complete episodes in English. So, it's taken me a while to get to the point where I am now-total comprehension of the series. Mostly, that's thanks to fanfiction (predominently Owen/Puck ;)) and episode summaries from other fans. (I love you guys!) My new obsession now is getting to the next Gathering! I've gone to the main website and seen some fanpages with little anecdotes and pictures... but it seems rather obscure. I'm guessing it's more of a 'you have to go and see' thing. Well, I'm trying, but I live in Massachusetts and getting to Virginia for a convention might not be the easiest thing I've done. :( Another question I had about the convention is some sort of play (or something) that has been mentioned several times. Being an actress, that naturally caught my attention. Will something of that sort take place in Virginia in G2002? Okay. My last and most obscure question is; how aware are you of the Owenite Nuns and other such groups? If I were you I'd just stay far away, but who knows...do you have any idea why they've all seemed to dissapear these last couple of months?? Thanks. ;)

Greg responds...

Well, I've been so slow (overwhelmed) getting to these questions, that I'm a bit late helping you answer your Virginia queeries. That con was a blast, but it was also nine months ago as I type this.

So maybe you should go for this year's con: Gathering 2003 in New York City, which has the virtue (among others) of being even closer to Massachusetts than Virginia was.

Check out the con's website at


And yes, in Virginia -- and every year, including this year in Manhattan -- I audition from among the attending fans and cast and direct a "radio play" (a reading) of an animated script. In the past, we've done either episodes of Gargoyles (Like Hunter's Moon III) or scripts I've written that for various reasons, have never seen the light of day. Unsold pilots, or episodes of the cancelled "Team Atlantis". Show up, audition and become a member of the Gathering Players. It's a blast!

Finally, I don't know what the Owenite Nuns are, though I could guess. And I have no idea where they've disappeared to.

Response recorded on April 14, 2003

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Tmansdc writes...

Where there any Gargoyle episodes that were made but never aired? Because if there are, I hope that some television channel can show them.

Greg responds...

No. There were a couple scenes here and there that were written and recorded, but never animated. But there were no episodes of the series that were made and not aired.

There was one entire episode of Team Atlantis that featured Demona that was written and recorded but not animated or aired. We did a radio play version of it at the last Gathering.

Response recorded on April 09, 2003

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Creamy writes...

Are there anymore magical islands besides Avalon?
Does Atlantis exsist in the Gargoyles Universe? If so, would it have made an appearance in future Gargoyles episods?

Greg responds...

All islands are magical.

As for Atlantis, if you came to Gathering '02, you know the answer to that question. Yes, Atlantis existed in the Garg Universe. The Praying Gargoyle was created there.

Response recorded on August 13, 2002

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Got to sleep a touch later. Went down to the lobby and turned in my key. Kess and Arno drove Kathy and I to the airport. (Thanks guys!)

We had some Burger King.

Had a bit of a wait for our flight.

Then we flew to Atlanta -- I think I slept most of the way -- where I said good-bye to Kathy.

Then I had a layover waiting for my L.A. flight.

Ate some more, of course. Jambalaya, I think. And a candy bar.

Got on the plane. The movie was "The Rookie". I'd already seen it, and though I liked it, I figured I didn't need to pay $5 to see it again, so I read mostly. Finished a Hillerman mystery and started reading a biography of Queen Henrietta.

Got to LAX. Got home. Hugged my wife and kids and distributed much booty.

A great trip!!!

Thanks, all of you!!!

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I was probably operating on about eight hours sleep for the whole con going into Busch Gardens, which may explain what comes later.

Anyway, we all met in the hotel lobby and divided up cars. I went with Kathy, Lanny and Derek and the four of us pretty much stuck together for the entire day, with many other people entering and exiting and meeting back up and dividing off, etc.

We got to the park, and Sara and Kelly Fay joined us for muffins (or an Apple Strudel in my case) before we headed to our first rides. Kathy and I rode the Loch Ness Monster.

Everyone but Kelly (who had a cold) rode the Pompeii thing. This had WAY too much actual fire and gasoline for my tastes. We all got a bit soaked. But on the next water ride, Kathy got absolutely drenched.

While she bought new clothes, I bought some souvenirs for the kids.

Mandy found us and we road some kind of autopiaesque thing.

It's all a bit of a blur, of course. But eventually we wound up meeting up with Denis, Jade, Abram, Sara B./Liz, Dreamie, Winterwolf, KWS and Tore for lunch at the barbecue place. I had some good babyback ribs and a lemonade. (The food of course, I remember clearly.)

Then we divided up again. Saw some eagles, birds, snakes, hawks.

Met up again, to see some Irish Dancing in a wonderfully air-conditioned theater. (I nearly dozed off waiting. Kinda wish I had, as the naplet might have helped me later.)

We went to see the wolves, which was neat. But also that was the one part of the day where we were just standing in the sun baking. I literally poured nearly an entire bottle of water over my head. And I was still frying. So we didn't wait for the actual wolf show.

Kathy and I rode the Big Bad Wolf Roller Coaster.

Jubes and Lanny and I rode some twirly thing.

I got a carmel apple at some point.


DINNER. Italian. Pretty good food at this park. Eggplant parmesian. Breadsticks. Watermelon. Spaghetti with Meat sauce. All good. We listened to a brief Swing Band set. It was nice.

Kelly and Tore kept planning on leaving after just one more thing, but they wound up staying all night.

We all met up again to see the Cirque de Soleil-ish "Imaginique" show. I saw the beginning and the end. But I spent the middle fighting off a major doze. I shouldn't have fought. If I had just let myself go, I probably would have slept for five minutes and woke up to see the show. Instead I really have no memory of the middle of the show. And I understand it was stunning.

Oh, well.

Then came the embarrassing incident with the banana split in a waffle cone. The less said the better.

On our way out we saw a couple Clydesdales. I was blown away. I had never seen one in person before. I had no idea just how big they were. Nothing in the Bud commercials gives you an idea of the massive scale. Dinosaurs literally came to mind. Wow.

Finally we left the park. The day had been one long series of goodbyes. Jubes gave me a couple of Monsters, Inc. t-shirts for the kids, prizes for the junior art contest. (They loved them, btw. They really cleaned up this trip.)

Then the four of us returned to the hotel and I went upstairs and just crashed.

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