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RESPONSES 2001-8 (August)

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Ricky writes...

Do you believe in Psychic Powers? I do! I believe when one becomes a powerful psychic he/her is known as a Psi-Lord. The definition of a Psi-Lord is: One who is all powerful, God-Like! What's your take on psychic powers?

Greg responds...

All things are true.

But let me clarify -- you believe that when one becomes a powerful psychic he or she becomes known as a Psi-Lord?

That's automatic?

What if he or she wants to be called a psi-Lady or a psi-warrior? Is there any choice? Who enforces these rules?

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

1) Was their a reason in your mind why Goliath and his friends are destened to descover all (or a lot) of the earth's secrets? Such as the fae, loch monsters, golems and magic of all sorts, which most people will discount as ficton or rumours?

2)could you tell, or give some sort of hint of what the reason is and who is behind it(if anyone is)?

Greg responds...

1. I never said THEY were going to discover this stuff, I said WE were.

2. I like to be inclusive.

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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matt writes...

i sent you this quote from St. Thomas Aquinas cuz of its implications in the gargoyle universe:

"Angels transcend every religion, every philosophy, every creed.
In fact angels have no religion as we know it...
their existence precedes every religious system that has ever existed on earth."

-St. Thomas Aquinas

and you asked if i had the dates of the quote, and as hard as i searched i couldn't find any, but i did some very interesting reading on him. Thomas Aquinas was an Italian philosopher and theologian who worked at various colleges in the Mediterranean world. he was probably born in 1225, and died in 1274, so most likely the quote was said between those two dates, LOL. hope thats helpful...

Greg responds...

It's cool anyway. I love this kind of stuff.

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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Phil writes...

Hi, Greg!

Could you give us a littler personal information about Maria Chavez? In "Future Tense" there is a woman with Chavez's picture who is generally presumed to be her daughter.
1) In the "real" world, does/will she have a daughter?
2) If so, when?
3) Does she have any other children?
4) Is Chavez married at the time of "Deadly Force" or "The Journey"?

Thank you.

Greg responds...

1. Yes.
2. I'm at home. Timeline is at work. Sorry. Ask again later.
3. Not as of 1996.
4. Yes.

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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matt writes...

ok, the Space-Spawn have the power to destroy a planet:

1. have they had this ability for a while? like more than 100 or a 1000 earth years?

2. do they have many such planet destroying devices or just one or two? are they common parts of Space-Spawn military groups?

3. if they tried to destroy the Earth would it completly blow up the planet like a Star Wars Death Star or Titan AE kinda thing or would it just kinda melt the surface, boil the oceans, kill all life way of destroying the planet?

4. if they did blow up the Earth what would happen to Avalon?

5. in 2198, do any of the races on Earth have anything that could stop the Earth from being destroyed if the Space-Spawn wanted to?

Greg responds...

1. I don't know.

2. It's not a unique device, but not common either.

3. Blow it up.

4. Gone.

5. Potentially, but not with any guarantees.

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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Aris Katsaris writes...

<g> You've recently received a lot of timeline questions, perhaps encouraged by the fact you've recently indeed given more specific timeline information about things and events... So I am a bit embarrassed that my first question after a long time is also a timeline one...

Anyway... :-)

Since Count Dracula exists in your universe, what year do you place the events that are described in (or which inspired) Bram Stoker's original novel?

Most modern adaptations of Dracula place them in 1897, the year of the novel's publication... but I had always thought that 1890 was a more reasonable date, since the story's epilogue starts with "Seven years ago we all went through the flames"...

Greg responds...

That makes sense to me. But I'd have to do some real research into Dracula and Vlad Tepes, etc. before I pinned anything down for the GU.

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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Ricky writes...

I am a firm believer that ATLANTIS once existed. It sink deep into the Atlantic Ocean and has never been seen since. Edgar Cayce predicted that the western portion of ATLANTIS would surface in 1967 or 1968 and in 1968, then a huge stone road or wall was discovered off Bimini. It is commonly known today as the Bimini Road. Cool hunh?

It is theorized that ATLANTIS was powered by mystic crystals that eventually destroyed the fable island that Plato said was larger than Africa. He positions the fable island outside the Pillars of Heracles, which are known today as the Striats of Garbiltor. (Excuse the spelling)

Are you a believer?

Greg responds...

Well there were a bunch of crystal's in Disney's Atlantis movie and in Team Atlantis.

Are you asking me about within the Garg Universe or in my real life?

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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Kelly L Creighton/Kya White Sapphire writes...

Just got done reading the Greg Weisman section of the archives. Time for a LONG rant.

I wanted to tell you at the gathering, but I forgot. which angers me to no end, because i went on and on about this at work for months before i left for LA. in awakenings, elisa makes the number three on her hand. you said how odd it was that the japanese animation studio had her make three in that particular way, with the thumb, index and middle fingers. the reality is that thats the PROPER way in AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE to make the number three. they must have looked it up to see "how americans do it." what people usually do as three, with the thumb holding down the pinky, is actually "six" in sign language. and the thumb holding down the index finger is "nine" (with the middle being eight and the ring finger being seven.) a 'hitchikers thumb' is ten. :)

speaking of awakenings, the "nice mask" comment isnt in the "movie". i was mad. i pouted all night last night.

re: goliath and elisa needing help to have a child
technically, theyre closely related enough that they prolly could have a child. that child would not be fertile tho. a Stallion and a female donky can have a hinny, a Mare and a male donky can have a mule, but neither a mule nor a hinny can have offspring. though, in your book, a garg and a human may be way farther from eachother than a donkey and a horse. despite the fact that donkeys and horses arent nearly as related as they look.

I know you dont think this way, but humor me for a second. if you were an animal, what would you be? Tore (my fiancee) would be a polarbear. he likes red meat. he likes the cold. he LOOKS like a polarbear, even when hes not overweight. he acts like one. people give him the respect of one. and he's all white collar(fur) on the surface, and blends in with the crowd(snow) but underneath hes jet black(covered in tattoos, a closet freak ;P) it took a long LONG time to find an animal for me. im nocturnal. im cute. im mostly herbiverous, but not completely. i like florida's hot and muggy weather. i sleep a lot. we went through many rodent and lemur species before settling on flying squirrel.

on the topic of what names mean (oh wise one :) my full name is Kelly Leigh Creighton. Kelly started as a gaelic name, i think spelled calleach, pronounced ka-LEE-ack(phlem sound here). Then the irish clan the O'Kellys took the name. and they were a big factor in the liberation of ireland. so it became fashionable to name boys Kelly. then in 1958 i believe, there was an actress named Kelly. so it became okay to name girls kelly. which is more the case now. anyway, Kelly means "warrior of the king" or "female warrior" Leigh is an english word still used today (in britan) which means "meadow". my last name, Creighton, started as a scottish name, and then spread to england and ireland, where it took many diversion such as Crichton, etc. my family roots have been traced to scotland. it means "near the creek." so fully, my name means "Female warrior of the King, in the meadow near the creek." i always wonder if i will find a meadow near a creek with some unmarked grave in it or something.

along the same track, have you seen the gargoyles code? its a long string of letters and symbols that, if you know how to read them, describes one's character. part of the code is for real life, and asks how obsessed you are. the maximum obsession is defined by one who would be willing to be a test subject for a mutagen that might make them a gargoyle. im one of those silly people. are you? doubt it... (thats not meant to be offensive, i just doubt youre that kind of person :)

at the gathering, while talking about all the spinoffs, specifically i think you were talking about 2198, you said "and its really sad that im still working on this." actually, i dont think its sad at all. im pretty happy about it. because it really is something special. and we all believe in you. its pretty cool that youre as obsessed with your own shows as your fans.

i also recently learned that you dont drink, and think smoking is pretty haneous (sp?). that rules. its nice to see other people out there like that, not just in the fandom too. its really rare these days. not that i didnt respect you before, but i really respect that, and in a way, appreciate it.

i read about how you fell out of the bunkbed when you were little. that reminded me of my bunkbet gymnastics. i hate using the ladder, since i can never find it when im sleep walking. (i sleepwalk a LOT). so ive trained myself to grab the bar on the side of the bunk, or if there isnt one, the lip underneat the bunk, and flip over the side to land on the floor. thing is, if i lose my balance i land on the edge of the bunk below, instead of the floor, and wake whoever is sleeping there. usually, though, since im sleepwalking, i wont remember that i did it unless they confront me about it in the morning. so no guilt ;P

on sleepwaling: i have recently discovered that any time someone tells me im dreaming, i get very angry at them and insist im not, even if i am. i have instructed my parents (specifically my mom, my dad did it anyway because he thought it was funny) to just agree with me, pretend i make sense, and send be back off to bed. o_O

ive wanted to tell you about my religion for some time, but ive been a little nervous to, because its a touchy subject with some people. but after reading your views, i feel like i can at least give you a short version, and it shouldnt be too bad. basically i believe that there are an infinite number of universes, all connected by a void. everything is true, in some universe or another. and some things can travel thru the void into other universes. so basically all religions are true, because there are an infinite number of universes. i simply choose to pray to an alternate set of dieties than the normally accepted ones. which isnt to say i put any less faith in God or Budda (sp?), etc. I just choose not to pray to him/them. which i think this kind of falls into your beliefs anyway, since you belive in alternate universes, and that all things are true. which is basically what my religion preaches. so youre Raptorian and didnt even know it ;P

theres actually scientific evidence coming to light to support the "theory" of alternate universes. cold dark matter, morphic fields, time as a fourth dimension, the possible non-existance of time... its fascinating. this thing that i knew all along is now getting proved by science. basically, the theory of cold dark matter states that there is a force in the universe that is more powerful than gravity. but it only partially exists in this universe, so it is hard to see and study. and most of the force it exerts is exerted in another universe, so were not even getting the full effect. morphic feilds is the theory that everything in the universe is connected by lines of force. this explains why when an atom is split, and two electrons go zinging away from eachother at high speed, one can look at the north/south orientation of one electron and know that the other electron is the exact same. because they are connected. which is why dogs know when their owner is comming home, even if the spouse does not. which is why people can sometimes instinctively know that something is wrong with a loved one, even if miles away. why twins, if separated, can still sense what the other is doing, even if they dont have a twin. why sometimes we can predict the future, or get flashes from the past. morphic fields trancend even time. there is also a theory that states that time is the fourth dimension. basically, since were three dimensional creatures, we can see the EDGE of things in TWO dimensions (meaning you can see the edge of a planar surface), and we can COMPREHEND things in the THIRD dimension (you cant see the edge of a 3D object, a coke can for example, the edge curves away from you and you cant see it. technically, it has no edge). fourth dimensional beings could see our EDGE, and comprehend the fourth dimension. we, as 3d creatures, can only measure what we think is the passing of time. a two dimensional creature could only measure the third dimension. of course there is another theory, who's own creator admits that its just a neat theory he came up with and doenst actually believe in. he said that maybe time doesnt exist at all. maybe we think time passes, just like when we watch a movie we think the pictures are going by, but its just many still frames. as in there is an alternate universe for each second in time. and we only think there is motion because at each second, we have the memories of all the things that have passed before. its an interesting theory, but im more inclined to think of time as the fourth dimension.

anyway, im done rambling for the night. please feel free to comment as you see fit, or not at all :)

Greg responds...


Random responses...

I think that humans and gargoyles are biologically much further apart than horses and donkeys.

I already AM an animal. Homo Sapiens, I believe.

Even after your explanation, I'm still not sure what the Gargoyles code is. But no, I wouldn't want to be a mutagen guinea pig.

And I was being a bit fecetious and/or self-deprecating (given my audience) at the Gathering when I said it was 'sad'. Obviously, I enjoy still thinking about the property.

I do think smoking is a fairly heinous and shockingly stupid habit. Though I generally try not to preach. As for alcohol, I see nothing wrong with drinking in moderation -- for most people. Unfortunately, I'm not one of those people.

I'm Jewish. And a bit pagan. I believe in the religion of the Three Musketeers: "All for one, and one for all." Or something like that.

Time has also been referred to as the fourth dimension in the sense that it spots any point. You can spot a point in three dimensions and still miss it if you don't also measure it's location in time.

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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Homer Thompson writes...

I read in the archives that you liked the Simpsons and Futurama.

1.Which episodes do you like the most?

2.What do you think of the new eiposdes thay had the last years (2-3 years ago)compared to the first ones (87-97)?

Greg responds...

1. I have a number of favorites. A few Simpsons that spring to mind is Lisa learning about her fist love in the future; the chili cook-off; the first couple Side-Show Bob episodes; the one with John Waters; and many, many others...

2. I think that recent Simpsons though still funny are a bit too random for my tastes. No coherent storylines that take things through from beginning to end, rendering most themes that they half-heartily try to employ as useless. But I still watch cuz individual bits still make me laugh.

Futurama however has the energy and story strength that I think Simpsons is now lacking.

And King of the Hill may be better than both of them. (I don't like the art as much, but I've gotten used to it.)

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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Kelly L Creighton/Kya White Sapphire writes...

someone commented they spent $40 on a sushi dinner for two.

o.O Tore and I tend to spend around $100 (no kididng, the bill from a group of eight people was $205 - $95 of it was from Tore and I.) and we dont drink alcohol. the idea of TWO sushi dinners for $40 boggles my mind.

oh yeah, my question: do you like sushi?

Greg responds...

I like California rolls.

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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Aris Katsaris writes...

<g> Another timeline thingy - this time less of a question though and more of a possible correction (unless I'm missing something)...

You recently said that Tom, Katherine and Magus entered Avalon on September 28th 995. But we also know that the eggs would normally hatch on the spring equinox (about March 21st) of 998. This means that there normally remained 2 and 1/2 years for the eggs to hatch... This time they spent on Avalon.

You can probably see where I'm going... Multiply by 24, and we see that they had to spent 60 years (Earth time) on Avalon. This takes them all the way to 995+60 = 1055.

Obviously the closest "20-year circle of the earth" was 1058... Quite near by. So why did you have them hatch on 1078, 20 years later, instead?

I don't think I've made any errors with the math... :-)

Greg responds...

I've been through this carefully. But I'm at my Disney office at the moment and the timeline is in Beverly Hills. I'm fairly confident that I'm right about this. But I can't check your math or your premises here.

So I'm afraid, you'll have to ask this again if you want an answer.

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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Gabriel writes...

In your latest Random Stuff, you said you thought Michael Reeves' thing about Demona casting a spell on the gargoyles the night before they woke up would make them switch to modern English...that doesn't work:
They were speaking and reading modern English syntaxicly (is that a word, syntatically) and verbally in the 10th century when they should have been speaking and reading Middle English. The familiar form of you (thou) wansn't even close to being uttered.
However, it could just be that "Awakenings" was just made into modern English so we could understand it; sort of like if an American wrote a novel about Russians, the characters' dialogue would be in English, but we're just supposed to know that it is really Russian. Get it? Is that what we were supposd to assume what was going on?
I just had trouble accepting the rambling as a concrete reason behind the Gargoyles' language.

Greg responds...

If you buy into Michael's explanation, then yes, I think you have to assume that the tenth century sections were translations for the viewers' benefit. I haven't STUDIED Michael's idea or thought about it's ramifications. So I'm not saying that the idea is canon (there's that word again) in my head yet. But I think it has promise.

As I've mentioned before, originally it was a cheat that we thought we could live with artistically.

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

1a.In some cultures knowing the name of a person gives you power over it so is this true in the gargoyles universe?
1b.If so is that why the Archmage and Magus are called by their titles because of their names?

Greg responds...

1. It can be true. It certainly can't hurt.

b. Perhaps... ;)

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

The Hunters Moon(all):

1) Did the cops have some sorta clue that the subway might be hijacked? If so, where did they get it?

2)In part 2, why was the wall of the airship that Jon and Robyn were thrown against electrified?

3) By the end of part 3, did Jason figure out that the other special someone Elisa was talking about was Goliath, or even that it was a gargoyle? Did Elisa tell him in the end?

4)How old are you?

Greg responds...

1. If you mean robbed, yes. There had been a series of subway robberies.

2. That was never visually clear. And I forget what our original intent was exactly -- a junction box maybe -- but I was always a bit disappointed in that moment for that reason.

3. By the end, he knew.

4. 37. Although, technically that's a totally different topic and I shouldn't have answered the question.

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

Just read some responces and I now have to question some of your answers.

How did Matt not know Elisa jumped off the silver falcon building when Glasses shouted "that wacko dame took a dive!".

Greg responds...

I'll have to watch it again.

What was the original question?

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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matt writes...

for some reason i feel compelled to share this with you:

ok, i didn't even think about this until you mentioned the "Cairn" that Goliath and co. were imprisoned in in a recent question, but my dog, Gus, is a Cairn Terrier, and i've commonly called him a hound of ulster in my best irish accent. and i suddenly realized that that is funny not only cuz his species was named for digging into the same kind of place as "The Hound of Ulster" had its climax, but a Cairn Terrier was also Toto in "The Wizard of Oz" which was quoted twice in the episode (once by Elisa, and once by Banshee). and then at random i choose Cuchallin as my new screen icon in the Comment Room here! wow! i just thought that was an amazing string of coincidences, or are they coincidences?

why was "The Wizard of Oz" quoted twice seperatly in this one episode, even when it was never quoted anywhere else in the series? seems weird...

anyway, thats all i have to say... oh, and hey! now my dog is famous for being mentioned online to the Wizard of Ask Greg! hooray Gus (aka the hound of ulster reborn, lol)

Greg responds...

Well, I like the Wizard of Oz.

I don't really remember the specifics of how those quotes got in there, but it's likely that if one was down on paper our brains may have been in Oz mode, summoning up the other.

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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Cabal writes...

Ok, again my question. I heard that many fans wrote their own story about timedancer... But how can I read the official Story about Timedancer... Or excist only fanworks about that? Who is the author from Timedancer? .. And at least... will Timedancer be shown on TV anytime?
Thanks :)

Greg responds...

I came up with the idea for TimeDancer while I was still at Disney. I'd love to do it someday, but there are no current plans. I have a few TimeDancer stories and significant events in my head and in my timeline, but I haven't written any of them out as prose fiction.

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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Kelly L Creighton/Kya White Sapphire writes...

Qs on Fae:

1. Is it Fay or Fae?

2. The symbol on the periodic table for iron is Fe. any connection?

3. Ive noticed (any i know youre colorblind) that whenever the fae change forms they tend to stick to their own hair color. Titania/Anastasia red. Weird Sisters. Puck/Owen blonde/white. Oberon white. Now do you attribute this to:
a. they like their own appearance, and so make their alternate form look as much like their normal self as possible OR
b. (less likely) they have restrictions on their shape shifting abilities

Greg responds...

1. It's Children of Oberon or Oberon's Children.

2. To what?

3. You're stretching things with Puck which throws off your premise. They do what they want. But they are vain, generally.

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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Oberon writes...

If a mortal askes a Child of Oberon for assistance does Oberon's law still apply?

Greg responds...

Largely, no.

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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Phil writes...

Another little ramble.

The last page of the Gargoyles 2198 proposal is more about the business side of the show. You wrote that WB has DC and Marvel is piecing out its characters; Disney has nothing to compete, "but Gargoyles was designed to be that competition."

I've been thinking about that statement and it does seem odd to me that Gargoyles is one of the few properties that Disney isn't taking full advantage of. Their animated features have be released and re-released on video and it seems that every new release is followed relatively quickly by a direct-to-video sequel and/or an animated series. They're even giving the sequel treatment to classics like Lady and the Tramp and Cinderella.

I wonder what it is about Gargoyles that prevents Disney from giving it similar treatment.

Greg responds...

Well, you don't see Darkwing getting that treatment either.

There generally hasn't been as much support for believing in their tv properties.

Also, I think they still, STILL, don't quite no what to make of or do with Gargoyles.

Do I believe they are missing a bet? Absolutely. But the climate to change their minds hasn't surfaced yet.

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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Phil writes...

So here's a G2198 question relating to my prize:

The cover page says "CGI Series Proposal - 9/21/00". I assume you actually submitted it to the powers that be. What kind of response did you get? (Yes, No, Maybe, Needs more work, Not right now?)

Greg responds...

I never submitted it.

I was working with some guys to put a CGI presentation together by G2001. That never happened. And during the time we were working on it, it became clear to me that the time wasn't right at Disney.

In any event, the version you received would have gone through at least one more revision before being pitched. I would have cut stuff out of the proposal to simplify things for the execs. It wouldn't have changed the end product at all, but I've learned that less is more in a pitch. For starters, I'd have cut all the info on clans. That was written to clarify things for me. But it's extraneous information at this early stage.

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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matt writes...

1. in 1996, does the Loch Ness clan use names?

2. does the New Olympus clan?

3. does the Pukhan clan?

4. does the Xanadu clan?

Greg responds...

I have intentionally not made decisions about this at this time.

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

Does Demona find attacking other Gargoyels fun, or more of duity? I didn't think it was fun, but when the Trio attack her in Hunter's moon 1, she fires at them with a maniacle grin. The same in Long way till Morning.

Greg responds...

She's a bit twisted.

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

1)So could the Magus cast any spell he had memorised ealier without the help of the Grimorum or Avalon? The way I understood it, he needed a conduit to cast any spell.

2)So then why didn't Tom or Goliath do it without a conduit?

Greg responds...

1. A conduit helps. Also certain spells are designed intentionally to be more difficult then others. More difficult to do, and more difficult to remember.

2. Tom and Goliath aren't sorcerers. But memorizing one incantation and using it over and over again isn't too hard. Jumping back and forth between multiple complex spells is a much different thing.

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

1) Given that most gargoyles have a desire to feel the warmth of the sun, wasn't Goliath or Angela tempted to ask for a chance at wearing a Guatimalan sun amulet, if only for a short time? If so, did their politeness outweigh their desire?

One more for the Guatimalan Gargs. 2) I Don't know if it's true, but I heard somewhere that the clan had a lot of eggs. I don't see how it could be more than 2 eggs, for 2 pairs of Gargs, unless the bigger clan was massacered pretty recently. So is that the case?

Greg responds...

1. Tempted briefly, perhaps. But they knew the amulets weren't toys or trifles. So, yes, too polite to ask.

2. Yes. Watch the episode, it makes that fairly clear.

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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