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Bråndeewine writes...

14 Clans:

3.London, England (just outside of it)
4.Ishimura, Japan
6.New Olympus
7.Xanadu, China
8.The Labyrinth (New York)
9.Paris, France
10.Wyvern, Scotland
11.Loch Ness

Greg responds...

11 full points. Two halves. tyca

Response recorded on July 30, 2000

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Bråndeewine writes...

14 Clans:

3.London, England (just outside of it)
4.Ishimura, Japan
6.New Olympus
7.Xanadu, China
8.The Labyrinth (New York)
9.Paris, France
10.Wyvern, Scotland
11.Loch Ness

Greg responds...

11 full points. Two halves. tyca

Response recorded on July 30, 2000

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Bråndeewine writes...

14 Clans:

3.London, England (just outside of it)
4.Ishimura, Japan
6.New Olympus
7.Xanadu, China
8.The Labyrinth (New York)
9.Paris, France
10.Wyvern, Scotland
11.Loch Ness

Greg responds...

11 full points, two halves.


Response recorded on July 30, 2000

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Coyote the Bando writes...

Okay, this is my guess on the Clans contest, and I'll admit, four of 'em are spitballin' here ...

1. Manhattan, NY
2. Avalon
3. London, England, UK
4. Ishimura, Japan
5. Guatemala
6. Labyrinth, NYC, NY
7. New Olympus
8. Paris, France
9. Xanadu, China
10. Loch Ness, Scotland, UK
11. Atlantis
12. Calcutta, India
13. Alberta, Canada
14. Antarctica

Almost threw in Detroit, but that'd be a stretch. ;)

Greg responds...

Ten full points. Two half points. tyca

Response recorded on July 30, 2000

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Faieq Ali writes...

Another chance at the clans contest
2)Labyrinth,New York
9)New Olympus
10)Loch Ness,Scotland
12)South Pole,Antartica
14)Xanadu, China

Greg responds...

11 full points. Two halves. tyca

(We're in a rut.)

Response recorded on July 30, 2000

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Ed writes...

Something just occured to me, so one more stab at them darn clans... :)





Greg responds...

11 full points, two half points

Response recorded on July 30, 2000

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Ed writes...

Clan Guesses for you... :)





Greg responds...

10 full points, three half points tyca

Response recorded on July 30, 2000

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Shari B writes...

Hey Greg, I just got the score from my first 14 clans guess - I've learned so much since then. But, it did still help me eliminate a couple things, so I guess that means it's time for another guess. Here's number five...

1 - London, England
2 - Ishimura, Japan
3 - Guatemala
4 - Antarctica
5 - Xanadu, China
6 - New Olympus
7 - Loch Ness, Scotland
8 - Avalon
9 - Manhattan, NY, USA
10 - Labyrinth, NY, USA
11 - Tintagel
12 - Wyvern, Scotland
13 - Paris, France
14 - Babylon

I still have a couple to narrow down, but this should help me confirm what I think I know. Or don't know as the case may be. TTFN!!

Greg responds...

11 full, 1 half tyca

Response recorded on July 30, 2000

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Brooklyn writes...

Question before the massacres at Castle Wyvern and the pyramid how many were in each clan?

Thanks for your time

Greg responds...

There was just over forty at Wyvern. I'm not sure about Guatemala.

Response recorded on July 29, 2000

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Michele Raralio (aka Kiva) writes...

Aloha Greg!

After all this time, I fugured I wanted to take a stab at the locations of the living clans contest. Here goes:

1. Disneyland (last I checked, they still had some Gargs)
2. Walt Disney World, Orlando (them, too)
3. Walt Disney Studios, Japan (heehee...)
4. The Disney Store (I'll lump all stores into one; they have occasional Garg goodies)
5. The Disney Archives (where they will be hidden away until the world is ready for them once more... ;)
6. The local video place (may there someday be a clan DVD)
7. My Video Library (self-explanitory)
8. "Your" Video Library ("your" meaning any collection that isn't mine)
9. Various Animators' Portfolios (trust me, I've looked!) ;)
10. Atop the desks, monitors, shelves, etc. of fans around the world (I am guilty as charged, my apartment is heavily Gargoyle-fortified)
11. The toy/comic/hobby store (although I've heard this variety or garg is becoming quite rare...)
12. eBay (you wouldn't believe some of the Gargs you come across there!)
11. The Internet (although those of clan Microsoft prove to be quite finicky at times)
14. In the hearts and minds of the former Garg staffers (I'd break into a chorus of "Remember Me This Way," but I'm afraid my singing is worse tham my attempts at humor...)

I'll also enter a little disclaimer: Given that I know a member of the Gargs staff (Roy Sato is my boyfriend), I think my entry would have to be disqualified, anyway, even if it was serious. ;)

Anyway, Greg, I just wanted to send you a little note to mention how awesome I think Gargoyles was. You and the Garg team brough a really terrific and unique show to the air. Sometimes I get to hear behind-the-scenes stories from the animation side of production; it's really cool to get the scoop from your camp, too! I'm not sure how many folks from the staff you still keep in touch with, but you all definitely deserve a huge "YOKU DEKIMASHITA!" (GREAT JOB!) Thanks again!


Greg responds...

Thank you.

(Uh, by the way, you officially scored ZERO. But hey, tyca, anyway, I don't mind if either you or Roy win the contest. Given the nature of it, i.e. everyone trying to guess what I've made up in my own personal brain, it doesn't seem to me like you've got an unfair advantage.)

I do hope to meet the two of you someday. I'm hoping that one of these years you guys might make it out to a Gathering.

Response recorded on July 29, 2000

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Nemi writes...

Alright, before my submission got deleted and now I have to send it again. Here goes:

2)Clones, Labyrinth
7)New Olympus
9)Xanadu, China
10) Loch Ness
11)Wyvern, Scotland
13)Wherever King Auther sets up his base in the future (Camalot/Tintagale)
14) Cold Trio, where ever they may be

Greg responds...

You only put down 13 guesses. You skipped #12.

Still you did pretty well. 11 full points. One half point. tyca

Response recorded on July 27, 2000

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Jherti writes...

Clan Contest

1.) Manhatten
2.) Avalon
3.) Ishimura
4.) London
5.) Guatemala
6.) Labyrinth
7.) Sydney
8.) Chicago
9.) Hawaii
10.) New Olympus
11.) Loch Ness
12.) Xanadu, China
13.) Camelot
14.) Easter Island

Greg responds...

Nine full points. One half point.

Response recorded on July 27, 2000

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Skylar writes...

I wondered about how the mating of english gargoyles genetically works.

1. If a lion-type gargoyle mates with a griffon-type gargoyle, could their son or daughter be a unicorn-type gargoyle?

2. Or asked in another way: Have some griffon-type gargoyles also the genetically code for unicorn-type and lion-type gargoyles in their heritages and could give them to their descendants? (And lion-type gargs the ones of unicorn- and griffon-typed gargs, and so on.)

3. Is it right to think, that all genes, that make a lion-type gargolye to a lion-type gargoyle and a griffon-type gargoyle to a griffon-type gargoyle are coupled to each other, so that it can´t happen that for example a gargoyle hatches, that looks half like a lion and half like a griffon and a bit like an unicorn?

Greg responds...

1. Not likely, unless there's a recessive gene in their from some other ancestor.

2. See above.

3. All combinations are possible. Look at Angela and Gabriel.

Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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Isaac Kelley writes...

How 'bout...
1. Manhatten
2. Avalon
3. London
4. Guatamala
5. Ishimura
6. New Olympus
7. The Labrynth
8. A space station
9. Transylvania
10. Mars
11. Underwater
12. China
13. Ireland
14. Egypt.

I think I'm on to something.

Greg responds...

Seven full points but only one half point. Now you're backsliding. Tyca

Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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Isaac Kelley writes...

Guess the Clans!
1. Avalon
2. London
3. Guatemala
4. Ishimura
5. New Olympus
6. Manhatten
7. Wyvern, Scotland
8. Nigeria
9. Camelot
10. Isreal
11. Easter Island
12. China
13. Antartica
14. Bermuda Triagle

Thanks for the contest.

Greg responds...

Seven full points. Three half points. You're improving, but you're still behind the pack. tyca

Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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Isaac Kelley writes...

Dammit, that's 15!

Let's try...
1. Avalon
2. London
3. Guatemala
4. Ishimura
5. New Olympus
6. Manhatten
7. Babylon
8. Africa
9. Camelot
10. Isreal
11. Easter Island
12. Mars
13. Antartica
14. Traveling the globe

Thanks for the contest.

Greg responds...

Six full points. Two halves. tyca

Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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Isaac Kelley writes...

Alright, time to nail down some clans.
How 'bout...
1. Avalon
2. London
3. Guatemala
4. Ishimura
5. New Olympus
6. Clones
7. Babylon
8. Africa
9. Camelot
10. Isreal
11. Easter Island
12. Mars
13. Antartica
14. Traveling the globe

Thanks for the contest.

Greg responds...

You've listed fifteen clans including Manhattan. That's cheating, so I won't score you any points. Sorry. But tyca.

Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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the mighty thor writes...

I hope that the contest isn't over but if it is would some one please tell me who the 14 clans are, here is my guess

7.new olympus
8.loch ness
11.athens, greece
13.new atlantas

Greg responds...

Nine full points. One half point. tyca

Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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JP12@mail.csuchico.edu writes...

The clans contest (this may be rejeced, but I used to play mastermind):
1. The labarinth (clones)
2. Camelot, England
3. A lunar station on the Sea of Tranquility, The Moon
4. Loch Ness, Scotland
5. New Olympus Clan
6. Manhattan Clan, New York
7. Ishimura, Japan
8. Los Angeles, California
9. The Green, Guatemala
10. Easter Island, The Pacific
11. Avalon, Somewhere
12. Just outside London, England
13. Illuminati base, Rome, Italy
14. Mongolia, China

Thanks for the contest. The puzzle is fun.
John Peacock

Greg responds...

Eight full points. Two halves.


Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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Justin writes...

The guatemalan clan was almost nearly wiped save four.
did any eggs survive? If so, how many?

Greg responds...

A full rookery of eggs survived.

Response recorded on July 24, 2000

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Pamber writes...

That Nyrtleka person is right to say I love the Guatemalan gargoyles. Zafiro's my favorite in the whole series!

1. If, say, GARGOYLES is revived, would the garg clans from the Avalon World Tour (Guatemalan in particular;) appear again?

2. Did you have any other plans for the Guatemalan gargs? I'd love to see Zafiro and gang again.

Greg responds...

1. Yes. For starters they needed to recover the Sun Amulet.

2. Yes. In particular, a descendant of Zafiro's (also named Zafiro because of the Sapphire pendant he wears) is likely to be a major character in my revamping of GARGOYLES 2158.

Response recorded on July 24, 2000

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Nyrtleka writes...

A little while ago, I posted a question that connected to your statement of "I expect Angela, Sora, Ophelia, Boudicca, Obsidiana, and Turquesa to all lay eggs in 2008." I have another inquiry connected to the same sentense.

Is Una in that cycle as well? I like the London gargs as much as that person Pamber likes the Guatemalan ones, so I'm very interested in their fates.

Greg responds...

All gargoyles are on the same cycle. So Una is likely to lay an egg in 2008, assuming she isn't too old. (I haven't given specific thought to her age. But we know she was fairly young in 1940.)

Response recorded on July 24, 2000

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Nyrtleka writes...

It seems that naming is not a gargoyle custom. Yet the other clans in the World Tour (London, Ishimura, Guatemala) have names. My question is how did Griff and Una and Leo get their name?

Greg responds...

The more gargs live with and interact with humans, the more likely they are to have names. Thanks to their Soho store, the London clan has been interacting with humans for centuries.

Response recorded on July 24, 2000

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Laura aka 'ad astra' writes...

Having looked through the clan guessing contest, (my next post will be guessing), I realize the clones are one of the clans. [You explicitly gave .5 saying that a location was necessary as well] The thing I do not understand is how. They have one female, and even if they had a female for each male that would not be enough. The only way they could go on to 2158 would be with outside blood. Is that what happened? If so did that come from Goliath's clan? Other clans we have seen or heard of? Which? Combinations?

I have just posted a bunch of stored up questions (10 or so), I have more waiting, but I'll let them wait a bit longer (except the clan contest:), but I do want to take the opportunity to thank you again for reading and answering our questions, and, just as importantly, for creating a story that is so compelling as to grab and keep our interests as Gargoyles continues to do.

Greg responds...

You're welcome.

If you still are confused, you can reask this question after the contest is over. But I won't respond in any way to it now.

Response recorded on July 19, 2000

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Laura aka 'ad astra' writes...

Clan Contest

As the person who (if I remember correctly) guessed enough to be surprising when first you alluded to this on the old Ask Greg [I was the first to bring up Griff's 'Scottish Stock' comment] I feel I must try- but as I look at the many previous attempts I doubt I can get it. I also have a sneaking suspicion some of your answers where different in different replies. Here goes:

The six we know:
-Manhattan (Goliath's)
-New Olympus
-London (or just outside, but owning the London shop)

Certain to develop-
-Clones- in Manhattan for lack of a better place. The Labrynth if you want more specificity.

Probably existing already-
-Lochness -Griff's comment, Monsters' plot. And narrowed down from Lexy's multiples guesses

Probably revived in future-
-Wyvern Scotland

Now for intuitive guesses-
-Paris- guess
-China [sometimes seems in either or choice with Paris, sometimes not] probably .5, it is a big country. Since the Yetis in that lost World Tour ep were not gargoyles I can't guess Himalayas, (or have to comment on China and Tibet), and nothing else in that part of the world has been hinted to.

-Camelot- know is .5 from Lexy's multiples. If you want ~less~ specificity I'd say another British clan, around that area- Wales? [I've no sense of Arthurian geography].

-Space station- future (I have a vague memory of it being mentioned)

-California- future (a post with it did well)

Ironically, Africa having large undeveloped regions make it a good candidate for gargoyles surviving, but it seems be discounted by process if elimination.

[I put in my reasons so that my most wild suppositions may seem at least partially logical]

Greg responds...

ten full points. two half points.


Response recorded on July 19, 2000

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