A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Having looked through the clan guessing contest, (my next post will be guessing), I realize the clones are one of the clans. [You explicitly gave .5 saying that a location was necessary as well] The thing I do not understand is how. They have one female, and even if they had a female for each male that would not be enough. The only way they could go on to 2158 would be with outside blood. Is that what happened? If so did that come from Goliath's clan? Other clans we have seen or heard of? Which? Combinations?
I have just posted a bunch of stored up questions (10 or so), I have more waiting, but I'll let them wait a bit longer (except the clan contest:), but I do want to take the opportunity to thank you again for reading and answering our questions, and, just as importantly, for creating a story that is so compelling as to grab and keep our interests as Gargoyles continues to do.
You're welcome.
If you still are confused, you can reask this question after the contest is over. But I won't respond in any way to it now.