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Lexy writes...

Hey Greg!

OK so you planned on making Sora Yama's mate?? well then..

1) I know that you stated that there wasnt anything really in the episode Bushido to show that one way or the other. But I did notice that When they went to roost, Kai and Sora were next to eachother while Yama was way on the other end. Was that just an accident? Or at the time were you (or others) leaning twords her being Kai's mate?

2) Since you were planning on for sure making Sora Yama's mate, then how do you think you would have explained the fact that Yama was going to leave to do the whole 'BadGuys' thing? Was he just gonna be like, "Well, I gots to do what I gots to do, seeya babe." Or..would she come along for the ride or..?:)

and 3) Dose Kai have a mate?
3.5) Did we see her in the Ep?
4) Or was she just ..well not designed yet?

Oh..and if something like this was explained during that lil pencil animated thing at the gathering (for Badguys) forgive my stinky memory. Thanks

Greg responds...

1) No. I was never leaning toward Kai being Sora's mate. Kai is one of her rookery-fathers. And Yama was just in a bad mood.

2) Yama was banished by the clan as a result of "Bushido"... until he could redeem himself. ("The Redemption Squad" was my original name for BAD GUYS.) That enforced distance between Yama and Sora would create some nice romantic obstacles. It makes for good stories.

3) I'm not sure.

3.5) I'm not sure.

4) I'm not sure.

Response recorded on April 07, 2000

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Michael Norton writes...

Another guess at the 14 clans

1) Manhattan
2) Clones
3) Ishimura
4) Guatemala
5) London
6) Avalon
7) New Olympus
8) Moray Scotland
9) Berlin
10) New Zeland
11) China
12) Mexico City
13) Easter Island
14) Nigeria

Greg responds...


half points: two...


Response recorded on April 07, 2000

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Michael Norton writes...

Another guess at the 14 clans

1) Manhattan
2) Clones
3) Ishimura
4) Guatemala
5) London
6) Avalon
7) New Olympus
8) Moray Scotland
9) Greece
10) France
11) Ireland
12) China
13) Australia
14) Norway

Greg responds...


half points: three...


Response recorded on April 07, 2000

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El Kevino writes...

1.Goliath and Gang(manhattan) 2.Ishimura 3.Guatamala 4.London 5.Clones 6.Avalon 7.New Olympians 8.Babylon(good old Pyramus and Thisbe) 9.Underwater 10.Scotland 11.North Pole 12.Greece 13.Africa(Nigeria perhaps?) 14.Australia
(Yet another feeble attempt to combat with your wonderful imagination, I'd appreciate a number rating, please, even though it will be low, but oh well)

Greg responds...

REMEMBER, I'm looking for clan LOCATIONS, not who's in them.


half points: three...


Response recorded on April 05, 2000

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Lexy writes...

..you get the idea

1) Manhatten
2) Avalon
3) Guatemala
4) London
5) Ishimura
6) New Olympus
7) Clones
8) China
9) Italy
10) Paris
11) Greece
12) Rome
13) Scotland
14) Easter Island

*apologies in advance if you are only allowed to guess a certain number of times*

Greg responds...

Lexy, you can guess as often as you like. But if you don't wait for feedback. I'm not sure how your guesses will get any closer.



half points: three...

(See. It doesn't seem to me that your getting any closer. And since Rome is in Italy, where specifically did you have in mind for your Italy guess?)

Response recorded on April 05, 2000

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lexy writes...

Nuther clan guess..

1) Manhatten
2) Avalon
3) Ishimura
4) London
5) Guatemala
6) New Olympus
7) China
8) Clones
9) Paris
10) Rome
11) Greece
12) Italy
13) Camalot
14) Easter Island

Greg responds...


half points: three...


Response recorded on April 05, 2000

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Lexy writes...

Dear Greg,

When you say 'clans' you mean a clan right? In other words..you are not ONLY including Gargoyles right? I mean, when Goliath invited Derek to join his clan, Derek responded saying that he now had his own. And The New Olympions have gargs..but they arent pure either. I just was wondering if it was within the bounderies of the contest to ask this question. Define clan for this contest. Gargoyle only?

Greg responds...

Gargoyle clans.

That doesn't mean that these clans don't have honorary members (as Elisa is to the Manhattan clan).

But I'm not sure what your referring to with regard to the New Olympians. Unpure?

Response recorded on April 05, 2000

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Stupid aka lexy:P writes...

AHHHHHHH!!! DISREGAURD my last post on the clans..GEEZ I thought I put Ishimura down..what a dork..

OK here we go again!!

1) Manhatten
2) Avalon
3) ISHIMURA (geez)
4) New Olympus
5) London
6) Gutemala
7) clones
8) Paris
9) Greece
10) Rome
11) China
12) Italy
13) Camelot
14) Scotland

Greg responds...


half points: four...

tyca. But check your spelling.

Response recorded on April 05, 2000

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Lexy writes...

For the Clans contest..

New Olympus
Easter Island
Lochness, Scotland

Greg responds...


half points: three...

Response recorded on April 04, 2000

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Vashkoda writes...

another try:
London, Ishimura, Guatamala, New Olympus, Avalon, Manhattan
Paris, Camelot, Easter Island, Loch Ness (Scotland), Antarctica, Wyvern (Scotland), Rome (Italy), Mars

Greg responds...

(I do know that Rome is in Italy.)

Full points: Nine.
Half points: Two.


Response recorded on April 04, 2000

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