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Sapphire writes...

Since Paris is one the 14 clans that will exist in the far future gargoyle series that was originally Gargoyles 2158 but now being revised I was wondering was there a Gargoyle clan living in Paris at the time of Goliath's awakening or will a Paris clan only exist if Gargoyles from other clans come to Paris to create a new one later on?

Greg responds...

The Paris clan does not yet exist in the revised 2158. It's even farther down the road. There were no Gargoyles living in Paris in 1994.

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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KW Keller writes...

Guatemalan gargoyle questions:

1. Do the pendants worn by the clan also rejuvenate them, as they don't turn to stone while wearing the pendants?

2. Do gargoyles wearing the pendants age at half-speed like normal gargoyles, of at a human rate since they don't become stone?

3. Were Zafiro, Jade, Turquesa, and Obsidiana the only members of their clan who normally used the pendants, or were they just the gargoyles wearing them when the rest of the clan was destroyed?

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. Human rate. There's a cost.

3. They had the honor of being the pendant wearers at the time.

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Vashkoda writes...

Some Guatemala questions:

1a) If a clan has survived there all this time, why didn't the Mayans that shared the temple with them also survive? b) Were the Mayans killed/kidnapped/dispersed as recently as the raid that took out most of the clan, or did it happen long ago?

2) I was wondering if Jade's headdress bore any kind of significance? Does he have a status that differs from the others in the clan?

3a) Can any in the clan perform magic? b) Would anyone in the Gargoyles Universe (still living) have the knoweldge and the power to make another sun amulet and set of magic pendants?

4a) You mentioned that Jade and Turquesa would go on a few skiff adventures before returning home. In which spin-off would you imagine these adventures might be seen in? 4b) If you're willing, please mention one location where they will travel to.

5) Will they be allowed to bring their pendants with them when they enter Avalon? If not, what will they do with them?

Greg responds...

1a. Long story.

1b. Long ago.

2. I'm sure it has some significance.

3a. Obsidiana has limited abilities with potions and as a healer.

b. Possbily.

4a. Just in GARGOYLES.

4b. Just one? Back to Guatemala, of course. ;)

5. Leave 'em on the raft, I guess.

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

Well, we now know that the Xanadu clan is one of the currently-existing clans, alongside the gargoyles in Korea and New Olympus. And based on the evidence in "Heritage", I'd assume that the Queen Florence Island clan is one of the clans that won't be introduced until after 2158 (or whatever the new year for "Gargoyles 2158" will be).

So which of the two remaining clans is the tenth present-day one? Loch Ness or Paris? (I'm thinking Loch Ness myself, since it's easier to imagine a gargoyle clan successfully hiding in Loch Ness than in Paris, and because you indicated in your answer about Taro's theme park that there aren't any gargoyles in Paris currently, but I'd just like to make certain).

Greg responds...

Paris is clan 14, which is as far into the future as my thoughts have gone. (Way beyond the start of the revised future-set show.)

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Vashkoda writes...

You just revealed that the Xanadu clan is the other contemporary clan. You also previously mentioned that Brooklyn would find Fu-Dog in China during his travels. Which makes me wonder.....

1a) Does the Gate bring Brooklyn to present-day (or at least what would be the present relative to the "Gargoyles" show time-line) China? b) If not the present, around which period would it be (ancient, medieval, future, etc), on each (if there's more than one) of the occassions Brook would travel to China?

2a) Is Xanadu the only Chinese location the Gate brings Brook to? (assuming it even takes him to Xanadu). 2b) Does Brooklyn find Fu-dog in Xanadu, or in another Chinese clan?

3a) Around what age would Fu-dog be when Brook first finds him? (I think you said he wasn't a puppy) b) Did Fu-dog leave a mate or any progeny behind when he left with Brooklyn?

4) Do the Ishimura, Korea, and Xanadu clans know about each other?

5) In the contest, you didn't give credit for listing Beijing as the home of the Xanadu clan, even though that's where Kublai Khan had his capital--which is the place some believe Coleridge's "Xanadu" referred to. So my question is--where (approximately) in China *is* Xanadu?

6) Dragons play a big role in Chinese (and many other) mythologies. Are these legends simply based on gargoyles and their beasts--who may resemble dragons, on fey who chose to assume dragon form, or on a separate species all-together?

Greg responds...

1a. Maybe.

1b. Maybe all of the above. Or not.

2a. Forty years is a long dance. I don't pretend to have all forty years plotted out exactly.

2b. Xanadu.

3a. I said I never said he was a puppy.

3b. Can't say. Or won't.

4. Perhaps.

5. Not in Beijing.

6. Greg has left the building.

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Lexy writes...

(Questions on Yama and Sora)

1) In "Bad Guys" you had planned on Yama being part of the crew. But I doubt that will occure exactly that way if the regular "Gargoyles" series ever comes back. So..
Did you plan on having Yama try to redeem himself in some other way?

2) You mentioned that Sora was going to be one of the females included in the Manhattan Rookery. Why did she go all the way there to lay her egg? Was it do to some clause in Bushido? (I personally don't think that gargs have a hang up on dishonor being passed down ..but thought I'd ask)

Greg responds...

1. No. If any garg-related series ever came back, I'd find a way to incorporate Bad Guys into it.

2. I categorically did not say that. I said they'd all be laying eggs around the same time. Not the same place.

Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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Sam writes...

I was just curious, biologically, how old was everyone in the mini clan back in 1996? Thanks alot!

Greg responds...

What's the mini-clan? Isn't that a fan-based thing?

Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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Ambrosia writes...

Yay, the clan contest is over!

Okay, I've wanted to ask you this ever since I realized that Rome wasn't a clan location: You had said that it was the Magus of Rome who cast the "clothes turning to stone" spell because the emperor was sick of naked gargoyles running around. So... what happened to the Roman clan? Did they die out?

Greg responds...

I never said there was a clan in Rome.

Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

A fresh question about the now-solved clan contest:

When you first began this one in 1997 (I believe), you mentioned that the 14 clans consisted of the six that we already knew, two currently-existing ones that were hinted at in the series, two more currently-existing ones that were not hinted at anywhere in the series, two future clans that would be brought about through the long-term goals of cast members, and two future clans (established post-2158 originally, although it's obviously going to be a different year now) that were foreshadowed in the series.

Now, the eight clans on the confirmed list besides the six on-stage ones are: New Olympus, Korea, Xanadu, Paris, Loch Ness, New Camelot, Wyvern, and Queen Florence Island.

New Olympus we know is one of the two present-day hinted-at ones (since the New Olympians mention knowing gargoyles). Korea, obviously, is one of the two present-day not-hinted-at "you-can-only-guess-it-if-you're-psychic" ones, since Korea was never mentioned in the series. So that brings the number down to six.

Now, obviously the New Camelot and Wyvern clans don't exist yet, and they both fit the description for the earlier "pre-2158" future clans: New Camelot would be a fulfillment of King Arthur's long-term goals, and Wyvern would fit in with the "nostalgia" element that you mentioned one of these clans having. So that leaves us with four: Loch Ness, Paris, Queen Florence Island, and Xanadu.

Here's where the question creeps in: which one of these four is the remaining contemporary unhinted-at-one? Now, it's obviously not Loch Ness (since Sevarius speculates about a clan there in "Monsters" and even initially believes Angela to be part of it before he examines her genetic structure and discovers that she's Goliath and Demona's daughter) or Queen Florence Island (partly because we know that there aren't any gargoyles now, and partly because Raven's illusionary clan would obviously count as a foreshadowing). So that narrows it down to Paris and Xanadu.

But both, one can argue, are also "foreshadowed" - Paris via "Sanctuary" and the opening flashback of "Hunter's Moon Part Three" (where Demona kills Charles Canmore at Notre Dame), and Xanadu in "Her Brother's Keeper" where Xanatos has an upstate retreat with the same name. So which one of these is the "unforeshadowed" one?

Greg responds...

Xanadu. Unfortunately, when I posted those original clues, I temporarily forgot that Xanadu was the name of Xanatos' retreat. Sorry if that prolonged the contest (for three years).

Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

Now that the clan contest is over (and congratulations, Vashkoda!), I thought that I'd ask you about one of the particular clan-answers.

It seems clear now that you're placing New Camelot in Antarctica. What I'm curious about is: why there? While Antarctica does have some advantages for being the site of Arthur's new home (it's out of the way, and isn't part of any nation-state), it's also one of the most inhospitable places on the planet. Wouldn't the harsh cold be something of a problem for making it Arthur's permanent base of operations (well, the gargoyles there would be able to weather the cold, but it might not be so great for any human members of the court)?

Greg responds...

Keep in mind, the clan and the kingdom is founded in Antarctica sometime between 1996 and (the revised year that was) 2158. I'm not gonna get more specific than that right now, but I will say that a lot can happen in two hundred years. Also, the location is a direct result of various strange alliances in the Garg Universe that I'm also not prepared to discuss right now.

Let me just say that I'm not ignorant of the weather conditions. But I do have something in mind.

Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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