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Man Mountain writes...

Greg... I like your idea of, on the air, leaving the date of the episode ambiguous and then telling us here the actual dates. Its a brilliant idea for two reasons... First, it keeps most people happy with how they want to view what is canon, and second, it would really be the first true multimedia series. Other shows put "behind the scenes" info on their pages and fans certainly keep records of every little event that transpires. But your show would be the first to actually ADD to the storu via the internet. I would hope you would include scenes cut for time and any other story elements that you would wish to add. Just wanted to let you know, that not only is this a great idea of solving some problems, but certainly a groundbreaking idea for telling a story... ...but then thats nothing new for you, as we all well know.

Greg responds...

THanks. I liked it. BUt it was really you guys who inspired it. So pat yourselves on the back.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Sothis writes...

Hi Greg,

As a long time Gargoyles fan, and an even longer time Star Trek fan, I couldn't help but notice that like Star Trek, Gargoyles would subtly introduce touchy topics (well, touchy to the censors at least) like racism and guns into the storylines, using the cover of being a fanstasy/sci-fi-based show. Was this your intent, to do what Gene Roddenberry did, and pull the wool over the studio's eyes, or was it just the way the stories developed?

Thanks for your time,


Greg responds...

It was my intent to cover real important issues, but at THAT time I didn't need to pull the wool over the studio's eyes. My bosses, Jay, Bruce, Gary were actually behind me on that stuff.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Demona Taina writes...

Hello! I was wondering if you had every single scene cut from each episode of Gargoyles before its first airing..

I was wondering this because in the Gargoyles "movie," Goliath says "Godspeed lads," before he says "They'd better not be harmed." Also, he says "Your worst nightmare." But I figure that scene was cut because it wasn't very well animated.. either that or it was created just for the movie?

Not to mention the numerous scenes either cut or created for the movie only.. like, Goliath taking a little bit longer to turn to stone when he was sedated, trailing off with the words when he was groggy.. and stuff like that.

Thank you for your time.. :)

Greg responds...

Nothing was created JUST for the movie. But two different sets of people were involved in the editing of the "movie" and tv versions of the pilot. And they had two different deadlines and two different types of access to correcting errors, etc.

I don't recall any differences in vocal performance at all.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Vashkoda writes...

Ok, let's see if I can reword this so that it satisfies Todd.

I asked you before if you were going to keep or throw out TGC, and you said it was too early to know. When I asked specifically about the clones episode where they are turned to stone, you said that it would be the easiest one to fix because "the clones could wake up at any time. So if the series came back in the present, I could wake them then. Or I could wake them anytime before 2158." Based on the information you revealed in the 2198 contest (I'll have to be vague here in case it gets me in trouble), I was inclined to believe that you had chosen to take advantage of the situation presented in that TGC episode, and so had decided to keep TGC. Am I wrong, or are you still undecided on what to do about TGC?

And since this was also deleted: how was your birthday?

Greg responds...

Still undecided. Leaning toward NOT using TGC at all, and using the internet to answer any questions about why. But still undecided.

As for my b-day, that's a subject for a separate post.

Response recorded on October 19, 2000

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aXvXia writes...

I just found DEADLY FORCE on video: you were right in your notes, it was aboslutely a gorgeous episode to look at. I almost cried. The gargoyles are so real, so emotional, so angry, it just gets to me... especially Goliath. It is obvious to the audience that he loves Elisa here. (i think that's what you wanted.) Thank you for the beautiful episode. After I saw it, i wrote an essay to the Toon Disney personnel about the message of this episode and why i think it would be wonderful if they aired it.
THe reply i got was cursory and almost smart-ass. They told me that it wasn't in "its(the episode's) contract." CONTRACT??! what contract?? ARRGH
anyways, i tried. now for a quick question, and i checked the archives on this one and I didn't find it. Please, Please tell me you have the information on this one at home: How old was Elisa in 1996? the last time i submitted this question you said you didn't have that information available...

Thanks anyways,
aXvXia, age 13

Greg responds...

Someone else just posted Elisa's age.

The Contract thing is just bull of course. Their S&P department won't allow them to air the episode. Toon Disney execs told me that. They're shining you.

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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White writes...

I got a verry tricky question now... I noticed in many cartoons * including gargoyles * that reruns always differ from the first time they pass on tv. ( I'm french and having trouble making that question clear... omg !!! )
Ok ok... here's an example :
in the episode Awakening 2, when Xanatos's *employees* attack the castle... one of them throws a granade at Goliath and Hudson I beleive... he shouted :"CATCH".
When that episode played again on tv the voice wasn't the same and he didn't shouted it.

Same thing with the "MOVE NOW" of Awakening 1.

How come ??? * do they record the sound twice or do they correct things they don't like after showing it once ??? )

sorry for the long question. You forgive me ?

Greg responds...

1. We sometimes do correct animation errors after the first airing if we didn't have time to correct them before. But not voices. What you're describing sounds very odd. Are you sure you're not comparing the "movie/video" version to the tv version?

Or maybe this was done for the French versions only? I don't know.

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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David Zevin writes...

Hi Greg, I am a huge fan of the Gargoyles series. It's hands down the best written/plotted series I've ever watched (cartoon or other). I recently graduated University of Southern California Film School. I am currently looking for work as an assistant editor. Any advice you might have on getting into the industry and/or breaking into the editor's union would be greatly appreciated. By the way, where was Gargoyles edited? Do you happen to know if was union? Thanks.

Greg responds...

Gargoyles was of course edited at Disney first by Elen Orson, than by Susan Edmonson, and finally by Bob Birchard who did most of the second season. It was union. Unfortuntately, I have no idea how one gets into the editors union. Can't they tell you that at S.C.?

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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DrFaust writes...

I always thought it was interesting we could see the targeting lasers of Xanatos' particle weapons actually
moving through space.

So I'm wondering, is the speed of light in the "Gargoyles" universe different than "our" universe?

Greg responds...

artistic license.

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Entity writes...

Hi Greg,

Before I say anything, I'd like to apologize for the impersonalness of my last two guesses for the Clans Contest (about a dozen posts previous). I just figured a preamble was unnecessary, but looking back, it feels cold.

Anyway, I wanted to ask about the unrealized Tibetan adventure. Did it have to do with:

1) Religion
2) Politics/Current Events
3) One of Oberon's Children

Also, how far did it get in development before it was canned?

The revelation that this story was cut for episode volume is disheartening, especially since we won't get another World Tour, even if the show returns.

Greg responds...

1. No.
2. No.
3. No.

At Disney it was just a springboard. It never went any further than that. But it wasn't canned. We just decided that we had other stronger stories to tell.

I later wrote it as a comic book story for Marvel's GARGOYLES comic book. But the book got cancelled before the story was published.

Don't be disheartened, it'll see the light of day sometime. It was already a flashback story when I wrote it for Marvel.

Response recorded on September 14, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

One other tidbit on that description of Morgan (the prototype for Elisa) that occurred to me. Her bio mentions that she dressed up as Guinevere for Halloween. And you mentioned that in the early stages of development for "A Lighthouse in the Sea of Time", other members of the production team had suggested having Elisa dress up as Guinevere, although you nixed that one. I wonder if that notion might have been another carryover from the original comedy development now. (One reason why these behind-the-scenes looks are so fascinating).

Greg responds...

I don't think so. Because Brynne, Michael and Lydia weren't involved in the show back in those days. And I'm quite sure they never read those old memos.

So I think they must have come up with that (nixed) idea independently.

Response recorded on September 09, 2000

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