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Hi Greg,
Before I say anything, I'd like to apologize for the impersonalness of my last two guesses for the Clans Contest (about a dozen posts previous). I just figured a preamble was unnecessary, but looking back, it feels cold.
Anyway, I wanted to ask about the unrealized Tibetan adventure. Did it have to do with:
1) Religion
2) Politics/Current Events
3) One of Oberon's Children
Also, how far did it get in development before it was canned?
The revelation that this story was cut for episode volume is disheartening, especially since we won't get another World Tour, even if the show returns.
1. No.
2. No.
3. No.
At Disney it was just a springboard. It never went any further than that. But it wasn't canned. We just decided that we had other stronger stories to tell.
I later wrote it as a comic book story for Marvel's GARGOYLES comic book. But the book got cancelled before the story was published.
Don't be disheartened, it'll see the light of day sometime. It was already a flashback story when I wrote it for Marvel.