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Children of Oberon, The

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Anonymous writes...

Are the Weird Sisters connected to fate just as Anubis is connected to death?

Greg responds...

Sure. And more.

Response recorded on November 01, 2000

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Marduk writes...

Is Oberon taking precautions to make sure that his children don't overthrow him?

Greg responds...

No. I doubt it occurs to him.

Response recorded on November 01, 2000

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Marduk writes...

You said at the time of the Journey, Oberon and Titinia had two children. I always assumed they were twins and were born after the gathering, but after checking the archives I didn't see anything to back that up so... 1) are the two children twins? 2) can Fey/fae/whateveryoucallthem have twins?(this may have been answered before) 3) were the children born after the gathering? 4) will you tell us their names?

Greg responds...

I never said they were twins. And they were definitely born before the Gathering.

1. No.

2. Sure.

3. No.

4. Not right now.

Response recorded on November 01, 2000

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Vashkoda writes...

1a) Would there be any point in the future when the practice of mortal magic becomes more common than it is at the time of "The Journey"?

b) If so, roughly how long would it take for such a revival to come to pass? (decades, years, centuries?)

2a) Why is it so dangerous to mix fae and mortal magic? Energy is energy, right? And both fae and mortal magic are presumably of earthly origin. So what makes them so incompatible? b) What are the actual consequences of mixing the two?

3) The Archmage was able to bring the Grimorum to Avalon by "bending the rules", and so bypassed Oberon's Law. But in the end, he was still using the Eye to control the Grimorum, and hence, was "mixing magics". Why didn't this have any (visible) consequences?

4a) You've mentioned "ghost magic" before. Would it fall under the "mortal magic" category, or is it a completely different form of magic? b) If it's different, is it safe to mix with mortal or fae magic?

5) Which is the Megalith Dance powered by--fae or mortal magic?

6a) Do any New Olympians possess (or are capable of practicing) "fae" magic? b) Do any New Olympians practice "mortal" magic?

Greg responds...

1a. Maybe a tiny bit -- but not until WAY beyond 2198.

b. Centuries.

2a. Different frequencies maybe. Feedback. I don't know exactly. Just is.

b. BOOM. Usually. Or some other backfiring.

3. The Eye is a bit more flexible. It WANTS to "help".

4a. Another category, I think, maybe, sorta.

b. Not recommended, but less dangerous.

5. Not telling its origin right now.

6a. Maybe, but it's more internalized as "powers" generally.

b. Maybe, but not many. They're a technology driven society.

Response recorded on October 26, 2000

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jack writes...

hi greg,

I'm ask this question becaues I little confisson

is all the gods in mythology are oberon's childen?
or can you make me list of oberons's childen of that you know of?
thank you

Greg responds...

Got to watch out for confission.

I'm not making any lists, but many 'gods' were children.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Sapphire writes...

In the episode the Gathering part one I saw a Pegasus as one of Oberon's children lining up to greet Oberon. I was wondering can that Pegasus talk?

Greg responds...

Not in that form.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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puck40 writes...

Oberons Laws.
Some people get confused with how you have them restricted and stuff. So in the proper yes/no type questions and such.

1. Are the Fae physically or metaphysically... magically<?> unable to perform magic that goes against Oberons edicts?
2. Do the Fae follow it purely because they y'know, fear the big guy?
3. If they are magically restricted, how much of a strain does that put on Oberon himself?

ugh, class. later! <runs off>

Greg responds...

1. Yes. Unless they can find a loophole.

2. Yes. Unless they think they can get away with it.

3. None, anymore. It's a done deal.

Response recorded on October 19, 2000

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Adam Z. writes...

If all the Gargoyles have to do to defeat Oberon is ring a bell, then why didn't they simply do so during the Gathering. And why didn't Puck know that was his weakness.

Greg responds...

My guess is that (a) forging an iron bell is a bit harder than you think. And (b) Puck can't handle that bell or whip one up magically. And (c) I wouldn't be surprised if Oberon has a contingency for that now.

Response recorded on October 18, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

In "The Gathering Part One", when the Weird Sisters report to Oberon that Puck hasn't returned to Avalon for the Gathering, they speak his (Puck's) name in a very unfriendly and bitter way. Do the Sisters have some sort of strong grudge against Puck?

Greg responds...

Yes and no.

Response recorded on October 05, 2000

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LSZ writes...

1) How do Death-gods in general feel about non-fae immortality? Do they generally view it as cheating or in a generally negative way?
2) How does Anubis personally view immortality?

Greg responds...

1. Every Death-Figure is unique. I can't give generic responses.

2. I don't think he believes in it. Everyone's alive until he or she dies. Anubis has seen nothing to indicate that everything doesn't eventually die. The fact that Macbeth and Demona (assuming he knew about them) live still, doesn't prove they won't die.

Response recorded on October 05, 2000

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