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RedKommie80@hotmail.com writes...

hmmm well I am wondering about 3 gargoyle ... movies? made in 1998. I can't seem to find any info about them other then just credits. Do they truely exist or just a joke? I would like to know about them. Thank you.

Greg responds...

I don't know what your are referring to.

Response recorded on September 08, 2004

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Ricardo from Portugal writes...

Dear, Mr. Weisman,

I checked the archives and I didn't find any answer to this question.

I would like to understand something very confusing about the Archmage:

If he was saved by "his future self" when he fell from the precipice in the "Long Way to Morning", so the "present self" obviously survived to get the talismans and became the "future self" and rescue his "past self" and beginning the cycle.

But how did the present self got the talismans if they had to "remain in play", since history could not be changed? Did someone else from the future give them to him?

I would like to clear this out… I cannot think of any logic explanation for the Archmage appearing with the talismans unless they were given to him by someone else from the future besides his future self.

If this is too much confusing then I am sorry, but I think you understand my question…

And pleeeeeease, give me an answer, I don't mind waiting… just don't ignore me…

Thanks, Ricardo

Greg responds...

All right, let's start here (assuming you really didn't mind waiting and are still checking in and reading this). I don't IGNORE anyone, as you've implied or stated in your last two posts.

You're questions (in the past) may have been kicked for breaking one or more of our rules. Or I may not answer them to your satisfaction (intentionally or otherwise). But I never ignore a question.

Secondly, you checked the archives, but did you watch the episode attentively? The Archmage got the talismen from the Weird Sisters. It happens on screen. I understand that some people are confused by the time loop, but this seemed pretty straight-forward to me, unless I don't understand your question.

Response recorded on September 08, 2004

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Ricardo from Portugal writes...

Hey! I was wondering why did Puck had black eyes in "The Mirror" and latter in "Future Tense" and the other two episodes where he appears he has blue eyes?

A) It was because in "The Mirror" you hadn't decided yet that all Oberon's Childrens would have blue eyes(including Oberon and Titania themselves)?

B)And why do they all have blue eyes? Does it have any kind of meaning?

I would realy like to get an answer to my question, besause this is the forth time that I post one and all the others got lost with no answer...

Greg responds...

I haven't noticed that they all have blue eyes. I'm not at all sure that they do.

I didn't notice that Puck's eyes changed color either. We certainly never redesigned his color model. It may be a mistake, or it may be that from a distance blue eyes appeared black.

There are certain human limitations to the painting process.

Response recorded on September 08, 2004

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Anonymous writes...

I looked in the archives for this but I can't seem to find it anywhere.

1. Do you consider TGC to be canon? i.e. would you account for it's stories in a future show in the garg universe?

Greg responds...

You couldn't have looked too carefully -- and you clearly didn't check the FAQ because I've answered this over and over and over.

I don't consider it canon. How I'd account for it would depend on the nature of a new pick-up. But my current inclination is to ignore it and answer any questions on the internet. (But I'm not committed to that approach.)

Response recorded on September 07, 2004

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Blaise writes...


Naturally, Notre Dame had to be brought into this series *sometime* (especially once they started the world tour).
I don't know who I figured the "winged sillhouette" (sp?) at the beginning to be, but I think I may have suspected Demona, because she struck me as the most well-traveled gargoyle I could think of.
Then we see Macbeth with a babe who sports a heavy French accent. It wasn't until she said "we have all the time in the world" (accompanied by a not-too-subtle music sting) that I recognized her (by voice anyway). I knew I was in for a good ep.
And Elisa pretty much admits her romantic view of Goliath. I find it interesting how she so naturally moves from talking to herself to talking to the "snoozing" crew. And of course we have yet another "D'oh" moment when Elisa starts to call her parents...and stops to follow Demona and Macbeth.
Pointless note--I like D & M's costumes here. Very nice.
Elisa eventually makes her way back to the others with the paper and they're off and running after the plot.
Something I'd point out here, Angela never says that Katharine or Tom told her about Notre Dame, yet I've seen several people make that assumption. As far as I can tell, Angela didn't hear about it until Elisa mentioned it.
I believe, when I first saw this, I took Goliath's rebuking Angela for calling him father as him preserving tradition--even though he pretty much states he's concerned about keeping Angela away from Demona the next minute. Gradually, I began to see that this was mostly just his excuse. Unfortunately, in doing that, he was actually pushing her away.
I love Elisa's shocked "What?!" to being put in the role of "helpless damsel who needs protection." Goliath didn't even ask her (or wait to hear what Elisa had to say after "I can sympathize, but--"). He just did it. Yet, Elisa goes along with it. She can barely look Angela in the eye when she says it.
Every time I see Goliath clawing the wall of Notre Dame I cringe. Have some respect for historic sites, will ya?!
I only really noticed Demona's line "In here, my love" the second time I watched it. I think the first time, her actual reaction upon seeing Goliath pushed it out of my mind. I like her line "New York is your protectorate--Paris belongs to me!" This is especially fun in hindsight, because, as we learn later in HUNTER'S MOON (and the unanimated TEAM ATLANTIS episode THE LAST) she has quite a history with this city.
There is some weird animation here. At one point, Demona sends Goliath hutling through the tower and he knocks the head off a stone gargoyle next to Bronx--but there's no sound! I recall that some folks assumed said gargoyle to be Boudicca ducking (probably because of its coloring) before they slowed down the tape. Also, when Demona says "You're not leaving here alive" she seems a bit skinnier than usual (and her halter-top seems to be a bit more...[ahem] revealing).
Enter Thailog. In new threads too! I don't know when/where/how he got that armor, but it does end up making him look even more distinctive from Goliath. And, as per the memo, gives him a little more of a Xanatos quality. And reintroducing him as Demona's love interest! It was a twist but felt so natural at the same time!
Thailog is great here, and Demona's taunting of Goliath is really...something, I don't know. All I know is it's aggravating enough to make me want to strangle her (and that's with the knowledge that I'd be dead within .2 seconds). And Goliath's actions here are endlessly fascinating. He accuses Demona, and tries to save Thailog. I have to wonder at his thoughts about his "son" getting together with his ex. I love Thailog's offering "to share [his] santuary" with Goliath--that is SOOOO Xanatos. And of course Goliath brings up the obvious objection, which Demona taunts him for (honestly, who wouldn't be a little paranoid around that woman?).
Angela, being the good little helper she is, and still eager to stay close with her father, has run to what was supposed to be a battle, and finds herself eavesdropping. I wonder if maybe she regretted having done that once she got back to the skiff. It almost looks that way.
It wasn't until my second viewing that I caught the name of D & T's company--Nightstone Unlimited. Very nice indeed. And we finally hear the human aliases of these two plotters. BTW, much happier that you went with Dominique Destine (sp?) over Dierdre (sp? again). I like their embrace--Thailog's wrapping his wings completely around her, Demona snuggling into his chest when they share a villainous laugh. This is one of the steamiest scenes in the series, I think. You always said, Greg, that although Thailog intended to betray Demona from the beginning, he still found her physically attractive. I'll bet he had his kicks while he had her around.
Anyway, it made sense that Demona had hoarded treasure. How much money does she have anyway?
Meanwhile, Goliath and Angela get into another "family discussion." As someone else has pointed out, Goliath really seems to get angry here...and Angela matches his outrage. Little animation nit though--after our heroes turn to stone, we get a back-shot of Angela, and...she has Demona's hair. A bit distracting.
Elisa talking to herself in the cafe was alright--she has a long established habit of doing this. As for her last line...I recognized that it was a Superman reference (and I probably would have appreciated it more had I known that Cary Bates wrote for that comic way back when), but still...I'm sorry, Greg, it just doesn't do it for me. I do appreciate the referencing behind it, though.
The wedding. Demona really looks good in that wedding dress--and it's a testament to her acting that she looks more comfortable in that than Banquo and Fleance do in their respective outfits. Seriously, those two look so out of place in such fancy clothes--I bet they were happy to be out of them.
I feel real sorry for Macbeth in this episode. He marries this woman, starts to tell her about himself, and it turns out that his "bride" has been his enemy all along. His shock is excellent, and I can only imagine what his initial thoughts were upon coming to in his cell.
I love the animation on Demona's transformation. Very nice, and we see her without her tiara for once.
I also like Macbeth's "Who the blazes are you?!" when he sees Thailog. I wonder what he might have thought about this gargoyle that sounded like Goliath and shared a remarkable number of physical features.
Then Thailog hands Macbeth a gun...and I am left totally clueless. I admit it, I didn't fully grasp Thailog's plan until he spelled it out. Maybe I'm slow, or maybe by this point I just wanted to watch the story unfold. But Thailog is excellent at diverting suspicion from himself. And I love his little "Have a blast, you two" followed by his laugh.
And then he leers at Angela. I partially agree with Airwalker that this might in some part be to creep Goliath out, but I also find it more interesting (and preferable) that Thailog did feel some bit of lust upon seeing her. It just darkens his character more and, IMO, adds a whole lot more fun to him. I don't know why, but I love how Thailog holds Angela by her belt, too.
Thailog reveals the truth, and NOW is, in my mind, when Goliath views Thailog as a true enemy instead of a lost soul. And the amazing thing is, for having so little battle experience, Thailog holds up pretty well. Mostly because of his particle-beam rifle, but that of course also gets him into trouble with the water tower. All that "vast knowledge" and he doesn't try to run when the tower starts to creak--he *is* inexperienced. I also like Goliath's double-fisted punch to Thailog, and Thailog's fall (accompanied with EXCELLENT music thanks to Carl Johnson). Then Thailog gets up and attacks Goliath full force, and it's only through the intervention of Angela and Bronx that G is able to get the upper hand. Seriously, they have Thailog cornered, and only stop when they realise that the battle INSIDE the building has stopped. Thailog is such a cool bastard as he smilingly says "I enjoyed the exercise, Goliath" and soars off the rooftop.
While all of this has been going on, Demona and Macbeth have been having a pretty good scuffle. The highlights for me include that three barralled particle cannon, the bit with the globe (one person gets bowled over by the globe, the other by...NOTHING!), and Demona's oft-mentioned stagger (seriously, how often do you get to see a character "punch drunk" like that?). Then Elisa hits on the solution both I and my brother (who had been watching this with me) figured right away. I like her uncertainty, though--it is a bit of a difficult concept to swallow.
Goliath and Macbeth, who had started out this series as enemies, now are almost like comrades. Similar experience probably paves the way for this, but it really is nice to see the hero show genuine sympathy for a former foe, and for said foe to accept it. And hey, Goliath tells a pretty good joke and even gets Macbeth to smile!
Of course, there is another moment between Elisa and Goliath, fleeting, but still wonderful.
Demona gets her first glimpse of Angela, and her reaction is just right. Of course, before the matter gets pressed, Thailog reappears. He salvages the situation for himself wonderfully (and it's so odd to see Demona being carried off like that...one isn't used to seeing her in such a vulnerable position). And both Macbeth and Goliath have, again, a moment of shared regret.
The episode wraps up with a somber ride into the mists, as Angela seeks the final confirmation for her question. Since Goliath won't answer (won't even look at her, it's too painful), she turns to Elisa, who pretty much admits the presence of the elephant in the room, allowing Angela to cope with that knowledge as best she can.
In case you can't tell, I think this is a great episode--and there's so much in it! Not the least of which is Thailog. I knew from his first episode he'd be someone to watch out for, but this episode cemented him as one of my favorite villains, and led to my brother dubbing him "evil incarnate in GARGOYLES."

Greg responds...

I don't know about "evil incarnate" but he was a very fun character to write, and we had big plans for him.

I guess if the worst thing about the episode is the "This is a job for the Gargoyles" line, then we must not have done too badly.

Response recorded on September 07, 2004

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Jace writes...

is there any chance of new episodes of gargoyles being made for the future, or perhaps a gargoyles movie?

Greg responds...

Please see the archives or FAQ. And please buy the DVD and attend the Gathering...

Response recorded on September 03, 2004

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Phil writes...

Here's hoping you've got your timeline with you.

In honor of the birth of my first son, could you please share some of the events that have happened in the gargoyles universe on September 10?

Greg responds...

Sure. Hold on. I'll be right back.

I literally have just flipped through every page of the timeline. This is the ONLY entry I found for that specific date:

Sunday, September 10th, 1995
The Gargoyles take Maggie back to the Clock Tower, but she flees to Xanatos' Castle after they turn to stone. Elisa and Matt discover that Xanatos owns Gen-U-Tech. After sundown, the Gargoyles awaken and discover Maggie gone. The Gargoyles and Elisa confront the Mutates and Xanatos at the Castle. Although Derek takes the name Talon, Elisa realizes that the Mutate is her brother. Talon and the other Mutates flee.

Congratulations (two years late) on the birth of your son, by the way!

Response recorded on September 03, 2004

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Adam Kitchin writes...

I was wondering if all the fans on Station 8, Gargoyles Sound and Vision, Avalon and all the other sites wrote to Disney to produce a new season not just a simple rerun, and that Disney directors sat down on a table and said, fine there is a demand for Gargoyles how can we invest in this demand (Business A Level knowledge coming in sorry), but if they decided to do it and one day your mobile (or cellphone as you Americans seem to call them) or your home phone or what ever rang and the director said we want to create on of the spin offs for example TimeDancer as it would have a degree of educational aspect to it through everyones favourite character it seems to be Brooklyn (he mine too, I love the voice and the remarks especially the Star Trek and Star Wars spoofs namely "Use the Force Lex" and "You and what Starfleet") - doesn't strike me as a scifi fan more of a action horror kinda guy/gargoyle,

But my point is if Disney wanted to produce timedancer for its educational aspect to slighly teach younger and indeed older generations about historic events through media, would you agree to do it (stupid question).

If so would you want TGS episodes animated or would you allow the episodes to be revised but have the same premise, eg same characters, developments, etc.

I would personnelly love to see Timedancer animated into a series. I never got into Pendragon very much and Gargoyles Season 4 really needs Timedancer revealed so you can understand Brooklyn and his family as I began reading the two side by side and was getting lost.But I am sidetracking big time....

Do you think if we could get enough partitions, letters, public intrest to Disney's attension to open there eyes for a demand for Gargoyles do you think in your opinion that they would listen.

Also if Timedancer was animated and was a success, would you move onto Animating Season 4 or one of the other mini series as such as all together at the same time would be a huge undertaking and would cost a lot to make...

If you think there is a fighting chance then I will go about creating partitions and write a letter to Disney.

Well if your still awake after reading this then I'll sign off as it is late here in the UK (2.30am) just if you could answer the unmarked questions in my response then that would be terrific....


Adam Kitchin

Jeff would HAVE to voice Brooklyn as I admire his skill for voice acting as it isn't a easy task and he does it so well and gives Brooklyn a mixed kinda evil, kind hearted sense to him that you can't really describe....

Greg responds...

I have no knowledge of TGS beyond the fact of its existence. So any similarities to their stuff would be either coincidental or inevitable (given the common source material) or both.

Of course, I'd be interested in doing TimeDancer or any other Gargoyles Universe property.

And coming December 7th there's a GREAT way to demonstrate demand to the Disney folk: BUY THE DVD!!!

Response recorded on September 03, 2004

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