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Clark Cradic writes...

Will the couple that Spider-Man saved (and ended up marrying) make further appearances in the series? Do they have any established names and are they going to be Spider-Man's equivalent to the Yuppie Couple?

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on June 01, 2009

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Greg Bishansky writes...


Okay, so, I exist in the Spectacular Spider-Man Universe, and I was Norman Osborn's chauffeur at one point. Harry mentioned me as the worst chauffeur ever, and that he thought his dad was going to pop a vessel.

Okay, so later on, Norman went nuts, and became the Green Goblin. He went after the Big Man, tried to kill Otto, and just plain went nuts on people he doesn't like.

Am I still alive in the Spectacular Spider-Man Universe? I think that if I had that guy mad at me, it's okay for me to inquire to my present health.

Where am I now in the Spideyverse? ;)


Greg responds...


Dude, could this question be any more self-aggrandizing if you tried?

But somehow I doubt that Goblin ran around avenging every petty annoyance. I mean, hell, I let you live.

Response recorded on June 01, 2009

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Martin writes...

in a previous response, you stated about the Spectacular Spider-Man series, "We have been provided with a list of characters as per Sony's contractual agreement with Marvel." it's obvious that you cant reveal the characters, but can you at least tell how many they are? can you reveal the characters? :)

Greg responds...

I don't have the list with me. And even if I did, it's a legal document. It's not my place to go into detail about it.

Response recorded on June 01, 2009

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Clark Cradic writes...

How do you decide what villains/characters to include in Spider-Man? Is it a matter of what they can provide to the story, personal preference, or is their a certain formula to balance out well known and not as well known characters?

Greg responds...

It's a very organic process. Basically what feels right, respecting the core of the characters.

Response recorded on June 01, 2009

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Rafael writes...

We are going to see in the Spectacular Spider-man more science fiction elements that exist in the comicbooks like aliens and journeys through time and space. And supernatural elements like travel to other dimensions via magic, and the presence of supernatural creatures like Morbius the vampire and the transformation of Stan Carter into the Sin-eater.

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on May 29, 2009

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Robert Lee writes...

Hey Greg, I'm a huge fan of The Spectacular Spiderman, and by far it is the best Spiderman series that I have seen. I was curious to see if there were any further developments on a season 3 for the show. So I guess my question is:
Will there be a season 3? If so when do u expect it to make its debut?

Greg responds...

Seriously? You didn't see the thirty plus times I've already answered this question or the thirty plus times this question was in the queue ahead of yours. I mean, dude, do you think I'm HIDING a pick-up from you guys?

<sigh> We won't know anything until sometime AFTER the SECOND season starts airing on Disney XD in late june. Figure July or August for news on a pick-up. If it comes, I'd guess ew episodes would probably be held for September 2010.

Response recorded on May 29, 2009

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Bazell writes...

in a previous response, you stated about the Spectacular Spider-Man series, "We have been provided with a list of characters as per Sony's contractual agreement with Marvel."
When you were given the list, where there any surprises as to characters you wish/thought you had access to or wondered why he or she was being offered for a Spider-Man series?
Any chance you can divulge the list?

Greg responds...

Kingpin wasn't on the list, which semi-surprised me. Not like I'm unaware of how Miller turned him into Daredevil's arch-nemesis, but still, he was created as a Spidey opponent. There was no one on the list that surprised me. And, no, that's a Sony/Marvel legal document. I can't post it.

Response recorded on May 29, 2009

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Paul writes...

A few questions about changes to and potential changes from the comics in The Spectacular Spiderman:

1) Are Kraven and Chameleon siblings or half-siblings in this series, as they are in the comics?

2) Is Chameleon's surname Kravinoff in this series?

3) Why was the decision made to make Liz Allan and Mark biological siblings in this series?

Greg responds...

1. No comment.

2. No comment.

3. We were combining Mark Raxton with Bennett Brant. Bennett was Betty's full sibling and it made the emotional context more intense. So that's the direction we followed.

Response recorded on May 28, 2009

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Arthur Jr. writes...

Here's a bunch of things I have to ask you

* I got your Kingpin and Marvel Team-Up response. I'm just wondering that if you plan to break the record of seasons that the 90's series have should "The Spectacular Spider-Man" be popular, you might feature the said heroes then. Any chance you want to break the record if Sony will allow it?

* Though the rights and contracts to Kingpin aren't available is what a know now. Yet I didn't get your answer on the Beetle from the same question though. Of course it could be that he came when other heroes and villains were introduced over time. Right?

* When I first heard Hobie Brown in "Opening Night," I thought it was Greg Cipes voicing him. It turned out to be Charles Duckworth voicing him. Good thing the credits confirmed me on that.

* When Silvermane was featured, Silver Sable (who led the mercenary Wild Pack team in the comics) was featured as his daughter. I guess this was a creative part on your side since his son Joseph Manfredi (known in the comics as Daredevil villain Blackwing) wasn't introduced yet. I did like that you made Silvermane a bit younger than his comics counterpart.

* Doctor Octopus being an OsCorp scientist and the accident that caused his tentacles to be apart of him reminded me of the Ultimate Marvel version of Doctor Octopus (whose tentacles have ends that are made up of nanobots that enable the tentacles to have various lethal accessories transforming the three-pronged 'claws' into flamethrowers, tasers, and machine guns) at the time the Ultimate Marvel version of the Green Goblin came into view. In the Ultimate Marvel Comics, Doctor Octopus blamed the accident on the Ultimate Marvel version of Justin Hammer (who was responsible for creating the Ultimate Marvel versions of Electro and Sandman).

Greg responds...

1. It's not like there's some competition. That was a Spider-Man for it's time. I'm trying to do one for now. And exactly what record are you talking about anyway? How do you measure it? This is silliness, frankly. First of all, it's moot until we get a pick-up. Second of all, it's moot until I have legal access to these other characters. And third, my basic response hasn't changed. I'd like to use Kingpin, and I'd like to do the OCCASIONAL team-up. But I'm not going to change the game plan to break some record that we both know doesn't really -- and shouldn't -- exist.

2. Simply put, Beetle isn't on the approved list. If I had to guess, I'd say he's on the Fantastic Four's list. Or maybe Daredevil's. But he's not on Spidey's.

3. Yep.

4. Thanks.

5. Is there a question here? I was definitely influence at least in part by early issues of Ultimate. But the bigger influence was of course Lee/Ditko.

Response recorded on May 28, 2009

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Paul writes...

Thanks for doing such an amazing job with The Spectacular Spiderman. Both seasons are really enjoyable. I've just got two questions:

1) Why is it that a lot of the background music in season 2 was stuff that had previously been used in season 1? Aside from character themes, nothing seemed to be repeated in season 1, but in season 2, lots of music from previous episodes kept popping up again and again. Was a smaller budget used for the music in the second season?

2) The animation in season 2 seemed to be weaker than season 1 as well. Some episodes looked beautiful, but others seemed a bit choppy and off-model at times, like "First Steps" and "Identity Crisis". Was there a smaller budget for the animation in season 2?

Greg responds...

1. Themes were reused intentionally -- and by the second season we had a LOT more themes to reuse -- but to my knowledge, no actual music was reused, and I attended EVERY music spotting session, muisc preview session and sound mix.

2. No. We've had inconsistent animation here and there both seasons. Both our seasons contain some of our most gorgeous stuff and some of our weakest stuff.

Response recorded on May 27, 2009

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