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Spectacular Spider-Man, The

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Bazell writes...

This Spider-Man question pertains to the show's relationship to the official "canon" of the long running comic book (now in the early 600s for issue numbers).
When Marvel comics first started getting more popular due to books like Amazing Spider-Man and Fantastic Four, the connections between the books began to take shape along the way, sometimes independant of the individual on-going arcs. In some history channel documentary on comics I saw, Stan Lee talked about the creation of the shared world of many super-hero characters, the "Marvel Universe," began in an issue of Fantastic Four in which Reed was giving some press conference. the artists decided to draw Peter Parker as one of the photographers, clearly representing the Bugle at the event. That was somewhat of a digretion, but an interesting tidbit nonetheless.
Anyway, The Spectacular Spider-Man has clearly not had any interaction with any other Marvel characters for all the obvious reasons, but has also not to my knowledge acknowledged - even peripherally - the existence of other Super-Heroes elsewhere. Is it still safe to assume that the action depicted in the show is in the context of the Marvel Universe's continuity of, say, the mid to late 60s, which comprises a good portion of the storylines from which you are drawing?

Greg responds...

In my mind, yes. But until we get legal permission, I can't acknowledge that in the series itself. I even had to fight to use the phrase "Amazing Spider-Man" in the first episode, as we're not allowed to use that either generally.

Response recorded on May 27, 2009

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Bazell writes...


Spidey's original suspision of Norman as the goblin seemed justified when he saw Osborn come out of the disguised doorway at a time convenient to a quick goblin getaway. However, later Harry reveals that the door just led to a wine cellar. Seeing as how they already seem to reside on a top floor penthouse, how much extra room do the walls have? WAS there a goblin hideaway behind the hidden wine cellar?

Greg responds...


No comment.

Response recorded on May 27, 2009

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Cartoonlover writes...

Do you know what Spectacular Spider-Man's ratings on Disney XD are like? There is no mention anywhere.

Greg responds...

I have a vague idea. Relative to the network's general ratings and given the fact that so far they've only aired reruns, they seem to be respectable, especially after being cumed. I'd like to see them higher, but frankly no matter high they get, it's hard to imagine me NOT feeling that way still.

Response recorded on May 27, 2009

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Spidey writes...

Hey Greg. I love the Spectacular Spider-Man and wanted to know if you have anymore plans for Venom in future seasons.

Greg responds...


And before anyone starts posting a shopping list of characters, let me state that, YES, I have future plans for EVERY SINGLE character already introduced or mentioned, including the dead ones, and for many that have not yet been introduced or mentioned. And NO, I'm not going to reveal them here anytime soon. So there's no need to ask.

Response recorded on May 27, 2009

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Greg Bishansky writes...

Another Spidey question.

Is Midtown High a private school in "Spectacular Spider-Man?" I'm a bit puzzled that Peter and Flash both live in Queens and attend High School in Manhattan.

It's got to be top notch if they can get a major Broadway star like St. John Devereaux to direct the school play.

Obviously, Norman Osborn would send his son to a top notch school, and Liz's parents seem well off enough to do the same. Ditto with Robbie being the Editor-in-Chief of a major metropolitan paper. As well George Stacy as a police captain.

But, considering the Parkers' money problems, if Midtown is a private school, how did they afford to get Peter in there and keep him there?

Greg responds...

M-cubed: Midtown Manhattan Magnet Senior High School. It's a public "magnet" school, with a number of different magnets on campus, including a Science Magnet, a Drama Magnet and a Civics Magnet. Flash is in the latter, though one gets the sense that his football prowess may have had something to do with getting him in.

It is considered one of the best overall programs in the city.

Response recorded on May 27, 2009

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Greg Bishansky writes...


*** I'M SERIOUS ***


1. So, I'm curious. When did Norman Osborn start preparing for his stint as the Green Goblin? Before "Survival of the Fittest"? After?

2. I also noticed that on Osborn's laptop monitor when he calls Peter and Harry out onto the balcony, there's a pumpkin bomb.

It seems to me like he's been preparing for this for a while now. Granted, he stole the glider just after Hammerhead threatened him. But, since "Catalysts" and "The Invisible Hand" take place on the same day, and Norman had that Goblin mask, costume and weapons ready to go, it makes me wonder.

So, question 3. Was he always planning to take control of the Big Man's empire? Or did Hammerhead threatening him push him there?


*** I'M SERIOUS ***


Greg responds...


1. Depends what you mean by "preparing". But the main impetus was being kidnapped and attacked by Vulture. He did not enjoy being that vulnerable. There was a line to that effect in "Final Curtain", but it was cut for time.

2. Was there a question here?

3. It wasn't just Hammerhead's single speech.

Response recorded on May 27, 2009

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Dan writes...

Hi Greg.

Big fan of all your work and just wanted to ask some general questions, none of which involve the possible Season 3 of TSS. (We're all hoping the show gets picked up!)

1. I'm very much interested in a career in screen writing, comic writing, and/or video game story writing. What steps did you take or what steps do you recommend for those pursuing this career? I'm an English major with a writing minor and I wondered if college degree played a large role.

2. Can you elaborate on any of the possible restrictions you may face if you persue the death of the Stacy's storyline or the introduction of Carnage? I'm not asking "if" you will develop these storylines in later seasons, but more of what kind of restrictions were you presented with for TSS. We all know how strict FOX was for the mid-90s animated series.

Thanks Greg.

Greg responds...

1. It helped me -- a lot. Both in terms of the education I received making me a better writer and in terms of the resume thing helping me get my first jobs at both DC Comics (from Dick Giordano) and Disney (from Gary Krisel). So I'm big on education. Beyond that, I've gone into greater detail in the past, so check the ASK GREG archives. But my recommendation is to READ a lot. WRITE a lot. And PROOFREAD a lot.

2. I haven't had any significant restrictions to date. Standards & Practices is NOT the reason those stories you mentioned weren't part of the first two seasons.

Response recorded on May 26, 2009

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anonymous writes...

Hi, can yu confirm yet if Doctor Octopus will be back in season three? I love what you've done with Doc Ock on this show.

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on May 26, 2009

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ChickenChaser writes...

I know this has been asked alot and everytime you say you have answered it by i have searched through the archives again and again and cannot find your response apart from (im not calling you a liar maybe the question was kicked i dunno)

Confused Fan [Shocker Question] writes...
So, Montana was the Shocker.
Does this mean that Montana is Herman Schultz? :S
I think Montanas real name has never been told even in the comics?

Greg responds...
If it makes you happy...

So i have to know, why the combination of these characters, also as this is my sirst comment kudos on the show, i love it, and i discovered it by accident whilst watching the 90's series on youtube i saw a link and thought why not and was pleased to see what a great job you have done. I am very new to the comics and nearly all the stuff i know is from wiki (which i hope i can trust) anyway feel like i should ask some more questions:

2) Who is your fav villian, you probably have answered this but wasnt in first 100 question asked to you (i do have a life honest)

3) when (optimistic) season 3 comes out do you know the gap between release in US and uk (as i live in uk)

ok that will do for now, thanks again for an amazing show which appeals to all ages

Greg responds...

1. I'm just not getting into this again. I know it's in the archives. I'm not calling you a liar either, but look again.

2. I've answered this to. I don't have one. I like 'em all.

3. No idea.

Response recorded on May 26, 2009

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ChickenChaser writes...

Just another wuick one, Is the thing about harry being framed as the goblin a new idea or has it appeared in comics, i thought this was so funny and was like wtf thats not right and then when it made it look like his mum in the return of the goblin i was so confused so good work.

Greg responds...

You don't know how hard it is to keep an audience guessing -- or at least off-balance -- when they already know the answer. We obviously added a few twists and turns.

Response recorded on May 26, 2009

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