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Alex writes...

Hi, Greg.

Have you ever had the chance to watch any episodes of Gargoyles or The Spectacular Spider-Man on another language (German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, ...)? If so, which did you enjoy the most/least?

Greg responds...

I haven't.

Response recorded on July 17, 2009

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Pete writes...

Before I begin i just wanna thank you for the best superhero animated series EVER!!!!
Now, with that said I would like to ask...
1.) If you were to ever use any other hero in the marvel universe who would it be?

2.) Did you like the fact that Harry was Hobgoblin in the Ultimate Spiderman Comics?

3.) Are you a fan of the Crime Master? (The crimelord that was in about two comics with the goblin then killed off.)

4.) Season 1 and 2 were both incredible, none of the episodes were below 8 out of 10, but something is bugging me...Norman's alive just like in the comics, were you trying to respect the comics or were you not aloud to keep him dead.

5.) Quuestion four leads me to another question, can you name some of the things you are not aloud to do on the show?

6.) Finally, when, not if WHEN, season 3 gets commisioned will you announce it on this site.

Thanks for your time and the best anime series out there:)

Greg responds...

1. In Spec. Spidey? Or in his or her own show?

2. If I say yes, does that imply that I'm planning the same thing? If I say no, does that imply I'm not?

3. I'm not not a fan.

4. Neither.

5. i can't think of anything beyond using realistic gunshot sounds.

6. Yes.

Response recorded on July 17, 2009

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Aldrius writes...

**Spider-man spoilers***


Ramble: Child Development 101

Okay, so last season I thought the Symbiote arc was pretty good, I didn't really like Eddie that much, but I thought that the take on the Symbiote was interesting. My only real complaint was as with most symbiote stories (in Ultimate, in the other Animated Series), we didn't go long enough thinking it was just a regular costume. (Though I guess that'd be kind of pointless with most people knowing it's an alien.)

I find the theme of this arc hard to pin down. Psychology made sense last season as we were sort of looking into the motives and histories of Eddie Brock and Peter Parker and how they contrasted with one another. But here? We're not really getting a deeper look into Eddie or Peter's history beyond the first episode. I suppose to a degree the major theme is people with power they cannot yet handle or control. (Jameson and his spores, Sandman and his beach, Eddie and the Symbiote.) Which is of course, a big part of growing up.

Anyway, overall while reinforcement was my least favourite episode, this was probably my least favourite arc of the series. Most of the B-plots were always more interesting than what Venom was up to. I really loved the Sandman plot, I thought there could have been more information involved in the relationship between the Master Planner and the Big Man. I also vastly preferred the personal stake Jameson had in the Colonel Jupiter episode. And the third episode had some fun with people considering whether Peter could be Spider-man.

I have a theory about Norman's "No." but I'll chose to keep that to myself until I review Drama 101. The Conner's perspective is interesting, and I kinda like that they suspect, Aunt May's reaction is okay, but I'm still disappointed Peter has never told her. (And that's something I still don't really get. I guess he doesn't want to worry her, but it still seems irresponsible.) Stacy's reaction is of course, awesome. There are so many series and movies out there where the police are made out to be incompetent and completely incapable of foreseeing or preventing even the smallest of crimes, nice to see that subverted here. Stacy is actually a detective.

The use of the gene cleanser was an interesting choice, but a lot of wasted potential in the last episode again, I feel. Kind of like Reinforcement, I think a re-balancing between action and the villain's reaction to Peter Parker would have been apt (that one fight with Venom seemed to go on for a really long time for me). Though that's a tricky bit of writing to pull off, as I also find it difficult to justify why somebody like say, Tombstone (or even Beck really) wouldn't get rid of Peter just in case he was Spider-man.

Other than that, I liked the use of different soliloquies for each part here. Made for nice little bits of character development. While Gwen hooking up with Harry is almost as foolish as Peter hooking up with Liz. Bah, teenagers.

Overall, like I said, not my favourite arc, but overall much better upon reflection. I enjoy Venom somewhat, but still feel like there's something missing with the character. His motives make sense, but I think I just find them too petty to be invested in them. And Venom comes across as too much as a petulant child for me to find him scary beyond his first appearance.

Greg responds...

Okay... hopefully the next arc will work better for you.

Response recorded on July 17, 2009

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Matthew writes...

When the DVDs for Spectacular Spider-Man were being talked about (prior to the release), the plan was for the arcs to be combined into "movies" and would feature cut material as well as stuff like gunshots. The first release followed this format. The episodes smoothly transitioned into each other and there were added scenes (as far as I know, only the scene with the cop shooting at the Lizard and Flash hitting Pete in the crotch with a water balloon). Now, when the following 3 volumes were released, this format was changed. The episodes were separate and the gunshots were still lasers. No apparent added scenes were present.

I just saw an early solicitation for the upcoming series set and it made no indication on whether or not the set would include extra scenes or actual gun sounds. I was just wondering if you have any idea if these will be uncut episodes or not.

Also, I've been curious, in "Group Therapy" when Black Costume Spidey fights the 6 for the second time Rhino gets shocked by Electro and Rhino's mouth moves, almost like he's trying to say something. Was his line removed? Or was this just part of the animation? It's been bugging me a lot and I just wanted some clarification.

Thanks for the time. The show is amazing. I was actually at Wondercon when you premiered the pilot of the show and ever since then I was a HUGE fan of your take on the Spidey mythos. I can't wait for the second season to air in the US and I have my fingers crossed for a 3rd season (as well as a 4th and 5th!)

Greg responds...

I assume the series box set will be the as-aired episodes. But I'm not in the loop.

I'm afraid I don't remember the Rhino moment you're referring to. I'd need to see it again.

Response recorded on July 16, 2009

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gary writes...

i would like to say thank you for creating the best superhero animated series of all time...second, this is a question, i know you can't and won't reveal any future plans for the series but can you answer this, i know fox had a hellofalot things the 90's series couldn'y do like punch...PUNCH, obviously this series doesnt have as much problems but, finally my question, is carnage to dark for the series, along with morbius biting people, and how about the death of gwen and george stacey stories? thanks

Greg responds...

I don't know any way to answer this without making it sound like hints toward future plans.

So just talking about S&P in general, the situation shifts and changes all the time, depending on everything from the network and its current strategy and target audience to the individual giving notes -- but most of all depending on how any given thing is handled by the writers and board artists. Ultimately, it's all about execution.

Response recorded on July 15, 2009

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Aldrius writes...

****Spectacular Spider-man season 2 spoilers***

***Avert your eyes!!***

Ramble: Engineering 101

These reviews are taking me forever to write out, I don't really have that much to say about each individual episode so I'll just write the reviews about arcs instead.

Here we have Engineering 101. I really liked this arc, I think. The mystery was kinda absent and hard to follow, but of course I think establishing that the Big Man is not necessarily Foswell, Shocker is not Herman Shultz and 'Harry Osborn is the Green Goblin' made it so that we could believe it might be someone else.

I think I just found it too silly to believe that Dr. Octopus' arms were the Master Planner. Which is what it seemed like you were going for. The mystery also was given too much breathing room, there wasn't enough called into question. Though I guess that was true of the 'Big Man' mystery as well, it didn't seem like as much of a... mystery? If that makes sense. But maybe that was just because I didn't know that Foswell was the Big Man in the comics, so I had no real suspects. (Unlike the Master Planner arc where I had one, maybe two suspects with the Chameleon.)

At first I didn't really enjoy this arc that much. Reinforcement is probably my least favourite episode in the entire series. There wasn't a whole lot of plot development and outside of the first five minutes and the last two minutes, nothing really changed or progressed. I also didn't feel the action, while exemplary as usual, made up for this fact. I find the gigantic robotic dragon...especially puzzling.

Blueprints and Destructive Testing were fun diversions that introduced new villains while connecting them to the overarching plotline of the Master Planner. I actually liked Kraven's design as a 'mutant' and I thought it made his character development a whole lot more visceral. Though I hope to see some more depth injected into this in *crosses fingers* season 3. I definitely don't agree with many who want to see this change reversed, however.

Warren is an interesting creature, I don't know a lot about his character from the comic. But he makes a good enough anti-Dr Connors with his experimenting for money and his carrying a handgun around wherever he goes.

Really nice direction by Kevin Altieri here, especially with the scenes in the lab. It's so cool that he got the threat of a handgun into a scene without having to make issue with standards and practices. And there was this one great shot focusing on the lion's eyes. I love scenes where people square up against eachother without actually fighting, and merely one-up eachother with their demands. They're so much more interesting than actual fights.

Calypso was also very cool. Another character I hope to see more of in the future, though it's strange to me that she just disappeared. The drum motif that accompanies her is also very cool, and gives the character a sense of power that I appreciate.

Shear Strength is very cool, though. It was nice to see the Vulture and Electro taking up major roles in this episode, giving certain villains their own spot-light episode to accompany the major sinister six episode. This is also where I (and I believe the rest of the fandom) began our secret love affair with George Stacy. The guy was cool last season in Persona and Nature vs. Nurture, but here he's sticking it to a super-villain to ensure his daughter's safety, and who doesn't love that?

The end to this arc is both disheartening and interesting. I kind of like Liz, though she's... really wrong for Peter. Good for her for sticking up for herself anyway, though Gwen really could and should have done the same beforehand.

Overall a pretty rocky, but overall good arc, I enjoyed it immensely and hope to see more in the future!

Greg responds...


We were absolutely NOT going for the idea that his arms were the Master Planner. What we were going for was the idea that Otto was a big, fat faker in "Reinforcement". And I would think that his conversation with Electro in "Shear Strength" made that pretty clear.

Response recorded on July 15, 2009

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Clark Cradic writes...

Was the Norman Osborn right before and after the accident that created Doc Ock Chameleon?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 15, 2009

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Akeem M. writes...

I have to congratulate you on the success on The Spectacular Spider-Man series. Season 2 Spoilers ahead! Good job on letting the villains like Ock and Norman use big words. I found out that Norman had no idea that Harry was drinking the green after he mentioned that it was "more serendipity" that he found Harry there after mentioning that he happened to find "Norman Osborn" witnessing a Green Goblin theft. It was genious, I applaud you for making people look up words.

Fredrick Foswell obviously knew that Mr. Lincoln was the "Big Man" during the events of the episode "Gangland". Now when initially asked by Peter about this, he tells the teenager that Mr. Lonnie Thompson Lincoln is a good man and is not a criminal. Why was that? Now I beleive that Foswell is a good man and isn't a reporter/crime lord like his comics incarnation. I can only assume that he didn't want this child going out to investigate it and getting killed.

Will they EVER catch Mysterio? Also, I want to know ouside of the aftermath with Tinkerer in "Blueprints", have we even SEEN the real Quentin Beck as Mysterio? Does Spider-Man catch the robots? I tend to think that when he speaks it is really him (Spider-man catching him in "Blueprints" and "Reinforcements", and Beck's prison appearance in "Identity Crisis") because when he is revealed as a robot, he has some kind of blank stare...so I guess he escaped out of prison off screen after "Identity Crisis". Am I right?

Does anyone outside of the Osborne family, Pete, Gwen know about Norman's "hobby"? I assume not because I'm sure that being a supervillain/crime boss is looked down on in the world of business and Oscorp will be asking for a bailout...

Greg responds...


Foswell found out about Lincoln at the opera house in "Gangland". He didn't know before.

As for the Mysterio stuff, I think it's way more fun to leave you guessing... so I will.

And, yes, the world learns that Norman was the Green Goblin somewhere between his "death" and his funeral, which -- as you saw -- was rather sparsely attended for a man of his means and stature.

Response recorded on July 15, 2009

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Henry Goeldner writes...

Hello Mr Weisman, an Australian fan here curious about quite a number of things pertaining to your most excellent adaption of the Spiderman mythos. Hypothetical questions in fact.

You have stated previously that you had wished to use Kingpin in some form and still hope to. If you could use Kingpin, for season three or hopefully even a season four (or five, six, seven, it deserves that much at least) would you have Daredevil make an appearance as well? What of other costumed adventurers, both major and minor? If you could use any Marvel hero, which would you incorporate into your highly entertaining series?

Say for instance, Prowler?

Greg responds...

I've answered this many times. Please check the archives.

Response recorded on July 14, 2009

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Forrest writes...

Do you know when The Spectacular Spider-man Season 1 box set will come out, some people say it will come out this summer. Do you know a release date for it? And will there be a Season 2 box set?

Greg responds...

July 28th for the first season box set.

I assume there will eventually be a Season 2 box set, as well.

Response recorded on July 14, 2009

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