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COMEBACKS 2007-09 (Sep)

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Anonyomous writes...

Second, could Sevarius clone Bronx. And I know this next one sound's silly but if one was clone do you think he would be named after an area in Los Angeles.

Greg responds...

He can now. As for the name... depends on the context, I guess.

Response recorded on September 06, 2007

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Anonyomous 27 writes...

I know this may sound dumb but, just please answer it to humor me. Who thought of the name for Thailog. Was his name made up, cause I've never even heard of it.

Greg responds...

I came up with it. It's "Goliath" said backwards. I was at an audio mix session for the movie version of the "Awakening" pilot and the mixers were having trouble with one section and kept having to rewind the tape to hear it again. Everytime they went backwards I heard Elisa shout out "Thailog!" (Haven't I told this story like a hundred times?)

Response recorded on September 06, 2007

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K9: The First writes...

This is something I've been thinking over for a while.

In a lot of the Top 10 lists on the Gargoles Fan site, people mention the fact that the Avalon Quartet spend months on that skiff without any side effects(starvation/filthy cloths/diseases<mostly in Elisa's case>).

This may be a rant, but I think the answer's obvious: it's MAGIC! If Avalon sends ya where you need to be, one would think she would want you in good health, and would thus keep you from hungering, getting sick and making sure that you stay tolerably(sp?) clean.

Am I on the right track?

Greg responds...

Uh... not really. Between each journey they went to Avalon, where they could eat, wash, sleep, etc. In addition, some of the places they went allowed for these things as well. For example, one assumes that the reason Elisa briefly appears in a kimono in Bushido is because her regular clothes were being washed.

Response recorded on September 06, 2007

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

September 6th...

Fox is granted an expedited parole hearing at the request of grateful prison authorities. She receives an early parole and is reunited with Xanatos. Matt is certified to operate R.E.C.A.P. Elisa tells Lexington about R.E.C.A.P. Coldstone's self-repair systems are activated by Xanatos.

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

When (about what year or decade) did the New Olympians install the "cloaking device" (as Talos calls it) around their island?

Greg responds...

Haven't pinpointed that.

Response recorded on September 05, 2007

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Silmeria writes...

Hey Greg,

Just curious, any chance you'll ever be able to put up an MP3 of The Will to Love, from W.I.T.C.H. Season 02? From what I've heard there's a full version that was written and recorded, but only the first verse/chorus was ever heard in the show.

Greg responds...

There is a full version, but I don't know how to put it on line. And I'm not even sure if I have a copy.

Response recorded on September 05, 2007

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Maria writes...

Hey there Greg :)

Are we ever going to learn more about Matt and Hacker's FBI days? Are there any good stories from that time when they were partners (relevant to the master plan or, you know, just interesting stories by themselves)?

Also, thinking about it, Matt suddenly reminded me a lot of Percival himself. Back when he was still "the pure fool". Although I wouldn't call Matt a fool, is the sort-of parallel intentional? Lot more I want to say about this but I don't want to break the "idea" rule.

So I'll just ask this last question; Hacker says in 'Revelations' "You impressed us". Who's "us"? Has Hacker himself been pushing for Matt's membership? Or did Duval personally give the go ahead? Hmm. Actually you know what, this all sounds more like "How does Illuminati membership work?" which is a whole other dealy you won't probably (and understandably, we do have the comic now. Yay ^_^ ) want to be forthcoming about. Though, if you do want to throw a little something something our way about any of that i don't think anyone will stop you ^_~

Greg responds...

Ever? Sure.

Response recorded on September 05, 2007

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Bazell writes...

I never noticed before, but in Awakening Part 1 the Trio are sent into the rookery for making threatening advances towards the humans, Broadway wasn't doing anything but eating... he was just in the wrong (or the right) place at the wrong time. Didn't he protest the mistreatment? Did the other two just let him take the fall with them? What about Demona, she saw the whole thing, didn't she say anything? Of course, it worked out in his benefit, cause he survived the massacre, but at the time, the injustice must have pissed him off...

Greg responds...

You saw what happened. Beyond that, what's your question?

Response recorded on September 05, 2007

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

I asked a question about Pendragon before, but didn't really get into why I asked it. Although I have a lifelong love of mythology, I'd never been interested in Arthurian legends before. I had read The Sword and the Stone in high school, but not the rest of T.H. White's book. However, since getting into Gargoyles I've become interested in Arthurian legend and have read a lot, mostly online. I recently managed to borrow a copy of R.L. Green's book and liked it. I agree with you that his version of Gawain is a very likable character. Making him Percival's father was a strange idea to me, though. I'm currently working my way through the rest of The Once And Future King.

Looking through the archives, it seems like you might not be aware of how close some of your interpretations come to very early pre-Malory versions of the Arthurian legends. For example, according to what I have read, Excalibur was originally considered to be the Sword in the Stone, and they were not considered two separate swords until the 1230s. Also, your choice to make Morgan le Fay a changeling is particularly fitting because although she is usually described as Arthur's sister, she is also often an inhabitant of Avalon and in her first appearance, she is one of the noble ladies of Avalon or even its queen.

Man, I'm forgetting my actual question. I do have one. Um...

Oh yeah. A long time ago, somebody (probably Todd) asked you about the lions and other creatures in Malory. Have you heard of the story of Owain (Yvain/Uwain/Owein) and the Lion? I don't know whether Malory included that story, but a version of it is in R.L. Green's book, although Green gives the adventure to Percival instead of Owain.

Greg responds...

I've read both Green and Mallory, and know both versions of the story.

Response recorded on September 05, 2007

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

September 5th...

After midnight, Goliath, Hudson & Broadway free Brooklyn, Lexington and Bronx from an oil tanker in the bay. Coyote, revealed to be a robot, is destroyed by Bronx and Lex, though the robot's head and the Pack escape.

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