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Bringing Gargoyles Back

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samantha writes...

why is the gargoyles series not playing on tv eney more.

Greg responds...

It is. Late at night on Disney XD.

Response recorded on January 28, 2011

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Anonymous... for now writes...

I think it's a wonderful thing you're doing here for the fans on this website to respond to their questions about this remarkable show you made in the past. It shows true passion and dedication to the fans of how loyal you are about this show. I'm a huge fan of the show myself. You created a great show and took risks and made such powerful story lines that very few people in the business today would be able to succeed at. I'm here to tell you that hope is still here for the Gargoyles. Some changes and considerations are being made soon for the Gargoyles Series within the Walt Disney Company. Opening kids of this generation to the show would be a great decision in order to resurrect the Gargoyles Series to the public today. Just as you’ve said to your fans many times before, get the word out about the show as much as you can. If they do their part (as they have been doing), we will try to do the best we can. We'll keep in touch.

Greg responds...

Wow. Cool. Thanks.

Response recorded on January 20, 2011

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SoundForSound writes...

Any reason for Disney to not just do a digital only release of Gargoyles via iTunes? Would not that be cheaper to release than DVD, or who knows? Any word on if YJ will be available on iTunes? Keep up the great work. Spidey was amazing, so am looking forward to YJ.

Greg responds...

I just have no idea on either front.

Response recorded on December 17, 2010

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anonymously writes...

I want to know if you can continue making gargoyls it was my favrite show please bring it back

Greg responds...

Not up to me.

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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whitney writes...

Is the Gargoyles coming back this year?

Greg responds...

Doesn't seem likely. Not much of the year left.

Response recorded on September 03, 2010

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Alanna writes...

If the TV show were to be brought back (I know BIG IF) would you start where the comics left off, revamp the show so that the time line would start in 2010, or start with the current time line in 2010?
Which is most preferable for you?
Would you prefer to re-start the series in another way than mentioned above?

Greg responds...

1. There's no way to know. These decisions are not made in a vacuum, and anything else is so hypothetical there's not much point in speculating.

2. I'm keeping my mind open.

3. See above.

Response recorded on August 13, 2010

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Sam writes...

Hi Greg,
grew up watching Gargoyles, have a picture of Golaith tatooed on my arm with 3 birds over his shoulder, signifying myself, my dad and my younger brother as we all wathced it togeather. Most time I ever spent with them. Thanks for all the memories that came with Gargoyles. I own the 2 series that are on dvd, wish the new ones would come out. I was wondering if you are trying to get them out on dvd or bringing back the gathering of the gargoyles, its a shame that the program seems to be dien out, saddend me.
Much love and respect, Sam

Greg responds...

Dude, I wouldn't write the eulogy quite yet.

Still, there's nothing I can do right now about the DVDs.

As for the Gathering -- or any other convention -- that is (and always was) in the hands of the fans. I loved participating, but I was never the organizer.

Response recorded on August 12, 2010

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Nelio Belmont writes...

I read through Clan Builder Vol 1 & 2 and was delighted by them. I could imagine in my head the voices of the characters, the background music for the scenes, and the sound effects that existed in the show!

I noticed in these that they had a bit more mature nature to them, in the obvious form of blood, cussing, etc. I also noticed they were more mature in more subtle ways, such as Cold Steel's question about if human necks still sounded the same when they snapped after 1,000 years.

Assuming that Gargoyles got another kick off (hopefully in less that 10 years like we had to wait this time), would you struggle to keep this more mature nature of it even if it were put back into the cartoon medium on children's television?

Greg responds...

I honestly don't know.

Response recorded on June 25, 2010

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UWGrad writes...

I was wondering if you knew what it would take to purchase the rights, not just the license, of Gargoyles from Disney. I imagine quite a bit of money as well as other possible bargaining chips would be involved, aside from legal. In addition to this, if someone did buy the rights to Gargoyles, would you be willing to work with him or her?
I cannot think of a Disney related prescient where someone bought the rights to a Disney property but I can think of several non-Disney related cases.
It is also surprising to me (although only to the naive side that likes to believe Disney plays fair in business) that you have no true legal claim to the Gargoyles property.
All this comes down to is that possibly, someday when my income has reached that level (hopefully within the next decade[I may as well be a Vanderbilt]) I would consider, if someone else already has not, purchasing the rights. And if it is not I who manages it, I hope someone who is willing to work with you and your vision does buy the rights so that more stories can be told from your vision.

Greg responds...

As I've said many times before, I doubt it's for sale. Not now. Not ever. If it were, I'm sure the price would be VERY high. I have no way of guessing at what that extremely hypothetical number would be.

But I'm willing to work with any professional on the property. I love it. But, no, I have no true legal claim to the property.

Response recorded on June 10, 2010

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Cathryn Brazeau writes...

I was wondering if you ever bring back Gargoyles again on TV for all ages to see, even for me because when I was little I watched this show all the time with me and my mom.

Greg responds...

It's not up to me.

Response recorded on May 28, 2010

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