A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hi Greg,
grew up watching Gargoyles, have a picture of Golaith tatooed on my arm with 3 birds over his shoulder, signifying myself, my dad and my younger brother as we all wathced it togeather. Most time I ever spent with them. Thanks for all the memories that came with Gargoyles. I own the 2 series that are on dvd, wish the new ones would come out. I was wondering if you are trying to get them out on dvd or bringing back the gathering of the gargoyles, its a shame that the program seems to be dien out, saddend me.
Much love and respect, Sam
Dude, I wouldn't write the eulogy quite yet.
Still, there's nothing I can do right now about the DVDs.
As for the Gathering -- or any other convention -- that is (and always was) in the hands of the fans. I loved participating, but I was never the organizer.