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Bringing Gargoyles Back

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Wheeljack writes...

Hi Greg,

I was wondering if you have ever considered another medium than TV for telling new gargoyle stories.
Let's take the idea of a videogame for example. Woudn't it be easier to get the license from Buena Vista for making a game than for making a TV-production? Then "simply" find a developer-team and become project leader.
I kinda like the idea of a Timedancer-Game ^^

Greg responds...


You think ANY of that is simple? Any of it?!!!!

Look, I'd love to work on a TimeDancer Game or any game -- even though I know next to nothing about games.

I'd be even more interested in working on a Gargoyles novel or comic book series.

I'd love to work on a Gargoyles movie (live-action or animation) or direct to DVD.

I'd love to work on a new Gargoyles series or a sequel, prequel or spin-off.

I'd love to publish my Gargoyles Encyclopedia.

I have, as many of you know, been actively trying to generate most of the above for years now. So far no success. But I haven't given up.

But please don't try to tell me that getting any of it done is simple.

Response recorded on February 28, 2005

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John writes...

Hi Greg,

>>Diego writes...

Why don't you throw a brick through Eisner's window, then when he looks at the brick, he sees it's not a brick, but a small statue of Goliath. Then he'll have no choice but to bring back the show.

Greg responds...

You must have taken Logic in school.<<

Best awnser in years! ;D

So, just read through your newer comments, and there's something the got my eye: When people ask you NOW about what you think, if the show 'll ever have new EPs, you awnser "I guess." Years ago (at least 1) you still awnsered that question with the usual, "Well, looks bad..." kinda awnsers, but that changed now. So, do you think that with the DVDs out (when you'll get this they're surely out) it might be easier to convince whoever to retake the show and make new EPs?

Thanks for awnsering,
CU, John

Greg responds...

easier, but still not a slam dunk...

Response recorded on February 23, 2005

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Zarok writes...

Bringing Gargoyles Back

You know Greg, recently I've become far more optimistic about the prospect of bringing "Gargoyles" or one of the spin-offs back to the small screen. Don't know why, maybe it's because of the DVD release or maybe I'm just in an optimistic mood but I am willing to bet that we will have a new "Gargoyles" series on the air by the end of the decade. So I thought I'd follow this train of thought with some questions…

1) From your point of view does the promotion of David Stainton to the head of Disney's Animation Department increase or decrease our chances of getting "Gargoyles" or one of the spin-offs back on the air?
2) On 07-18-00 you said "I'm still in there trying to come up with ways to bring the show back in some, well, way, shape or form. In fact, I've got a new nefarious plan in the works now with Doug Murphy, a former GARGOYLES (and BAD GUYS) storyboard artist. Too soon to talk about now, but give me time". Did you have any success with this?
3) If you do bring the show back what do you think the chances are of getting back most of the old writing staff? (with the obvious exception of the late Gary Sperling)

Greg responds...

1. David's no longer running WDTVA, but in hindsight he had no effect.

2. No. The various artists and tech people we had involved, including Gorebash, just couldn't put enough unpaid time in (though they put a LOT of unpaid time in), to get the project off the ground. I've tried other things since with other groups of people, with no more success, I'm afraid. It's a lot of work to do on spec and juggle with paying assignments.

3. I don't know. I'd hope that Michael, Brynne, Lydia and Cary would be able to contribute. But in any case, I'm confident that we'd be able to assemble a stellar writing staff. I currently have a stellar staff on W.I.T.C.H. (that includes Cary).

Response recorded on December 08, 2004

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Death Hawk writes...

When I first came to this web site I only had one question, "why was the show cancelled?" I read the FAQ, and was greatly dissapointed. The fact that Disney wasn't satisfied with there compition with Power Rangers. Have you seen Power Rangers resently? The show is bombing, I can see that. They can't even make one spinnoff last over 2 years. I'm one of those few people who didn't like TGC, I feal it will be very hard to recover from that, if you even try to admit it exsists, but what if you proved to Disney that you deserve a second chance. The way most television is going, you should have no trouble at all. I don't watch TV anymore, cause all the good shows are being cancelled. There is no more competition. I say, why don't you try to write one or two amazing episodes, and prove to Disney that Gargoyles should never have been taken away from you. Then ask them if they watch TV anymore. If anyone says "NO", then it would explain why Disney hasn't came crawling back to you on hands and knees. There is crap out there. Take advantage of it. I miss TV. Give me a reason to watch again.

Greg responds...

Ah, my dear Death Hawk...

It's frankly not that easy. There's always been crap on television, and there's always been hidden gems and big hits and everything in between. You perceive an overall change. I don't.

Power Rangers, for example, is STILL going strong from a ratings standpoint. No, it's not at the peak level it was at when it regularly kicked my ass in the ratings. And those spin-offs aren't failing... the constant renewal and reworking of the basic premise has become part of the marketing strategy.

But Gargoyles does have a chance right now... a big chance (and maybe it's last) with the DVD. If the fans buy the DVD when it is released on December 7th, 2004, it will prove to Disney that there is money to be made off the property. If they believe that, BELIEVE ME, they'll want to make that money.

Response recorded on November 23, 2004

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Thomas Peterson writes...

If Gargoyles isn't going to be renewed would you mind revealing alll your secrets? For example why was King Arthur awakened and how exactly is Samson and his resistance going to defeat the Space-Spawn occupying Earth?

Greg responds...

I have not -- and may never until my dying day -- give up hope for Gargoyles to come back in some medium somehow, sometime.

Response recorded on November 18, 2004

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Nate DeFeo writes...

Dear Gregg, I do not know if this message will get through but, i figured i would try. Have you ever given thought about how to continue the gargoyles saga without the t.v show? a.k.a. roll playing game. If so, please at least e-mail me at www.Tapewormsupreme@aol.com to let me know. I am sure the prospect has been mentioned in the past, but i would like to know if perhaps it could happen some day?

Greg responds...

I'd love to continue working on Gargoyles in any format. No one has offered.

Response recorded on October 20, 2004

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Dave writes...

I have a question (duh!) what if sometime in the distant future disney brought gargoyles back would you be able to do the job of writing new episodes? If so what if the actors for the characters weren't available, would you still use the same characters, or have to start over from scratch?

Greg responds...

It's all very hypothetical, but, yes, I'd certainly hope to brought back as the writer-producer of the series. We'd reuse as many voice actors as we could.

A few members of our former cast have passed away, and we'd deal with them on a case-by-case basis.

Response recorded on June 28, 2004

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CMW writes...

This has probably been asked already, but why was Gargoyles: The Goliath Chronicles cancelled? it was such a great show and also are there any talks of continuing the epic saga of the Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

Gargoyles ended after 65 episodes in syndication, because 65 episodes is a standard syndication package.

Gargoyles: The Goliath Chronicles ended after 13 additional episodes on ABC, because of poor ratings and (I think) a generally lower quality of product.

I'm always talking about bringing it back, but I don't think anyone at Disney takes me seriously. However, if the DVDs sell well, that could change.

Response recorded on June 07, 2004

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babs writes...

I was wondering,theres alot of people and i mean alot of people that love this show, cant we do something to try to get it back into the making, a online petition maybe,we could send it to Disney im sure once they see how many people want the show back on the air they wouldnt pass up the rattings and money that it could bring in.
my question:
this is one of my fav. parts in all of the shows, In the episode Vendettas the guy that creams Goliath in the face with the banana cream pie, I notcied that afterwards when he is walking away he starts to hum the Gargoyles theme song, I was Wondering whos idea was it to put that in there?

Out of all the shows if I were to have a Top 10 list for the funniest parts that would have to be in my Top 5. its good to see that a somewhat of a dark show has its funny, caring parts in it.
Gargoyles Forever !

Greg responds...

The two biggest things that you can do to revive the show are (a) attend the Gathering and (b) buy the DVD when it comes out later this year. Show Disney that you're willing to spend money to get more Gargoyles, and they'll take notice.

As for Vinnie's humming, that was my idea. Glad you liked it.

Response recorded on June 03, 2004

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XanaToast writes...

Is it possible that If you brought back the series, would you have it sponsored by a diffrent company

Greg responds...


You mean the people who buy ads? I had and have no control over that.

If you mean produced, i.e. the people who make the show, the answer is no. DISNEY owns Gargoyles. I do not. I couldn't make it without Disney.

And by the way, I have no complaints with how Disney produced the series during the first two seasons.

Response recorded on May 05, 2004

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Erin writes...

Have you made any progress on getting the new gargoyles series up and running? If so then when can we expect it? Also, if this series does get going, will you disregard what happened to the characters in the goliath chronicles?

Greg responds...

No real progress, no. Though I think some positive steps include (1) the fact that they're now airing reruns in the Jetix block on ABC Family and (2) the coming release of the DVD.

As to your second question, I've answered it many, many times before. It will depend on the situation of our pick-up.

Response recorded on May 04, 2004

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Justin Beard writes...

Will there ever be a new Gargoyles television series? Ever?

Greg responds...

I hope so.

Response recorded on April 20, 2004

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Karissa writes...

Im your biggest fan of garoyles i watched every show sicne it came out till now i know everything about the gargoyles please make another show of gargoyles and let me join the clan i would be horoned if you would thank you for taking your time to read this

Greg responds...

You're welcome. And if I can, I will...

Response recorded on April 20, 2004

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tristan writes...

um is there going to be an new seies of gargoyles? also i dont know if you have any say in this but are you going to make any gargoyles toy action figures?

Greg responds...

I have no say, of course. There are no current plans for a new gargoyles series, but if the DVD sells well enough to shock even me, who knows?

Response recorded on April 19, 2004

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Anonymous writes...

Will you restart the series?

Greg responds...

If I possibly can.

Response recorded on April 12, 2004

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Lavon Toliver writes...

I have been a "Gargoyles" fan for a Long while!
Is there chance if the gargolyes are coming back?
Is there going to be a movie about the gargolyes?
Is Goliath is goin have his own show?
If so, when are they coming back? How soon?

Greg responds...

Always a chance.
Maybe, some day.
He's already the lead in his own show.
Don't know.

Response recorded on April 06, 2004

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George writes...

Hey Greg, I was just wondering, if you had the opportunity to start up Gargs again would you start it from the end of the Goliath Chronicles or from the end of Hunters Moon III

Greg responds...

I've answered this MANY times before. But the short answer is: it would depend on the circumstances and requirements of the renewal. How we were developing the restart.

The Archives will have a more complete answer.

Response recorded on March 30, 2004

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Fan o' Gargoyles writes...

Hey Greg, I was just wondering. do you have any plans or ideas for trying to bring back Gargoyles?

If so what are they?

Can we help in anyway?

Do you thinks its possible?

Im sorry if my questions seems stupid, but im a big fan of your show and I really want to know if there is anyway to bring it back, and if its possible for us to help.

Thanx for your time.

Greg responds...

I'm constantly trying. I haven't given up. I think it's possible, though not likely in the near future.

The three best things that the fans can do to help are:

1. Attend the Gathering, our annual Gargoyles Fan Convention. This year, the Gathering is in Montreal. Check out their website:


2. Buy the DVD when it comes out later this year. Buy many, many copies. Give them as stocking stuffers, etc.

3. Watch Gargoyles on ABC Family's Jetix block. Ratings will definitely help.

Response recorded on March 09, 2004

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some guy writes...

if Gargoyles get put back on the air are are you going to use the idea of GARGOYLES 2198 for sure.

Greg responds...

"for sure" depends on how much freedom I have, I guess. But if I had my druthers, I'd eventually get to everything.

Response recorded on February 10, 2004

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Candy Kain writes...

Knowing my luck this question has been answered but hey I'll ask it again for good measure! Are there any more Gargoyles eppisodes written? If so, is there any chance of gettng them out? Any? Any at all?

Greg responds...

No. There was an issue I wrote for the Marvel Gargoyles comic, before it was cancelled. There was an episode of Team Atlantis that was written and recorded and featured Demona and Fiona Canmore that was never made. And there are tons of ideas floating around in my head.

But that's it.

Response recorded on February 06, 2004

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pizza girl writes...

greg hi i was wondering if gargoyles comes back if it would stil be on toondisney with new episods and if so when would this happen?

Greg responds...

There are no current plans to bring Gargoyles back. For now, it's just a dream I have. Not completely unrealistic, but still a fantasy.

Response recorded on February 04, 2004

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pizza girl writes...

is there a chance gargoyles will be aired again?

Greg responds...

I hope so.

Response recorded on February 04, 2004

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Mark: PRJibaroPapi69@aol.com writes...

Hey Greg! Long time fan first time posting! I was wondering, you said that Gargoyles is the total property of Disney. Does that mean that even though you are the creator, you can't do anything with the series unless they give the okay? If so, does that mean your unable to buy ALL the rights to the show? If not, do you ever plan to reair the show with all new episodes in the future? The reason I ask these questions is because Disney was stupid in pulling the plug on the series just because they wanted to move on to something new. But if your able to buy the rights, I'm sure there's more than enough studio's out there who are so eager for ratings that they'll finance the reintergration of the show back to television. The WB would definatly welcome the show to it's programing as it was aired on that station in New York. Is there anyway that, at the very least, you can create a book series of Gargoyle novels that bring a close to the storylines that were never closed while the series was on the air? I just think that if Gargoyles will never make a big TV come back that comic books or novels should be made in it's place that bring a big close to the universe once and for all. Well... an official close because we all know that Gargoyles will always live on in fanfiction. That's all I guess. Thanx for writing such a wonderful series. One more questions, although it's not documented, in your most best thought opinion since the Gargoyles are the guardians of Manhattan, how do you think they reacted when, upon waking up from their stone sleep, they saw a big gapeing hole and a huge smoke screen on what used to be the world trade center on September 11th??? I, and alot of the fans, would really like to know.

Greg responds...

Yes. Again. Disney owns 100% of Gargoyles. They don't sell their properties, and even if they did -- WHICH THEY DON'T -- the cost would be way prohibitive.

I don't know if they were stupid to pull the plug after Goliath Chronicles. I'm not sure they exercised much smarts in pushing me out the door prior to Chronicles, but that's a VERY complicated story and in any case, should be attributed to individuals who no longer even work for the Mouse. Including me.

I also think, unfortunately, that you're wrong about other networks like the WB wanting the show. It's a moot issue, because Disney won't sell, but I see no indication that there is a single network out there looking for something like Gargoyles. No indication at all. Gargoyles has the greatest fans in the world, and I'm hoping that the DVD release will make enough of a splash and attract fans, both old and new, to wake people up to the possibilities that the series represents.

In the meantime, I haven't given up trying to get the property up and running again in some way, shape or form, and publishing (comics or novels) is something I'm extremely interested in.

As for the fans, the best thing they can do -- at least until the DVD's release -- is to come to the Gathering (our annual Gargoyles Fan Convention), this August, 2004 in Montreal.

Check out their website:


The more fans that show up to the convention, the greater our collective voice, the more likely that Disney takes notice.

Finally, I've answered the 9/11 question many times. Check the archives.

Response recorded on January 28, 2004

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Anonymous writes...

I don't know if you've heard of this show, but you've worked with some of its staff members on shows like "Men In Black" and "Max Steel- The shows called "Extreme Ghostbusters." It was 1997 spin-off of "The Real Ghostbusters" cartoon. If somehow you were able to bring back "Gargoyles" in the same way, how would you do it? Do you think you'd be able to work around it considering TGC, or would you have someone help you or take the torch? If this possibility did happen, what would your concept of villains be?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure I understand the point you're trying to make regarding Extreme Ghostbusters... I know of the show, know many people who worked on it, but I never saw it. Never saw much of Real Ghostbusters either, actually.

For more info on what I'd do to bring Gargoyles back, check the FAQ for my so-called Master Plan.

As for villains, I don't know how to answer this question generically. Do you have a specific villain you want to know about?

Response recorded on January 23, 2004

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julio writes...

hey greg

Do you know if gargoyles is gonna be on another chanel ecept toondisney

Greg responds...

Not that I know of.

Response recorded on January 21, 2004

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