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I rewatched "Legion" today.
When Goliath and Lexington were reunited with Coldstone near the start, I suddenly found myself thinking of your mention of a (rejected) outline for a live-action adaptation of "Gargoyles" you'd written which had Goliath, Lex, and "Othello" as the gargoyles who'd be awakened in the modern world.
This time around, also, the Xanatos Program felt like a foreshadowing of "Future Tense".
I also wondered (just a wondering, not a question) whether the ivied balcony in Coldstone's memories (where he's standing while Iago's "pouring poison in his ear" about Desdemona and Goliath) was supposed to be an actual feature of Castle Wyvern before the massacre, or just a symbolic construct.
Yeah, one thing I'd have loved to do was to better integrate the Coldtrio into the early episodes.
I think maybe the castle might have had some kind of ivy. Maybe. Guess I'd have to research that.
I've recently rewatched Awakening, and the scene where Goliath tells Demona that she can't kill an enemy unless it is "in the heat of battle" sparked a question in me: as of Phoenix, which members of the Manhattan Clan have actually killed someone?
Most have, in battle, in the tenth century. Angela hasn't. Egwardo hasn't. Nashville hasn't. Maybe Lex & Broadway haven't. But that seems unlikely/unrealistic.
Oh, and if you're counting her, Elisa hasn't.
Is there any relation between Demona and Desdemona? They seem like pretty dissimilar characters at first glance but the Shakespeare references are so prevalent throughout Gargoyles that I could easily imagine there's some subtle reason that name was chosen (aside from meaning demon).
Desdemona isn't an actual name in the series. It was a script designation, same as Iago and Othello. We used these names in the scripts and the credits for reasons of clarity to those working on and viewing the series. And those names were chosen because of the parallels to the Shakespeare play Othello. So any similarity between Demona and Desdemona is purely coincidental. We obviously came up with the Demona name long before we came up with the designation for her rookery sister.
In universe, Desdemona had no name until she became a robot and was dubbed Coldfire.
1) The character Coldstone, originally being made from the pieces of three different Gargoyles, was shown to have contained the souls of those three Gargoyles. Did the ritual/experiment that brought life to Coldstone summon their three souls from the after-life, or does being shattered as stone trap Gargoyles in their shattered remains so long as a Wind Ceremony is not performed?
It's a fair question. And an open one.
Recently you answered this question that I asked:
"Are Demona and Desdemona biologically related, either as sisters or cousins? I ask not only because of the obvious similar names (almost like a "family name" - although I know that could not apply to them for various reasons in-universe), but also because, personality wise, they are similar - for example, they both have interests in higher powers uncommon for Gargoyles (Demona with magic and Desdemona being somewhat spiritual), they both seem verry passionate, and also they are both attracted to big muscular men."
You responed:
"Eh. For starters, "Desdemona" isn't her name and never has been. It's what we used in the credits to identify her. Originally, she had no name. Now, she's Coldfire. I think Demona's interest in magic for the sake of power has little in common with Coldfire's spirituality. And if we assumed that everyone who's passionate and/or every female attracted to big strong males were related then I think that would presume that something like 50% of the human female population are sisters or cousins. They are Rookery Sisters, of course."
I guess my question got a little rambley & I wasn't asking it clearly enough.
I know that Coldfire never had a previous name (hence the "I know that could not apply to them for various reasons in-universe" insert)...what I ment by that part of the question was: By giving them similer sounding names (even if it was just in the credits), were you giving the two a behind-the-scenes biologic connection, like you did with Brooklin and Brooksbro (I am aware that is also not his name)?
Also, about the part where I compared Demona's interest in magic to Coldfire's (I'll use that name from now on, as to avoid more confusion) interest in spirituality, I was comparing their "interests in higher powers uncommon for Gargoyles," not trying to equate those interests...again, sorry for the confusion.
I guess I was stretching the similarities between the two with the part about them being attracted to big muscular men, but since male Gargolyes come in such a vastly wider variety than human males, I took a leap and assumed two females would have to be, at least a little, on the same page when it came to choosing a mate...I guess I was wrong and they all choose them like a human female would
Anyway, I guess the answer to my question is "no" - especially the biological sisters part, if nothing else than becauss since posting my question I came accross an archived post where you said that no Rookery Siblings are ever biological siblings, but that they could be cousins - I'm now presuming that is not the case with Demona and Coldfire, or you would have said either, at best, "yes, cousins," or at worst "spoiler request, no comment" instead of talking down to me.
1. No. The Desdemona name came from her role in the Othello-esque conflict we created between, Coldstone (Othello), Coldsteel (Iago), Coldfire (Desdemona) and Goliath (Cassio). Demona's name, of course, predated any thought of using Othello or Desdemona. So any similarities in their names is pure coincidence.
2. I guess I don't understand how you're defining "Higher Powers". For Demona, it's just about POWER. For Coldfire, in theory, she does believe in a higher power.
3. I don't think we've seen an unmuscular gargoyle ever. Even Lex is pretty darn muscly. But, yeah, not as big. But it still doesn't prove or demonstrate anything at all.
4. Didn't mean to talk down to you. Sorry if I gave that impression. I just didn't/don't agree with your analysis or conclusions. As for whether their cousins, I don't see any indication of it. But I suppose it's possible. I haven't done a full genealogy of every gargoyle ever. If you prefer to think of them as cousins, that's fine with me.
Are Demona and Desdemona biologically related, either as sisters or cousins? I ask not only because of the obvious similar names (almost like a "family name" - although I know that could not apply to them for various reasons in-universe), but also because, personality wise, they are similar - for example, they both have interests in higher powers uncommon for Gargoyles (Demona with magic and Desdemona being somewhat spiritual), they both seem verry passionate, and also they are both attracted to big muscular men.
For starters, "Desdemona" isn't her name and never has been. It's what we used in the credits to identify her. Originally, she had no name. Now, she's Coldfire.
I think Demona's interest in magic for the sake of power has little in common with Coldfire's spirituality.
And if we assumed that everyone who's passionate and/or every female attracted to big strong males were related then I think that would presume that something like 50% of the human female population are sisters or cousins.
They are Rookery Sisters, of course.
I've got some questions about Iago, Desdemona, and Othello.
1. Was Othello's flashback in "Legion" real? Why was Desdemona so upset?
2. Do you plan to do your comic that goes more into Iago, Desdemona, and Othello? I'd love to see more of their story!
3. Since Coldstone flies with rocket power, as do Coldfire and Coldsteel, would they ever run out of fuel? What powers them?
4. Did Iago really love Desdemona, or does he just want her because she's taken?
1. Wow, you're really testing my memory. I think it was based on "real". Desdemona, as I recall, was upset because Othello believed Iago when he accused Desdemona of having an affair with Goliath.
2. There are no current plans for more comics, though I'd jump at the chance if it was offered. And, certainly, we'd have more on the ColdTrio.
3. Fair question, but I haven't given much thought to it, I'm afraid.
4. I'll leave that to your interpretation.
hi greg! just want to congratulate you for all the work you do!!i come from france and i just receive the comics books ,and when i finished to read it ,i had a question who came.I wonder if one day you have planned that coldstone or coldfire will ever be real gargoyles again by a magic tricK or something like that.
by the way ,very enjoy the story in chapter 10 11 12 ,on tv it would have been great episode!!a sorry i just miss the show!and i think it can still have today a great success .
thanks to you ,and another thanks if you answer back
No, I don't see them becoming flesh and blood gargoyles again ever.
Hi Greg!
Now that Desdemona is back on the Clan...has anyone told her about Demona and what she has become?
I'm sure she'll be filled in.
Do either Coldfire, Coldstone, or Coldfire require sleep to avoid mental exhaustion?
Haven't thought about it.
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