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(Whoops... this got by me somehow...)

This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

April 23rd...

The English King Aethelred dies, widowing Queen Emma. England is split between the English choice Edmund Ironside and the Danish choice Canute.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

April 13th...

The Stone of Destiny is recovered at Arbroath Abbey and returned to Westminster Abbey.

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A new OCCASIONAL feature here at ASK GREG...

This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

April 7th...

The curate of the Archbishop of Paris consecrates the Paris catacombs as tombs.

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Todd Jensen writes...

You mentioned in response to a recent question from DPH that Oberon overthrew Queen Mab and married Titania after he fathered Merlin. Did I read this correctly? I certainly found it intriguing, since I'd always assumed that Oberon took over from Mab long before Merlin's birth. (I suppose that this also means, again if I read your response correctly, that Oberon wasn't cheating on Titania after all when he begat Merlin.)

I take it that this also means that Shakespeare's portrayal of Oberon and Titania as a married couple in Theseus's time was an anachronism in the Gargoyles Universe? (Though it's probably no worse than the fact that Bottom and his fellow amateur actors seem more like Elizabethan Englishmen than ancient Athenians.)

Greg responds...

Yes, I see the era-combining of Theseus and a married Oberon/Titania as being fairly Xena-esque in its anachronism.

Response recorded on March 13, 2007

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Charisma82 writes...

Hey again! Here's some questions about your comic book:

1. I have hear that you are planning on starting the comic books in the year you left off, in 1996. Are you going to speed up time somehow and make the comic book in our time? That's 10 (well, almost 11) years of stuff you have to fit into a few comics. I guess you could spread it out over a series of comic books. If you do that, how would you tackle that problem? That's asking in case you do move them forward, you might decide to keep the time stream back in the 90's, but that could get confusing to people who are just starting to read the comics and never saw the show. Anyways, if you could shed some light on that subject, it would be appreciated.

2. I purchased the first comic book online at amazon.com (I love that place!) I pre-ordered the second comic book sometime back in August. Amazon kept sending me e-mails each month since that time, telling me that the book still was not out yet. Finally, in December, it told me that they could not send me that comic book. What!? I was wondering if this was because you didn't have it out yet or if they are just not selling them on Amazon anymore. That would be stupid if they are not. Also, why is it taking so long to get the 2nd one out? I thought they were supposed to be a bi-monthly thing? Did something go wrong? Just curious.

Thank you for your time and efforts. They are appreciated.


Greg responds...

1. As I've stated before, the comic is currently set in 1996. I will move forward through time at a steady but not particularly speedy pace. Given that the book only comes out six times a year (knock wood) we may be in the 90s for a decade or so. ;) But the book will make an effort NOT to identify the year. It's all still vaguely contemporary. Real world history will play in on occasion, but I'll just live with that. Casual fans don't need to know the year the book is taking place in. Hardcore fans can always come here and I'll gladly reveal the date of any event depicted in the comics.

2. Yes, something went wrong. But we REALLY think the problem has been fixed. See the archives for more info. I'm not sure why Amazon told you they couldn't deliver it in December, since that's exactly when it DID become available.

Response recorded on March 09, 2007

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Makhasu writes...

When did Canmore/The Hunter first attack Scotland?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 08, 2007

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Patrick G writes...

How long were Goliath, Elisa, and Bronx missing from Manhattan during the World Tour? In other words, how long was it?

Greg responds...

I'm fairly certain this info is ALREADY in the archives, but...

Goliath, Elisa and Bronx left Central Park for Avalon on Thursday, December 28th, 1995.

They returned to Manhattan with Angela on Tuesday, July 9th, 1996.

So they were gone just over six months.

Response recorded on February 14, 2007

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tomas lund writes...

when did gargoyles originate and where did they originate

Greg responds...

Pre-history, and I'm honestly not sure where.

Response recorded on January 11, 2007

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

I should be posting on the new dvd releases, I mean I (figuratively) ran out and got them the day they released, (a more literal description would be I preordered on Amazon), but I am ashamed to say I haven't rewatched them yet. Instead I'll ask about the new comics coming out through Slave Labor Graphics, for which I am waiting with bated breath-

Looking through comments already made and the questions waiting to be answered que I see you plan on starting from your last episode, though not making a big point of it. (Just as you said you would if you could make new episodes.) You also were reported as saying that Disney is aware that the comics will squew slightly older than the original main demographic. You were also reported as still being wary of doing a 9/11 related issue. I was wondering if your thoughts had at all changed on the matter. {If you are currently 2 years behind in Ask Greg, but are starting the comics at 1996, that gives time to answer.}

I am sorry if this question has already been asked. The search engine would not allow me to search for "9/11". Or any numeric queries for that matter. I tried other queries like "September" and "center", but I may have not thought of all possibilties.

thank you,
Laura A

Greg responds...

I am beyond wary about tackling 9/11. But I'll have to eventually. Just not yet. I'm now plotting issue #7, so things might change slightly, but issues 1-9 are all set in 1996. I won't even get to early 1997 until issue number 10.

But when the series gets to September of 2001, I will indeed deal. Can't not. But I'll admit it scares the hell out of me.

Response recorded on December 29, 2006

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dph writes...

Could you please list the following events in chronological order:

1)Oberon overthrew Queen Maeve
2)in reference to City of Stone part 4 in the scene where Bodhe says the English rid their land of gargoyles years ago, the point in time in which the English thought they rid themselves of gargoyles
3)Merlin was born
4)Oberon married Titania
5)Atlantis fell
6)Last Member of the Lost Race died
7)Goliath, Angela, Bronx, and Elisa meet Nokkar

Thank you for answering this question.

Greg responds...

1. Although it's Mab in our continuity, not Maeve.

2 & 6 I'm choosing not to reveal at this time.

Response recorded on December 21, 2006

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