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matt writes...

on several occasions throughout the series the trio and Hudson mentioned or went to various movies, including Bambi, Star Wars, and all the cop movies Broadway watched. what were their favirote movies? also, when the trio went to see "Bambi" they had been in New York less than six months, i can't believe with all the movies they had never seen, they would have seen "Bambi" at least twice as evidenced by the line, "I don't remember any explosions in Bambi". it was funny but as an 18 year old male myself, i can't imagine why "Bambi" would hold such interest to them.

Greg responds...

I've seen Bambi many times. It's pretty cool. Have you seen it recently.

Hudson's favorite show is Celebrity Hockey. His favorite cartoon character is Donald Duck.

They all used to be big fans of The Pack. But times change.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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matt writes...

in "the cage" when the trio returned from a concert in the park what concert was it? i heard it was the "smashing pumpkins".

Greg responds...

Who might it have been in late 1995?

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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Kam-Ra Cru writes...

Do the trio have any blood-siblings on Avalon>

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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matt writes...

what is Goliath's reaction to Broadway and Angela's relationship? what is Demona's?

Greg responds...

I think he's pleased.

Demona's probably conflicted. I don't think she likes Broadway, simply because he's alligned against her. But I don't think she's rooting for her daughter to be alone either.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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Faieq writes...

I asked this question before and you responded
"I don't have my timeline with me, so I cannot assume the premise of your question is correct. Please resubmit it."
So now I'm resubmitting it:In 975 Goliath and Demona/'Angel' were 37 chronolgically, I think, and this seems to be a little young to be committing themselves to eacch other (compared to the trio, who were the same age in 994 but were single). Does that mean that the Trio mated late and the rest of their rookery siblings already have mates in 994, or did Demona and Goliath become mates long before their other brothers and sisters?

Greg responds...

I think Goliath and Demona mated a tad young. A few of the Trios contemporaries may have mated at the time of the massacre, but most would not have.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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John writes...

Hi Greg,
On my last question you repost: Define "love". Well, I know that Brooklyn didn´t really love Angela from our point of view. But from his point of view, he is in love, and so, I think, he would tell angela, that he is. So, will he ever?
CU, John

Greg responds...

They might have a conversation some day. But not until after the TimeDance, when it's WAY moot.

Response recorded on November 14, 2000

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John writes...

Hi Greg,
Some Trio questions:
1.: Will Brooklyn ever tell Angela that he loved her? (In Goliath Chronicals, he never did, and that was one of the things that gets the show down)
2.: Ummh... how could I say? Ok, let´s try it with this: Will Lex ever step away from the right way? (hope you understand:))
3.: In the old episodes, Broadway has that nasty comic image. In your future plans, would he get more seriously?
CU, John

Greg responds...

1. Define "loved".

2. I understand, but you don't really expect me to answer that do you?

3. Both.

Response recorded on November 13, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

One piece of rambling/thoughts that I've had on Broadway for a while, and finally remembered to post here.

You've mentioned in the past about Broadway being a gentle soul at heart and the most perceptive of the trio (which was a major factor in he being the one who wound up with Angela). One thing that's occurred to me is that Puck must have noticed that, given how he handled Broadway in "Future Tense".

In "Future Tense", Brooklyn and Lexington are both extremely bitter at Goliath for going away for forty years (Lexington, in fact, turns out to be worse than bitter, and I got the impression that Goliath's long absence was a major factor in his turning evil). Broadway, however, welcomes Goliath back gladly, saying that what's important is that he's returned, and mentions that he never gave up hope that Goliath would come back someday. That definitely stood out all the more in contrast to Brooklyn and Lexington's attitude.

Also, Broadway definitely got the most moving death scene in the entire episode ("Yes, the sun. Can't you see it, Goliath? It's beautiful."). I don't consider that just an accident, either. Puck may not be omniscient (definitely not in light of his having to hurriedly invent an explanation for Thailog's absence when he found out from Goliath that Thailog and Demona had been mates), but he's clearly got a good handle on Broadway's character, I'd say.

Greg responds...

Yep. Puck and me and Michael Reaves, anyway.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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matt writes...

you've said that lex was pursueing angela mainly because his brothers were and lex is the only trio member without a known future mate, so is lex gay? are there gay gargoyles?
sorry if you find this question offensive, im just wondering

Greg responds...

I don't find the question offensive at all. But I also don't want to answer it at this time. I've given away Brooklyn's mate, so I want to keep people guessing about Lex as much as possible.

And yes, there are gay gargoyles.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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matt writes...

did Brooklyn have some sort of attraction to Demona in temptation?
why is brooklyn so damn horny? (no pun intended)

Greg responds...

Maybe a bit. But I wouldn't take it too far. (Though I know others have.)

Why is any teen-age male so damn horny?

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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