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Airwalker writes...

In HERITAGE, when Raven in Gargoyle form first introduced himself to Goliath and Angela he had five fingers. Later when he again appeared as Gargoyle, he had four fingers. Was this an animation error or was it done on purpose as a sort of hint to Raven's true identity?

Greg responds...


A hint. Yeah. That's the ticket.

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Aaron writes...

Do gargoyles leave marks on hardwood floors?

Greg responds...

There's a smart-ass response in here somewhere, but I just can't find it.

Response recorded on December 29, 1999

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Heather "HUDSON" writes...

Greg,while at the Gathering, I was talking to Thom,who had this to say about Lexington:" But, I'm a virgin..."
I suppose, there has to be a celebate Gargoyle,eh?
Is this what you had in mind for the character? Or, does he get his jollies, through cyber-sex?
Personally, I don't care if he ever finds a mate...

Greg responds...

What's the question?

Are you asking if Lex is a virgin or Thom?

Response recorded on December 29, 1999

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Demona Taina writes...

Just a couple of quick questions. :)

1. Where did Demona get those gargoyles from in "City Of Stone"?

2. What do Gargoyles smell like? Because in "The Dying Of The Light", Hudson's blind friend, Jeffrey Robbins, said that Hudson smelled like "old leather and concrete". Anyway, is that true? Or did TGC make it up? And if so, is it a bad smell or a good one?

I guess those are all. Thanks for reading!

Greg responds...

1. Wall-mart.
2. I won't comment one way or the other on TGC episodes beyond "The Journey". But certainly, Hudson's old leather clothes would smell like old leather. And a wiff of something stonelike makes sense. Obviously, Elisa doesn't think that Gargoyles smell bad.

Response recorded on December 29, 1999

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Joxter the Mighty writes...

Why does Katana name her son Nashville?

Greg responds...

Why does Katana AND BROOKLYN name THEIR son Nashville?

Response recorded on December 29, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

What do you you think would be the reaction of the Canmore siblings (especially Jon) if they found out that Demona literally killed their father with one hand tied behind her back? (She was holding onto the Praying Gargoyle at the time he attacked her.)

Greg responds...

Gee. I think they'd dance a jig.

Whaddaya think their reactions would be?

Response recorded on September 21, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

Do alternate/parallel realities (you know, worlds where history went a little differently like What if the South won the Civil War, stuff like that) exist in the structure of the Gargoyles Universe? Is it a Universe or a Multiverse?

Greg responds...

Multiverses are so much fun, but like unrestricted time-travel they are subject to massive abuse.

The short answer is, I haven't decided definitively, but I'm leaning toward a "NO".

I'd never want to, for example, cheapen the Magus' death by introducing the Magus from another dimension. And isn't our Demona quite enough fun, so that we have no need to meet the so-called Good Demona from a parallel world.

Of course, I suppose it could help explain GOLIATH CHRONICLES. Hmmmm....

Response recorded on September 21, 1999

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Ralph Waldo writes...

Hi, welcome back! In the "Hobgoblin of Small Minds" story you mentioned, what was the inconsistency?

Greg responds...

"Little Minds"

Response recorded on September 05, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

How would you describe the clones personality-wise? (I know that this sounds like a volume length question but what I mean is for example Lex can be described as a techno-Geek, and Brooklyn can be described as thrill seeking second in command, etc. So if you were describing each clone in one line like that, how would you describe Brentwood, Malibu, Hollywood, Burbank, and Delilah?)

Greg responds...

Trouble is I wouldn't describe Lex as a "techno-geek" or Brooklyn as a "thrill seeking second in command".

Must you humans name everything? It's not real to you 'til you've named it, defined it, given it limits. Does the sky need a name? Does the river?

Response recorded on September 05, 1999

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Was the Eyrie Pyramid in 'Future Tense' intentionally reminiscent of the Illuminati symbol? (a pyramid structure with a light on the apex)

Greg responds...

If I told you I'd have to kill you.

Response recorded on August 31, 1999

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kalen writes...

Have you ever thought of making a movie about Gargoyle's.

Greg responds...

Me? Like with my own money?

Sorry. Look, Touchstone has a live-action Gargoyles movie in development. For more info check the Live-Action movie archives below and/or comb through the OLD archives.

And, no, as far as I know, there's nothing new to report.

Response recorded on August 24, 1999

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Vashkoda writes...

Hi Greg! Will you please tell us: 1) the story behind how the Pheonix Gate ended up in Elena's dowry, and/or 2) The identity of the 5th UltraPack member?

Greg responds...

1. No. Not in the mood.

2. As this question is on a completely separate topic, you'll have to resubmit it as a separate post.

Better luck next time.

Response recorded on August 24, 1999

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Aris Katsaris writes...

There has been a thought concerning the character you named "Naught" that this is actually a pun on your behalf (Since Naught means nothing) and that you meant you didn't actually have plans concerning him. I'm asking you just to be sure: Did you have plans for "Naught" or was he supposed to be just a random fay with no real importance?

And was his strange clothing (modern suit, very old fashioned cape) deliberate?

Greg responds...

All things are true.

Response recorded on August 23, 1999

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