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COMEBACKS 2007-12 (Dec)

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

December 27th...

The Manhattan Clan enjoys a pleasant, peaceful night at the castle: Broadway cooks; Goliath reads; Lex and Brooklyn play cards; Hudson watches Donald Duck on TV; Bronx chews a bone. Meanwhile, David Xanatos is still counting down the days until his release.

The Stone of Destiny is stolen from Westminster Abbey by Macbeth and four Scottish patriots.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

December 25th...

William the Conqueror is crowned King of England.

The Stone of Destiny is stolen from Westminster Abbey by Macbeth and four Scottish patriots.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

December 23rd...

Broadway and Brooklyn manage to lead "Macbeth" away from "Hudson", but Broadway is caught mid-air when sunrise causes him to turn to stone. Elisa Maza barely manages to save him. After the sun sets again, "Macbeth" destroys "Hudson", and a grief-stricken Goliath destroys what is revealed to be a Macbeth robot. Back at the castle, the real Hudson escapes David Xanatos on his own and is reunited with his clan. Owen Burnett tests the Cauldron of Life, which turns one of his hands permanently to stone.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

December 22nd...

Just before dawn, the gargoyles are attacked by "Macbeth". After sunrise, David Xanatos kidnaps Hudson's sleeping body and replaces it with a stone statue. At sundown, the other gargoyles awaken and believe that Macbeth has used sorcery to keep Hudson asleep. Goliath & Lexington search for a cure, while Brooklyn & Broadway protect the statue from "Macbeth". Meanwhile, Xanatos reveals that in his bid for immortality, he plans to use Hudson to test the Cauldron of Life. And on Avalon, the Archmages and their allies launch their attack on the Avalon Clan.

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JeNn writes...

Hello, Greg :) Before I ask my questions, I'd like to say that I can't wait for the Gathering next summer. It'll be my first time going and I'm very excited!

Okay now for my questions! In "Grief" after the Emir summons Anubis' spirit from Jackal's body into his own, Jackal passes out and after Hyena and Wolf's energies are returned, they pass out as well. Obviously, we know the Pack lived after seeing the episodes "The Green" and "Vendettas". My questions are:

1) Do Wolf and Hyena remember what Jackal-Anubis did to them?
2) Does Jackal remember what he did to them and to that town when he became Anubis' avatar?
3) If Jackal did remember, do you think he might have tried pushing that out of his conscience, or did he really not care after realizing what he had done? The reason I ask this is because we know that Jackal doesn't give a crap about taking the lives of Gargoyles along with maybe one human life (specifically almost taking out Xanatos' in "Brother's Keeper"). But after claiming so many human lives, I'd love to know what his personal feelings were after the incident, if he even remembered it at all.

Thanks, good luck with everything and I'll see you at the Gathering!

Greg responds...

1. Hazily.
2. Yes.
3. I don't think he cared. He's a sociopath.

Response recorded on December 21, 2007

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Wesley Nichols writes...

Have you given any thought as to where legendary characters from Asian cultures like the Monkey King from Journey to the West and beings like Japanese snow women and nine tailed foxes fit in the gargoyle universe? How did the Children of Oberon fit into Japanese, Chinese, and Korean legends?

Greg responds...

I've given a little thought to it -- but admittedly, very little. As we progress, I hope to do more research and give more thought to it.

Response recorded on December 21, 2007

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Wesley Nichols writes...

What is youre opinion of the script writer's strike going on in New York and Los Angeles?

Greg responds...

I believe that the writers are 100% in the right. And I wish that my guild, the Animation Guild, was able to get residuals -- ANY residuals -- for its writers.

Response recorded on December 21, 2007

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Krissy writes...


I've written you in the past, but it's been years, and you definitely wouldn't remember me. Hi! I grew up. :)

I just need to say (again) THANK YOU for Gargoyles. That show sometimes feels like it was my first love... only it didn't end in fire and brimstone. I've been enjoying the comic, which revived my interest (although 'Bad Guys' hasn't arrived in my mailbox yet)... and then a friend of mine asked me about my DVDs, and we sat down and watched all of 'Awakening.' I converted someone! Yay! We'll be working our way through the series.

Which is why I'm writing. I know you hate this question, but hopefully this is slightly different.

The DVD. You know which one I'm talking about.

Who can I write to say that Season 2 Volume 2 needs to come out RIGHT NOW? I don't plan on flooding them with letters or postcards and being annoying. I know it's not your decision, so I kinda would like to contact the people that ARE responsible for making that decision. Give them a polite kick in the head, basically?

Some of my favorite episodes are in the chunk that hasn't been released yet. (Future Tense, for one - yes, I'm a Brooklyn/Demona shipper at heart and I'll admit that freely.) I have them on tape, but I'm a bit scared of watching them because I'm afraid I'll break them. (I've done it before.)

Anyway, thank you. For the show, for the comic, and for not letting it die. Although you don't know me (and I don't really know you!), I love you. :)

(Cleveland, OH)

Greg responds...

Krissy, you can try writing Buena Vista Home Entertainment. I don't think it's wise of me to give you the name of my contact, as I don't want him feeling targeted, harrassed and annoyed. (Not that you'd do that, but this is a public forum.) But if you write to that division about Gargoyles, I'm sure the correspondence will get to him.

Response recorded on December 21, 2007

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TiniTinyTony writes...

In "Double Jeopardy", Owen has been quoted in saying that Thailog is smarter than Xanatos. In your opinion,
a) does this statement remain to be a true from your point of view?
b) Is a character's intelligence something you consciously think about when writing his/her dialogue? For example, have you ever written dialogue for a character and said to yourself, "This doesn't sound like something this character would say!"?
c) Who is THE smartest character in the Gargoyle Universe, right now in 1996? Does any one particular character stand out in your mind?

Greg responds...

a. "remain to be a true" ?? I'm guessing that's a typo of some kind, but I'm not entirely sure what you meant. Is it true? Well, it was certainly true in that one instance -- in the sense that Xanatos was clearly outsmarted. But only time will tell if over the long haul a smarts champion can be declared.

b. Yes.

c. Smart in what sense?

Response recorded on December 21, 2007

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

December 21st...

It starts to snow in Manhattan. And in London, a gang of street punks begins to violently target minorities in Soho.

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Demonskrye writes...

I've gone through the archives and asked in the Comment Room and as far s I can tell, this question has never been asked or answered.

In the story memo for "Metamorphosis", you make mention of a "pinkie swear" concept, some kind of in-joke call and response back and forth between Elisa and Derek that is specific to them. So that when Elisa is talking to "Talon" and starts in with the first part of the phrase, Derek finishes it with his particular twist out of habit and Elisa immediately realizes who he is. But in the final episode, they just say "cross my heart" "and hope to die", which is pretty much the standard version of that saying which everyone uses. Granted, it would be a little odd for someone to finish the phrase when a complete stranger starts it, and I can accept the idea that hearing Derek say something that he says fairly often would be enough of a trigger for Elisa to recognize him. But I still can't help but think that the scene would have been clearer and more ffective if it had been established that Derek says "and cross my eyes" or "and hope there's pie" or something equally silly and unique whenever Elisa says "cross my heart". So why didn't the final script use the suggestion from the story memo?

Greg responds...

The idea that one starts and the other finishes struck us as unique enough.

Response recorded on December 20, 2007

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JanAlexandra writes...

about original music score~:
the music being used in episodes Eye of the Beholder(scene Xanatos proposing to Fox) &Outfoxed(where Fox and Xanatos working on their karate),is the melody a creation composed by Carl Johnson or it's movements from classical music? and is it available on any cds or any other sources?

Greg responds...

It's all Carl, and unfortunately, I don't think it's available anywhere.

Response recorded on December 20, 2007

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The Barracuda writes...

Just to clear something up, are David Xanatos and Owen Burnett's private offices actually in the castle, or below in the Eyrie building? Both offices have a very modern construction motif, and the massive window that frames the wall behind Xanatos' desk doesn't appear anywhere on the castle's exterior (unless I missed it). Plus, the hallway that appears behind the double doors of his office also appears very modern. Thanks.

Greg responds...

Both are in the castle.

Response recorded on December 20, 2007

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Andres writes...

Does melissa garcia like me.

Greg responds...

She hasn't said anything to me, one way or another.

Response recorded on December 20, 2007

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Amanad writes...

If the Lego company had to combind the Bionicle's world to our world what whould happen? How would they react in our world? Would the Toa's be our friend or wht?

Greg responds...

Didn't you just ask this?

Response recorded on December 20, 2007

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Amanda writes...

If the Lego Company had combind the Bionicle world to our world what would happen?How would they react to our world?

Greg responds...

I'll leave that to your imagination.

Response recorded on December 20, 2007

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Balrog writes...

Mr Greg. When did you consider Wolf a descent of a viking. Because i notice some Similarity in his personality that can be found in some vikings but not in Hakon. These are:

1.His thirst for battle.
2.His desire to fight the strongest of oppnent.
3.Ruthless nature.
4.His somewhat mercenery background.
5.His rage.
6.Mutant form that makes somewhat homage to the stories of the viking berserkers.

I live in Iceland where most people are descented of vikings so i have little trouble finding viking stories there.

Greg responds...

Seems like traits 1-5 all fit Wolf AND Hakon. As for the when, it was at some recording session or other. Clancy Brown's performance as Wolf gave me the idea.

Response recorded on December 20, 2007

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Mosaklus writes...

Is there a way to download all original soundtracks and songs of W.I.T.C.H second season or is there album that can be bought from somewhere? If there isn't at the moment will there come anyways for that?

Greg responds...

Not that I know of.

Response recorded on December 20, 2007

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TiniTinyTony writes...

Questions concerning Avalon Parts 1 - 3:

1) Will we see the adventures of Tom in any of the Gargoyles Spinoffs or main comic?
2) Will there be any repercussions for waking up King Arthur "early" and will we see those repercussions in the comics? If so, which comic?
3) Who's face is represented on the front of the Avalon boats?
4) Who's face is represented at the watery gateway to Avalon, where Magus turned the Weird Sisters into owls?
5) Do all 36 Avalon Gargoyles survive the Archmage's assault?
6) Any chance the magic in the sleeping hill will one day revive Magus or is he dead and gone forever?

Greg responds...

1. Yes, eventually.

2. Yes. Pendragon, among others.

3. Not revealing that at this time.

4. Ditto.

5. Yes.

6. Who am I to kill hope? Hope lives eternal. The Magus, on the other hand, is dead.

Response recorded on December 20, 2007

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

Greetings, Greg.
I've been waiting a while to post this.

This summer at my Grandma's house I watched a National Geographic Channel special called "The Science of Dogs." Do you get that channel? The scientists wanted to find out how dogs can be bred to look so different from one another, so they started sequencing DNA. They found out that all canids have certain sections of their genomes that mutate easily and rapidly, and can create large physical differences with only small mutations. Apparently other mammals don't have these genes. Because of this, dogs can be bred to look very different from wolves, while other domestic animals like cats and cows all look pretty much the same.
So it seems that "chameleon genes" (or "dog genes"?) already exist in real life! Though gargoyle variation is rather more dramatic than the differences between dog breeds. I think wolves and other wild canids all look the same as their siblings, despite their "chamelon genes," because each species is optimally adapted to a particular habitat and niche, and each individual needs to be as well-adapted as possible. I wonder why it is that gargoyles (and beasts), instead of all having the same adaptations to where and how they live, look so different from one another.
So I don't find the "chameleon gene" idea implausible. I think it is highly unusual but still biologically plausible. I also watched a nature show (long time ago) that included a segment about a plant in Hawaii which basically has exactly that. No two plants look alike, they can be anything from a tree to a tiny herb or weed, or a long vine. Though I don't remember what that plant is called.

Greg responds...

I got beat down pretty bad over my chameleon gene theory, so I'm gratified to learn I might not have been TOO wrong. The thing that strikes me is that extreme environmental factors and/or isolation that might have caused hugely divergent visual changes in early gargoyles after they spread out across the world... may have been tempered as what was for a time the world's dominent and most intelligent species proliferated and interbred with each other as once isolated clans came into contact again. Does that make sense?

Response recorded on December 20, 2007

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

December 20th...

Goliath kidnaps Anton Sevarius out from under the nose of Gen-U-Tech security guard Vinnie Grigori. Goliath takes Sevarius down to the abandoned Cyberbiotics underground lab and tries to force him to create a cure for the Mutates. Meanwhile, the Mutates attack the other gargoyles at the Clock Tower. The gargoyles ultimately win the battle, but Brooklyn lets them go in order to prove to Maggie the Cat that he can be trusted. Having discovered that Goliath was the kidnapper, Elisa Maza, Talon, the Mutates, David Xanatos and his Steel Clan robots all converge on the old lab. Xanatos rescues Sevarius, and Talon finally realizes his employer was responsible for his metamorphosis. Talon and the other Mutates take up residence in the abandoned Cyberbiotics underground base, which they redub "The Labyrinth". The next morning, Vinnie is fired from Gen-U-Tech. And that evening, Elisa brings her parents and sister to the Labyrinth for a reunion with Derek and an introduction to the other Mutates. In Scotland, Xanatos' security team successfully captures "Nessie", a Loch Ness Monster. Sevarius leaves for Scotland, to begin running tests on the creature.

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Matt writes...


1. At the end of "Walkabout", Matrix combines with Dingo and his armor. In "Strangers" we continue to see the Matrix armor on Dingo however when Matrix morphs back into his own humanoid form, Dingo is no longer wearing his "Pack" armor. Did Matrix "assimilate" Dingo's Pack-armor when he combined with it in "Walkabout" or did Dingo just stop using it when he and Matrix teamed up?

2. If the armor was assimliated by Matrix, can Matrix recreate the armor for Dingo without needing to be a part of it himself?

3. If the armor was not assimilated by Matrix, what did Dingo do with the armor, does he still have it?

Greg responds...

1. The former.

2. Uh... technically, he can rebuild it, but I'm not sure he'd understand the need to SEPARATE it from himself.

3. See above.

Response recorded on December 19, 2007

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Matt Foster writes...

I come in peace :P

Over here in Australia I was so surpised to find such a show existed - Thankyou!!

Need to know where is the best place to order the complete series on DVD!

I need them!! Because of you I went out and bought 5 Gargoyle statues...do you know hard they are to find over here. Nothong comes close to Goliath tho.


Greg responds...


I'm thrilled your psyched. But I'm afraid I don't know where to tell you to order materials in Australia. Does Amazon deliver down there?

Response recorded on December 19, 2007

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Matt writes...

Camelot Clan

1. Was the Camelot Clan founded before or after the Gargoyle Nation was established?

2. Was the Camelot Clan founded before or after the new Wyvern Clan?

Greg responds...

1. Not saying now.

2. Not saying now.

(I'm sensing a theme. Are you?)

Response recorded on December 19, 2007

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Matt writes...

New Wyvern Clan

1. Would the new Wyvern Clan be founded before or after the Gargoyle Nation was established?

2. Have we seen any characters in canon material that will become members of the new Wyvern Clan?

3. Was the new Wyvern Clan founded before or after the Camelot Clan?

Greg responds...

1. Not saying now.

2. Not saying now.

3. Not saying now.

Response recorded on December 19, 2007

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