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LoboGuara5bruxaria writes...

Hey Greg, here are a few questions of Gargoyles verse:

1) Has anyone in-universe commented that Mr. Acme has the same name as the fictional company that sells (Faulty) products to Willie Coyote? Has he ever get into legal problem with the in-universe Warner Bros company because of that? What does he personally feels about the coincidence of his name and Acme Company of Looney Tunes?

2) I remenber there was an episode where it was briefly shows Hudson watching an episode of Quack Pack and he seemed to be at least intrigued by what he was seeing. Do you think Hudson likes cartoons in general? Also, on a more slly hypothetical, if someone commented within Hudson's earshot that cartoons are just for kids or immature adults, what do you think would Hudson's opinion be about such comment?

3) Assuming that it isn't a spoiler, do you think Oberon would be more of a dog person or a cat person? (Aka: Would he prefer dogs or cats as companions/pets, even if enither of these were his favorite animal.) What about Titania, Puck and Odin? Witch animal would each of these prefer between a dog or cat?

Greg responds...

1. The use was legally "de minimus," i.e. a small use for purposes of parody. The whole episode has a Wile E. Coyote vibe, so having the pie-gun come from "Acme," made sense. If we wanted to do the "Mr. Acme" spin-off series, we might have legal trouble, I suppose.

1a. I'm guessing he feels like heaving a big sigh about it.

2. I think all television fascinates Hudson.

2a. I think he'd ask, "If that's the case, what exactly is for mature adults?"

3. I'll leave all these to your imagination.

Response recorded on November 22, 2021

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NoOneSpecial writes...

We know that Avalon can send travellers where they “need to be”, so these questions are going to mainly revolve around that effect and the deeper mechanics that may be involved.

1.Does this effect only happen if someone is traveling to and from Avalon by the wharf? I’m sure Oberon and the rest of the Third Race have other means of coming and going from the island, but are they subject to be sent somewhere they don’t want to be by Avalon? Like say Oberon goes to Manhattan using his mirror. Could Avalon interfere with this and send him somewhere else that he “needs to be”

2.How long this, for lack of a better word, “rule” been in place for Avalon? Was it around back in Mab’s day?

3.Is Oberon aware that Avalon sends people on these adventures? And if so, can he make Avalon stop doing that? We know he can control the island’s landscape and weather, so can he stop Avalon from sending people on adventures? Could he make it so Avalon will just send people where they “want to go”?

4.Would you say that this rule is proof that Avalon has some degree of sentience to it? It sent Goliath and co. on adventures to do important things. In the Gathering it apparently sent them to stop Oberon in Manhattan. That seems to imply Avalon has its own agenda, regardless of what Oberon wants. Even more so, if he cannot actually stop it from sending travellers on adventures for whatever unknown purposes. So, would you say that Avalon is alive in some way?

5.How insistent is Avalon when sending travellers on World Tours? Suppose Goliath and co. were sent somewhere to do something important. Let’s say they believe they have succeeded in doing whatever they were sent to do(or maybe they just decide to give up). They hop back into the skiff and sail away. Would Avalon send them back again to the same place until they finished the job? The best example I can think of is maybe when they go to New Olympus. They decide the best thing to do to free Elisa and escape. If they had managed to get away, would Avalon just send them back again? It did always seem a little convenient that the group could successfully leave at the end of every episode, meaning they done what they were sent to do, despite the fact it’s never specified to them what exactly they needed to do when they arrived. What if they had missed something? What if they had done the wrong thing? I know it would tend to be obvious yes, but it’s mostly guesswork on their part.

Greg responds...

1. Avalon is a subtle mistress, so I'm going to say no. If, in essence, you're taking a shortcut - as with Oberon's Mirror - Avalon isn't likely to interfere.

2. Always.

3. I'm sure he's aware. I doubt he's interested in interfering. Keep in mind that people sailing off from Avalon is a rare occurrence.

4. Definitely. I thought that was clear.

5. It is what it is. Also, Avalon has no guarantee that they'll get back on the dang boat at the end of a "mission." Everyone has free will. But Avalon is sending folks where they need to be. If they're ready to leave, then they don't need to be there anymore.

Response recorded on November 18, 2021

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Todd Jensen writes...

Rewatched "The Gathering" (both episodes) on DVD today. A few new things I noticed about it.

A minor detail, but which I find touching: when Renard learns about Anastasia's remarriage,, he sadly clasps her hand.

The letter X is prominent among the Xanatoses: Xanatos, FoX, and AleXander. And then I thought of LeXington, who isn't one of the family, but who's close to Alex, and who became Xanatos's secret successor in "Future Tense". (And there's that bit, also, in your "Gargoyles 2198" piece, about the Lexington-Xanatos Corporation.)

Goliath's homecoming makes a lovely contrast with "Future Tense", as he warmly embraces the overjoyed Brooklyn and Lexington (the two members of the clan who'd been bitter towards his late return in "Future Tense") and Hudson says "I knew you hadn't abandoned us." (While Broadway hugs Elisa, tying in with his being the closest to her among the trio, ever since "Deadly Force".)

One feature of Goliath's pondering the possibility that Avalon sent him to Manhattan to stop Oberon from taking Alex away; if his speculation was correct, that means that Avalon was, in a way, going against its lord and master. Though that made sense when I thought about it; without going too deeply into hypotheticals, I suspect that things would have not gone well for Avalon if Oberon *had* spirited Alex away (no way would his parents have accepted that), and Avalon would be sparing itself and its lord and master a lot of potential trouble in thwarting him.

You mentioned once that you wanted to have Puck break the fourth wall, but the rest of the production team objected to it. I noticed that he does come close, though, when he turns towards the camera while saying "I'm on a roll". (And when somebody *did* break the fourth wall, it was Brooklyn instead.)

At the very end, Broadway turns to stone shortly before the rest of the clan does.

Greg responds...

Interesting observations. Thanks for all these, Todd.

Response recorded on August 17, 2021

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Todd Jensen writes...

Rewatched "Ill Met By Moonlight" today.

I spotted more hunting allusions in it (though this time, the gargoyles' "hunter" isn't a human); Titania's incantation to temporarily restrict Oberon's abilities includes the line "Till hunt be done", and Oberon says, after defeating Goliath, "And so ends the hunt". (He also evokes hunting imagery when he says "the rabbits would face the fox" - though I couldn't help thinking when he said it, "Technically, they're facing the fox's stepfather, though the audience isn't supposed to know that for another two episodes.")

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 17, 2021

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Jan Rott writes...

1)Do Oberon and Titania also have other names or identities that may appear in mythologies? The Banshee had as a second identity Cromm Cruach.
2)Are Oberon and Titania's children mythologically known?
2.b)If so, in which mythology?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers

2. No spoilers.

2b. See above.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Sahil writes...

Hi there. Just a quick question on magic. Couldn’t find this in the archives. How is it that with just one outburst of magic from a halfling, the most powerful of the third race, Oberon, can be blasted into a wall?? Love the odd fact that the magic is green though for all users. Thank you

Greg responds...

Why would that be an issue? You get blasted; you get blasted. Especially if you're not ready for it.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Arlo writes...

1. Given that the Third Race apparently knows about King Arthur's burial on Avalon (the Weird Sisters asked "Where's the sleeping king?" during their battle with the Magus in "Avalon, Part 3"), what is the significance of Oberon's referring to Titania as his "Once and Future Queen" in "Ill Met By Moonlight?"

2. On this question http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=1414 Todd Jensen mentioned a little bit about Merlin's life according to legend, including his encounter with King Vortigern. An eighteenth-century forger named William Henry Ireland wrote a play about Vortigern's life that he falsely attributed to William Shakespeare, on the grounds that Vortigern's story was so tragic, Shakespeare ought to have written about it. Given that King Arthur appears to have a prominent role in the Gargoyles Universe, and given also your love of Shakespeare, I'm especially curious to learn what role Vortigern has in the Gargoyles Universe.

By the way, I'm even more eager to learn what Shakespeare's story is in the Gargoyles Universe, than what Titania whispered to Fox.

Greg responds...

1. You're assuming Oberon knows the title of the book "Once and Future King"?

2. No Spoilers.

Response recorded on October 24, 2016

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Няшный Кэк writes...

Hi again. As long as rules require to group questions by different topics, I've written that as separate questions.
1. If Puck is Oberon's servant, why can he be summoned by Titania's mirror? Not some Oberon's possessions, but Titania's.
2. Does the spell, that Demona used to summon Puck, have any translation? Was it in Latin? I failed to find it on Wiki.
3. Why didn't Oberon just use the mirror as Demona did in order to summon Puck? Was he just in a mood for stroll?
4. In the way I see it, there's kind of tension between Puck and the Weird Sisters, as they say they can hunt him down for Oberon. I mean -Hunt-. Not to bring him, not to call him, not to remind to him. Hunt him down. Why? If this IS a spoiler, please, just forget you've read 2d question. If I just dramatize, feel free to tell it in any form you like.
5. Would - if heard - the ringing of the iron bell be at least painful to ANY one of Oberon's children in their true form? If not to all, then to who will it be?

Greg responds...

1. If the spell is powerful enough, he can be summoned by any magic mirror.

2. It's Latin and can be found here: http://gargwiki.net/Summoning_Spell
I don't have the translation here at my Nickelodeon office. But you can probably get it from one of the fans by asking in the S8 Comment Room.

3. Yes. He pretty much says that. (Are you asking these questions from memory without looking back at the episodes? Cuz, if so, you're really waiting a LONG time to get answers you could've gotten yourself.)

4. It's a spoiler.

5. To all.

Response recorded on October 13, 2016

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Joseph writes...

Is Oberon capable of love? Does he love his wife and biological children? Did he marry Titania for shallow reasons (like her beauty, power, and status)? I get this feeling if his sons were to die, he would not care.

Greg responds...

You'd be wrong.

He, of course, loves Titania and his children.

I'm not even sure what you're basing your assumptions on.

Response recorded on October 03, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Today you answered this question:

"2. Why is the plate still there when she becomes Molly if all of her magic is lost in that form anyway?"

With this:

"2. Huh? When does that happen?"

I guess it never did on screen, but the reason I ask is because a while ago a poster named Matt asked:

"5. While the Banshee has Oberon's metal plate over her mouth, can she still transform into  Molly  or Cromm-Cruach? If so, does the plate remain in place or is that strictly a feature of her Banshee form?"

And you responded with this:

"5. The plate adapts to her form. Oberon knows she can change shape, so I can't imagine he wouldn't have taken something that fundamental for granted. Of course, instead of transforming into Molly , she could glamour into Molly and make the gag invisible. But she still wouldn't be able to talk."

Have you changed your mind since then, & now the plate does not remain when Banshee transforms into Molly? If so, does that mean she can speak while in the form of Molly now too?

Greg responds...

Not unless Oberon wills it so.

Response recorded on January 15, 2016

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