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Todd Jensen writes...

Somebody asked you earlier about Merlin's connection with the "Merlin Wylt" of pre-Geoffrey of Monmouth Welsh legends, and you mentioned that you didn't remember the details too well. I thought that I'd give a little information here (Merlin being a subject that I've always been strong on).

Merlin Wylt (also known as Myrddin or Lailoken) was apparently "the original Merlin", though he lived a few decades after Arthur's time period; he served as a bard and advisor to one King Gwenddolau, who lived in what is now Scotland in the late 6th century. When Gwenddolau was killed at the Battle of Arderydd in 573, Merlin Wylt went mad with grief and fled into the woods nearby, where he began uttering prophecies about Britain's future.

His name became so well-known, and attached to prophecies, that when Geoffrey of Monmouth wrote "The History of the Kings of Britain", he decided to bestow the name "Merlin" upon Ambrosius, the boy prophet who met with Vortigern, and thus created the familiar figure of Merlin, who was afterwards known as "Merlin Ambrosius". (I recall that Mary Stewart mentioned once that the "Merlin Ambrosius" version of Merlin's name was what inspired her with the notion that Ambrosius, Uther Pendragon's older brother and Arthur's uncle, was Merlin's real father, in "The Crystal Cave").

Of course, because of the dates, the two Merlins were probably not the same person (and indeed, I doubt that "Merlin Wylt" could have been the same as *the* Merlin in the Gargoyles Universe given that, from what you've said, Arthur's Merlin has been in the Crystal Cave since before Arthur's departure for Avalon, which was about thirty years before the Battle of Arderydd; it would have to have been a different guy with the same name).

Greg responds...

Thanks for the info.

Response recorded on November 22, 2000

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Ithica writes...

I was reading through the PENDRAGON archive, and came across a statement of yours that interested me. My question, based on the statement, is why do you think that Gawain fills the "Bastard" Achetype?

Greg responds...

It's his behaviour. His ability to be the hero or the villain depending on the situation. His betrayal of family. His defense of family. He's so torn. He's such a bastard.

Response recorded on November 21, 2000

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Ithica writes...

Now for some silly, irrelevant PENDRAGON questions:

You'll recall that in Gawain's adventure with the Green Knight, the said Knight rode on a courser (whom I affectionately call the Green Horse) that was as green as he was. I liked that horse, for some reason, so I'm going to ask some questions about him.

1. Seeing as normal horses do not occur in the color of green, and I doubt that the Knight would paint a normal bay or chestnut, is the Green Horse a magical creature, like a Odin's horse Sleipnir?

2. We know the Green Knight is a survivor. What about the Green Horse? (A knight can't go about without his horse!)

3. If the Horse isn't around, what does the Knight use instead?

3. Did you know that in Roger Lancelyn Green the Green Knight's name was revealed to be Sir Bernlak?

Okay, no more silly, irrelevant questions.

Greg responds...

1. Maybe. Maybe not.

2. No.

3. Don't know at this time.

3 again. I must have known that at one time, but I had forgotten.

Response recorded on November 21, 2000

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KW Keller writes...

Pendragon questions:

1. Who created Excalibur?

2. Why was it created?

3. Given that Excalibur was the Sword in the Stone and the one held by the Lady of the Lake:
a. How did Merlin acquire Excalibur?
b. How did the Lady of the Lake acquire Excalibur?

4. Was Ambrosius (Latinized from Emrys), Vortigern's child prophet in Nennius' texts, Merlin, as Geoffrey of Monmouth said, or was he someone different?

5. Was Merlin (or Myrddin) Wylt connected to the Arthurian Merlin?

Greg responds...

1-3. Not going to reveal this stuff yet.

4. Merlin.

5. I'm not sure I remember the details of this.

Response recorded on November 21, 2000

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LSZ writes...

Which of the songs in Camelot do you particularly enjoy?

Greg responds...

Camelot and If Ever I Would Leave You come to mind. It's been awhile though.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

Since Aris recently brought up the part of the Arthurian legend where Arthur attempts to drown Mordred as a baby, I thought that I'd ask you on where you stand on one aspect of the story that often arises here.

Some Arthurian buffs have blamed Merlin for the whole "May Day Decree" business, on the grounds that it was his prophecy about Mordred's future evil and treason that led to Arthur making the attempt to get rid of him. I felt that this was rather harsh on Merlin, and felt that it was Arthur who was responsible for the incident instead. I was wondering what your take on the matter was (by which I mean, not whether Merlin was responsible in the Gargoyles Universe, but whether you consider him to blame for the incident in the original legend).

Greg responds...

In my mind, there's generally blame to go around in something like this. But Arthur makes his own choices and should take responsibility for them.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

A really weird question: do Morgana, Nimue and Lady of the Lake (the three ladies which took Arthur to Avalon) form a virgin-mother-crone trio? And if so who is which?

Greg responds...

Not saying anything more about Nimue and Morgana at this time. (I've already given away too much.) WAY too much.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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LSZ writes...

In general, is your version of Mordred in the Gargoyles universe the revisionist hero that the Welsh and Scots have in their myths, or the traditional evil scum?

Greg responds...

Probably somewhere in between, I hope.

Response recorded on November 02, 2000

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Shihuang and his trusty goat writes...

Do the rejuvination drugs the Illuminati give out to their senior members have any connection to the Holy Grail? I ask because their leader is the Fisher King, the keeper of the grail.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 01, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Regarding the May Day Decree you told me:
<<You're forgetting Moses, which I think is a much more direct parallel. >>

No, actually I wasn't forgetting Moses - but unlike you, I considered his case to be a more indirect parallel. The genocide ordered by the Pharaoh was made for reasons of population control. Both Herod's massacre and the May Day Decree ordered a slaughter so as to find and destroy only *one*, who was feared he would destroy the ruler.

Likewise, Moses is placed on the boat by his mother so as to be saved from the killing. Perseus and Mordred are placed in the boat by the *ruler* (who is also their father or grandfather), so as to be drowned...

Btw, it seemed to me you were avoiding the question? Do you feel that the May Day Decree took place in the Gargoyles Universe? I admit it still sounds to me a very non-Arthurian thing to do...

Greg responds...

Look, I'm not going to tell you now.

But you're missing the appeal of the story. The difference between all the tales we've sighted and the Arthur/Mordred thing.

In all of those tales, it's the evil tyrant who is decreeing the death of children to save his hide.

With Arthur it's the good guy decreeing the death of children in hopes of destroying this great evil. Do the ends justify the means? Of course not. But that great moral dilemma is fascinating.

Response recorded on November 01, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

Was one of the reasons that you chose Blanchefleur for Arthur's female companion the fact that she is/was Duval's wife? Given that Duval evidently will be the main antagonist for "Pendragon", I can see that having his wife being one of Arthur's companions would open the door to some good story possibilities.

Greg responds...

That's what I figured.

Response recorded on October 26, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

In one of the "Pendragon"-related questions that you answered just now, you mentioned that Excalibur had magic in its scabbard as well as the hilt and blade. Is this scabbard the same one from Malory which kept the wearer from bleeding?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 26, 2000

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Ithica writes...

Another PENDRAGON question:

The version of Arthurian legend I am most familiar with is that of the great RL Green, but my copy never satisfactorily explained where Mordred came from. I'd always believed he was the child of Morgana le Fay and King Urience, and the brother of Uwaine. Other versions I've read (Malory for one) say that he's the son of Arthur and Morgawse. I've heard elsewhere that he was Arthur's and Morgana's. What do you view his origins as?

Greg responds...

He's the son of Arthur and Morgawse.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Greg, what do you think about the place that the "May Day's Decree" has in the Gargoyle Universe? (the murder of a great number of infants so as to destroy Mordred)

I always felt that unlike most other parts of the Arthurian legend (which didn't have so obvious sources) , the "May Day Decree" seemed a complete copycat of Herod's massacre with a bit of Perseus thrown in. As such I felt it was perhaps the part which rung by far the most untrue...

Anyway, others in the comment room have disagreed ofcourse. Do you think it happened in the Gargoyles universe or not?

(And I really hope for something more clear than "All things are true" :-)

Greg responds...

You're forgetting Moses, which I think is a much more direct parallel.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

1. What is the legal status of Percival/Duval and Blanchefleur's marriage at present? Are they still legally married (although clearly estranged)?

2. Do the marital problems that Percival and Blanchefleur are having at present have anything to do with the Illuminati's activities (particularly the less ethical ones such as the Hotel Cabal and the Quarrymen)?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Yes.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Kayless writes...

Okay, I've crawled back out from under my rock to ask you these questions. (*HISS* Natural sunlight! It burns!)They're Arthurian related. Oh joy!

1. Is Morgana more powerful than Merlin? Given that she is a full blooded Fae it stands to reason that she is, but Merlin's father is a great deal more powerful than any other fae out there (baring Mab, of course). And I tend to think of Merlin more in terms of cunning and guile (like his Stepmother Titania) rather than unsubtle displays of raw might (like dear old dad). But in a knockdown drag out Wizard's Duel who has the edge in sheer power?

2. What can Excalibur do? (I'd better make this more specific lest I get a response like: 'what can't it do?') I doubt it is simply a really sharp blade, so what other abilities does it possess?

3. What does Arthur think of 21st century footwear? Today's sneakers have got to be much more comfortable than the boots he wore back in the day. Will he acquire some nice hush puppies or some more practical hiking boots for his long journey? =p

4. How is it that Alexander is considered one of Oberon's Children when Merlin, who is literally a child of Oberon, is not? Not to malign the kid's potential or anything, but given that Oberon is a helluva lot more powerful than Alex's grandmother Titania (as far as raw energy goes) I find it hard to believe that the ¼ fae Alex can hold a candle to Merlin. And if he isn't more powerful, why is considered one of Oberon's Children? I'm probably missing some factor here so enlighten, please.

5. How old is Merlin, both biologically and chronologically? (assuming there's a difference)

6. Where did I put the remote for my T.V.? (Oh wait! This should be on another post. Sorry)

I'll stop annoying you, now. (Why linger here when there are so many other ersatz celebrities to aggravate?)

Greg responds...

1. I'm not big on quantifying power.

2. It's got power, power in its blade, in its hilt and in its scabbard. But mostly its a cool sword.

3. In general, he might get a less conspicuous wardrobe to change into.

4. Who said Alex is? Who said Merlin is not? Both are or aren't depending on how you define it.

5. Haven't worked that out yet.

Response recorded on October 19, 2000

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Ed writes...

Hoping for a third-time-lucky: how old is Arthur Pendragon, biologically and chronologically?

Greg responds...

Arthur was born in 485 A.D. and went to sleep at age 57.

Response recorded on October 19, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

When did Oberon pass his non-intervention edict? And in particular, was it extant during Arthur's original time period in the 5th century? (To be even more particular, was it extant at the time that Morgana got placed in the cradle in exchange for Gorlois and Igraine's biological daughter?)

Greg responds...

Not saying.

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Anonymous writes...

Is the reason Arthur was put on Avalon the same reason all these heroes have started appearing?

Greg responds...

The reason he was "put" there?

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

We know that Griff, Arthur's first companion, is a knight, since we see him getting knighted by Arthur at the end of "Pendragon" (the episode). We also know (at present) that Arthur will have Blanchefleur and Merlin for his next two companions to be gained.

Now, I doubt that Merlin will count as a knight, given that his function in Arthur's service was entirely different. But do you see Blanchefleur filling the role of a knight?

Greg responds...

Not exactly, no.

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Anonymous writes...

Who else would be the antagonists in Pendragon besides the Illuminati?

Greg responds...

Eh, not in the mood to give that away now.

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Anonymous writes...

Are any other existing characters in the show going to get knighted by Arthur besides Griff? If so would you care to give a few names? Would all his knights come from the UK or would they come from other places?

Greg responds...

My lips are sealed.

For now at least.

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Ed writes...

So *crossing fingers that you're at your office* - how old is Arthur, biologically? For that matter, how old is Arthur chronologically?

Greg responds...

Sorry. I'm at home. Try again later.

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Reklis Ahbanden writes...

How do you view the Arthur/Launcelot/Gwinevere triangle? I've been exposed to several versions:

1. A loves G. It's an arranged marriage; G likes but doesn't love A. Later meets L; falls in love with him.
2. A loves G, G loves A, they marry. G later meets L and falls out of love with A and into with L.
3. A loves G, G loves A, they marry. G later meets L. G falls in love with L, but still loves A, too.

Do you see it like any of the above? If not, what do you see?

Greg responds...

3 largely. But I don't like schematizing it that much.

Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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Anonymous writes...

Did you have any other villains for Pendragon besides the Illuminati?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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