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Anonymous writes...

Did you have any other villains for Pendragon besides the Illuminati?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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Jappa-Nippo writes...

Would there have been any other gargoyles besides Griff in PENDRAGON?

Greg responds...

Eventually, but not right away.

Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

Were the ancestors of the London clan the gargoyles whom Arthur was acquainted with during his reign? I assume that they were in Britain already at the time because of Griff's "hatchling riddle" about Excalibur in "Pendragon" (the episode) - not to mention the fact that their presence in Arthur's kingdom would explain those references in the legends to lions, unicorns, and griffons in Arthurian Britain - but I just wanted to make certain.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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Faieq writes...

Surprised someone hasn't asked this before (or maybe they have, but I missed it in the archives) anyway, in the Gargoyles Universe what is the reason for the building of Stonehenge?

Greg responds...

Don't want to reveal that now. But I will say that, obvioulsy, it's a Pendragon issue.

Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Does Nimue know who her mortal parents were? (Yeah, yeah, we've all guessed it was Nimue :-)

Does Morgana know that she's not the biological child of her parents?
Which Oberati did the exchange? And for what reason?

Greg responds...

I don't want to answer this now.

Response recorded on September 14, 2000

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Jackal's Love writes...

G'day Greg

Would any of the spinoffs featured the Pack (or at least members of the Pack) as villains?

Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

Sure. Most. Let's see...

Bad Guys
Gargoyles 2158 (revised)

for sure...

And I wouldn't be surprised if we also saw them in

New Olympians

But I would be surprised if they showed up in

Dark Ages

Response recorded on September 14, 2000

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Ed writes...

How old is Arthur Pendragon, biologically?

Greg responds...

Man, I just figured that out. But the info is back in my office. Ask me again later.

Response recorded on September 06, 2000

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Ed writes...

Which character is the first to join up with Arthur and Griff (presumably out of a choice of Blanchefleur or Merlin?)

Greg responds...

Not saying now.

Response recorded on September 06, 2000

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Ed writes...

Has Merlin's appearance changed at all since Arthur last saw him? If so, would he be recognisable to Arthur?

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on September 06, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

Thanks for answering my question about the women who took Arthur away to Avalon - and I will add that I really had believed before reading your answer that in the Gargoyles Universe it was the Weird Sisters who did it - had believed it ever since seeing "Avalon Part One", in fact. But your answer is certainly truer to the original legend.

At any rate, the notion of Morgan le Fay being one of the women who took Arthur off to Avalon goes back at least to Malory, and maybe beyond. I found that particularly interesting in the legend, because of Morgan's bitter hatred for Arthur, and sometimes wondered why she was helping him to Avalon for healing in that case. I'm curious as to your thoughts on this (in the general terms of the legend, rather than any specific plans that you might have for Morgan's portrayal in the Gargoyles Universe). Do you think that it was a change of heart towards her brother, or some other purpose?

Greg responds...

I know what my answer is, but I'd rather not say right now. Even the general either/or question you posed gives away too much. Though God knows I haven't been shy about giving things away.

So ask me again some other time, and if the mood takes me, who knows?

Response recorded on September 05, 2000

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