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Todd Jensen writes...

Thanks for answering my question about the women who took Arthur away to Avalon - and I will add that I really had believed before reading your answer that in the Gargoyles Universe it was the Weird Sisters who did it - had believed it ever since seeing "Avalon Part One", in fact. But your answer is certainly truer to the original legend.

At any rate, the notion of Morgan le Fay being one of the women who took Arthur off to Avalon goes back at least to Malory, and maybe beyond. I found that particularly interesting in the legend, because of Morgan's bitter hatred for Arthur, and sometimes wondered why she was helping him to Avalon for healing in that case. I'm curious as to your thoughts on this (in the general terms of the legend, rather than any specific plans that you might have for Morgan's portrayal in the Gargoyles Universe). Do you think that it was a change of heart towards her brother, or some other purpose?

Greg responds...

I know what my answer is, but I'd rather not say right now. Even the general either/or question you posed gives away too much. Though God knows I haven't been shy about giving things away.

So ask me again some other time, and if the mood takes me, who knows?

Response recorded on September 05, 2000