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He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named writes...

I just returned from a vacation in Disney Land. (Boy, was it crowded!) So I figured that I could find some Gargoyle merchandise there; those stores have everything Disney. I walked into one, then another...and another...and another...with no luck. Not a single piece of Gargoyles merchandise anywhere in the park!!!
In one store, I asked an employee, "Do you have any Gargoyles stuff?"
He replied, "I...don't know what you mean...I don't know what a Gargoyles is."
It's nice to know that Disney employees know so much about there company's works. (And they use good grammar, too!) I have searched everywhere for Garg stuff, without luck. Where can I find it? Why isn't there any to be found; especially in Disney Land?

Greg responds...

I don't know. It's a source of much frustration to me, believe me.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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JENN writes...

dEAR gERG, 12/27/2000

Is their anyway I can by the series on tape? Look I can't help it I'm a nut for them?

Greg responds...

The first season was released on video, but those tapes may be hard to find now.

You might ask around in the comment room.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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Tess writes...

You made mention im a previous answer to a Goliath walkaround character that could be found at DisneyWorld.
I have several questions regarding this:

1. Can the Goliath walkaround character still be found at
2. Are there any other walkaround gargoyles Characters to be
found at either DisneyWorld or DisneyLand?
3. If so, who are they?

Thanks for your time :)

Greg responds...

1. Don't know.

2. Not that I'm aware of.

3. See above.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

That's cool, "matt". You explained yourself to the key...
Greg, I think we all should give "matt" a standing ovation for his loyalty to the Gargoyles series. What do you think everybody, huh? :)

Announcement: If anyone is looking for the entire 78 episodes, there are those on eBay selling them. They come on 5 VHS tapes. I was loyal enough to the series to get all 78 for less than $50. Good quality too.

Greg responds...

Uh, Jim, what's with the matt obsession?

Thanks for the info.

Just want to officially state that I have nothing to do with the sale of these tapes. (Greg protects his butt.)

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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Devin Sargent writes...

Hey man, do you have any pictures of the clan in south america. the snake guy and his buddies? If so let me know. Thanks.


Greg responds...

I don't, no. Have you tried one of the many sites dedicated to the show?

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

where do i find a gargoyle necklace??? i'm not to familar with "surfing" the web and i have had no luck. please, please reply to my e-mail address at irishluch7@aol cause i won't know how to get back to this site. thanks!

Greg responds...

Sorry, but I don't reply to individual e-mail addresses. No time.

And at any rate, I don't have a clue how to find you a gargoyles necklass. This is not a clearinghouse for garg merchandise.

Response recorded on January 17, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

Would I get sued if I tried to make a Gargoyles computer game for PC and Mac? Or would that be only if I tried to sell it for profit? The game will have decent graphics, sprite animation, sounds, a story, (and possibly some video clips from the show), you know that sort of thing...
But I will be sure to provide credit to the "real" creators of Gargoyles.

Why hasn't anyone done this before, besides Sega Genesis?

Greg responds...

I'm no lawyer, but obviously if you tried to sell it for profit, you'd definitely get a letter from the Mouse. And even if you didn't, but they noticed you and felt you were infringing on a profit center or potential profit center, you might hear from them.

But as I said, I'm no lawyer. I wouldn't presume to advise you.

As for your last question, I don't know.

Response recorded on January 03, 2001

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Eugene Welch writes...

Where can i find good gargoyle art

Greg responds...

The GATHERING 2001 in Los Angeles. Check out:


Response recorded on January 03, 2001

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christina writes...

can you send me a good picture of the eye of oden from gargoyles please??

if so
send them to:

Greg responds...

No. I'm not a clearing house. I answer questions here. I don't have stuff like that to send. Sorry.

Did you try asking in the comment room?

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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Halverson.heidi@mayo.edu writes...

Are gargoyles still sold in stores, if so where?

Greg responds...

Can you be more specific? I'm not sure exactly what you mean.

But never mind. I don't have any info on that kind of stuff anyway.

Response recorded on December 21, 2000

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